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Quote>" Speculation is one thing, but there are a lot of coincidences involved here. Whilst I accept your defence of the case until facts are produced, you appear to be a staunch defender of KT. If that is true, shouldn't KT defenders be more interested in preventing this type of tragedy happening again?

Shouldn't there be more time given to safety on the island. Shouldn't there be more attention given to having all CCTV working. As no Thai would ever be involved in such cases, it would at least give everyone a clue to what those pesky Burmese get up to at night..!!!"<End Quote

No, I am not a staunch defender of KT by any means, as a matter of fact I have never visited the island and have no intentions of doing so. I am however, a staunch defender of the law, how and why it came about, how it should be worked and applied and as I said, it gets up my nose when I read some posts and note the reasons being offered for this and that and it must be true because Bob said so. If only some of those supporting the so called murder or assault hypothesis they have come up with only knew the magnitude of what is required to be carried out in an investigation even before a person is arrested, yet alone charged and put before a court. Sure we can all have suspicions but suspicions do not make for a solid case, nor does it allow you to charge someone without direct evidence. Just look at some matters now that have been brought to fruition after over 5,10, 20 or even 40 years of being a cold case back in Australia.

Yet some on here, without any facts, but Bob told me so, so it must be right, have never visited the crime scene, have never been involved in the investigation, let alone any type of investigation, have never taken a statement, do not know what the proofs of evidence are, never prepared a brief of evidence, never arrested or charged a felon, let alone give evidence in a court, come on here pronouncing for all the world to see how they solved this case in 25 pages, most of which came about through some very poor reporting, rumours, innuendos, hearsay and assumptions. Some have actually resorted to plain downright guessing. Sure some of these play a part in an investigation but try to get a conviction from them. Lots of luck with that one.

Now I know that many on here mean well and I would say genuinely believe that something may be amiss, however, beliefs do not prove guilt or innocence, nor make a matter suspicious and for some to state outright that this incident is a murder, is infantile to say the least. I will concede that the local BIB are out of their depth and should never be let near a crime scene let alone investigate any matter, especially those involving fatalities. The heirachy in Bangkok should, in uttermost urgency, take some of these so called police, train them, give them more responsibility and pay them much, much more. With the remuneration they currently receive one would have to be blind Freddy not to see why corruption is so rife.

The procedures for the force that I served in is that it is normally general duties police who are the first on the scene, they have been trained in how to seal off an area, and safeguard it until further police arrive. They contact their senior officer and if anything at all is amiss, the homocide squad, who are the specialists, are immediately informed and attend. If any matter is deemed suspicious then a fully fledged investigaton will be commenced and involves many different squads, as well as numerous detectives who pursue various avenues of inquiry. And so it goes on.

You say give more time to safety on the island, what do you mean by this? By my reckoning, real police are there for the protection of the public, they carry out patrols, in pairs, looking for crime and known criminals, they check any notorious hot spots and at closing time they should again be out in force, and if any patrons are placing themselves in danger, take them off to a cell for a few hours until they sober up or come off whatever they have ingested. Who cares if the cells are full, it maybe, just maybe prevent someone from getting hurt or becoming another statistic.

As far as the BIB are concerned once night sets in, many appear to go MIA. I know in our city and also other major cities throughout Thailand there are good cops, who do work around the clock, so lets not malign them all because of a few. If it were me, I would be calling for explanations from the OIC and if unsatisfactory, he'd be given his marching orders, none of this inactive post BS. This would apply equally through all ranks. They have to be taught to understand that being a police officer is not there for show and tell whilst dressed in their finery, it's to protect and serve the people of their nation. It would take time but this is what's needed, a bloody good clean out. But will it happen, I don't think so in my life time but it is happening all over the world now, the corrupt ones are being gotten rid off, so one day in Thailand, maybe.

As for the CCTV, of course it should be a priority, of high quality, in proper working order and maintained, maybe they should take a leaf out of the Pom's book, they have a very extensive and quite elaborate set up all over London and surrounds. Many people complain about their privacy but unfortunately, in today's world, with what is happending everywhere, we have to forgo some privacy in order to safeguard a country's citizens. Will it happen on KT, doubt it but then if certain people were dealt with as the mafioso are being dealt with in Italy, then maybe.

I will refrain from commenting on your last two sentences, as I don't believe such statements are called for, however, it is what you have written. Let's just leave it at that. Just one last gripe, unfortunately, wherever there is alcohol and drugs freely available, (I don't mean for free) just in copious quantities, you will see deaths similar to this incident occurring, as long as the youngsters of today do, as they describe, "Live Life To The Fullest." Just look at the world wide stats on this very subject and I can assure you I am not talking through my hat but from many, many years of experience.

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I am not convinced it was a murder , just keep an open mind until we or if we get more facts.


I am not convinced it was a murder , just keep an open mind until we or if we get more facts.

There is the biggest problem. You do not get facts from the RTP. You get a story, despite how many people dying over the last 2 or 3 years the story doesn't change much.


I am not convinced it was a murder , just keep an open mind until we or if we get more facts.

There is the biggest problem. You do not get facts from the RTP. You get a story, despite how many people dying over the last 2 or 3 years the story doesn't change much.

I undarstand your reasoning , but f this "accident" happened in Pattaya we would still hear the RTP version , not all of them are lies

sz1a, on 09 Jan 2016 - 20:07, said:

I'll bet they'll call it a suicide unless of course they find cigarette butts on the scene.

The cause of death is pretty much sure and you make this comment, get a life.

The cause of death is the island Koh Tao where foreigners perish at a higher rate than other locales.


A nonsense baiting post has been removed:

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

sz1a, on 09 Jan 2016 - 20:07, said:

I'll bet they'll call it a suicide unless of course they find cigarette butts on the scene.

The cause of death is pretty much sure and you make this comment, get a life.

The cause of death is the island Koh Tao where foreigners perish at a higher rate than other locales.

Do we actually know how many "foreigners" visited KT in the last 12 months?

My guess is that the so called accident/murder rate is not much different in proportion than other places where copious amounts of alcohol and other substances are consumed.

But we seem to have again another death where the limited information we are getting does not match the facts...

I too have an open mind, but the more BS we get from the Thai authorities can only make me more suspicious.


Show me a place as small as Koh Tao with as many tourists deaths as this place.

If we are to believe that they are legitimate deaths then it only concludes that this place needs cleaning up as its obviously hazardous.


I don't think there is a serial killer as such, I think there is a gang of serial Thai thugs who are targeting young innocent western women for sex and if they are rejected they are then resorting to rape and murder and also murdering any male farang that gets in their way or tries to interfere, that is what I honestly believe

In my opinion you've hit the nail squarely on the head there Smedly thumbsup.gif .


Show me a place as small as Koh Tao with as many tourists deaths as this place.

If we are to believe that they are legitimate deaths then it only concludes that this place needs cleaning up as its obviously hazardous.

According to Wikipedia there are over 100,000 tourists visiting a year, quite a lot.


Luke Miller Thai pool death: Family 'concern' over inquiry


There's nothing in that report to suggest anything.

I read the concern of a sister who had lost her brother and mother who had lost her son & who have no trust in the Thai version of events at the moment or did I miss something?

Did you miss the face book comments from his sister before his death warning him not to do anything stupid?

And that face book link to the red shirt website you posted yesterday, shucking korn, based in Texas,with Maria's comments included, I still can't find her comments that you posted, please direct me to where they are.on the site


Luke Miller Thai pool death: Family 'concern' over inquiry


There's nothing in that report to suggest anything.

I read the concern of a sister who had lost her brother and mother who had lost her son & who have no trust in the Thai version of events at the moment or did I miss something?

Did you miss the face book comments from his sister before his death warning him not to do anything stupid?

And that face book link to the red shirt website you posted yesterday, shucking korn, based in Texas,with Maria's comments included, I still can't find her comments that you posted, please direct me to where they are.on the site

Yes I did read those comments from his sister but the BBC link is not about that. But here's the link to her comments on the facebook https://www.facebook.com/ShuckingKornChatikavanij/photos/a.192876234197101.1073741826.192846754200049/588852117932842/?type=3&theater

stephenterry, on 12 Jan 2016 - 06:53, said:
Nigeone, on 12 Jan 2016 - 05:16, said:
kiwikeith, on 12 Jan 2016 - 05:08, said:

Sorry to say that Michael Miller has been exposed as a pompish git, then maybe he is scarred and wants to wash his hands of all this and protect mummie and Daddy.

I think he should man up a bit, why let 2 innocent scapegoats die and Mon and his gang run free.

That's maybe a bit strong but I understand why you say it..If he's been threatened with what had happened it's easy to see why they would be scared .Also if they did take money from the RTP as 'compensation' then he's in a hole that's not easy to get out off..If they have and it gets out can you imagine the outcry ! But your right..he needs to wise up, and then man up and hopefully between them all this murdering can stop..

It would be par for the course that what compensation the Thai authorities offered the Witheridges, they also offered similar to the Miller family. In Laura's statement they rejected the offers, and were then subjected to ongoing indescribable abuse and death threats by THAIS. Logically then, the B2 could not be the killers (because why should the THAIS care?).

That didn't happen to the Millers. So, tell me what decision did the Millers make? Go with the flow. Keep an open mind. Suck up to the hand that feeds it? After all, the B2 were probably implicated, so what's the problem?

As to the murdering stopping, there's little chance of that until the killer(s) are caught - and that won't happen until the island is cleared by the Junta. In Luke Miller's case, the PM should have immediately sent no-nonsense (if any exist) BKK RTP to investigate, not rely on local RTP to fudge the truth yet again.

The family of David Miller are still sticking to their guns and saying they believe the B2 are guilty. However, they are now back-pedaling on the death penalty aspect of the verdict, according to an article published in the Jersey Evening Post, coincidentally the same day that Laura Witheridge made her facebook statement.

‘There has been enough death’ - family of murdered David Miller say they don't endorse death penalty for his killers



It's very difficult to be legally executed in Thailand, there is the Appeal Court, the Supreme Court and then a personal appeal to The King ,taking years in all,

The last execution was I think approx 10 years ago.With the amount of interest this case has generated an execution or' suicide' is highly unlikely..


Laura Witheridge's statement has been published in full in today's Telegraph as well. The Telegraph is not some red top scandal rag either, it is a well-respected newspaper.

Sister of murdered British tourist Hannah Witheridge attacks 'bungling' Thai police

Hannah Witheridge’s sister Laura delivers powerful attack on perception of Thailand as a tourist idyll


Please note that Laura Witheridge decided to speak out after hearing the news about Luke Miller. Laura's statement is both heart-breaking and disturbing.

This post seems to have been removed from the forum. It is quite informative and seems to put the reasons for the link in perspective. Was it removed and why?


Hub of Foreigners Death - Stay away from this dump of a country

The deceased Mr. Miller was found Friday morning 08JAN2016 acc. to http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1452340518&typecate=06&section=

This was the Memorial service on KT the evening of that same day:


People drugged out of their minds on The World's Most Dangerous Drug?

It's OK. They got free T-Shirts so they can show off their ignorance and Stupidity.

As far as Hannah Witheridges sister Laura "powerful attack" against the RTP, it was all opinions. Yes, she got attacked on the internet. So what? Stupid people make death threats everyday on the internet.

Merely offering "compensation" proves nothing.

Insurance companies offer "compensation" for loss.

Are they crooks? Yes. But no one accuses them of complicity.

Much ado about nothing (but something is obviously wrong -- with people who should know better, but continue to come to KT and use DANGEROUS DRUGS ("pub crawls") and laugh at the risk involved)....


Has anyone seen what his toxicology report was from the autopsy??. JUST CURIOUS. 300,000 visitors per year and one definate murder in 2010,11,12,13,14,15 and it's death island. Agreed the whole thing should have been handled differently.Look at statistics elsewhere also on murders. Boycott everywhere that has had a murder and life will get closed in very quickly. Its also strange how once there has been a murder. Every family member of anyone that has died, now finds it suspicious. I guess nobody likes to think of people they are related to been reckless on holiday and doing something stupid. Long live the media circus at its best. I see the autopsy has ruled drowning. I'm sure it must be a cover up.For the record RIP to anyone whose life is ended short.


Has anyone seen what his toxicology report was from the autopsy??. JUST CURIOUS. 300,000 visitors per year and one definate murder in 2010,11,12,13,14,15 and it's death island. Agreed the whole thing should have been handled differently.Look at statistics elsewhere also on murders. Boycott everywhere that has had a murder and life will get closed in very quickly. Its also strange how once there has been a murder. Every family member of anyone that has died, now finds it suspicious. I guess nobody likes to think of people they are related to been reckless on holiday and doing something stupid. Long live the media circus at its best. I see the autopsy has ruled drowning. I'm sure it must be a cover up.For the record RIP to anyone whose life is ended short.

Only 1 definite murder?


....looking at a group pic of 80,000 people and then letting everyone know the chances of just one of you dying is 100 percent.....hmmmmm....how many would still go?....

balo, on 11 Jan 2016 - 05:53, said:
IslandLover, on 11 Jan 2016 - 05:08, said:
balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:

balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:

Has anyone tried to contact Maria Miller on her genuine facebook page just to verify that she is the real poster on Thaivisa ?

I would not be surprised if she don't know anything about this thread. .

Balo, she is genuine. How many times do I have to tell you.

I only posted once , you told me that yesterday. Did you contact her ?

However to really verify this she needs to post something on her own FB page,

Yes, I have contacted her privately and she is genuine.

frank83628, on 11 Jan 2016 - 06:08, said:
IslandLover, on 11 Jan 2016 - 05:08, said:
balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:

Has anyone tried to contact Maria Miller on her genuine facebook page just to verify that she is the real poster on Thaivisa ?

I would not be surprised if she don't know anything about this thread. .

Balo, she is genuine. How many times do I have to tell you.

youd have to be pretty gullible to believe that it was actually his sister, more likely 1 of the KT haters from this site judging my the language used.

I'm not the gullible type, Mr. KT resident.

RWA, on 13 Jan 2016 - 01:59, said:

The Laura's post from facebook has been removed ... !

Yep, I expect she was got at by the Foreign Office. Mustn't damage relations with Thailand and all that whistling.gif Never mind, the contents of her facebook post have been recorded for posterity in the British press and thousands will have read them.


Only 1 definite murder?

Ok it was 2 people in one incident

The murders were terrible but just as bad was the way the Thais handled the case. Lawless and corrupt systems are not looked to highly upon in civilized countries.
balo, on 11 Jan 2016 - 05:53, said:
IslandLover, on 11 Jan 2016 - 05:08, said:
balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:

balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:

Has anyone tried to contact Maria Miller on her genuine facebook page just to verify that she is the real poster on Thaivisa ?

I would not be surprised if she don't know anything about this thread. .

Balo, she is genuine. How many times do I have to tell you.

I only posted once , you told me that yesterday. Did you contact her ?

However to really verify this she needs to post something on her own FB page,

Yes, I have contacted her privately and she is genuine.

Are you the only person from this forum to contact the deceased's alleged sister? Did this person confirm that she was the poster who allegedly made a couple of posts on here, then after many questioned their validity, went to ground? Now I am not doubting you contacted someone but how are you able to verify that the person you contacted is who she says she is and did you do this personally or via an email or a FB contact.? Sorry about being cynical but just because you tell us that you contacted a female, who is purporting to be the deceased's sister, it does not give credence to what you are telling this forum.

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