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Pattaya: In reversal, foreign tourists accused of running scam


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It's a little over 300 dollars. Hardly worth the effort or risk to anyone who can afford a vacation. coffee1.gif

For a Chinese " tourists " $300 is a lot of money, and beside, a scam is a scam,

some people enjoy running a scam just for the hell of it....

An insurance company would seriously pay out based on this..... I very much doubt it.

Just what I was going to say, and where did they buy their insurance... If in China then it will probably be fake.

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I have done business in China for about 20 years and in my experience the Chinese have a very similar attitude to Thais. If there is a scam to be exploited then exploit it. Given that it would be difficult to determine who is the scammer here. On the other hand who cares....

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Of course the vendor is going to say he didn't scam them , why admit his guilt? For the amount of money 12,000b divided by two 600B each not hardly worth it and I doubt the insurance would pay anyway. Looks like another saving face exercise to assure the punters everything is fine in LOS

"12,000 divided by two is 600". Please check your calculator. Yes, we know, you used a cheap calculator that the Thais "scammed" you into buying.

they would get propably more back from the insurance, as what they paid for their arrangement !

In this case, I beleave in RTPs statement !!

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It's a little over 300 dollars. Hardly worth the effort or risk to anyone who can afford a vacation. coffee1.gif

For a Chinese " tourists " $300 is a lot of money, and beside, a scam is a scam,

some people enjoy running a scam just for the hell of it....

Those Chinese who can afford a vacation here are very rich and $300 will mean very little or nothing to them. Do you think Chinese who go abroad on vacations are that mean? I have lived with them for 6 years and I think you have missed the point entirely.


therfore you see them all boohed in 5***** star hotels only,

and a la cart sea food restaurants and bars are stuffed with this " Reach " Chinese tourists !!


You realy know China !

where did you live there ??

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They are both scam artists. So who to believe?

Put them all to the torture to extract the truth! OJ(only joking!).

Although in court cases in Old China it was normal procedure to torture witnesses & innocent bystanders if necessary.

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"Excuse me Mr Vendor did you rob these tourists"

" No they are lying"

"Yes that is what we thought no Thai would ever do something like this and besides a Farang admitted doing this last week,

so we can now say all foreigners are lying when reporting robberies and have a zero percent crime rate in Pattaya".

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so, the vendor claims he didn't coerce the chinese into buying his crap. thus, it is a false complaint by the chinese, of course.

There does not appear to be an argument about how much the Chinese paid for the bags. I presume it was $150 each. All these forged black market bags are sold on the Thai / Cambodian border market for about 1000/ 1500 baht.

The police are supposed to fight against these copies being sold but no mention here.

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To all who are surprised ! this is not something new or unique to Thailand, it happens all over the world everyday to tourists.

Brazil, you will be scammed in a similar fashion on your first day there, Africa .. say no more, Nigeria is the scam capital of Africa.

China, tour operators are the largest scammers in China. Spain, Italy and even Egypt, which is tourist scammers paradise ... they will approach you on the street, take you to their shop, offer you a cup of tea ... drug you, rob you ... and you wake up in the alley next door.

I have been around ... coffee1.gif

It happened to you?

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so, the vendor claims he didn't coerce the chinese into buying his crap. thus, it is a false complaint by the chinese, of course.

There does not appear to be an argument about how much the Chinese paid for the bags. I presume it was $150 each. All these forged black market bags are sold on the Thai / Cambodian border market for about 1000/ 1500 baht.

The police are supposed to fight against these copies being sold but no mention here.

Yeah who's ever herd of a insurance scam over handbags and a threat of violence

And who's heed of a vendor saying buy them or I will punch you

They have paid to much they have worked it out and made up the punch bit hoping the bib will get there money back for them

Bulshit everywhere from the vendor charging 2 much, the Chinese tourist with the threat of violence, and bib saying it's a insurance scam

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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To all who are surprised ! this is not something new or unique to Thailand, it happens all over the world everyday to tourists.

Brazil, you will be scammed in a similar fashion on your first day there, Africa .. say no more, Nigeria is the scam capital of Africa.

China, tour operators are the largest scammers in China. Spain, Italy and even Egypt, which is tourist scammers paradise ... they will approach you on the street, take you to their shop, offer you a cup of tea ... drug you, rob you ... and you wake up in the alley next door.

I have been around ... coffee1.gif

It happened to you?

nope ... never get involved with anyone ... just keep walking.

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Alas in most situations of this type, only 2 parties know what happened, the f***er and the f***ee, and the rest of us can only guess who is the bad guy. People think what they want to think, and nothing can deter them or change their opinion. I once fired a welsh alcoholic, who promptly went out and said that he had quit because I had stolen a lot of money from him ! Everyone believed him, but Karma will catch up :) A Bangkok taxi driver once old me that the ONLY honest man in this country was thaksin (note small case). No evidence would have shaken his belief :( Hopefully we cal all survive the comedy of life !

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All sounds a bit fishy. Firstly who carries 12,000 baht with them on the beach. Secondly unless the vendor was Mike Tyson you would tell him to get lost and dare him to start a fight, in public!!


firstly, 12,000 baht, or 350 dollars between 2 tourists, is not an astronomical figure. more than i would carry to the beach, surely, but for the normal uninformed tourist, this is not an abnormally large amount.

secondly, telling the aggressor to: "get lost, and I dare you to start a fight" would almost guarantee being beaten to a pulp, or into a coma, or to death, by a gang of thai men, be they the vendor's buddies or just hangers on looking for the chance to rat pack a foreigner.

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