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Assad comes out fighting and says will take back “whole country” in interview


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Assad comes out fighting and says will take back “whole country” in interview

By Robert Hackwill


The International Syrian Support Group has met in Munich with members told Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, intends to ride out the storm and recapture his entire country.

Until Russia intervened on his behalf he appeared to be losing the civil war. Now he looks like winning it with the help of Moscow’s air power, but the loss of civilian lives in the process is heavy.

Russia is being accused of using banned cluster munitions in its airstrikes, and in his latest interview Assad sounds defiant and determined to stay in office, a position that may doom peace talks even before they start. There is also the accusation that airstrikes are concentrating on anti-Assad forces rather than ISIL and other Islamic extremist targets.

The Munich peace talks may have opened a tiny window of opportunity to stop the bloodshed, but everyone involved knows that it could slam shut at any moment.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-14

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Yes maybe, but by than there will be no people left there to govern and the ' whole country ' will lay

in total ruins which will prompt him to ask the world for millions in help to rebuild what he himself

with his own 2 hands has destroyed.....

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? ;)

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !


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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Fault lies at the top. And at the top is Assad. He could have done things differently to avoid this whole mess. But he didn't. Just like his father.

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I really do not like politics or war, as most of us probably do not either. I do not know what sort of man Assad is or any of them. I do not know them, nor wish to. But I do know innocent people suffer terrible consequences due to the actions of a small number of people. I have a Syrian friend who is a lovely girl who fled with her family. They lost everything. This was way before Russia intervened and started bombing what were before called rebel fighters and freedom fighters by our Western media and politicians, but who are now so obviously evil terrorists and I believe they call them ISIS now, or whatever name it is they come up with. Not sure why the West was supporting them. Never could get my head round that. Albeit there are power reasons, financial reasons, strategic reasons and all the other reasons created by people who I will never understand, or wish to make the acquaintance of. But before I lost contact with her, one thing was clear to me from her, albeit she did not like to talk about it too much, was that the majority of people were relatively happy with Assad in power and the country was not perfect but they had the freedom to live their lives in relative peace. But it seems this was not the route the external influences wanted. Albeit Assad was a friend in the past, he was now the enemy. I find it all so completely insane and if we lived in a perfect world, which we do not, many of these people who instigated all this horrific carnage would be before an international criminal court. But alas, I do not think this will ever happen and we continue to see unnecessary war and carnage around the world, perpetrated by a small number of the worlds population, who are drunk with power and insanity. I hope peace comes soon but I fear not.

Edited by davidcc
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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Yep, he's helping ISIS by buying oil and lettting them train in Turkey and run over his borders.

Now he is bombing Kurdish fighters inside Syria that are fighting ISIS.

RT reports that Saudi Jets may be in Turkey close to the Syrian border and that the Saudis and the Turkish troops are getting ready to go in.

They have committed an act of war against Syria.

Now the Saudis who have been supplying ISIS with arms from the USA and finance want to go in to do the USA's dirty work, Nato effectivly invading Syria to overthrow Assad.

I don't think Russia will stand for that but this could spark the 3rd world war.

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There is nothing to love about Assad nor for that matter was there anything to love about Saddam. That said, the people in those countries were much better off when these clown were running the show. The West's intent yo democratize these countries (translation - monetize for financial gain) has been an abject failure and let to death and destruction. So is Assad a bad guy, of course he is. Is he worse than what they have now with IS and AN, no he is not.

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

The removal of Saddam is the main reason that entire region is a mess! This guy, Assad, couldn't hold a candle to him (brutal as he was), he's pure scum indiscriminately killing his own.

The main reason the entire region is a mess is due to religion. Been this way for a long time. But you are right, the disaster in Iraq didn't help things at all.

Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Yep, he's helping ISIS by buying oil and lettting them train in Turkey and run over his borders.

Now he is bombing Kurdish fighters inside Syria that are fighting ISIS.

RT reports that Saudi Jets may be in Turkey close to the Syrian border and that the Saudis and the Turkish troops are getting ready to go in.

They have committed an act of war against Syria.

Now the Saudis who have been supplying ISIS with arms from the USA and finance want to go in to do the USA's dirty work, Nato effectivly invading Syria to overthrow Assad.

I don't think Russia will stand for that but this could spark the 3rd world war.

Syria is also buying oil from ISIS. Everybody is. Be careful with reports on RT. They are owned and controlled by the Russian government. Many reports are just propaganda pieces.

Easy to stop the 3rd world war. Stop the bombing now.

Here's an interesting read:


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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

The removal of Saddam is the main reason that entire region is a mess! This guy, Assad, couldn't hold a candle to him (brutal as he was), he's pure scum indiscriminately killing his own.

He is worse than scum, the only salvation of Syria is to eliminate the batarde or, to be nice, is put him up on charges at The Hague.

They did with the scum of the Balkan war.

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It is a shame all of Assad haters never met him in London when was a eye Doctor.

He was nice chap and always was happy not like his haters on Thia Visa

Hard not to hate a leader who kills his own people during peaceful protests. His list of crimes is long....amazing anybody would defend him. Actually, bizarre.

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Brilliant (...and his enablers in the West).

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

We all have varying opinion, but to me you have drastically underestimated both the strategic and tactical errors made by the Syrian dictatorship that has led to the immense suffering of the Syrian people, no matter their religious / political affiliations.

There are a number of analysis, but the one provided by Craig below is sufficient to get the message across.


Oh, BTW you do know that Russia has been encouraging Jihadists to travel to Syria - look up the authors credentials.


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Given the history and genesis of groups like ISIS, many Syrian opposition figures now claim that the jihadist groups in Syria are puppets of Assad, and that they continue to be used and manipulated by Syrian intelligence in its efforts to discredit the revolution, divide the opposition and deter the West from intervening on their behalf. To quote Peter Neumann

So this is why the Free Syria Army FSA is now being called a phantom army, virtually nonexistent, on paper only, a PR stunt.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

We all have varying opinion, but to me you have drastically underestimated both the strategic and tactical errors made by the Syrian dictatorship that has led to the immense suffering of the Syrian people, no matter their religious / political affiliations.

There are a number of analysis, but the one provided by Craig below is sufficient to get the message across.


Oh, BTW you do know that Russia has been encouraging Jihadists to travel to Syria - look up the authors credentials.


Absolute rubbish, just about every country that has imported muslims has had people leave to fight with ISIS, England a big problem.

However those that fail to see that the Saudi's are supplying arms to IS and money, Arms from the USA and money along with the Turks having training camps for IS and buying IS oil are Chickens running around with their heads cut off.

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I can't quite see how removing Assad will make Syria a better country, unless of course the Iraq, Libya model is the preferred outcome. As of this moment we have the UK, US, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, IS, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, and so called "moderate rebels" all with a dog in this fight.

Assad at this time must be regretting destroying his chemical weapons.

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

We all have varying opinion, but to me you have drastically underestimated both the strategic and tactical errors made by the Syrian dictatorship that has led to the immense suffering of the Syrian people, no matter their religious / political affiliations.

There are a number of analysis, but the one provided by Craig below is sufficient to get the message across.


Oh, BTW you do know that Russia has been encouraging Jihadists to travel to Syria - look up the authors credentials.


Absolute rubbish, just about every country that has imported muslims has had people leave to fight with ISIS, England a big problem.

However those that fail to see that the Saudi's are supplying arms to IS and money, Arms from the USA and money along with the Turks having training camps for IS and buying IS oil are Chickens running around with their heads cut off.

Simple1 has some good points. I don't see him saying others are not supplying arms to IS, rebels, etc. Just saying Syria has a huge part in making this mess. It's not the fault of outside countries. They are making matters worse now, but they didn't start this.

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I can't quite see how removing Assad will make Syria a better country, unless of course the Iraq, Libya model is the preferred outcome. As of this moment we have the UK, US, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, IS, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, and so called "moderate rebels" all with a dog in this fight.

Assad at this time must be regretting destroying his chemical weapons.

So your saying it's OK for a dictator to use chemical weapons on his own people? Really????

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I can't quite see how removing Assad will make Syria a better country, unless of course the Iraq, Libya model is the preferred outcome. As of this moment we have the UK, US, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, IS, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, and so called "moderate rebels" all with a dog in this fight.

Assad at this time must be regretting destroying his chemical weapons.

Because the majority Sunni population would not accept an interim government with him in charge.

If you want free and fair elections in Syria, he cannot be involved, he's a worse election rigger than Kim Jong-Un.

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The west wanted to build a pipeline for oil and gas through Syria to cut Russia out of the supply line... Assad said no.. Just like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan or where ever; most wars are banker wars and all about money.. Not making this stuff up but for those who actually want to disconnect from some countries propaganda teat do even a slight investigation on your own..

You seem to be oblivious to the fact that competing Qatari and Iranian pipelines, entirely feasible until Putin stepped in, and pumping cheap gas to Europe, would be a disaster for Putin.

Why do you think he's there? For the olives?

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There is nothing to love about Assad nor for that matter was there anything to love about Saddam. That said, the people in those countries were much better off when these clown were running the show.

I sort of see your point, but I'm not sure that all the people that they routinely jailed, tortured and killed would tell you they were "much better off" though.

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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

as a left wing Turk, with this comment, you clearly support the death of millions by a fascist tyrant called Assad?

then you are not a left wing but just a inhuman fascist tyranny lover right wing, i am sorry. just know who you are as it looks like you are confused.

you contradict with yourself a great deal. If you hate bigot Erdogan, find another subject to go against him. not by supporting tyranny, fascism and killings just for the sake of being against someone!

it is easy to speak from Thailand as a so-called-confused-left-wing-Turk but if you really hate him (which i understand you on this) and if you have balls, just go Turkey and protest him there! not from here.

or best, you can maybe join Assad's army and fight for him?

Tyrant Assad and family, terrorized and exploited Syrian people for many decades.

they still kill people at a genocide level and let people die from hunger.

If Assad is not gone, war in Syria never ends so hopefully this truce works out but again not sure.

hope they remove this guy. Actually what i heard Russia pressured on Assad to resign but Assad threatened Russia that if he is out, so do Russian bases, land and personnal in Syria.

Edited by Galactus
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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Yep, he's helping ISIS by buying oil and lettting them train in Turkey and run over his borders.

Now he is bombing Kurdish fighters inside Syria that are fighting ISIS.

RT reports that Saudi Jets may be in Turkey close to the Syrian border and that the Saudis and the Turkish troops are getting ready to go in.

They have committed an act of war against Syria.

Now the Saudis who have been supplying ISIS with arms from the USA and finance want to go in to do the USA's dirty work, Nato effectivly invading Syria to overthrow Assad.

I don't think Russia will stand for that but this could spark the 3rd world war.

and you get your information from RT news which is a russian channel run by Putin manipulation and state those as facts here?

c'mon, dont be funny. all those lies about Turkey buying oil from ISIS and still no evidence!

but there are evidence on Russian businessman helping ISIS buying their oil and selling for a commission and helping them laundering their money

it is just RT(or lets say Putin:) brainwashing low iq people with those nonsense and you post those propaganda s..h..i..te as facts here? or you just play the low iq guy and trying to distort the facts?

moreover, if Russian can come from 8000 KM away to Syria, other countries can do the same especially the ones sharing a border with Syria has the highest right.

hope they kick a...s...s of Putin Russia there soon.

Edited by Galactus
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