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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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You think The Americans would open their eyes and learn from the

Pathetic give away European Countries. America has always been

About: get an education, work hard and no matter who you are, where

You come from, you can be successful. Now, it looks like a new

Generation wants to sit on their ass and look for a free ride....We all

know, "No Such Thing as Free," someone has to pay!!!

"Pathetic give away European Countries". ?!?!?....My Pathetic give away European Country has free health care for everyone for as long as I can remember.....something that does not exist in the big US of A....(that Land of the Freeeee)

A couple of years ago I had to spend more than four months in Hospital, something that would have ruined me if I was a US citizen. All I had to pay was a mere +/- 100 Euro.....Ok, !!! we pay more taxes, !!!, but we know where the money goes...It's not waisted at the military to fight (Illegal) wars overseas...!


The health care you refer to is not free. It is being paid for in wonderful ways that you do not want to hear about. I too come from a country where there is "free" health care. The taxes are through the roof, and the government system is bloated. However, there still isn't enough money to satisfy all the vested interests so here's what happens;

- Health care is rationed

- Non essential surgeries are postponed for years. It is not uncommon to send people with broken limbs away from the emergency rooms with a request to come back in a few days when there is a specialist or technician available because the working hours are 8-3 pm.

- Elderly patients are denied health care even though they may be mentally competent and in good health otherwise

- Advanced treatments are denied because they are not on the approved list

- Supplementary fees for non medical services are allowed. Some hospitals charge a small fortune for parking, Or the meals served in some facilities do not even meet basic dietary needs.

And if you don't think this doesn't occur in Germany or France or Spain or Denmark, think again. It does.

Oh, nice swipe at the USA for "illegal" wars. Cute. Who started the invasion of Libya? It wasn't the USA. Know why? Because Italy and France had the vested interests since they were being over run by refugees and they had the oil investments. The adventure in Iraq that the US gets blamed for under the bogus argument of "oil" interests neglects the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of the Iraqi oil were the EU, and Asian countries. The USA didn't need Iraqi oil. So you rant on with your myths and blame the Americans because it meets your agenda. Tell me why the Americans should spend a small fortune guaranteeing the EU's freedom and security from Putin? The Russians invaded an EU neighbor, and threaten the Baltic countries and EU members like Poland. Those Russian tanks aren't going to be rolling across the Canadian and US prairies, but will be romping through Germany like they did before.

The EU has every reason to worry about Trump, but for some very different reasons. Trump will disengage and cut the defense of the EU. This will allow Putin to intimidate and push around the spineless EU. Trump will pull back from the Middle East. In case you missed it, Saudi Arabia and its allies have declared Iran's proxy army Hizbollah enemy number 2 after ISIL. The Eu lefties have longed cosied up to Hizbollah. Watch the Sunnis pummel the Shiites because the USA isn't going to be there to hold them back if Trump's in charge. Watch the Chinese expand into Asia and turn Thailand into another Laos like vassal state because the USA under Trump isn't going to be manipulated by Generals who like to award themselves lots of medals. Watch as Trump balances his budget by cutting back on foreign aid, which means that the rest of the world will have to accept its responsibilities and pay for all the crap they stuck the USA taxpayers with. You think you got problems with bogus refugees now? Watch what happens when the USA stops giving a few billion $$$ in aid. Ready for some panic from pandemics? Watch what happens when the USA stops being the medical savior and guardian of the developing world. Africa is much closer to the EU than it is to North America. Next Ebola crisis, the EU can respond on its own.


Glad to read somebody knows what his policies will be, since he refuses to discuss them.
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There is literally NO ONE worth voting for! The only one comes close is Jill Stein of the Green Party. Until we all start to vote third-party, nothing's going to change.

There's only one issue: military spending. If the US saved these trillions, they could have a just society with social benefits to all as human rights...even for illegal immigrants.

From this list, I can't see one who's brave, and foolhardy, enough to make this happen, including Bernie.

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Having Putin, Netanyahu and Trump in power, what could possibly go wrong?

Trump is a selfish populist, who uses people's fear to gain power. He is not a stupid person, but he is not a smart person either. He is just a huge ego, which some lesser folks wish to support as they think "I could be him".

If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

True the American voter (and those not voting) can be held responsible (usually) for who becomes President. But cut us some slack, "W" was first installed by a SCOTUS ruling, and certainly, I do not want to be held responsible for the current popular support of Trump...you can hold me responsible if I am mistaken reading the lifelong record of Sanders and thus supporting him.

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You forgot to include Mickey Mouse.

It does not matter one iota who is "President" of the US, their foreign policy remains intact and concrete. Yankee style medical system of $30,000 to replace a finger and the rich get richer and the poor can well... who cares... is the mantra of "Pure capitalism" which is what the US bases its economy on.

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You think The Americans would open their eyes and learn from the

Pathetic give away European Countries. America has always been

About: get an education, work hard and no matter who you are, where

You come from, you can be successful. Now, it looks like a new

Generation wants to sit on their ass and look for a free ride....We all

know, "No Such Thing as Free," someone has to pay!!!

"Pathetic give away European Countries". ?!?!?....My Pathetic give away European Country has free health care for everyone for as long as I can remember.....something that does not exist in the big US of A....(that Land of the Freeeee)

A couple of years ago I had to spend more than four months in Hospital, something that would have ruined me if I was a US citizen. All I had to pay was a mere +/- 100 Euro.....Ok, !!! we pay more taxes, !!!, but we know where the money goes...It's not waisted at the military to fight (Illegal) wars overseas...!


The health care you refer to is not free. It is being paid for in wonderful ways that you do not want to hear about. I too come from a country where there is "free" health care. The taxes are through the roof, and the government system is bloated. However, there still isn't enough money to satisfy all the vested interests so here's what happens;

- Health care is rationed

- Non essential surgeries are postponed for years. It is not uncommon to send people with broken limbs away from the emergency rooms with a request to come back in a few days when there is a specialist or technician available because the working hours are 8-3 pm.

- Elderly patients are denied health care even though they may be mentally competent and in good health otherwise

- Advanced treatments are denied because they are not on the approved list

- Supplementary fees for non medical services are allowed. Some hospitals charge a small fortune for parking, Or the meals served in some facilities do not even meet basic dietary needs.

And if you don't think this doesn't occur in Germany or France or Spain or Denmark, think again. It does.

Oh, nice swipe at the USA for "illegal" wars. Cute. Who started the invasion of Libya? It wasn't the USA. Know why? Because Italy and France had the vested interests since they were being over run by refugees and they had the oil investments. The adventure in Iraq that the US gets blamed for under the bogus argument of "oil" interests neglects the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of the Iraqi oil were the EU, and Asian countries. The USA didn't need Iraqi oil. So you rant on with your myths and blame the Americans because it meets your agenda. Tell me why the Americans should spend a small fortune guaranteeing the EU's freedom and security from Putin? The Russians invaded an EU neighbor, and threaten the Baltic countries and EU members like Poland. Those Russian tanks aren't going to be rolling across the Canadian and US prairies, but will be romping through Germany like they did before.

The EU has every reason to worry about Trump, but for some very different reasons. Trump will disengage and cut the defense of the EU. This will allow Putin to intimidate and push around the spineless EU. Trump will pull back from the Middle East. In case you missed it, Saudi Arabia and its allies have declared Iran's proxy army Hizbollah enemy number 2 after ISIL. The Eu lefties have longed cosied up to Hizbollah. Watch the Sunnis pummel the Shiites because the USA isn't going to be there to hold them back if Trump's in charge. Watch the Chinese expand into Asia and turn Thailand into another Laos like vassal state because the USA under Trump isn't going to be manipulated by Generals who like to award themselves lots of medals. Watch as Trump balances his budget by cutting back on foreign aid, which means that the rest of the world will have to accept its responsibilities and pay for all the crap they stuck the USA taxpayers with. You think you got problems with bogus refugees now? Watch what happens when the USA stops giving a few billion $$$ in aid. Ready for some panic from pandemics? Watch what happens when the USA stops being the medical savior and guardian of the developing world. Africa is much closer to the EU than it is to North America. Next Ebola crisis, the EU can respond on its own.


He he he,...Trump has done nothing except bankrupt a few companies and made billions on the other hand, and you know already everything he's going to do if (God, Allah, Buddha, forbid) he's ever elected !!!! Trump is a loose cannon ... It's wonderful to be able to see into the future !!!! could you give me the lottery numbers for next week please !!! I know some Thais who would love it...

By the way,...you name Libya (as a illegal war) maybe you forgot to name Iraq and Afghanistan ? they lasted for over 10 years and are on the basis of all this refugee shit.....just a little omission of your part ..!?!?

And You're reply is too long to answer point by point., so I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day on the beach here down south.


PS: my country is just opposite yours, as you described the health care system there.(a couple of hours boat ride)...and when I was in hospital for four months a few years back, at some point the guy next to me came from you're country and said the waiting lists were so long that people had to go to other country's for urgent care. Apparently there was a deal with both healthcare systems. to let urgent cases have operations in my country. he had a heart condition that couldn't wait. my country's health care system saved him....

Re regards.

Edited by off road pat
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the american empire is in decline. the only way that decline will be tempered or reversed is if political changes are made. trump is probably the best (only?) possibility for that to happen - the other candidates, except for the wildly leftist sanders, are varying shades of "business as usual." could trump make it worse? of course, but IMHO it is worth the gamble. and don't forget that he is the only one who has identified american interventionism/war-mongering as being a problem. who knows, he might even reduce the bloated american military spending...

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and what exactly has this got to do with thailand - other than that the whole world incl. thailand will be a lot worse off once this up himself w.....r gets in office?

You must be one of those people who think that the world only includes Thailand.

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You forgot to include Mickey Mouse.

It does not matter one iota who is "President" of the US, their foreign policy remains intact and concrete. Yankee style medical system of $30,000 to replace a finger and the rich get richer and the poor can well... who cares... is the mantra of "Pure capitalism" which is what the US bases its economy on.

That is simply not true kinmaew. What built America into the most powerful and wealthiest nation on earth was a sense of fair play. Where everyone had a shot at the big time. An equal distribution of wealth, an equal share of the pie an equal opportunity. That hasn't been the case for nearly 40 years since Reagan reset the playing field in favour of the wealthy and corporate america and greed took over the education, prison, health, justice and financial systems. America is in desperate need a capital 'L' leader. I new direction and someone powerful enough to take on the wealthy elite and Corporate America and take the Nation back to representing the People again.

The 'American Dream' slipped into a coma some 15 years ago. It is time now for Bernie to lube up the Paddles turn it up to maximum voltage CLEEEEEAR!!!!!! KAAAAAAAZONK!!!!!!!

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

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Bernie channels FDR. His entire program is based on restoring the "New Deal". He is NOT a socialist, he is a democratic socialist and obviously the fear and ignorance shown by some of the TV right wing means a little return to school might help and less time spent listening to faux (not the) news along with the other hate radio and blogs. Trump is a modern day fascist and the other members of the buffoon car are right wing religious nut cases. Hillary is a neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters, just as Obama was. Hillary will be a disaster. Her move to the "left" (I damn sure don't call it left) is nothing but a lie to get her past the primary and she will screw all who vote for her just as Obama did. As bad as Hillary is she is still by just a fraction the lessor of 2 evils. Yes, I think in many ways Jill Stein would be pretty good, but no way in hell does the Green Party stand a chance. Yes, the 2 party system needs to change. One party is relatively sane but still owe their souls to corporations, Wall Street, etc. The other is bat shit crazy and border on being traitors. Bernie knows full well that without the support of the people he will be stymied just as Obama was when he did try just a little bit. But, Bernie will try and will not back down as Obama did. Americans have been voting against their own best interest since the Academy Award performance of Reagan as president. Vote Bernie, never vote for batshit crazy Republicans, never!

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.

Here are the facts concerning Sanders' Tax Code reform. The devil is in the details. Read it and weep.



Edited by Pimay1
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A big problem Americans have is their crazy low to allow people to have/carry guns, witch cause an extreme amount of killings and accidents. Also police brutality who easy like to use a weapon ..

I don't think Trump is gone solve that problem...

Also the interference in other countries politics ... They should never intrude Afghanistan, Iraq Libya Syria ... maybe then we wouldn't have had the problem with muslims or refugees in europe ..

You don't know what you are talking about.

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The UK is going broke while bragging about its socialism. The UK's debt is now about the same as that of the US as a percentage of GDP and it's climbing fast. The UK will be broke in fewer than ten years and then who will pay for the NHS?



The claims you make are incorrect on every point raised. Ten year economic forecast for UK.


Back on topic for preferred US President...


A "forecast"... in economy... allow me to laugh.

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No One. Are you kidding. First Obama and now these clowns. Americans have slowly been brain-washed over the years and the country is going to shits. Controlled media, trillions in debt that can NEVER be paid back (meaning dollar will eventually collapse)...I mean the list goes on and on and on and on. Letting illegal aliens happily walk across the border and milk the system for free housing and food at the tax payers expense......hell Hillary is being investigated for leaking classified information and she's still winning primaries? Are you f'ing kidding me? Honestly all I can do is shake my head. Love my country and the hard working people who make it go but they've all been bamboozled. Politics in the u.s. is a joke. It's all a big game. There is no right/left, it's the good ol boy's club, it's rhetoric, smoke n' mirrors, owned by corporate interests and greed. There is no checks/balance. They do what they want, when they want with no regard for the constitution or bill of rights. It doesn't even matter who they elected. Corporations control more policy than any President. America is still a great nation but their future is mighty bleak.

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You didn't include Alfred E. Newman or at least "none of the above."


I think a box labeled, None Of The Above, should be on all ballots. If that box wins, all the candidates must step down and forever more will not be eligible to run for public office. New candidates will have to vie for the office in another primary. In the meantime, the country would be run by the bureaucrats, they run it anyway.

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None of the republicans of course.

The one you left out, Kasich, would be the most qualified from that side though. Very deep resume.

Issues-wise, I support Bernie Sanders but I think his foreign policy background is too weak, so of all the choices, it's obviously HILLARY CLINTON that will make the best president. Out of a weak field, though.

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I'd like to introduce a related issue about the obvious popularity of DONALD TRUMP.

Donald Trump is a xenophobic and racist demagogue in the long tradition of such dangerous leaders in other countries historically.

He's trumping up hatred against Mexicans, Muslims, and Chinese.

Many Americans can't tell the difference between Asians, so it's not only Chinese feeling it.

So it's happening now in the USA.

Addressing the AMERICANS living abroad, what I am seeing already is an increasing hostility towards Americans that is directly related to the rise to Trump.

The world looks at USA elections more closely than any other country.

They see what's happening.

The Pope has taken note.

I have heard an interesting story from a friend living in the USA in an area with lots of Latinos and Asians. He's very white. He has reported since the rise of Trump a very noticeable and marked increase in HOSTILITY towards him because he feels it is assumed he is a Trump supporter, a supporter of his campaign of hatred and division.

I think this is very relevant to Americans living abroad.

You may not have noticed it yet, but you will if Trump is president.

People will assume you're a Trump supporter, whether you are or not, and mostly they will hate you for it.

Trump is a candidate of great divisiveness.

If elected, he will make American great again, if great means even more greatly HATED.

He represents the very worse aspects of American culture.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'd like to introduce a related issue about the obvious popularity of DONALD TRUMP.

Donald Trump is a xenophobic and racist demagogue in the long tradition of such dangerous leaders in other countries historically.

He's trumping up hatred against Mexicans, Muslims, and Chinese.

Many Americans can't tell the difference between Asians, so it's not only Chinese feeling it.

So it's happening now in the USA.

Addressing the AMERICANS living abroad, what I am seeing already is an increasing hostility towards Americans that is directly related to the rise to Trump.

The world looks at USA elections more closely than any other country.

They see what's happening.

The Pope has taken note.

I have heard an interesting story from a friend living in the USA in an area with lots of Latinos and Asians. He's very white. He has reported since the rise of Trump a very noticeable and marked increase in HOSTILITY towards him because he feels it is assumed he is a Trump supporter, a supporter of his campaign of hatred and division.

I think this is very relevant to Americans living abroad.

You may have noticed it yet, but you will if Trump is president.

People will assume you're a Trump supporter, whether you are or not, and mostly they will hate you for it.

Trump is a candidate of great divisiveness.

Fearmongering, is that all you got to show for when it comes to Trump?

Besides, USA was founded as a 100% white nation. Surely anyone that hate white people (reread what you wrote) should perhaps think about moving back to whatever country their ancestry was from? Or are you saying it's ok to hate someone for their white skin?

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Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

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You forgot to include Mickey Mouse.

It does not matter one iota who is "President" of the US, their foreign policy remains intact and concrete. Yankee style medical system of $30,000 to replace a finger and the rich get richer and the poor can well... who cares... is the mantra of "Pure capitalism" which is what the US bases its economy on.

That is simply not true kinmaew. What built America into the most powerful and wealthiest nation on earth was a sense of fair play. Where everyone had a shot at the big time. An equal distribution of wealth, an equal share of the pie an equal opportunity. That hasn't been the case for nearly 40 years since Reagan reset the playing field in favour of the wealthy and corporate america and greed took over the education, prison, health, justice and financial systems. America is in desperate need a capital 'L' leader. I new direction and someone powerful enough to take on the wealthy elite and Corporate America and take the Nation back to representing the People again.

The 'American Dream' slipped into a coma some 15 years ago. It is time now for Bernie to lube up the Paddles turn it up to maximum voltage CLEEEEEAR!!!!!! KAAAAAAAZONK!!!!!!!

Another turning point was the signing of NAFTA and the promises of high tech/high value jobs to replace all the manufacturing jobs disappearing into Mexico. Guess what the abandoned factories are rusting and we are still waiting. Vote for the TPP more of the same.

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Hands down Trump.

Anyone else will leave with the US bankrupt. Obama took the US up to $21 trillion in debt.

After a Trump presidency politics will change forever. The establishment and all the lobbyists, media and associated leeches have been rattled by their wholesale rejection on the Republican side.

Politics needs to return to the people, Trump is the first step to that happening.

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