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US voters react: 'I don’t think either candidate is qualified to run the country'


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US voters react: 'I don’t think either candidate is qualified to run the country'


NEW YORK: -- The reality of how the US presidential race is shaping up is now hitting home, the morning after Super Tuesday and confirmation of the favourites.

People gave their reactions in New York.

“It’s a very big decision,” said one man. “I don’t think Trump is good for the U.S. and I think the strongest candidate right now is Hillary.”

Another man said: “I’m not happy at all with who will possibly be president at this point. I wish Mayor Bloomberg had intervened.”

A female voter said: “I don’t think that either of these candidates are qualified to run the country.

“Unfortunately there is no viable option at this point in time.”

And that could become a key concern leading up to the polls in November: how to make sure that voters remain engaged and turn out to the ballot box.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-03

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This time next year President Trump will be in charge.

and we will be winning winning winning, we will be winning so much, we will be tired of winning. we will me saying thing like "Hey Don, stop winning so much, I cant take all this winning, How about loosing s little bit" and he would be saying " Sorry, you knew what you were getting into when you voted for me, " and we will be saying " Bummer", and and and..cheesy.gif

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It's looking to be a sad year for voters in the upcoming presidential elections...again....

Undoubtedly, but the trajectory the country has been on was never going to end well. If we can't have good candidates, hopefully what's shaping up to be an ugly campaign season will at least kill a few sacred cows along the way. I hope the candidates rip into each others dirty laundry and in so doing rip into the media and non government institutions that are more than a little responsible for this mess. That'd be a good start.

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Considering the gauntlet that has to run, amazing that anyone would want to run. And those that are willing to are often the least equipped to handle power once they finish the race. One thing I like about UK is the brief election races.... not that their government is all that great, but.....

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The New York Post stated three people's opinion out of 8.4 million citizens of New York and based the article on this. Quite scientific I would say.

Agree with you the article is total rubbish, interview 3 out of 320 million people and arrive at a conclusion that no one is going to vote in November.

Makes you wonder who writes for EURO news, my guess is grade school kids with crayons.

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From that bastion of journalism, The New York Post. Simple minded hack piece.

There is a very viable option, Hillary Clinton. Despite the virulent hatred from the wingnuts, HRC will be a superb President, just like the man she'll replace.

Don't lump the Democratic candidates in with these Republican idiots.

Republican party has just set sail on the Titanic and Fox didn't count the lifeboats. They're going down. Make sure everyone gets the deck chairs in the right spot for the photo op.

And the Trumpet played on.

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"...And that could become a key concern leading up to the polls in November: how to make sure that voters remain engaged and turn out to the ballot box."

There's a misconception. R's are turning out in record numbers, fully engaged.

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what are the qualifications to run the country?

so far I found, in no particular order and not attributed to a particular person:


Anti-social behavior



Fealty to Wall Street

Contempt of the law

Contempt of the American people and taxpayer

Contempt in general

did I mention "contempt"?






I did not find one instance of:







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Both parties have at least one candidate that could run the country anf would be willing to take it in a new direction. The problem is that the voters don't like them. US voters will get the government they deserve.

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Both parties have at least one candidate that could run the country anf would be willing to take it in a new direction. The problem is that the voters don't like them. US voters will get the government they deserve.

As usual, going back as far as the eye can see (with one or two rare exceptions in US politics) and no exceptions at all in British politics (well, ok, maybe LLoyd George).

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I would estimate less than 3% of the Trump Supporters are actually

Voteing for Trump.

A Trump Vote is a vote against our self-serving political system

Of bought and paid for politicians that pad their own pockets,

Have done nothing for decades for "The People" and are only

Looking out for their plush benefits, cushy life and big fat

Pensions....Trump, hopefully, will be a better choice, can't be

Any worse than the lifers in office now!!

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I would rather have a career businessman than a career lawyer run the counntry

As least they know how to balance a budget

Mark my words There will be a landslide victory for Trump come November

You can see it now in the Primaries Wake up Trump will be the next President and thank god it will not be another lawyer

They are all ambulance chasers in one form or another and know nothing about ecomonomics


Trump does

Edited by realenglish1
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I could not agree more. Politics in the US has descended to the level where only the mediocre are interested in the office of president, congress, and the senate. We no longer have the possibility of highly intelligent and noble people like Bill Richardson or Bill Bradley leading that nation. The media is in too much of a frenzy, the campaign season is far too long, the money involved is insane, and ridiculous, and it is hard to get any traction without either selling out (Hillary) or telling hundreds of lies (Trump), or appealing to the lowest traits within mankind (Trump). Sanders may be a decent man, but his fiscal policies scare a lot of people (me included) and he is probably too decent for the office. It takes a monster, and an ape like Trump to win.

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The flaw in democracy is that there are more idiots than wise men, yet just one vote for each.

Ah yes, those pesky constitutional amendments.

Thanks to a compromise between Southern slaveholders who wanted enslaved blacks counted in the population, for the sake of boosting Southern congressional representation, and Northern whites who didn’t, the framers enshrined the three-fifths clause in the Constitution. This agreement set the census value of a slave as 60 percent of the value of a free person. Even after the 13th Amendment neutralized the political (and moral) compromise by abolishing slavery, Jim Crow laws, which contravened the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equality, stopped blacks from voting.
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" I don't think either candidate is qualified to run the country. "

Such a simple sentence but oh so accurate.

A 2-party system cannot be qualified as democratic, not in these days.

A multiparty system would be the answer.

A prime minister in the European system appears to be a better way.

The chance is that a president quickly becomes a dictator. The danger with Trump.

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