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Britain slams Israeli decision to expand settlements in West Bank


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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Did the poll ask these Israelis what they propose to do with the 2.5 million Palestinians who are currently living there?

I guess Merkel can take most, any left over can be housed in the abodes of virtue signaling celebrities.
A kind of "deportation"?

This would be a sad irony

But at least we know your views...

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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Did the poll ask these Israelis what they propose to do with the 2.5 million Palestinians who are currently living there?

I guess Merkel can take most, any left over can be housed in the abodes of virtue signaling celebrities.

I see...3rd wave of ethnic cleansing 1947,1967..now 2016. The world will not tolerate this final solution to the Palestinian problem.
So far the world is voicing protests, but accepting everything Israel does. Why would it be any different this time?
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Britain and the EU should mind their own business.

With all the Arabs flooding into the EU, it's a nice change to see them losing a bit of land.

Cool bit of brainless racism there, well put..........

You approach the problems of the world so succinctly.

Maybe Israel should take responsibility for her murderous actions over recent years and perhaps even make atonement.

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What is amusing is that a number of the pro Israel lobby here in this thread have never been to Israel.They,have lived here in Thailand for up to 25 -30 years while others are considering returning to the U.SA. yet they consider themselves patriotic Israelis or Jews whatever label you may wish to affix to them.

So what is wrong with Israel ? I feel I must ask these people why do you not live in Israel or why do you not relocate there?

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What is amusing is that a number of the pro Israel lobby here in this thread have never been to Israel.They,have lived here in Thailand for up to 25 -30 years while others are considering returning to the U.SA. yet they consider themselves patriotic Israelis or Jews whatever label you may wish to affix to them.

So what is wrong with Israel ? I feel I must ask these people why do you not live in Israel or why do you not relocate there?

Please don't troll in these topics. Members are under no obligation to answer questions such as these. Many people will return to the country of their citizenship/birth because they have family there, because they have homes there, because they have businesses there.

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

Don't worry. From your ignorant posts, it is quite obvious that you very little at all about the conflict at all.

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. They did not call themselves "Palestinians" yet, because there was no such country as "Palestine" and never had been. They were still just plain "Arabs".

AFTER Israel declared Independence, Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel to back them up, only to LOSE in the end. They have been losing non-stop ever since.

You keep repeating that "The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY." That's utter BS and you know it. There was never a country called "Native America" either. Yet Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years. That is, until the Europeans came and stole all their land and killed about 99.9% of them. By your logic, that was quite OK then, because they never had a country to begin with, right?

The same basically happened here: Arabs/Palestinians had lived in what is now Israel for centuries, until the state of Israel was shoved down their throats, and tens of thousands of them were forced out of their homes and off the land where they had lived for generations, and many of them were even killed in the process. But that was OK, because the Palestinians never had a country to begin with, right?

Let me ask you a question. How would you like it if I came to where you lived and kicked you out of your house and off of your land, and killed a few of your relatives for good measure as well and then planted my flag there, saying that it was my land to begin with? Would you just roll over and accept that?

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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Did the poll ask these Israelis what they propose to do with the 2.5 million Palestinians who are currently living there?

I guess Merkel can take most, any left over can be housed in the abodes of virtue signaling celebrities.

I see...3rd wave of ethnic cleansing 1947,1967..now 2016. The world will not tolerate this final solution to the Palestinian problem.
Get a grip man, 1947 and 1967 were cases of Palestinian self-cleansing due to Arab aggression. Now Israel takes control of a few acres of land, saying this equates to millions of Palestinians being evicted is hysterical nonsense. As for 'final solution', it's almost as if you are paid for the number of antisemitic tropes you can throw in, as oppose to just doing it for fun.
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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

Don't worry. From your ignorant posts, it is quite obvious that you very little at all about the conflict at all.

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. They did not call themselves "Palestinians" yet, because there was no such country as "Palestine" and never had been. They were still just plain "Arabs".

AFTER Israel declared Independence, Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel to back them up, only to LOSE in the end. They have been losing non-stop ever since.

You keep repeating that "The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY." That's utter BS and you know it. There was never a country called "Native America" either. Yet Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years. That is, until the Europeans came and stole all their land and killed about 99.9% of them. By your logic, that was quite OK then, because they never had a country to begin with, right?

The same basically happened here: Arabs/Palestinians had lived in what is now Israel for centuries, until the state of Israel was shoved down their throats, and tens of thousands of them were forced out of their homes and off the land where they had lived for generations, and many of them were even killed in the process. But that was OK, because the Palestinians never had a country to begin with, right?

Let me ask you a question. How would you like it if I came to where you lived and kicked you out of your house and off of your land, and killed a few of your relatives for good measure as well and then planted my flag there, saying that it was my land to begin with? Would you just roll over and accept that?

Excellent response to a fallacy that is repeated ad nauseam.

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

Don't worry. From your ignorant posts, it is quite obvious that you very little at all about the conflict at all.

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. They did not call themselves "Palestinians" yet, because there was no such country as "Palestine" and never had been. They were still just plain "Arabs".

AFTER Israel declared Independence, Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel to back them up, only to LOSE in the end. They have been losing non-stop ever since.

You keep repeating that "The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY." That's utter BS and you know it. There was never a country called "Native America" either. Yet Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years. That is, until the Europeans came and stole all their land and killed about 99.9% of them. By your logic, that was quite OK then, because they never had a country to begin with, right?

The same basically happened here: Arabs/Palestinians had lived in what is now Israel for centuries, until the state of Israel was shoved down their throats, and tens of thousands of them were forced out of their homes and off the land where they had lived for generations, and many of them were even killed in the process. But that was OK, because the Palestinians never had a country to begin with, right?

Let me ask you a question. How would you like it if I came to where you lived and kicked you out of your house and off of your land, and killed a few of your relatives for good measure as well and then planted my flag there, saying that it was my land to begin with? Would you just roll over and accept that?

The Jewish Nakba you don't care about though?

Dude, the Jewish people are INDIGENOUS to that land.

The Israel demonization agenda is utterly hateful and annoying.

It's one thing to see that both sides have legitimate claims and that things need to worked out.

It's another to paint Jews as not belonging in Israel and refuses to see their side of the narrative, as if it doesn't exist.

Get a clue. Look at the history, over THOUSANDS of years.

Zionism didn't just happen. It was a rational response to the situation of Jews in the diaspora.

Edited by Jingthing
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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.

Quote from link :

"Settlements constitute a violation of international law and contradict commitments made by Israeli authorities in favor of a two-state solution," the spokesman said."


Moreover, from what we have to understand, latest 'reported' Palestinian attacks were exclusively committed in the ancient region of Judea.

Non of them in former Samaria, Galilea and/or even the Golan Heights.

I think that from now on we can speak of 'selective violence' of the Palestinians with 'coincidental' new illegal Israeli settlements in ancient Judea. Let's not forget that building illegal Israeli settlements have also a military tactical function to enforce the diplomatic loopholes from the Oslo accords.

Cheers !

Edited by Thorgal
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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


Please tell me who gives a shit what "the UK, Germany and France" think? Don't they have enough troubles of their own? Just like Thais, they think they are the center of the universe when the truth is they are now irrelevant.

I belly laugh every time someone says that what Israel does is "against international law" or "they should be tried in an international court" or any similar BS. You and who's army?

If you want to beat Israel you'll have to do it with boots on the ground and that would be suicide for all of Europe combined.

I also have to laugh when people tell me "the Palestinians" have been there for centuries. Not so. Palestine was a region comprising all or part of several countries. There never was and still isn't a country called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. A rag tag bunch of terrorists led by Arafat began calling themselves "Palestinians" in the mid-1960's and that's the first time that term was ever used.

If you want to get tough with Israel I suggest you just get your butt over there and do it yourself.


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Hypocrites, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


So the EU fund illegal Palestinian building in areas allotted to Israel under the Oslo accords, but when Israel tries to take legal action the EU retreats behind diplomatic immunity.


EU just respects Israeli twisted Declaration of Independence within the borders 'defined' in 1948. Not the borders defined in 1967 or even later.

OP just confirmed that Palestinian occupied Territories are in fact subjected to continuous illegal Israeli annexation...

And Israel is behaving the same way that Germany did in the period before the second world war annexing land that does not belong to it and look what the result of that was

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Hypocrites, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


So the EU fund illegal Palestinian building in areas allotted to Israel under the Oslo accords, but when Israel tries to take legal action the EU retreats behind diplomatic immunity.


EU just respects Israeli twisted Declaration of Independence within the borders 'defined' in 1948. Not the borders defined in 1967 or even later.

OP just confirmed that Palestinian occupied Territories are in fact subjected to continuous illegal Israeli annexation...

And Israel is behaving the same way that Germany did in the period before the second world war annexing land that does not belong to it and look what the result of that was
That's disgusting hateful false rhetoric. Israel isn't Nazi Germany. Period. End of story.
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You keep repeating that "The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY." That's utter BS and you know it. There was never a country called "Native America" either. Yet Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years. That is, until the Europeans came and stole all their land and killed about 99.9% of them.

Sorry sonny, but you have it all backwards. The Jews came in peace and tried buying barren land legally for Jewish immigrants to live. The Arabs started attacking THEM. In fact, they were the ones that tried forcing them from the land that they had bought and improved by making the desert bloom.

The Palestinians never had a country and if they keep trying to get their way by VIOLENCE, they never will have one. They will just keep losing like they have for the last 70 years.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


OH NO!!!! NOT the UK, Germany and France!!! Those countries might have meant something to the world 300 years ago, but not today. Today they have their own hands full of violent settlers so they should just tend to their own knitting.

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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


Please tell me who gives a shit what "the UK, Germany and France" think? Don't they have enough troubles of their own? Just like Thais, they think they are the center of the universe when the truth is they are now irrelevant.

I belly laugh every time someone says that what Israel does is "against international law" or "they should be tried in an international court" or any similar BS. You and who's army?

If you want to beat Israel you'll have to do it with boots on the ground and that would be suicide for all of Europe combined.

Because Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner. It would be economic suicide for Israel to do anything to upset them to the point of sanctions.

Israel's and your arrogance that they can treat international law with contempt is astounding. What's so special about Israel that makes them above the law?

Edited by dexterm
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You keep repeating that "The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY." That's utter BS and you know it. There was never a country called "Native America" either. Yet Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years. That is, until the Europeans came and stole all their land and killed about 99.9% of them.

Sorry sonny, but you have it all backwards. The Jews came in peace and tried buying barren land legally for Jewish immigrants to live. The Arabs started attacking THEM. In fact, they were the ones that tried forcing them from the land that they had bought and improved by making the desert bloom.

The Palestinians never had a country and if they keep trying to get their way by VIOLENCE, they never will have one. They will just keep losing like they have for the last 70 years.

Utter nonsense.
I would gladly tear apart every single sentence in your pseudo history, but I feel we would be drifting off topic.
Every European colonization has created its own mythology to justify its land theft and repression of the indigenous population...we were bringing civilization/Christianity/whatever to the savages and they just didn't appreciate our kindness. Israel and its apologists are no different.
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You keep repeating that "The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY." That's utter BS and you know it. There was never a country called "Native America" either. Yet Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years. That is, until the Europeans came and stole all their land and killed about 99.9% of them.

Sorry sonny, but you have it all backwards. The Jews came in peace and tried buying barren land legally for Jewish immigrants to live. The Arabs started attacking THEM. In fact, they were the ones that tried forcing them from the land that they had bought and improved by making the desert bloom.

The Palestinians never had a country and if they keep trying to get their way by VIOLENCE, they never will have one. They will just keep losing like they have for the last 70 years.

I would gladly tear apart every single sentence in your pseudo history, but I feel we would be drifting off topic.

You have tried many times and I have exposed your version of "history" as mostly lies. I can prove everything I say with CREDIBLE sources. You can NOT. You just make things up or use crazy, dishonest websites like "Palestine remembered" to back up a pack of lies. Either one is easily disproved by looking in any mainstream history book.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


Please tell me who gives a shit what "the UK, Germany and France" think? Don't they have enough troubles of their own? Just like Thais, they think they are the center of the universe when the truth is they are now irrelevant.

I belly laugh every time someone says that what Israel does is "against international law" or "they should be tried in an international court" or any similar BS. You and who's army?

If you want to beat Israel you'll have to do it with boots on the ground and that would be suicide for all of Europe combined.

Because Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner. It would be economic suicide for Israel to do anything to upset them to the point of sanctions.

Israel's and your arrogance that they can treat international law with contempt is astounding. What's so special about Israel that makes them above the law?

So now the tiny countries of the UK, Germany and France became the whole EU? Or did I miss something?

The US is Israel's #1 trading partner amounting to almost 5x that of the UK. The only other EU country to even make the list is the very tiny Belgium. LINK

Get over yourself.


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Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


Please tell me who gives a shit what "the UK, Germany and France" think? Don't they have enough troubles of their own? Just like Thais, they think they are the center of the universe when the truth is they are now irrelevant.

I belly laugh every time someone says that what Israel does is "against international law" or "they should be tried in an international court" or any similar BS. You and who's army?

If you want to beat Israel you'll have to do it with boots on the ground and that would be suicide for all of Europe combined.

Because Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner. It would be economic suicide for Israel to do anything to upset them to the point of sanctions.

Israel's and your arrogance that they can treat international law with contempt is astounding. What's so special about Israel that makes them above the law?

So now the tiny countries of the UK, Germany and France became the whole EU? Or did I miss something?

The US is Israel's #1 trading partner amounting to almost 5x that of the UK. The only other EU country to even make the list is the very tiny Belgium. LINK

Get over yourself.


Yes, you did indeed miss something! Please read more carefully. I wrote "Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner"
The EU accounts for just over 29% of Israel's exports. The USA 23%.
So Israel should indeed sit up and take notice that it does not offend the EU with its continued land grab in the West Bank.
Edited by dexterm
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Well there has certainly been some pretty emphatic rhetoric on this topic so far........all of which has, I believe, avoided the main issue. Israelis are not going to achieve a "final solution" by wiping out the Palestinian Arabs nor are the Arab states going to achieve a similar "final solution" by pushing the Israelis into the sea.


Peace has to break out and it will not be brought about with tanks, machine guns and air strikes nor with suicide bombs, car bombs and stabbings.

Far, far too many children have died and the hatred on each side goes deeper with every death. It has to stop! There has to be a way!

Talk about finding a way for heaven's sake and not about perpetuating the fighting.

We all know that the Romans beat Israel and eventually kicked them out - then the Arabs beat the Romans (Byzantines) - the the Turks beat the Arabs who were, in turn beaten by the allies who then let the Zionists in. Most of Europe, Russia and the USA bear some responsibility for this later history and while this is relevant, it has to be the Israelis and the Palestinians who agree to stop killing each other.

May it happen soon...........

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Hypocrites, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


So the EU fund illegal Palestinian building in areas allotted to Israel under the Oslo accords, but when Israel tries to take legal action the EU retreats behind diplomatic immunity.


EU just respects Israeli twisted Declaration of Independence within the borders 'defined' in 1948. Not the borders defined in 1967 or even later.

OP just confirmed that Palestinian occupied Territories are in fact subjected to continuous illegal Israeli annexation...

And Israel is behaving the same way that Germany did in the period before the second world war annexing land that does not belong to it and look what the result of that was
That's disgusting hateful false rhetoric. Israel isn't Nazi Germany. Period. End of story.
Yes, disgusting, but unfortunately not rhetoric but the truth.
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Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


Please tell me who gives a shit what "the UK, Germany and France" think? Don't they have enough troubles of their own? Just like Thais, they think they are the center of the universe when the truth is they are now irrelevant.

I belly laugh every time someone says that what Israel does is "against international law" or "they should be tried in an international court" or any similar BS. You and who's army?

If you want to beat Israel you'll have to do it with boots on the ground and that would be suicide for all of Europe combined.

Because Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner. It would be economic suicide for Israel to do anything to upset them to the point of sanctions.

Israel's and your arrogance that they can treat international law with contempt is astounding. What's so special about Israel that makes them above the law?

So now the tiny countries of the UK, Germany and France became the whole EU? Or did I miss something?

The US is Israel's #1 trading partner amounting to almost 5x that of the UK. The only other EU country to even make the list is the very tiny Belgium. LINK

Get over yourself.


Yes, you did indeed miss something! Please read more carefully. I wrote "Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner"

The EU accounts for just over 29% of Israel's exports. The USA 23%.


So Israel should indeed sit up and take notice that it does not offend the EU with its continued land grab in the West Bank.


Europeans will soon be trampling over one another to secure a share of Israel's massive gas reserves, BDS or talk of boycotts will disappear soon enough, especially as Russian relations with the EU are rocky.

Incidentally I pointed out on the very first post on this thread how the EU was funding ILLEGAL Palestinian settlements on land allotted to Israel by Oslo, no reply to this from any of our esteemed members, their agenda is as transparent as their cause is phony.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Yes, disgusting, but unfortunately not rhetoric but the truth.

Only to the kind of people that think no one has ever walked on the moon, the earth is flat and that 9/11 was an inside job. The lunatic fringe. wacko.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


OH NO!!!! NOT the UK, Germany and France!!! Those countries might have meant something to the world 300 years ago, but not today. Today they have their own hands full of violent settlers so they should just tend to their own knitting.

The US is also against further illegal annexation of Palestinian territory.



Let's not underestimate the importance and impact of small tiny countries like Micronesia and Palau...for future UN resolutions...

Cheers !

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The Palestinians STARTED the violence in the first place and KARMA has bitten them on the butts. The death toll does not work in their favor.

So, Palestinian Children dying at the hands of Israeli soldiers is OK because it is just them having inherited bad karma from their great grandparents?!?!?! If the same were said for a Jewish child that would be a crime, no?

Quite right. The current Isreali leader is a bullying thug with no intentions for peace at all. the actions in Gaza over a year ago were a total and utter disgrace.

I think UG gets all his opinions via Fox News which pretty much says it all.

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