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Western Teachers in Thailand


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I do not teach but I see that hatred of Western Teachers is rampant here.

Why do expats have such a dislike of them and how are they bothering you.

I have only met three and I found them to be quite nice people who were just looking for an amazing life experience in their young days.

Edited by Blackheart
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I don't think there is 'hatred' for teachers here, but a degree of contempt and ridicule, especially towards those who lack any true formal qualifications to teach, bar a certificate which shows they can play party games with the kids, yet they view themselves as true professionals (as opposed to someone who has studied to at least degree level and worked for years in their chosen field).

The ones who tend to garner most ridicule are those who are in denial of their status (you must have seen 'teachers' racing from language centre to language centre on the BTS in Bangkok, totally overdressed, trying to look like businessmen with their cheap nylon suits/shirts from Lotus, shades and briefcases, or in many of Bangkok's 'expat' bars in the evenings, 'playing expats').

Many tend to never mention they are 'teachers' but tend to give alternative occupations when asked like 'in real estate' or 'working in a consultant capacity' or similar. A good few also seem to have a 'golden plan' which will one day make them their fortune before they realise that their 'golden plan' has been tried and failed a thousand times by a thousand others, then they slip away un-noticed and un-missed as Thailand doesn't mourn the passing of yet another TEFL clown off the convey belt....

That said, I have had many mates over the years who have been teachers, all sound lads and happy in their work as they just crack on with their lives.

Had you have posted this ten to fifteen years ago you would have garnered a lot more replies, when the Thai authorities really did allow anyone to teach (sole qualification being a native English speaker was all that was needed) and most 'teachers back then were just here to be close to the bars and the lasses and most didn't give a hoot about their wards. You only had to note some of the demics who would hang around Nana Plaza, Cowboy and Patpong on a Friday evening, to see that something was wrong with the system.

Now, things aren't so easy for casual teachers. Long gone are the days when schools would put up an ad in a Banglamphu guesthouse or two and expats or travellers low on funds would bung on a shirt, hit the payphone and go and do a days teaching for 500 or 1000B a day. Now they need a minimum of a degree, a Work Permit, some kind of teaching qualification and must get a teacher's licence.

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I worked at a dodgy international school in the North (not as a teacher) and was disgusted by the fact that 2/3 of the teachers had major drug and alcohol problems. About 20% were often either high or hung over at work. People who work with children should have better behaviors. 2 of the teachers were known to often flirt with the 15/16 year old girls, but the director was a useless lump and didnt want to be bothered sorting it out. While there are some good Western teachers here, the druggies, drunks and leches ruin the reputation...

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I've known a few (through sports participation) and they were solid grounded people....But - it might be the way we met that sorted out the type of individuals....

2 couples are actually teaching their way around the globe - hopping about every 3 years.....

One worked & lived in a mountain international school - as did his wife.....They were split up and 50/50 custody of their daughter....Although they had a year left on their contract she engineered an early out so she could go back to the US - file suit and rake him over the coals.....He had no choice but to follow & protect his rights....Decent guy - shame....He would have liked to stay here but she even made it so miserable for him here he was hog tied through his daughter - never had a chance to expand himself....The wife was one of those people that just looked like internal turbulance....

Knew of one guy that has basically run out of chances in the US - just a lazy loser....Decided to come here and teach....Supposedly had a job lined up.....Something did/didn't happen and he was out leaching off others here within a year ---> suspect these are the types that draw the ire......

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I know loads of teachers here. Decent people who take their work seriously, earn salaries comparable to back home, and enjoy a very pleasant lifestyle. Not the cliched idea that your hear from the embittered expats on here at all.

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Now they need a minimum of a degree, a Work Permit, some kind of teaching qualification and must get a teacher's licence.


You only need one out of four of those (permit) for teaching English in a university here. Those other qualifications apply to only below-university level.

Some English depts. will accept merely a high school diploma, especially if you're young, good looking, and can dazzle students with your personality. Seldom are qualifications checked or references followed up. Just make a good interview impression.

As a result, you come across some real stinkers and charlatans at that level. One dept. had a British masonry worker pose as an English teacher. After a full semester of showing up in the classroom in a drunken state, someone got the balls to check his qualifications/education/experience on his resume--all false. They let him finish up the semester so as not to create a scene.

These university "instructors," of course, teach those who would be English teachers someday in the nation's primary schools and high schools.

No wonder the country scores the worst English proficiency of any ASEAN country.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Who else lives here aside from teachers? Retired gents? Real estate agents? Legal Officers? NGO staff? Ebay salesmen? Businessmen?

Of that list I see no reason why teachers would be singled out for ridicule. Real teachers, with a teaching degree, that is.

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The only ones that bother me are those who think that by teaching English in Thailand they're somehow acquiring unique skills (working with different kinds of people, communicating with those that don't speak English well, adapting to a new environment, etc.) that aren't really unique, and they will somehow translate into a respectable job here or elsewhere in the world. The ones that do this with no degree tend to annoy me the most.

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Who else lives here aside from teachers? Retired gents? Real estate agents? Legal Officers? NGO staff? Ebay salesmen? Businessmen?

Of that list I see no reason why teachers would be singled out for ridicule. Real teachers, with a teaching degree, that is.

Who else lives here aside from teachers?

How about those of us with, skills, qualifications,knowledge and experience the Thais lack, and are willing to pay us big $$$$ (tax free) to be here.

I wont embarrass you by saying what they pay monthly just in acomodation allownaces, never mind education allowances, healthcare allowances and ticketing allowances.

Dont hate us, dont envy us, join the gravy train.

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I know loads of teachers here. Decent people who take their work seriously, earn salaries comparable to back home, and enjoy a very pleasant lifestyle. Not the cliched idea that your hear from the embittered expats on here at all.


The only teachers who make a good dollar here are those who get into the International game but they are qualified teachers, not some TEFL 'qualified' sex case,. The rest are noting but gollumesque, desperate guttersnipes grubbing around for a few illegal Baht to be near their whores....

Edited by CharlieH
inflammatory remark removed
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Who else lives here aside from teachers? Retired gents? Real estate agents? Legal Officers? NGO staff? Ebay salesmen? Businessmen?

Of that list I see no reason why teachers would be singled out for ridicule. Real teachers, with a teaching degree, that is.

add muay thai boxers to the list
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Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.

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Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.

Who wants their kids taught by somebody who only took the job so they could stay in Thailand?

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Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.
Who wants their kids taught by somebody who only took the job so they could stay in Thailand?

Plenty of Thai parents want their kids to practise English, taught by native speakers, at language schools at weekends. Many of these teachers are in their 20s and are teaching to get experience and travel.

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If the standard of English spoken in Thailand is any guide, they're not doing a very good job are they?

I would say that's more a reflection of the general standard of English teaching in Thai schools which is still mainly done by Thai teachers. The TEFL teaching tends to be for richer families who recognise the importance of English and can afford the private classes.

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Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.
Who wants their kids taught by somebody who only took the job so they could stay in Thailand?

That really says more about the system that hires em than it does the teachers.

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Is there some kind of

minimum cheapness

threshold below which

the expat must expect

to be ripped to pieces?

For example, if you're

getting 60k a month,

you're ok but if it's only

40K, you're a lowlife

who should be

rounded up, slapped

and deported?

The snobbery that

exists between people

who moved here to

save a few bob is


I guess you can be

cheap but not too


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Who else lives here aside from teachers? Retired gents? Real estate agents? Legal Officers? NGO staff? Ebay salesmen? Businessmen?

Of that list I see no reason why teachers would be singled out for ridicule. Real teachers, with a teaching degree, that is.

add muay thai boxers to the list
Plus "Personal Trainers", Tour guides, investigative journalists, investment advisors......
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Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.

Who wants their kids taught by somebody who only took the job so they could stay in Thailand?

Indeed sir,

I recall hearing this very phrase many times when I would find myself at the weekly 'Teacher Meets' at a well known bar in Nana Plaza which sadly was also my local and the finest bar on the Plaza, before they would head off up to Angelwitch or Hollywood for a nights whoring.....

Almost every week I would have someone sidle up to me and say "I wouldn't want any of these perverts/weirdos/deviants/whoremongers/pissheads etc....teaching my kids, would you?" to which I would reply strongly in the negative and pity the poor Thais who had no choice in the matter....

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Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.
Who wants their kids taught by somebody who only took the job so they could stay in Thailand?

Almost every week I would have someone sidle up to me and say "I wouldn't want any of these perverts/weirdos/deviants/whoremongers/pissheads etc....teaching my kids, would you?"

Sounds like some of the Thai teachers.

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I worked at a dodgy international school in the North (not as a teacher) and was disgusted by the fact that 2/3 of the teachers had major drug and alcohol problems. About 20% were often either high or hung over at work. People who work with children should have better behaviors. 2 of the teachers were known to often flirt with the 15/16 year old girls, but the director was a useless lump and didnt want to be bothered sorting it out. While there are some good Western teachers here, the druggies, drunks and leches ruin the reputation...

Very true, but it's the same in any occupation, there is always a minority of a$$holes, and not just in Thailand.
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Now they need a minimum of a degree, a Work Permit, some kind of teaching qualification and must get a teacher's licence.


You only need one out of four of those (permit) for teaching English in a university here. Those other qualifications apply to only below-university level.

Some English depts. will accept merely a high school diploma, especially if you're young, good looking, and can dazzle students with your personality. Seldom are qualifications checked or references followed up. Just make a good interview impression.

As a result, you come across some real stinkers and charlatans at that level. One dept. had a British masonry worker pose as an English teacher. After a full semester of showing up in the classroom in a drunken state, someone got the balls to check his qualifications/education/experience on his resume--all false. They let him finish up the semester so as not to create a scene.

These university "instructors," of course, teach those who would be English teachers someday in the nation's primary schools and high schools.

No wonder the country scores the worst English proficiency of any ASEAN country.

"No wonder the country scores the worst English proficiency of any ASEAN country." FYI ~ The main reason for the low English proficiency level of Thais, compared with other SEA nations, is simple. The vast majority of Thais, even the highly educated university graduates, consider the requirement to speak English, in their own country, as an imposition. In fact, the average Thai will always have a fully-filled jasmine rice bowl, on a daily basis, without ever speaking a word of English.

The British have been teaching English in Bangkok, since September, 1852. Bangkok is among the top 25 most recognized cities on the planet, yet in 2016, travelers are hard-pressed to find an English speaking Thai employee, or official (for that matter), at either of Bangkok's two International Airports. whistling.gif Not much of a "teaching" accomplishment, after 164 years, eh?

Just ribbing the Brits a bit, on that last one, so don't get yer knickers in a knot, blokes! wai.gifK?

However, it should be obvious by now, that Thai people (generally) are not interested in English, and resent the invasion of a foreign language, within the realm of their cultural values. Those Thais who really desire to become English "proficient", take the initiative themselves to "study" and practice their English speaking skills, at every given opportunity to do so, even with other aspiring English speaking Thai people.

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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If you're in Thailand and teach up to you. If you're retired up to you. Etc....

To mock a foreigner in Thailand is wrong. To call them negative names, label them with negative stereo types, p1ss on them, is out of order and should be stopped. Each person is unique, each person is trying to get along and its none of mine or your business. Who are you to say what people can do in Thailand. The world is smaller and you have to get used to that, more foreigners will arrive and decide to work here. They're not here to replace you, they're here because they can see what you saw when you first came here and want that life too. Stop the hate and give the new guys a break. You were new once or is it that long you've forgotten!

Edited by Wilsonandson
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