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More potential doctors cheating in university medical exams in Bangkok


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More potential doctors cheating in university medical exams in Bangkok

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- Officials at Rangsit University in northern Bangkok have said they believe another thirteen students tried to cheat their way onto medical courses in recent entrance exams.

The latest revelations follow three cases that were reported to Rangsit police after the tests for entrance to courses for doctors and pharmacists.

The cheating was widespread and is focused on students using smart watches to get the answers to exam questions. An organised gang is suspected of involvement reported Daily News.

Professors and others checking exam papers now believe the problem is bigger than first thought.

Dr Naret Phantharathorn of Rangsit University said that an analysis of the answers given had shown that people were cheating on the tests held on the 7th and 8th of May.

And in response to questions about what would happen if it were proven there was a university official involved he said: "If someone from the university is behind this they will not be let go. They will be prosecuted according to the law."

Commenting on the past he accepted that there had been cases before of cheating but that the university intended to improve its procedures and get tough with cheats from now on.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-05-13

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":... the university intended to improve its procedures and get tough with cheats from now on."

So the reason the proctologist stuck his fingers in his patient's mouth wasn't because she was ugly?

Edited by jaltsc
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A reasonable question to ask would be "How likely is it that thre well-trained and well-co-ordinated team of cheats got caught on their first attempt?

All my experience of living in Thailand and teaching in Thailand suggests that the 3 spies and the 3 students who got caught are the tip of a very large iceberg.

I have only encountered 2 Thai doctors who are not incompetent, and one of those is a bad-tempered SOB with all the bedside manner of a dung-beetle, I include the senior clinicians at 2 very high-profile hospitals in Bangkok under the over-arching banner of incompetence.

So, Are they incompetent because the standard of medical education and training in Thailand is wonderful, or because examinations are genuine assessments of knowledge and ability? Or because they aren't?


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The kids that are cheating now are not the main worry, I'm thinking as to how many of established

doctors, nurses and other medical professionals has cheated on their exams and operating as

if they didn't.....

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My wife's son is at Rangsit I sure hope he is not envolved

if he was involved, hopefully he was one providing answers, nice little earner.

he would be ok anyway, once the bkk types found out he was a petchabun boy, they would be scared s*itless.

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"The latest revelations follow three cases that were reported to Rangsit police after the tests for entrance to courses for doctors and pharmacists."

Since when has cheating on an entrance exam become the responsibility of the police?

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A reasonable question to ask would be "How likely is it that thre well-trained and well-co-ordinated team of cheats got caught on their first attempt?

All my experience of living in Thailand and teaching in Thailand suggests that the 3 spies and the 3 students who got caught are the tip of a very large iceberg.

I have only encountered 2 Thai doctors who are not incompetent, and one of those is a bad-tempered SOB with all the bedside manner of a dung-beetle, I include the senior clinicians at 2 very high-profile hospitals in Bangkok under the over-arching banner of incompetence.

So, Are they incompetent because the standard of medical education and training in Thailand is wonderful, or because examinations are genuine assessments of knowledge and ability? Or because they aren't?


Actually, I think you'll find that most doctors here have had further qualifications and experience from the US, UK etc. I've been here 12 years and never met an incompetent doctor. However, the doctors I've encountered in Europe are usually from Africa and India and do not compare to the highly skilled doctors here... Perhaps you should review which hospitals or clinics you are using??

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My wife's son is at Rangsit I sure hope he is not envolved

Your wife's son! Don't you mean your son..Oh no wait..This is Thailand. Anything is possible....

There are thousands of students in Rangsit university so the chances of him being involved are slim... I assume you also know what course your stepson is studying and that will help you rule him out!!

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Some doctors but I don't think most have had training in the west esp if they are a gov only doctor...one has to ask the question why they need to go west to get further training? It's a retorical question...

My biggest issue with medical school here I think they should go college first and prove they can handle the the rigors of coursework like in the west...

One shouldn't be allowed entry to medical school because of the one test after high school...too young too immature and unproven...

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Must say I have had extremely good quality medical care in Thailand. Paid through the nose for it but not complaining about quality. I do complain about the outrageous cost of medication provided by the 'for profit' hospitals and consequently get prescriptions filled overseas or at cheaper pharmacies.

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Is your average doctor overrated? Why should you need to cheat anyway. Not as if these students are sitting exams to be specialist neurosurgeons or oncologists. Just your common garden variety GP/MD. The human body hasn't changed since creation. All the organs and bones are still in the same places they have always been, performing the same functions they always have. it is still powered by food and water. The original five senses remain exactly the same, with no additions (unless you are a clairvoyant and have a 6th)

Now if you were sitting exams to be an Auto Mechanic these days you would probably have to cheat.

after watching the News Report on the Television and seeing how they actually did it I can only say how impressed I was at their ingenuity. When the General talks of Innovation, this has to be right up there.

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A reasonable question to ask would be "How likely is it that thre well-trained and well-co-ordinated team of cheats got caught on their first attempt?

All my experience of living in Thailand and teaching in Thailand suggests that the 3 spies and the 3 students who got caught are the tip of a very large iceberg.

I have only encountered 2 Thai doctors who are not incompetent, and one of those is a bad-tempered SOB with all the bedside manner of a dung-beetle, I include the senior clinicians at 2 very high-profile hospitals in Bangkok under the over-arching banner of incompetence.

So, Are they incompetent because the standard of medical education and training in Thailand is wonderful, or because examinations are genuine assessments of knowledge and ability? Or because they aren't?


Actually, I think you'll find that most doctors here have had further qualifications and experience from the US, UK etc. I've been here 12 years and never met an incompetent doctor. However, the doctors I've encountered in Europe are usually from Africa and India and do not compare to the highly skilled doctors here... Perhaps you should review which hospitals or clinics you are using??

Try the Egyptian doctors, they really take some beating

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Yes..and its reassuring to know now that Thailand is, and continues to tout itself as the hub of medical tourism...Don't you all feel safe and confident knowing that the doctors here all know what they are doing?

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A reasonable question to ask would be "How likely is it that thre well-trained and well-co-ordinated team of cheats got caught on their first attempt?

All my experience of living in Thailand and teaching in Thailand suggests that the 3 spies and the 3 students who got caught are the tip of a very large iceberg.

I have only encountered 2 Thai doctors who are not incompetent, and one of those is a bad-tempered SOB with all the bedside manner of a dung-beetle, I include the senior clinicians at 2 very high-profile hospitals in Bangkok under the over-arching banner of incompetence.

So, Are they incompetent because the standard of medical education and training in Thailand is wonderful, or because examinations are genuine assessments of knowledge and ability? Or because they aren't?


Actually, I think you'll find that most doctors here have had further qualifications and experience from the US, UK etc. I've been here 12 years and never met an incompetent doctor. However, the doctors I've encountered in Europe are usually from Africa and India and do not compare to the highly skilled doctors here... Perhaps you should review which hospitals or clinics you are using??

Actually Mr Claffey, I think you should stop taking the medicine! In nearly 20 years here the best diagnostician you will find is your local Chemist! The dr's here are "take some of this medicine I've been given by the travelling salesman and come back tomorrow". Chemists listen, explain and discuss.....then offer the cure, they all speak English and they all know how the drugs work, unlike the doctors!! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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4 years in Thailand and two hospital visits so far... both were really concerning...

1. Went in for a checkup 8 weeks after getting my nose broken playing football, because of minor trouble breathing. Within two minutes the <30yr old surgeon tried to sell me 120,000 baht "emergency" surgery. Went to get a second opinion who simply said the swelling hasn't completely gone down yet and you'll be fine, few weeks later I was fine.

2. Went in because of a worse than normal fever, asked for a flu swab and a diagnosis. Got a flu-swab confirming it wasn't the flu but received no other diagnosis. Doctor said you can go home now. Frustrated and tired I just went to pay the bill. After paying the bill they called me back to say "Hey mister, you forgot your medicine!". "What medicine?" I asked. The 4500 baht bill included 3800 baht of medicines, consisting of 9 different unknown packets of pills (totalling around 120 pills!), which the fluent english speaking doctor made no mention of. Went to Tesco and bought Amoxicillan and Ibuprofen (200 baht) instead, rested up and was fine in 3 days.

Gone are the days where we can really trust doctors...

I know google doctor isn't the right way to go, but when considering the alternatives we are often left with no choice!

p.s. I know I am little off topic, but I do see a connection here... pushing kids through medical school to get top salaries results in a terrible health care system run by incompetence and only focussed on money sad.png

I dread the day when I have a more serious health issue here...

Edited by tails
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The kids that are cheating now are not the main worry, I'm thinking as to how many of established

doctors, nurses and other medical professionals has cheated on their exams and operating as

if they didn't.....

That's the real important issue here.

It's not like this cheating stuff just began yesterday. It's inherent in the educational system here, and based on these latest reports, not only at the lower grades to baccalaureate level.

Any time you hear academic administrators here say they're going to get serious about preventing some abuse from now on, you pretty well know what you can do with that kind of promise.

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A reasonable question to ask would be "How likely is it that thre well-trained and well-co-ordinated team of cheats got caught on their first attempt?

All my experience of living in Thailand and teaching in Thailand suggests that the 3 spies and the 3 students who got caught are the tip of a very large iceberg.

I have only encountered 2 Thai doctors who are not incompetent, and one of those is a bad-tempered SOB with all the bedside manner of a dung-beetle, I include the senior clinicians at 2 very high-profile hospitals in Bangkok under the over-arching banner of incompetence.

So, Are they incompetent because the standard of medical education and training in Thailand is wonderful, or because examinations are genuine assessments of knowledge and ability? Or because they aren't?


Probably they are not incompetent at all
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