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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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65 year olds were 3 years old when rationing ended in the UK

Sorry you're a slow learner. The point is that young people have never been made to suffer. If you went through rationing a 3 you'd remember it if only because people wouldn't stop reminding you of it for years.

I'm not a slow learner (but thanks for the insult anyway). I have direct experience of it as I was 5 years old when rationing finished (I'm 67) and I don't remember a minute of it nor do I remember people reminding me of it for years. People tended not to dwell on the unpleasant things in life.

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That kid's a complete tw@t!

I love it when Farage complains about the Establishment. He's an ex commodity broker and MEP who fiddles his expenses. He IS the Establishment.

Watched Farage the other night denying he was ever a stockbroker to a bunch of students. Said he was a metal salesman, sold tin and lead and stuff! cheesy.gif

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Scotland can take our place in EU, and have independence.

Let's be honest. Their are 2 very failed relationships here. EU vs UK. UK vs Scotland.

You have to own your own ways sometimes. Everyone tried. The sky isn't about to fall in.

Yes, but since around 1707 Scotland & the Scottish people have done rather well out of Britain & the British empire. (Think Jardine, which is still a very visable Scottish name in Hong Kong).

It would seem that in modern times the setting up of a "Scottish Parliament" (lots more cushy "jobs for the boys"!).has become the fly in the ointment!

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Why so many sour losers on here. You all proclain democracy but complain when you lose. 3.5% is a margin . Ceste la viv. Suck it up. What if in 20 years it turns out this is the best thing ever. I bet you will walk around chests puffed out telling your Grandkids you supported it.

Free Britain proud to be descended from it. Glad they are not bowing to Europe or American threats. Suck it up

I am ambivalent.

I'm saying this is the real world, and there is limits to what can be done with such a slim mandate, and the House of Commons dragging it's heels, and 2 countries in the Union not even wanting to leave. This won't happen is just my guess. It's a useless win. There will be a whole host of problems. It'll be shelved.

What will be done is over the next 2 years the "remainers" will renegotiate with the EU to restore as much as they can from the damage caused - Few Brexiteers are even in Parliament, and even less are able to negotiate - and by the end of about 5 years things will be just about back to "normal" except

  • No money for the Arts,
  • No money for science and research
  • No money of social projects,
  • No money for rural infrastructure and
  • No money for regional development.
  • No booze cruises
  • No healthcare abroad Pensioners in Spain beware)
  • No cheap plumbers/cleaners/hairdressers/toilet cleaners etc etc

(Cornwall voted "out" and are now saying they need top keep the money and grants they were getting from the EU - (yeah, right??)

It'll be an grey little place and with a lot less sovereignty and democracy than now = we will have to trade that of for trade

It is also worth bearing in mind that the people of Norway pay almost as much as the Brits per capita for their EU deal - but of course they are in Schengen too!

I thought Project Fear finished on Referendum day!

So you're saying that the UK is either incapable or unwilling to provide the things that you list, clearly ludicrous!

Where will the money come from?...or more importantly where will we get a government that is prepared to start paying.

It has already been shown that the money the Brexiteers claimed we paid is false......and they seem to think it will get ploughed into the NHS -

with these multiple small deals and grants there will need to be thousands of re-negotiations with t5he UK government offices concerned - in the meantime a lot of thesze projects will go to the wall.

Science and research is probably the most serious looser here, as it funded independent research at Universities etc.

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It will be 2 years or more to gt back to where this started....

In his first words since accepting the result of the EU referendum on Friday, Mr Johnson wrote that "the only change" would be to free the UK from the EU's "extraordinary and opaque" law, which "will not come in any great rush".

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This is a Hoot! laugh.png

The 4 Chan Bots represent the ultimate failure of the Remainstream Media.

The BBC’s desperate shilling for Remain will come under increasing scrutiny as we exclusively reveal that the supposed ‘popular petition’ for a second referendum – wholly illegal and unworkable, and unprecedented in British history – is a prank by notorious sh*tposters 4 Chan.

LAYERS OF EDITORS AND FACT-CHECKERS: BBC Swallows “Petition For Second Brexit Referendum” Prank from 4Chan and thinks it’s real.


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i have accepted defeat without complaint. that's democracy

BUT, consider this

72% of people with a degree voted remain

70% of people aged between 18 and 30 voted remain

65% of demographic classes AB voted remain

That leaves me feeling slightly queasy.

I have said too many times already, it's each country's responsibility to take care of their own people.

These people let UK vote to leave the EU. They should have done a better job to defend what was important, but they didn't do it.

They let the populists to take over the country's will and they now have to bear the consequences.

They are also the ones to blame for their country's idiots.

Now, does this sound like a US republican talk?

However we are not the US, we are the EU. What UK can now do, each individual in UK can now really push to get a 2nd referendum vote. This is the sober vote to check if the 1st drunk vote was really a good idea.

There are already 1.2 1.9 million Brits who have signed the petition. If you are a Brit and understand what is in stake, the address is https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215

This is the easy way back to the better future. You'll not even loose your face, more than you did already. Come back to us and will make the future a bit better together.

Great, letss all come back to being lemming controlled by our unelected masters. Great idea.

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Remember though however democratic or undemocratic you think the referendum was, we were TOLd to take - and it is not binding on any parliament.

The thing is what do Brexiteers think they have achieved - about 5 years of chaos until we resume normal relations with Europe - at the usual expense - we will contribute and finally become a member of Schengen, just like Norway, Iceland and even Switzerland.

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the concept of "control by others" is of course just schoolboy fantasy - on e is always under the control of others - it is how they exercise that control that is important - UK is now wide-open to ultra-rightwing governments..........something that is almost impossible within the EU.

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the concept of "control by others" is of course just schoolboy fantasy - on e is always under the control of others - it is how they exercise that control that is important - UK is now wide-open to ultra-rightwing governments..........something that is almost impossible within the EU.

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Remember though however democratic or undemocratic you think the referendum was, we were TOLd to take - and it is not binding on any parliament.

The thing is what do Brexiteers think they have achieved - about 5 years of chaos until we resume normal relations with Europe - at the usual expense - we will contribute and finally become a member of Schengen, just like Norway, Iceland and even Switzerland.

I don't know about that - why risk giving England any status or re-entry.... once the pain has been processed better just keep the status-quo.

It turns out Charles de Gaulle was correct when he kept blocking Britain's application to join (only able to join after de Gaulle died).

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i have accepted defeat without complaint. that's democracy

BUT, consider this

72% of people with a degree voted remain

70% of people aged between 18 and 30 voted remain

65% of demographic classes AB voted remain

That leaves me feeling slightly queasy.

I have said too many times already, it's each country's responsibility to take care of their own people.

These people let UK vote to leave the EU. They should have done a better job to defend what was important, but they didn't do it.

They let the populists to take over the country's will and they now have to bear the consequences.

They are also the ones to blame for their country's idiots.

Now, does this sound like a US republican talk?

However we are not the US, we are the EU. What UK can now do, each individual in UK can now really push to get a 2nd referendum vote. This is the sober vote to check if the 1st drunk vote was really a good idea.

There are already 1.2 1.9 million Brits who have signed the petition. If you are a Brit and understand what is in stake, the address is https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215

This is the easy way back to the better future. You'll not even loose your face, more than you did already. Come back to us and will make the future a bit better together.

Great, letss all come back to being lemming controlled by our unelected masters. Great idea.

better to be a lemming to the bullingdon club boys,after all you get the chance to change out the club members after 4 years but that's all you get.

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i have accepted defeat without complaint. that's democracy

BUT, consider this

72% of people with a degree voted remain

70% of people aged between 18 and 30 voted remain

65% of demographic classes AB voted remain

That leaves me feeling slightly queasy.


However we are not the US, we are the EU. What UK can now do, each individual in UK can now really push to get a 2nd referendum vote. This is the sober vote to check if the 1st drunk vote was really a good idea.

Speaking of drunk. It might be a good idea to have a European Union commission president who doesn’t get drunk at lunch and make a fool out of himself in public.

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Brexiteers haven't "won" anything

Despite what they seem to think at present the Brexiteers will never get what they want -


It is beginning to look like those heading the "Leave" campaign are against leaving. If they were actually for it they would be pushing hard to invoke article 50 right away to make it difficult for political hi-jinx to nullify the results.

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Brexiteers haven't "won" anything

Despite what they seem to think at present the Brexiteers will never get what they want -


It is beginning to look like those heading the "Leave" campaign are against leaving. If they were actually for it they would be pushing hard to invoke article 50 right away to make it difficult for political hi-jinx to nullify the results.

Johnson especially - he is talking about "intensifying" relations with Europe and liberal immigration policies.

i think he thought that backing leave would give him leverage to become PM, but I don't think he truly believed he's "win" - I think he thought he could claim a huge popular backing and then ignore Brexit - now he's openly trying to repair it.

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It is gradually becoming clear that Berexiteers have shot themsleves in the foot...the very areas that were strongest ing Brexit are the very areas that are likely to suffer most..

"Polling showed the areas that had the most to lose and the least to gain from the Brexit are precisely those where the referendum saw the most support. In other words, the places — the most export-heavy regions —most hurt by the economic disruptions caused by Brexit could be the places that pushed hardest for it" -


via Washington Post

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If "remain" had won, i'd have accepted it happily - but no way would I have argued that a referendum is democratic - even that UKIP tosser said he's have immediately asked for another if the vote had been close.

I my hope is that they will try ever "democratic" way to overthrow this crazy referendum all along the way - but I relax a bit knowing that the most disappointed in the end will be the Brexiteers themselves.


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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

1970 was the Victorian era ?

So glad I did not go to a school anywhere near you.

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