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Thai Men--What Can Thailand Do?


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Certainly not a troll post

I have a few Thai male friends, educated, fluent English worked in the travel game with me got paid well ,60K a month in 2004, consider them friends normal people

Moved to Phrachuap in 2014 noticed males more insular

Now live a remote village where the males would struggle to have the same intellect as my labrador, ......fact not being derogatory

On a personal note my wife has 3 kids from her deceased husband 2 girls both being put through university and one older son, he contacts her irregularly to ask for help/ money its always refused she has very little to do with him and hes is not mentioned as part of the family

eg i have 2 daughters!

strange but not my business and i would never consider helping him ,seems even his mother considers him a waste of protein

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Considering the taxable threshold is higher than the average wage, I would attest this shows uneven wage distribution between men and women. Thai men should be protesting for that equal pay **** that farang women want.

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Certainly not a troll post

I have a few Thai male friends, educated, fluent English worked in the travel game with me got paid well ,60K a month in 2004, consider them friends normal people

Moved to Phrachuap in 2014 noticed males more insular

Now live a remote village where the males would struggle to have the same intellect as my labrador, ......fact not being derogatory

On a personal note my wife has 3 kids from her deceased husband 2 girls both being put through university and one older son, he contacts her irregularly to ask for help/ money its always refused she has very little to do with him and hes is not mentioned as part of the family

eg i have 2 daughters!

strange but not my business and i would never consider helping him ,seems even his mother considers him a waste of protein

Haha that reminds me of a pair of Thai men trying to get the top of a table through a narrow door. I kept telling them to rotate it but they kept trying to get it in flat banging both sides against my door and wall forever leaving chips in the door.

I feel this video best illustrates the problem those two Thai men had:

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Chronic laziness applies equally to indigenous Thai men AND women. Some women (and given, it's not a huge percent... just more than anywhere else in the world) have an extra product/service to sell and generally have a greater natural drive to support their offspring. Apologists would say that.... oh, they've always had warm weather so they never had to plan ahead.... but I'm not sure how that answers why the Thais of Chinese and Indian descent have taken over everything.

Edited by Heng
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Chronic laziness applies equally to indigenous Thai men AND women. Some women (and given, it's not a huge percent... just more than anywhere else in the world) have an extra product/service to sell and generally have a greater natural drive to support their offspring. Apologists would say that.... oh, they've always had warm weather so they never had to plan ahead.... but I'm not sure how that answers why the Thais of Chinese and Indian descent have taken over everything.

It would appear so-or at least it seems to be in this neck of the woods.

I have met three young Thai people (2 male and 1 female)who had the gumption to get up and go.All joined the hotel industry in Dubai,Bangkok and Phuket- and they are all junior managers now.All three expressed to me (unsolicited on my part) their fervent wish to never come back to Issan except for very brief visits.One even stated.."They sneer at me because I have a wife from Bangkok and we bought a nice townhouse together but they never do anything!"

There is a young boy in the village who is studying hard and wants to eventually become a doctor.More power to him but as I was told,his parents are not true natives to the village having arrived here to run the local shop only 20 years ago.

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I would like to point out that using a small village in a rural, poverty stricken area with extremely high unemployment whose residents are, by definition, likely to be poor and unemployed as a gauge to judge the some 20 million Thai working age males might be a bit skewed.


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I would like to point out that using a small village in a rural, poverty stricken area with extremely high unemployment whose residents are, by definition, likely to be poor and unemployed as a gauge to judge the some 20 million Thai working age males might be a bit skewed.


Possibly so..

But this particular village is only 10 minutes drive from a major Issan city and 5 minutes from a large sized town.

One young man that I know did do the right thing and even though he had left school at 16 then went back to some kind of technical school and trained to be an air conditioner installer and maintenance man.

He proved to be diligent at the work and started to earn a relatively decent wage at which point both his in-laws quit their jobs and decided to live off his bounty.

Any guesses as to how long that marriage will last?

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The funniest part is the claim that farang men in Thailand are living a life they earned. Coming from Western countries where high salaries are paid in return for minimal effort and where real estate booms have turned ordinary baby boomer generation people into owners of extremely overinflated real estate. Very interesting.

BTW I am not being a Thai apologist. I have been in Thailand long enough to be aware of the faults of Thai society. But I just thought it was a bit much to suggest asset rich farangs are financially comfortable entirely through effort alone.

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No way is the 27 to 1 accurate, but it is true that the women carry the biggest load in this country.

After I'd spent about three months here, it struck me: women run this show.

Impossible for Westerners to understand, and equally impossible for Thais to explain.

Actually, I could be wrong about that: they might think karma explains it, as well as justifies it.

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I would like to point out that using a small village in a rural, poverty stricken area with extremely high unemployment whose residents are, by definition, likely to be poor and unemployed as a gauge to judge the some 20 million Thai working age males might be a bit skewed.


Years ago when we lived in a village we were trying to get some laborers and builders to do work for us at twice the going rate. It took forever to find people willing to work. In the end it was the older men who took the jobs not the lazy young men who spent the day sponging off the mother's and sisters. There is a reason most years Thailand has labor shortages and it isn't because of the women.

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The funniest part is the claim that farang men in Thailand are living a life they earned. Coming from Western countries where high salaries are paid in return for minimal effort and where real estate booms have turned ordinary baby boomer generation people into owners of extremely overinflated real estate. Very interesting.

BTW I am not being a Thai apologist. I have been in Thailand long enough to be aware of the faults of Thai society. But I just thought it was a bit much to suggest asset rich farangs are financially comfortable entirely through effort alone.

High salaries for minimal effort? In Thailand people are paid to sit on a chair. Try doing any type of manual labour in the west at the pace thats used in Thailand and see how long before you are let go. As far as non manual labour I imagine its the same.

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I 'liked' this as it certainly describes a swathe of the Thai male populace to a tee and mothers generally do tend to dote on their little princes more so than their daughters. But let's not forget that there are many many lazy-ass'd women out there, too. Shouldn't generalise though. I have worked alongside genuine tradesman - engineers - and found them to be well disciplined and very hardworking, while friends with their own businesses both work and play hard. I guess it's the circles you're in with.

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This is why Thailand falls into the third world category and always will be.

Where I live the local people do all sorts of jobs. Security guards, garlic peelers, rich farming, building construction, electricians, drivers, market stall sellers and assistants, odd jobs or anything that pays a wage. But I know these people are earning cash in hand, the vast majority are not registered as employed, not paying tax and not paying into the system. The people that hire them are well happy with this arrangement because that way they can avoid paying the legal minimum wage, so no one`s complaining, to them it`s the norm. If this is happening around where I live it must also be happening nationwide on a mass scale. The government must be losing trillions in tax revenue per year. But these people are still entitled to the 30 baht health care scheme at government hospitals, there children free education at government schools and the elderly the 600 baht a month Thai pension handouts yet have paid virtually nothing into the system.

The Thai men where I live hate being tied down to regular working hours and routine, they prefer to work exactly when it suits them. They like temporary work rather than full time employment that gives them an opportunity to take weeks off at a time when they feel like it. Not saying that all Thai men are like this, but it must be happening on a huge scale.

The bottom line of this is, that in Thailand there is no proper system, no proper infrastructural, the laws are not strictly enforced and the main population is not encouraged to feel they have any obligations towards anything and that`s how we know we are living in a third world country. But I`m not complaining, suits me fine, still better then living in the rat race in my own country.

Edited by cyberfarang
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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

Edited by Gecko123
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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

Very well articulated. I'm all for freedom of speech and expression, but even on an anonymous forum such as this, there are limits. When someone deliberately makes up lies and distortions to further their own twisted agenda, they need to be held to account. The blatant dishonesty of the OP is rather breathtaking. This is one seriously messed up individual.

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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

wow thats democratic but of course this is Thailand home of democracy seems the mods dont agree with you though, Im all for completely free speech no matter how appalled anyone is by it.

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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

Very well articulated. I'm all for freedom of speech and expression, but even on an anonymous forum such as this, there are limits. When someone deliberately makes up lies and distortions to further their own twisted agenda, they need to be held to account. The blatant dishonesty of the OP is rather breathtaking. This is one seriously messed up individual.

so surely censorship is NOT the answer but debating ANY question is. You want to "hold them to account" by banning what they post?

Edited by kannot
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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

Very well articulated. I'm all for freedom of speech and expression, but even on an anonymous forum such as this, there are limits. When someone deliberately makes up lies and distortions to further their own twisted agenda, they need to be held to account. The blatant dishonesty of the OP is rather breathtaking. This is one seriously messed up individual.

so surely censorship is NOT the answer but debating ANY question is. You want to "hold them to account" by banning what they post?

Come on, you know darn well the OP is largely made-up nonsense. Perhaps it doesn't bother you because you're not the target. What if someone were to start a thread about farang men and quoting fake stats like "90% of all farang men in Thailand are convicted pedo's," wouldn't that offend you a bit? Would you favor "censoring" such lies?

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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

Very well articulated. I'm all for freedom of speech and expression, but even on an anonymous forum such as this, there are limits. When someone deliberately makes up lies and distortions to further their own twisted agenda, they need to be held to account. The blatant dishonesty of the OP is rather breathtaking. This is one seriously messed up individual.

so surely censorship is NOT the answer but debating ANY question is. You want to "hold them to account" by banning what they post?

Come on, you know darn well the OP is largely made-up nonsense. Perhaps it doesn't bother you because you're not the target. What if someone were to start a thread about farang men and quoting fake stats like "90% of all farang men in Thailand are convicted pedo's," wouldn't that offend you a bit? Would you favor "censoring" such lies?

No I wouldnt be offended, I would rather they be shown up for what they are "lies" if they are by responding to them and letting other people decide on the comments made on both sides.. too much is made these days of "having respect" and not discussing things no matter how ludicrous in my opinion, one such is "religion"

FREE and totally FREE must be the requirement on ANY subject.

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Someone asked what drives a person to spew such racist hatred.

Indeed, what kind of person goes to such lengths to develop and continually espouse an ideology so hostile to Thai people? Who would feel the emotional need to invest such time and energy to do this? Clearly, some emotional need is being fulfilled by this behavior.

In my opinion, the motivation can invariably be traced back to a failed romantic (or business) relationship with a Thai person. What else could possibly evoke such anger? Men who arrive with a deeply ingrained sense of racial superiority, those with narcissistic tendencies (which mask already fragile egos), and those who believe that having more money entitles them to look down on other people, are the most susceptible to this type of behavior.

Most guys who have been burned in a relationship learn from their mistakes and move on with their lives. But some guys, like the types mentioned above, simply can't deal with it, and never move on. Their egos are so shattered by the realization that they have been played for a fool by someone they assumed was not their equal, that they go on a crusade to convince themselves and others that --- no, no, no --- they are the one who is superior. Sometimes it is directed at Thai women, sometimes at Thai men, often at Thais in general. But the motive is always the same: easing the pain of a devastated ego. What they never realise is that while denigrating other people may provide temporary relieve, it never truly addresses the root of their issues.

As much as I despise the OP's smug racism and ignorance about Thai people, I actually feel sorry for him because he is obviously in a lot of pain. But posts like these which are nothing more than a compilation of nakedly racist stereotypes, and provide absolutely no meaningful insights into Thai culture should not be permitted on TVF, and I call on the mods to close this thread.

I think it's a healthy vent. And to be fair, the game is rigged... not unlike the 'game' for any immigrant anywhere else, just with a different spin. It's like you're conditioned all of your life to think you're the New York Yankees, but then you arrive in town and keep getting swept by Tampa Bay. And to pour salt on your wounds, Tampa often takes your house and car and finds a way to run your business into the ground too.

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An interesting post,

But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

I myself could be seen that way.

I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

And, now..

It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

Complete Bs, most men work in other countries.

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An interesting post,

But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

I myself could be seen that way.

I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

And, now..

It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

Complete Bs, most men work in other countries.

I am sure some foreign men in Thailand do work in other countries, but I think they are a pretty small percentage of the foreign men in Thailand.

The majority of farangs I know here are either retired, living off of their pensions, social security and the like or are living off their savings and investments, not "working" anywhere.,

If you are confident enough to claim my statement is "Bs", please provide some statistics ( and the source ) to back up your insult.

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