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is cec a expat club


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"The Christmas Choir" is the name of a play, not an actual choral performance. If you'd come to the January 2016 AGM, it would have been explained that was the shorthand designation used to keep track of expenses and income related to what was basically the 2014 CEC Christmas party (actually held in early 2015). It entailed a performance of the play "The Christmas Choir" by the Gate Theater Company plus a buffet lunch at Le Meridien. Part of the expense was a donation to The Gate Theater for putting on the performance, part of the expense was to partially underwrite the cost of the meal -- this is what I meant in a previous post when I said that some of the budget surplus was used for "member events". This was one of the member events.

Now some of you may not agree that it's the best use of a budget surplus to be putting on a party for ourselves at Le Meridien, but keep in mind that the same year, we gave 160,000 baht to charity.

As pointed out, if you have a problem with this, the best way to discuss it is to join the club and discuss it at a meeting. Or better yet, offer to get involved in running the club.

Edit: to save some of you the trouble of complaining that we haven't posted recent financial statements -- you aren't looking in the right place: http://www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Annual-Treasurers-Report-2015-AGM-version.pdf

The mid-year 2016 report should be up on the website soon.

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If not, it's not really any concern of yours,

I assume you are one of the members in charge of encouraging new people to join. You are very persuasive.

Thanks for the clarification. I was looking at the website called, www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/.

Apparently, unless I am a card-carrying member, I should not comment, since it is not really any concern of mine, but anyway...it seems to me on a cursory level that you ought to be able to find a place to have meetings that does not require as large an expenditure as Le Meridien.

According to the PDF of expenses for Jan. to the end of June last year, the "Hotel meeting" expense was 20,370 baht a month -- and you apparently only meet once a month there. If this is correct, this seems fantastically dear for renting a space for a one-and-a-half hour meeting.

I can think of at least one place that would easily hold 150+ people and could probably be had for next to nothing, and with perks.

As for my "self-appointed role as internet busybody," I assure you that I was voted into that position, but unfortunately, you were not qualified to cast a ballot. Keep your chin up, though, you still have yourself.
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Does not hurt to say hello, Nancy, I may drop by later. Even though still takes some time to break the 50. We can organize a youth club, new wave, that kind of thing smile.png

Creating an expats club for the under 50s and youths unless it’s going to be predominately for Thais will never work in Chiang Mai. I would guess the majority of Farlang expats in CM are male and over 50 and the younger groups that are here would simply not be interested. Their ideas of fun are visiting coffee shops, Yoga, Zumba dance, cinema film nights, meeting at a gym, jazz and music clubs and bars and wine bars, as these are the types of places where they prefer to hang out.

Sitting over a table having a meal in a hired room, restaurant or café for casual meetings and chats would not be their scene. The problem is and please don’t take offence, that the older people have lost touch and forget what they were like when they were young. I know back in my days when I was wild and free and would go with anything wearing a shirt, a dirty little devil I was, something like an expats club would never had appealed to me, it would have been more like something my parents and grandparents would have enjoyed.

I think the Chiang Mai expats club is fine although I don’t particularly like the way it’s run, but for the time being there are no other alternatives in Chiang Mai, so we could say they have a monopoly on expat clubs in the city even if not intentional, it just worked out that way. In fact considering the numbers of retirees flocking in I think there are a general lack of amenities for us in the city, not many choices and options as far as I can tell.

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If not, it's not really any concern of yours,

I assume you are one of the members in charge of encouraging new people to join. You are very persuasive.

Thanks for the clarification. I was looking at the website called, www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/.

Apparently, unless I am a card-carrying member, I should not comment, since it is not really any concern of mine, but anyway...it seems to me on a cursory level that you ought to be able to find a place to have meetings that does not require as large an expenditure as Le Meridien.

According to the PDF of expenses for Jan. to the end of June last year, the "Hotel meeting" expense was 20,370 baht a month -- and you apparently only meet once a month there. If this is correct, this seems fantastically dear for renting a space for a one-and-a-half hour meeting.

I can think of at least one place that would easily hold 150+ people and could probably be had for next to nothing, and with perks.

As for my "self-appointed role as internet busybody," I assure you that I was voted into that position, but unfortunately, you were not qualified to cast a ballot. Keep your chin up, though, you still have yourself.

The one point we do not know is maybe the membership voted to use the le Meridian Hotel for meetings. I would think with the amount of people who seem to enjoy the ex pats club the meetings would be self financing over a 12 month period.

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The website has a clear list of items, the Christmas one is at the top (which you would know if you bothered to look) and is a very large revenue/expense item. I'm just curious.

As to the release of the reports, they have two of them online and it appears to me that the reason they did this was to show transparency. If that was the aim, why has it not been updated?

They have "Financial Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2014" and "Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2015."

As for the "choir," the expense for last year was 93,996.00 baht. The revenue was 61,600.00 baht. That's a loss of 32,396.00 baht.

I am just curious how a "choir" figures into an expatriates' club and how a choir can cost so much, and then get some money back (tips?) but can't cover the costs?

As for celebrating holidays that entail socializing, there are scores more -- why only this one and why a "choir"?

These are not unreasonable inquiries.

Just curious - are you a member of the CEC? If so, you could ask that question at any of the regularly scheduled meetings that you attend. If not, it's not really any concern of yours, other than your self-appointed role as internet busybody.

Trujillo beware the CEC enforcer is on your case.

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If not, it's not really any concern of yours,

I assume you are one of the members in charge of encouraging new people to join. You are very persuasive.

Thanks for the clarification. I was looking at the website called, www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/.

Apparently, unless I am a card-carrying member, I should not comment, since it is not really any concern of mine, but anyway...it seems to me on a cursory level that you ought to be able to find a place to have meetings that does not require as large an expenditure as Le Meridien.

According to the PDF of expenses for Jan. to the end of June last year, the "Hotel meeting" expense was 20,370 baht a month -- and you apparently only meet once a month there. If this is correct, this seems fantastically dear for renting a space for a one-and-a-half hour meeting.

I can think of at least one place that would easily hold 150+ people and could probably be had for next to nothing, and with perks.

As for my "self-appointed role as internet busybody," I assure you that I was voted into that position, but unfortunately, you were not qualified to cast a ballot. Keep your chin up, though, you still have yourself.

Your a funny guy.. only if your directly involved would it be a concern of you. Otherwise what is it to you how a expat club spends its money. Only when your a member and paying for it and not satisfied about its performance should you comment. Otherwise I could say why are you behind computer xxxx while you could be behind a 10 year old computer in a free internet zone to save money.

I would be commenting on your business while I have nothing to do with how you spend your money. That is kinda the same as picking a organisation that you have nothing to do with and commenting on it. That is the members their job as they are paying and financing it.

But hey.. grumpy old internet heroes need their moment of fame too.

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Your a funny guy.. only if your directly involved would it be a concern of you. Otherwise what is it to you how a expat club spends its money. Only when your a member and paying for it and not satisfied about its performance should you comment.

I love these narrow-minded replies.

MOST of the comments on the forum are directed to situations and businesses that no one has a stake in and that are of "no concern" to them.

This is called commentary.

The odds of me getting blown up in an terrorist suicide attack are probably nearly if not zero, yet I (and many others) comment on this. Is this out of order to you?

The idea that you have to be "a member and paying for it and not satisfied about its performance," as the criterion to enter a forum and comment is ludicrous in the extreme.

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If not, it's not really any concern of yours,

I assume you are one of the members in charge of encouraging new people to join. You are very persuasive.

Thanks for the clarification. I was looking at the website called, www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/.

Apparently, unless I am a card-carrying member, I should not comment, since it is not really any concern of mine, but anyway...it seems to me on a cursory level that you ought to be able to find a place to have meetings that does not require as large an expenditure as Le Meridien.

According to the PDF of expenses for Jan. to the end of June last year, the "Hotel meeting" expense was 20,370 baht a month -- and you apparently only meet once a month there. If this is correct, this seems fantastically dear for renting a space for a one-and-a-half hour meeting.

I can think of at least one place that would easily hold 150+ people and could probably be had for next to nothing, and with perks.

As for my "self-appointed role as internet busybody," I assure you that I was voted into that position, but unfortunately, you were not qualified to cast a ballot. Keep your chin up, though, you still have yourself.

I am currently living in Manurewa, Auckland.

I am neither a member nor sponsor of the CEC

In our area is a club called Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club,

It has a clubhouse with many facilities and is part of an affiliated network of clubs nationally.

My awareness of the club came about from its website presence.

I thought the club looked good online so decided to drop by and view personally.

At no time throughout this initial encounter did I really give a thought about the clubs overall financial position, and does it have a constitution, what income does it derive, are its outgoings spent wisely, who prepares their audited annual statement etc.

At that point in time, that was none of my business.

Upon my indication that I was interested in becoming a member, I was given a handbook of the rules and regulations for membership, a copy of the previous year of audited financial record and an application form to be filled out with two present members endorsement as nominees should I wish to pursue.

Now that I am a card carrying member, any introduction of the club that I were to find with displeasure, could then be considered as "my business".

I am encouraged and afforded the right to bring any concerns / suggestions to any elected official of the club for submission to the clubs committee.

Within the framework of the club, I am also entitled to stand for being an elected official of the club should I so wish.

I also have the right to cancel my membership.

It is a club, likewise the CEC is a club.

Only tangible options that spring to mind are:

Don't join.

Join CEC and enjoy any of the activities the club presently offers.

Join CEC and don't enjoy any of the activities the club presently offers just to be a miserable online snark.

Present dissatisfied members revoke membership, and get on with life.

Present dissatisfied members retain membership and become organizational with activities that would provide you enjoyment.

Present dissatisfied members retain membership an stand for being an elected official to promote change.

Form ones own club.

Should Opal and I take on part time residency in Chiang Mai in our future years, I'm almost sure to be looking at getting to know a few more expatriates there.

Especially coming up from the wop wops way down South on Highway108

The CEC would be one avenue that would be considered to explore.

Hopefully the "breakfast" is still running, 3 hour coffee and a packed lunch for the journey home.

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To Paul Catton,

You seem to have some bias toward "a club" as opposed to any other business or situation.

The Expats' Club (CEC) here is not some exclusive, shadowy organization that is only "your business" once you are fully indoctrinated into the group. The CEC isn't protecting their financial information, in fact, they happily publish it for the public online.

Did I just say, "online"? Yes, I did. You know, that internet thing? Where people can (for the most part) freely exchange thoughts and ideas? Yes, that one.

Look, if someone posts about a certain hamburger restaurant, you don't have to be an owner or a customer to post your thoughts on the subject. "Hey, you've never eaten there so it's none of your business!" I don't think so.

If there is a thread about a possible manned mission back to the moon, would you be saying, "Well, listen pal, when you've gone to the moon and back you can comment; before that it's none of your business."? Of course not (I hope).

My sense here is that the sticking point is "clubs." There seems to be something sensitive about clubs for some that trigger an automatic response, as if members should be suspicious of "outsiders" and their "prying questions."

"Why is he asking that? What does he need to know that for? Why is he questioning our finances when he's not even a member! What is afoot here!"

Relax. The CEC is just a place for older, mostly men, to congregate and socialize, maybe join another sub-club (I hear there might be a spot open on the "Portable Oxygen Bottle Team." You should apply.) or help a charity. They are above board, really.

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20000+ for a meeting room is the most ridiculous thing I've seen since that school looking for 100 million THB. Every time I read stuff about CEC, I think to myself, hey, maybe Mad Dog is a relatively cool place to hang out, it's likely a much younger crowd...average might even be under 70.

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To Paul Catton,

You seem to have some bias toward "a club" as opposed to any other business or situation.

The Expats' Club (CEC) here is not some exclusive, shadowy organization that is only "your business" once you are fully indoctrinated into the group. The CEC isn't protecting their financial information, in fact, they happily publish it for the public online.

Did I just say, "online"? Yes, I did. You know, that internet thing? Where people can (for the most part) freely exchange thoughts and ideas? Yes, that one.

Look, if someone posts about a certain hamburger restaurant, you don't have to be an owner or a customer to post your thoughts on the subject. "Hey, you've never eaten there so it's none of your business!" I don't think so.

If there is a thread about a possible manned mission back to the moon, would you be saying, "Well, listen pal, when you've gone to the moon and back you can comment; before that it's none of your business."? Of course not (I hope).

My sense here is that the sticking point is "clubs." There seems to be something sensitive about clubs for some that trigger an automatic response, as if members should be suspicious of "outsiders" and their "prying questions."

"Why is he asking that? What does he need to know that for? Why is he questioning our finances when he's not even a member! What is afoot here!"

Relax. The CEC is just a place for older, mostly men, to congregate and socialize, maybe join another sub-club (I hear there might be a spot open on the "Portable Oxygen Bottle Team." You should apply.) or help a charity. They are above board, really.

I really hate having a need to respond from the land from downunder using a device not best suited to my stubby fingers.

However, need supersedes ability for response.

I would direct you to the options available that I found relevant to having an association with CEC or any club nationally or Internationally.

I have no biases in favour of the club and neither do I have negatives to vent as I am neither member nor sponsor.

My only criticism to date of the CEC was the announcement of the cancelled breakfast with meet and greet in a public forum whist still being advertised on the website extended to world as a whole, I notice you have descended to a lesser level for a further post and an attack upon the CEC regarding something or other which I provided response.

Addressing your concerns and especially the analogies posted there would always been caveat emptor, translation (buyer beware)

Again, if I was part of the administration of the club you would be definitive in answers.

As I am not, therefore any person that is on type of stipend should give explanation, if not subscribe, and wait for the next newsletter.

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20000+ for a meeting room is the most ridiculous thing I've seen since that school looking for 100 million THB. Every time I read stuff about CEC, I think to myself, hey, maybe Mad Dog is a relatively cool place to hang out, it's likely a much younger crowd...average might even be under 70.

You obviously never been to one of the General Meetings. Don't think Mad Dog has all the facilities needed ( comfortable seating space for 150+ with water and notepads, parking, sound system, lights, hand-held microphones for five people, computer projector system, screen, aircon, etc) plus coffee, tea and light snacks.

Save you the bother of coming to a meeting. You can see a condensed version here: http://www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/about-us/

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What a waste of my time reading all the dribble posts

I do not believe many of you have been involved in a Board or committee previously

The question asked especially about finance is available at any organisation

It does not have to publish if not required

I am not conversant with the Thai laws here

Maybe many posters have nothing to do but complain about the CEC Or NancyL

Maybe better time spent doing more constructed things

I think this forum post has probably run its course

It would make it easier for the moderators time

Maybe it can be closed no

As the Ops question and others questions have been answered

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Why is the CEC financial statement online exactly a year old? Are we missing something?

My experience of non profit making organisations - I know nothing about CEC but ran a large not for profit group for many years - is that the financials are only published after they have been presented, raised questions answered and then accepted by members at the AGM.

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1st July is a Friday that is the 1st Friday of the month, the 3rd Friday of the month is the 15th July , that is how i see it. In answer to a previous post.

He is right! Does this mean the breakfast planned for 22nd will now be moved to 15th? I do hope so because then I can attend and meet all you lovely contributors over a coffee and some bacon and eggs. Unfortunately I depart CM on Sat 16th July

I vote for breakfast on July 15th not 22nd!

Can we have a referendum on it pls?

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For those too challenged to use Google here is the link to the CEC website: http://www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/

As I've stated several times now, the breakfasts are on the first and third Friday morning on the month. If you scroll down the "Home" page of the website, you'll see that the next Breakfast is scheduled for (ta da!) July 15th.

See ya' there!

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Hang in there NancyL, hopefully, will see you 3rd Friday February 2017, will make sure Opal hasn't got any zip lock bags to enable her to feed the cats within the vicinity of our hotel.

Gratitude is few and far between these days, focus seem to spotlight deficiencies that justify an attack (sometimes somewhat on a personal level) for whatever reason, usually tall poppy.

I will take this moment to say Thankyou for your input and recognised actions toward the welfare of the expatriate community of Chiang Mai.

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