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police checkpoint should be close to a police station or not ?


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I have been arrested at a police checkpoint point in early morning.
But I suspect this checkpoint to be not legal as it wasn't close to a police station. ( as I tought it should be most of the time)
Before the search start, I took pictures of the checkpoint with my phone but the policeman delete it.
I had recover the pictures and I would like to know why the policeman was so angry that time about those pictures, while usually it is acceptable to do it on a checkpoint.

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3rd road in Pattaya is a good example. One of the major stops for Police and not near a Police station.

I cannot imagine why the OP would think a checkpoint needs to be near a police station. A very odd idea.

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If police checkpoints were only near police stations, it wouldn't really matter how stupid a person was but over time they would know not to pass police stations when doing something dodgy.

Making the checkpoints a waste of everybody's time (if that were the case).

Most effective way for the police to act is the deployment of mobile VCP's (vehicle checkpoints) which can be setup practically anywhere in a very short period of time.

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I was arrested !!!! Why

I took photos !!!!! Why

Police check points only near police stations !!!!!!! Why.

1. not your business and not the object of the post. But could be for drunk-driving...(if it make you happy).

2. took pictures 1st because it s the only way to proof that the checkpoint is not legal....if the checkpoint is legal, there is no problem to take pictures, they will let you do, it s a right....if the checkpoint is not , they will ask you to delete it...( that's what happen to me...I don;t think they have the right to take my phone and delete the pictures, that personnal stuff)

3. check the news...since october 2015 temporary checkpoint has been banned....and in Phuket, we didnt see any during 6 months....now low season start, police get less fine ( and the commission with it) so they start to make illegal checkpoint...

The only acceptable checkpoint, that wouldn't be temporary, is in front of a police station....Otherwise it need to be set by high ranking officer....I don;t think those high ranking officer works at 4am.... that s why the officer ask me to delete it...(from my opinion)

Yes, foreigners and Locals have to follow the Law....policemen as well !!!!

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Whether the check point is legal or illegal, it will make no difference if they want to charge or prosecute you for anything, nor will complaining about your photos being deleted have any affect on them, possibly only a negative one.

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Whether the check point is legal or illegal, it will make no difference if they want to charge or prosecute you for anything, nor will complaining about your photos being deleted have any affect on them, possibly only a negative one.

Exactly, if they suspect a crime has been committed and the OP has been arrested for that crime, a technicality such as the location of the check point doesnt change the fact the OP has committed a crime, so if as he suggests its for drinking and driving...he is still going to get done for drinking and driving, if there is a rule about temporary check points, then the judge will give the BIB a slap on wrist thats all

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They are not illegal, they have to have a police inspector at them and have signage then they are ok. Seems the only thing you are upset about is being caught out and arrested when you thought you could do whatever you wanted and get away with it, maybe next time you will read and understand what it is you are reading then hopefully you will not knowing break the law again. If there was an inspector at the road block and signage there they are above board, the one in the wrong was obviously you, maybe the fine/jail time will make you think a bit more next time before doing something stupid.

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I have paid for my crime and I m not contesting it...
There were no inspector, just an officer...If he wanted to delete the picture where he appear on the blockroads, that's because he is not "high ranked" enought to make a checkpoint.... it s just common sens , how can you support that the police doing illegal things only because I have done a crime ? You are then supporting corruption...that's ridiculous...
For your information, I have been asked to pay the bail on a thai name ( Yes not in my name!) I refused it of course...that's why I had to stay in the jail for 40 hours...And I had to pay only 2500thb to the court...instead of a very high asked fine by the police...
Do you understand , guys, that when the police catch you at a checkpoint, they will ask you a fine that is much higher than the fine you will have to pay at the court....only to avoid a few hours in a cell....come on.... I dont understand your point of view...

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if there is a rule about temporary check points, then the judge will give the BIB a slap on wrist thats all

It doesn't happen like that of course.

The police has to write a report and the "criminal" have to sign it.

As it s all writting in Thai, I asked for an interpreter but It has been refused. Why ? because I knew that the location where I ve been arrested should bw writtin in this report, and it was wrong. SO if they lie about the location where they arrested me, they are breaking the law...

It doesn't mean that I didn't break law....I have paid for my crime, now let them pay for their crime...or just let it like this, and one day, the day when YOU will have the same kind of problem, don't cry about illegal checkpoint my friend...give money to the police and make them have the feeling that what they do is right! ( that s stupid!)

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if there is a rule about temporary check points, then the judge will give the BIB a slap on wrist thats all

It doesn't happen like that of course.

The police has to write a report and the "criminal" have to sign it.

As it s all writting in Thai, I asked for an interpreter but It has been refused. Why ? because I knew that the location where I ve been arrested should bw writtin in this report, and it was wrong. SO if they lie about the location where they arrested me, they are breaking the law...

It doesn't mean that I didn't break law....I have paid for my crime, now let them pay for their crime...or just let it like this, and one day, the day when YOU will have the same kind of problem, don't cry about illegal checkpoint my friend...give money to the police and make them have the feeling that what they do is right! ( that s stupid!)

You have paid for your crime ?...so you have been to court/judge already then ? If you have paid off the cops all you have done is paid in a bribe, ergo maybe better to keep quiet and get on with things instead of trying to play bar stool lawyer

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if there is a rule about temporary check points, then the judge will give the BIB a slap on wrist thats all

It doesn't happen like that of course.

The police has to write a report and the "criminal" have to sign it.

As it s all writting in Thai, I asked for an interpreter but It has been refused. Why ? because I knew that the location where I ve been arrested should bw writtin in this report, and it was wrong. SO if they lie about the location where they arrested me, they are breaking the law...

It doesn't mean that I didn't break law....I have paid for my crime, now let them pay for their crime...or just let it like this, and one day, the day when YOU will have the same kind of problem, don't cry about illegal checkpoint my friend...give money to the police and make them have the feeling that what they do is right! ( that s stupid!)

You have paid for your crime ?...so you have been to court/judge already then ? If you have paid off the cops all you have done is paid in a bribe, ergo maybe better to keep quiet and get on with things instead of trying to play bar stool lawyer

Yes I ve paid to the court !!!!! Why does this matter ? still nobody can tell me what are a legal checkpoints lol but still keep telling me to say nothing and be quiet ? ....so funny...

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Remember that Aussie guy who had them bang to rights on planting evidence (and theft) in his condo and went down to Soi 9 to create merry hell with them on a nightly basis? (Whatever happened to him?)

My point being, in relation to this thread, that you can scream "illegal" all you want at the BIB but if they want you, they'll get you. End of story.

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if there is a rule about temporary check points, then the judge will give the BIB a slap on wrist thats all

It doesn't happen like that of course.

The police has to write a report and the "criminal" have to sign it.

As it s all writting in Thai, I asked for an interpreter but It has been refused. Why ? because I knew that the location where I ve been arrested should bw writtin in this report, and it was wrong. SO if they lie about the location where they arrested me, they are breaking the law...

It doesn't mean that I didn't break law....I have paid for my crime, now let them pay for their crime...or just let it like this, and one day, the day when YOU will have the same kind of problem, don't cry about illegal checkpoint my friend...give money to the police and make them have the feeling that what they do is right! ( that s stupid!)

It seems to me in actual practice they don't have to do anything you say and that is why you are mad. Get a lawyer ASAP and fight this injustice.

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You are all fear the police ! that's the problem...

No.. we just choose not to antagonise someone in a position to make life momentarily difficult or awkward for us.

Why did you attempt video them if you have nothing to fear ? even more so, why did you let him access your phone to delete a video? unless of course you felt intimidated... or perhaps 'fearful' ?...

As you wrote: You've paid for your crime... so you did something illegal.. you were caught, but you are not satisfied that the policeman who caught you legally ????

As I understand it: 'with reason, any policeman can stop any member of the public to question and also search them'... the key phrase there is 'with reason' is ambiguous at best and leaves sufficient room to allow that any police officer can stop anyone anytime they want, like it or not...

......with balance and a sense of realism no one is going to try and win an argument against this...

One additional point: Given a couple of your responses in this thread its not surprising you received no favourable treatment when stopped and questioned by the BiB... some may even suggest that given your apparent attitude you deserved a further search, investigation or what ever steps which were taken to lead to your arrest...

Sometimes, people just need to 'wind their neck in' a little... they might find that instead of trying to 'win' they can simply get along...

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if there is a rule about temporary check points, then the judge will give the BIB a slap on wrist thats all

It doesn't happen like that of course.

The police has to write a report and the "criminal" have to sign it.

As it s all writting in Thai, I asked for an interpreter but It has been refused. Why ? because I knew that the location where I ve been arrested should bw writtin in this report, and it was wrong. SO if they lie about the location where they arrested me, they are breaking the law...

It doesn't mean that I didn't break law....I have paid for my crime, now let them pay for their crime...or just let it like this, and one day, the day when YOU will have the same kind of problem, don't cry about illegal checkpoint my friend...give money to the police and make them have the feeling that what they do is right! ( that s stupid!)

You have paid for your crime ?...so you have been to court/judge already then ? If you have paid off the cops all you have done is paid in a bribe, ergo maybe better to keep quiet and get on with things instead of trying to play bar stool lawyer

Yes I ve paid to the court !!!!! Why does this matter ? still nobody can tell me what are a legal checkpoints lol but still keep telling me to say nothing and be quiet ? ....so funny...

So if you paid at the court did you raise your objections as regards a so called illegal check point with the judge and the issue around the photographs withe the judge ?...if you did why are you on here bleating ?

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It didn't go to court.

Where does it day that in the thread????

Sounds like sour grapes to me. You freely admit to breaking the law. But because you got caught you try to use a police corruption theory and illegal road blocks to justify your actions. Man up and accept it you were caught end of.

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I was arrested !!!! Why

I took photos !!!!! Why

Police check points only near police stations !!!!!!! Why.

1. not your business and not the object of the post. But could be for drunk-driving...(if it make you happy).

2. took pictures 1st because it s the only way to proof that the checkpoint is not legal....if the checkpoint is legal, there is no problem to take pictures, they will let you do, it s a right....if the checkpoint is not , they will ask you to delete it...( that's what happen to me...I don;t think they have the right to take my phone and delete the pictures, that personnal stuff)

3. check the news...since october 2015 temporary checkpoint has been banned....and in Phuket, we didnt see any during 6 months....now low season start, police get less fine ( and the commission with it) so they start to make illegal checkpoint...

The only acceptable checkpoint, that wouldn't be temporary, is in front of a police station....Otherwise it need to be set by high ranking officer....I don;t think those high ranking officer works at 4am.... that s why the officer ask me to delete it...(from my opinion)

Yes, foreigners and Locals have to follow the Law....policemen as well !!!!

I have to say your last sentence although commendable, shows you certainly do not know Thailand my friend. Policemen as well!! They are a law until themselves. Remember that and you will get on much better here.

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