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Plan to track all foreigners - NOT JUST TOURISTS - by SIM cards moves forward


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Yes, this has become considerably more concerning. I have been here quite awhile and like many others, have supported families  and raised children to use their heads. The government is concerned about all of us visitors who legitimately reside here along with the folks who still dodge the system. Please follow behind us, use the SIM to see what time we go to school, bring home, take to the doc, go to Lotus or Makro and unbelievably see when we go out to see friends. A bit cynical, yes but for this to come out immediately after a success for the existing government tells me and my Thai wife that the priorities are skewed. Certainly there are "guests" who make things difficult for all but you really ought to consider watching your own folks, enforcing laws that exist already, better support for your public servants(RTP), stop throwing the "image" at us when the morning Thai news can clearly see the real image. The crap that goes on on the roads, damaged egos, awe a personality because they are on  soap, and most of all letting folks skate on proper punishment. I don't have to name or cite individuals because they have been in the BP with no followup and seemingly fade into the woodwork.

Before any of you  all say "leave if you don't like it", "next flight is .....", you are not immune to the changes in Thailand simply because you are not Thai. The cliche of "if you haven't done anything wrong , what's the worry(in so many words)" is not a free pass anymore. Not going anywhere, too much invested here both financially and physically and I will be forthright that my income stretches a good bit more here.

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Frankly, I don't give a damn about any of their silly plans. Just a bunch of stuff and nonsense.


BTW, is it now a requirement of Thai law that every farang MUST carry a mobile phone at all times?

I'm still waiting for the High Speed Train to Phitsanulok.:coffee1:

Edited by ratcatcher
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5 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

But this is under the overview of the general so what has it to do with Thaskin


The General doesn't know his arse from his elbow which is why he makes a prat out of himself and his nation on a daily basis. This is merely a culmination of a series of 'populist' nationalistic policies implemented with supreme incompetence and lack of aforethought by tinpot regime after tinpot regime over the last decade, originating with  the Thaksin Wobblebottom 'government' to get shut of them pesky foreigners once and for all.....no original thought from the Gen was required as applies to his day to day running/screwing up of the nation....

If it weren't so tragic and potentially damaging it would be funny......

Edited by Merylhighground
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16 minutes ago, ironbark said:

I suspect this is more about tracking illegal Burmese, Lao and Cambodians than Europeans.

The 15 day loss of number is more concerning. There must be thousands of legitimate foreign residents and business people who travel overseas for legitimate personal or business reasons and it would be a massive disruption to their business.

Yet another example of make the announcement first and then consult with interest groups after.


Yet another example of make the announcement first and then consult with interest groups after

Surely you mean make the announcement first and then engage brain (if any) after

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2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

So what happens if you DON"T have a SIM card and don't use a cellphone?


You will be supplied with a loud bell which you will have to ring at 10 minute intervals. 

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BREAKING: Plan to track all foreigners in Thailand by SIM card approved in principle




BANGKOK:-- Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission have approved in principle a plan to regulate SIM cards used by foreign passport holders in Thailand.


NBTC secretary General Takorn Tantasith announced the approval of the plans after a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.


First announced last week, the plan would mean that ALL foreigners in Thailand who own a mobile phone would be required to use a designated SIM card that allow the Thai authorities to track the movements of foreigners at all times.


Earlier, Khoasod English reported that no exceptions would be made for foreigners who reside in Thailand on marriage, retirement or employment extensions.


More info coming soon….

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-08-09
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Ah, yes!  Why do I think the new farang SIM card will be required at a premium price??:blink:  I for one, will be more than happy to forego the pleasure and do without the cell phone!


Don't get mad, it's just my opinion!!:)

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5 minutes ago, walkoff said:

Yes, this has become considerably more concerning. I have been here quite awhile and like many others, have supported families  and raised children to use their heads. The government is concerned about all of us visitors who legitimately reside here along with the folks who still dodge the system. Please follow behind us, use the SIM to see what time we go to school, bring home, take to the doc, go to Lotus or Makro and unbelievably see when we go out to see friends. A bit cynical, yes but for this to come out immediately after a success for the existing government tells me and my Thai wife that the priorities are skewed. Certainly there are "guests" who make things difficult for all but you really ought to consider watching your own folks, enforcing laws that exist already, better support for your public servants(RTP), stop throwing the "image" at us when the morning Thai news can clearly see the real image. The crap that goes on on the roads, damaged egos, awe a personality because they are on  soap, and most of all letting folks skate on proper punishment. I don't have to name or cite individuals because they have been in the BP with no followup and seemingly fade into the woodwork.

Before any of you  all say "leave if you don't like it", "next flight is .....", you are not immune to the changes in Thailand simply because you are not Thai. The cliche of "if you haven't done anything wrong , what's the worry(in so many words)" is not a free pass anymore. Not going anywhere, too much invested here both financially and physically and I will be forthright that my income stretches a good bit more here.



Excellent post sir. The unthinking halfwits who over use such terms as 'if you don't like it here...'' etc are those who think they will be immune to such moves as they have miraculously managed to knock up some Thai lass (something no foreigner has ever managed to do ever)...:coffee1: and are somehow 'Thaier than Thou' accordingly. Well sadly for these types it's going to be wake up time....and rather funny watching them react in fury at the 'unfairness of it all'....

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Being a geezer who started coming here in '82, before cell phones, before internet, I say: Bring it on. Seemed to do just fine sending postcards.

Besides the absurdity of trying to do this, it does show the sort of mind set among the rulers regarding us, and that is not good.

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I think it is a brilliant idea!  True Thai logic in action.  No chance floating this one, so full of holes it would sink without trace.  There may well be tourists who would sign up and in fact it would make sense for them, especially given how many of them get mugged for their phones or wander off and get lost.


No wonder Thailand attracts so many people who want to live under the wire

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A better idea would to issue all foreign visitors with a body cam so that they would be able to identify attackers and people who rip off guests to Thailand!


Whist this hair brained scheme will never be applied the publicity generated about it will make a few more tourists choose another desitination

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Actually quite a good idea.

Less disturbing phone noice from mobile phones in all of Thailands "cultural" places.

And if you still insist to use it. Keep it on while walking the famous Pattaya Beach road. Then you can pove you really was there, while robbed.

So, I am for! 

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Considering Thailand bases its economy and thus future on us 'troublesome' farang, one would assume that they would stop treating us ALL like subhuman, criminal animals. 

It's the brainchild of one (xenophobic) hi-so, who heard or read something somewhere, didn't really understand it, but senses a chance to make his name with the junta and / or make a pile of cash.
It won't work for the umptèen reasons already mentioned.
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To be fair, months back prepaid SIMS had to be registered. A grace period was even granted. For us no big deal as this did not apply since the bill comes to the house. To me it is not necessarily the idea of being able to see what us nasty foreigners are up to but how in the world do you manage this with total integrity(sorry, justification) when  you already have a data base with personal information(including picture)  of all of the legitimate visa holders. Tourists coming in by the millions(according to TAT) needing aphone a phone should have to fill out something that verifies who they are. Now the scheme is may be to track: when do you track, why do you track, who is responsible for the tracking,  what is the organization for holding this info, who follows up on suspect tracking.  

Again, not a problem for us but this after the desired success over a couple of days ago  makes me wonder.

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2 hours ago, MJCM said:


What about this ? (Just guessing though)


They know what number the Sim Card has and who owns it. So every time the Phone connects to a Cell Phone Tower, the Computer of the provider transmits this info to whatever agency is tracking the Foreigners. However ONE major FLAW with this is that it's not very accurate.


A cell phone is typically connected to 2 or 3 towers at any time, especially in towns. Data and voice is transmitted to the tower with the strongest signal. Location accuracy based on GPRS is highly variable. Where towers are densely packed, it can be quite accurate, and has the advantage of penetrating buildings.

GPS is more accurate, but the signals from the satellites are weak, so cannot be used in a building. It is prone also to errors in heavy cloud and areas with dense buildings. The antennae on phones are small, making connection with multiple GPS satellites harder, and reducing accuracy. I've not read any technical papers on this for a while, but the ideal approach is to use both GPS and GPRS to get an accurate location when in the open. Only GPRS can give locations in a building...

One last thing. Each SIM only connects with towers from the provider the user subscribes to, i.e., True, AIS, etc. It is feasible to have a 'ping only' connection to all providers' towers. That would increase accuracy dramatically. 

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For those that can't/won't read the writing on the wall, for non-Chinese foreigners, i.e. westerners, tick tock, tick tock. If one cannot see that we are not wanted, well maybe you should buy that bridge I have from Los Angeles to BKK. Care about the families we support in Issan, never, the government hates Issan as much as us. tick tock, tick tock.

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3 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

Never gonna happen. Just put the sim into a bin


2 hours ago, cmsally said:

Mobile phone "no have". Will I get arrested for that ?


..why not embed a chip behind our right ear and be done with it.

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3 hours ago, seajae said:

now this is starting to get creepy,  tracking all non thais in Thailand through their phone is a joke, I rarely even turn mine on unless I want to use it. Have to wonder which idiot has suggested this, first they want us to fill in forms to tell them all our personal details and now this, have to think it is a certain thai that simply doesnt like farangs and wants them all gone, really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this sort of crap.

It is what I said many times before, the Thais don't like the foreigners, in general, they hate them, the only thing they like is the money, nothing more, nothing less.

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