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Muslim Frenchwoman 'fined for veil on Cannes beach'


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24 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:
  27 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

The hijab and the advancing in female covering to the point of being a burqa... is Islamic subjugation of women - PERIOD... Leftists and Liberals would not tolerate any such behavior if the Christian Religion forced women to wear something akin to the hijab.  The Leftist Media would go berzerk damning the Christians...


In the over all - women in Muslim societies around the world - few have the option to not wear the hijab.  It a Mullah in one Islamic country issued a fatwa declaring that women were not required to wear the hijab .. .in a year's time (should such an fantasy fatwa stand) the majority of women would take it off.   The requirement of wearing of the hijab is not found in the Quran .  Rather it is found in the ever increasing male domination and subjugation of women in Islamic societies -  without any foundation in the Quran.   


The French Government feels much the same as I write and moreover see that the forced wearing of the hijab is used as a symbol of the dominance of Islam over all other peoples and governments... 

Thus such symbols of Islamic dominance must be struck down in Western Societies ... 

I hope asian countries will not follow the same idea, otherwise soon we will have to wear at least once a safron dress and shave our head, maybe even stop having all those western food which is a domination over the asian food and their way of life.... 


Hijab is NOT prohibited in France, except in schools and other public offices for workers. the only ban is agains Burqa and Nikab which cover the whole face.

In fact some girls with hijab are quite cute and it is even becoming a fashion item



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2 minutes ago, Opl said:

There has been a warning ( april 2016)  - so called  "on behalf "of the people of Corsica  ( an island southern of France) - to muslims living in Corsica .

This warning was not issued by the french authorities, but what it says reflects how the level of exasperation has grown. 

( For your information, you can replace " Muslims" by " French from the mainland"  )


Find below the translation ( Google..) of this declaration:   -    ( Avertissement du peuple Corse aux musulmans)



Corsica will not bend to your demands
Corsica immigrants must integrate. Follow the example of your grandparents who have, in their time, blend in French society without abandoning their identity while respecting that of their host country.- It is intolerable that children and grandchildren of immigrants yesterday are not or do not want to adapt, influenced by Islamic tracks from elsewhere pushing to impose gradually the laws of sharia, WE DO NOT ACCEPT THAT iN CORSICA!
We will not, as it is the case in some suburbs, let lawless areas.
The people of our island will be especially vigilant regarding all forms of slippage that exasperate the French society.
You who are Muslims, do not forget that if you are on French territory is to benefit from economic and social benefits that do not exist in your country.
So remember that your descendants who claim Islam in Corsica and dress more and more covered ,  by provocation.
We will not accept  to see these girls and young women, more and more numerous, dressed this way  invade our public spaces so.
We know, the scarf is the first step towards the full veil. This is slowly turning from a symbol of Islam into a destabilizing tool of French society and particularly in schools.
 Just like we do, do melt 
in the mass.
We strongly advise you to follow our rules.
Here, this is our country, our land, our lifestyle you enjoy without always respect them.
Corsica will not bend to your demands or else those who persist will be forced to return to their country of origin or that of their ancestors.
We ask you to transmit and circulate this letter to all your relatives and close associates in insisting that we are more and more determined.  " 

there is not anyone more communautarist than a cosican

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1 hour ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

there is not anyone more communautarist than a cosican


Not really Sure, when people from Basque country will make their point.. it will be bad for those who want to show off ^^

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This is ludicrous... 


Who cares what a woman chooses to wear at the beach? - so long as her face is showing (for security purposes) I really see nothing wrong with a woman preferring to cover up. 


I see Korean women on the golf courses here - covered up from head to toe with wide brimmed hats and face scarves... I wonder how the reaction to them would be if they were to dress the same on the French Beaches... Or of modest Thai women wearing clothes in the sea. 


I do see the security aspect with the face being covered... beyond that I see nothing other than a backlash against Islam, one which creates an unnecessary issue and creates yet another void between Islam and non-muslims where none would have otherwise existed. 


Surely common sense must prevail or has the world gone mad and are people forgetting they are humans first above anything else?


'Follow our rules' yes of course - but the rules in the first place have to be reasonable and borne of intelligence not of a reactionary agenda. 



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4 hours ago, koolkarl said:

If a western woman went to a muslim country, I understand that she must cover her head to

conform to their customs.  Why should western countries change their customs to please muslims?


What western custom was changed in this case? All she did was cover her hair up, not her face. Would you tell a Sikh who visited your western country to take off his turban, or a monk to take off his robes?

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she's wearing a veil, yet veils and hijabs are not banned,  - just the burkahs and niqabs and whatever over the face, are.


so, why again? was she picked on specifically?  maybe it was a niqab after all??

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Security, huh?


So, what's next, chipping us all because facial recognition isn't perfect?  I have to wear a Speedo because I could be hiding an Uzi in my baggie shorts?  Maybe wearing a Star of David to identify me as one of the people needing extra scrutiny?


Since when is it the government's business where I am on a sunny afternoon, anyway?   One more level of freedom and privacy being taken away from some of us under the guise of (false) security.  Good thing it's only affecting Muslims.  This time, anyway.



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43 minutes ago, mesterm said:


What western custom was changed in this case? All she did was cover her hair up, not her face. Would you tell a Sikh who visited your western country to take off his turban, or a monk to take off his robes?

Excellent, well-made point :clap2:

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3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

The hijab and the advancing in female covering to the point of being a burqa... is Islamic subjugation of women - PERIOD... Leftists and Liberals would not tolerate any such behavior if the Christian Religion forced women to wear something akin to the hijab.  The Leftist Media would go berzerk damning the Christians...


In the over all - women in Muslim societies around the world - few have the option to not wear the hijab.  It a Mullah in one Islamic country issued a fatwa declaring that women were not required to wear the hijab .. .in a year's time (should such an fantasy fatwa stand) the majority of women would take it off.   The requirement of wearing of the hijab is not found in the Quran .  Rather it is found in the ever increasing male domination and subjugation of women in Islamic societies -  without any foundation in the Quran.   


The French Government feels much the same as I write and moreover see that the forced wearing of the hijab is used as a symbol of the dominance of Islam over all other peoples and governments... 

Thus such symbols of Islamic dominance must be struck down in Western Societies ... 


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1 hour ago, mesterm said:


What western custom was changed in this case? All she did was cover her hair up, not her face. Would you tell a Sikh who visited your western country to take off his turban, or a monk to take off his robes?


Yes. The Muslim problem will eventually result in all public display of religion to be banned. You can thank the Muslims for this. All for the best though. Public displays of very rigid religious beliefs only serve to separate us anyway. All religions will eventually be banned....think about it.

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7 hours ago, koolkarl said:

If a western woman went to a muslim country, I understand that she must cover her head to

conform to their customs.  Why should western countries change their customs to please muslims?

Seems you and 20 others at the moment have no idea at all, name some of these countries that insist western women have to cover their heads then, my guess is you can't name three, I can only think of one.

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5 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

The hijab and the advancing in female covering to the point of being a burqa... is Islamic subjugation of women - PERIOD... Leftists and Liberals would not tolerate any such behavior if the Christian Religion forced women to wear something akin to the hijab.  The Leftist Media would go berzerk damning the Christians...


In the over all - women in Muslim societies around the world - few have the option to not wear the hijab.  It a Mullah in one Islamic country issued a fatwa declaring that women were not required to wear the hijab .. .in a year's time (should such an fantasy fatwa stand) the majority of women would take it off.   The requirement of wearing of the hijab is not found in the Quran .  Rather it is found in the ever increasing male domination and subjugation of women in Islamic societies -  without any foundation in the Quran.   


The French Government feels much the same as I write and moreover see that the forced wearing of the hijab is used as a symbol of the dominance of Islam over all other peoples and governments... 

Thus such symbols of Islamic dominance must be struck down in Western Societies ... 

Are you serious? it is not compulsory in the majority of Muslim countries.


Hijab by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The hijab is supposed  to be an individual  choice depending on  degree of  subjugation to the  edicts of  Islam .

In situations where local laws  forbid the  obscuration of  facial identity then defiance of that law is  deliberate and  not  naïve defence of freedom of  religion. Some  historic Islamic regions do insist on the female subjugation of the hijab in the same way many Christion sects disallow  female. proponents!

I personally have  no valid  argument to counter  any persons right to religious  faith.

I do however support the right of social harmony in outlawing  public demonstrations of  any such faith  which have the capacity to  endanger, coerce, or in any  way influence/inflict the public diversity of opinion.




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16 hours ago, koolkarl said:

If a western woman went to a muslim country, I understand that she must cover her head to

conform to their customs.  Why should western countries change their customs to please muslims?

Because if they don't they are branded racist infidels and being branded racist is now apparently worse than being a paedophile in the new politically correct world

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She was fined 11 euros in THIS BEACH, because it is forbidden on THIS BEACH, Law is the Law, by the time court decide it's legal or not it prevails. So why make such a big story about this, if I come to the beach with my dogs the same beaches cops will fine me.. and I'll start to shout and people will talk bad to me because I'll deserve it, If I smoke on the beach it will be the same. So go to another beach, 99.9% of them don't forbid to wear any kind of suits you like, enjoy it !


Also, I wonders how people can compare normal citizens dressed with religious costumes with Officials religious teachers  like the nuns in the pic, Why a normal people will want to disguise himself with any religious costumes, let the professionals do that and live for yourself in Freedom.


In a dream world, there will be no more need of any religion, but human brains and consciences are so blur, retarded and never happy, that it will never happen and human will kill themselves in the name of their gods until there will be no more human to fight against.


Ho.. yes there is a solution quick and efficient : Grow a bit and drop your religion for humanity sake ! Otherwise We can also hope to have a common opponent, if Aliens invade us, that will maybe give us hope to be together for real.. just before being exterminated !!!









Edited by Zendo
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17 hours ago, bannork said:

But I thought the West prided itself on being liberal with independent thinking,, free style as they say.

Or do you want us to be on the same intolerant level as the Saudis?

All i can say is look what tolerance has brought us ,nothing but trouble from many of these immigrants , you dont see stabbings and bombings or constant protesting in Saudi ,do you ?

perhaps they were the ones who got it right SIMPLE !

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23 hours ago, i claudius said:

If its against the law dont do it ,simple


Too simple an answer for a complex issue. If we followed your answer there would be no women's vote, no unions, no...you understand my point. My thinking is that if the facial recognition is clear that overcomes a big hurdle. Then deal with how "flowing" the covering is so it does not lend itself to concealing bombs. But that is just MHO.

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23 hours ago, fasteddie said:

" I'm n such a climate wearing a veil on a public beach could be construed as being deliberately provocative"

Only to ignorant peons.


Right,  so she was the only person in the world (hell,  I found out in Thailand) that didn' t k ow about the recent clothing controversy in Cannes. :coffee1: If she knew, she was being provocative. If she didn' t know she should move out from under her rock.

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20 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This is ludicrous... 


Who cares what a woman chooses to wear at the beach? - so long as her face is showing (for security purposes) I really see nothing wrong with a woman preferring to cover up. 


I see Korean women on the golf courses here - covered up from head to toe with wide brimmed hats and face scarves... I wonder how the reaction to them would be if they were to dress the same on the French Beaches... Or of modest Thai women wearing clothes in the sea. 


I do see the security aspect with the face being covered... beyond that I see nothing other than a backlash against Islam, one which creates an unnecessary issue and creates yet another void between Islam and non-muslims where none would have otherwise existed. 


Surely common sense must prevail or has the world gone mad and are people forgetting they are humans first above anything else?


'Follow our rules' yes of course - but the rules in the first place have to be reasonable and borne of intelligence not of a reactionary agenda. 




I tend to agree.  And looking at it from a purely self-preservation perspective, how does it help the security posture in France to piss-off even more Muslims?  This is already all over the news.  Doesn't France have enough pissed-off and disenfranchised Muslims already?  Good luck France and when the next terrorist attack occurs, the victims' families can thank their forward looking government.     

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It's been illegal throughout Europe since 1945 for political parties to wear a uniform.


If the far right extremists all started to wear brown shirts, I think there would be a similar reaction.


Clothes should be an expression of your personality, not a way to create social isolation.

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I think Douglas Murray has just nailed it here;- It is far preferable for governments to have impassioned debate about the rights and wrongs of a Burkini than it is having people discuss the real elephant in the room, which is political Islam attempting to assert itself in all its various forms.





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