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How to show the Thai gf who's boss?


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Oh that's easy: you get on all fours, look at her feet and say "chai khap, chai khap". 


Or if you are in a normal relationship: you talk together and do all the fun and not so fun things  (choirs) together. 

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Start wearing a suit and tie, employ an older Thai bloke to drive you around in a Camry or Accord, put a flip chart in the kitchen covered in confusing pie charts and graphs while making meaningless statments about " Thinking outside the box" and " Consolidating our assets with a view to entering the widget market by 2020" and dropping dead of a heart attack at 60.

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I'm pretty new to this forum, my wife and I are considering moving to Thailand next year - depending on life factors - but we'll end up there for a year or two at some point.


Anyway, to get to the point I notice a lot of the guys in this forum basically talk about their girlfriends and wives as if they're property.  It's kinda shocking to read, and really not all that surprising that a lot of you guys are pretty miserable.  Like how do you expect to have a halfway decent relationship with a person you don't even really consider to be a person?


i'm not sure if OP is trolling, but it doesn't really seem all that out of line with a lot of the other posts in here.

Edited by fanc
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36 minutes ago, fanc said:

Anyway, to get to the point I notice a lot of the guys in this forum basically talk about their girlfriends and wives as if they're property.


If he's paying for her company, and she's a lot younger, and doesn't earn money herself, then he will think of her as property. Entirely understandable IMHO.


Completely different if they are the same age and she works to contribute to the household expenses.

Edited by MissAndry
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38 minutes ago, fanc said:



Anyway, to get to the point I notice a lot of the guys in this forum basically talk about their girlfriends and wives as if they're property.


Property implies ownership.

I do not own my missus, if she don't like my rules she is free to leave at anytime.

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45 minutes ago, fanc said:

I'm pretty new to this forum, my wife and I are considering moving to Thailand next year - depending on life factors - but we'll end up there for a year or two at some point.


Anyway, to get to the point I notice a lot of the guys in this forum basically talk about their girlfriends and wives as if they're property.  It's kinda shocking to read, and really not all that surprising that a lot of you guys are pretty miserable.  Like how do you expect to have a halfway decent relationship with a person you don't even really consider to be a person?


i'm not sure if OP is trolling, but it doesn't really seem all that out of line with a lot of the other posts in here.


Men are still in charge in Thailand.  It is easy to find a younger, sexier replacement if the GF or wife becomes a pain. So men tend to be less subservient and tolerate a lot less female BS than in the emasculated Western PC World. So u better man up, grow a pair and tell your missus the rules before arriving.. :whistling: 

Edited by Pdaz
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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:


If he's paying for her company, and she's a lot younger, and doesn't earn money herself, then he will think of her as property. Entirely understandable IMHO.


Completely different if they are the same age and she works to contribute to the household expenses.


Even if your relationship is entirely a financial transaction, you should still treat the other person with some dignity.  They aren't your property any more than an employee is property.  If you think of employees as property you're going to have a bad time as an employer.


2 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Property implies ownership.

I do not own my missus, if she don't like my rules she is free to leave at anytime.


What are you keeping her around for then? You don't sound all that attached.


2 hours ago, Pdaz said:


Men are still in charge in Thailand.  It is easy to find a younger, sexier replacement if the GF or wife becomes a pain. So men tend to be less subservient and tolerate a lot less female BS than in the emasculated Western PC World. So u better man up, grow a pair and tell your missus the rules before arriving.. :whistling: 


Heh I assume you're being a bit ironic, but I don't really see why men should be in charge anyway.  Not that women should be in charge, either.   In a relationship it's better to be (at least I've found in my life) in an equal relationship where both partners respect each other than one where you have to lay out ground rules like you're her father.

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Yes, some irony. But despite a very egalitarian relationship my wife still expects me to be the boss. And despite reassurances from me she knows there is an oversupply of young women keen to be in her shoes

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14 minutes ago, fanc said:





What are you keeping her around for then? You don't sound all that attached.





kicking her to the kerb would be harsh, besides that I need her to cook the dog food.

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Questions such as this baffle me... 


Aren't relationships a 'Partnership' ?? No one is 'Boss'... the idea is antiquated and just silly... 


Healthy relationships are borne of a mutual respect... IF you are feeling that you need to impose your 'authority' and need to to 'be the Boss' in a relationship you are probably trying to control someone who has little respect for you... 

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19 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

Yes, some irony. But despite a very egalitarian relationship my wife still expects me to be the boss. And despite reassurances from me she knows there is an oversupply of young women keen to be in her shoes


Fair enough.  That's between you guys.


A lot of the posts people make in here make it seem like the women involved aren't really even individual actors in the whole situation, you know what I mean?  Even the way that the OP's question is phrased is basically like "how do I train my dog?" You know?  Like how would a bunch of random people on a forum be able to tell you how to control your wife/girlfriend/whatever? Why should we?

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I agree Fanc, but it seems that this forum attracks a good number of trolls, grumphy men and old farts with old fashioned views (dating back to the 1950's or even as far as the stone age). Oh and let's forget those who think that any Thai women, especially those with a farang, can be bought...

I've got plenty of bruses dropping out of my chair over such posts. I don't venture into this area of the forum often but I kinda got used to it. To me some of the relationships or 'relationships' described seem like absolute horror to me. I'm glad that I had a charming wife who saw me as much her equal as I saw her. No boss, not being a 'daddy' (would be kinda hard with me being younger than her 555). The topic starter could very well be a troll, but some of the posts are very much with serious undertone. But to each their own, if two people are in a relationship on an other basis than love, trust and equals, fine by me. Ofcourse if both are fine with the arrangement and atleast have some level of respect for eachother. Such a relation would be absolute hell to me but those posters might find a relationship like I had absolute horror and self destructive. They probably got dumped by an ex who took a lot from them and they lost trust in women? Or see Thai women as different were as I do not, finding 'culture' overrated. Culture is a thin layer of cloth, most is determined by personality, intelligence and a persons past.  My love was just a fantastic person, nothing different or the same to her as any other women on this planet. She happend to be 'Thai' but that was just a label. Met her by chanche and I do have a weakness for asian females but I don't buy into the 'they are different' stories. It's all about finding that perfect person, lover, match. 

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It has been written that Thailand is a male dominated society...ruled by females. The only thing I mention to the western male coming here is...sex is easy, a relationship can prove much more difficult over time.

Edited by wwest5829
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The challenge that is faced here is that in a lot of cases the men that are talking about or treating their wives or GF as property are here in LOS because they probably go the boot by their western other half.


Thai gilrls will put up with a certain amount of it for the benefits of having a good Farang provider.  He may be butt ugly but if he has money and pays for everything then he is number 1 stud

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6 hours ago, fanc said:

I'm pretty new to this forum, my wife and I are considering moving to Thailand next year - depending on life factors - but we'll end up there for a year or two at some point.


Anyway, to get to the point I notice a lot of the guys in this forum basically talk about their girlfriends and wives as if they're property.  It's kinda shocking to read, and really not all that surprising that a lot of you guys are pretty miserable.  Like how do you expect to have a halfway decent relationship with a person you don't even really consider to be a person?


i'm not sure if OP is trolling, but it doesn't really seem all that out of line with a lot of the other posts in here.

you cant really have a conventional relationship with a thai girl and most guys support their girls to keep them out of the bars, rice fields and factories. this ends up with a boss employee type of relationship where they guy screws around and expects his girl to not do the same. very very rarely works.

lots of fantastic replies so far. in fact i think i used up my weekly quota of likes on this one topic.

i would add put them on a fixed income and stick to it no matter who is dying or needs an operation. like someone said dont beat them, for some reason foreigners are not allowed to do that although it seems to work for the thais.

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There is no doubt who the boss is in our marriage. 

Last night my wife came crawling to me on her hands and knees, and said...

"Get out from under the bed Sipi and fight me like a man".

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