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Trump paints new target on legal immigration


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Trump paints new target on legal immigration



KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Donald Trump's aggressive rhetoric on illegal immigration has obscured a potentially historic policy shift — the Republican presidential nominee is the first major party candidate in modern memory to propose limiting legal immigration.


In his speech on immigration Wednesday night, Trump capped a list of steps to combat illegal immigration, with a final pledge to completely revamp the country's legal immigration system in order to lessen the number of people allowed into the United States. "We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people," Trump said. "Workers. We're going to take care of our workers."


Trump talked about limiting immigration to its historic norms. The share of foreign-born people in the United States -- 13 percent of the population -- is at its highest level since 1920. By making the case in a nationally televised address that immigration overall has to be limited, Trump has embraced the ideals of a small group of activists who, for decades, have sought to sharply reduce all forms of migration to the United States.


"It's a big change," said one of those activists, Roy Beck, president of Numbers USA, who argued that Trump can espouse ideas that previous politicians, dependent on campaign contributions from business, cannot. "The politicians who are major speakers on this have always focused on rule of law."


Since the 1990s, politicians who have taken a tough stance on immigration have usually come out against amnesty for anyone living in the country illegally, but spoke favorably of legal immigration. Many business groups that traditionally support the GOP seek higher levels of legal immigration. Advocates say the push underscores how necessary migration is for the economy, while critics contend it pushes wages down.


"For Trump, it's 'I'm all against immigration, legal or otherwise, full stop' -- which is a massive departure for the Republican party," said Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum Action Fund. "He wants to turn around the demographic trends of the country and return the United States to a majority white country."


It's also a stark contrast with Democrat Hillary Clinton, who wants to expand President Barack Obama's order deferring deportation for many in the country illegally, and supports measures that would expand legal immigration.


The demographic transformation by legal immigration dwarfs that resulting from illegal entry. The U.S. Census estimates that whites will be a minority in about 30 years, with the number of immigrants on the rise.


The upswing in immigration started in 1965 with the removal of racially based immigration quotas that favored immigration from European countries over the rest of the world. Some 42 million people currently live in the U.S. who emigrated from other countries. An estimated 11 million of them are here illegally.


Those who want to limit migration say the concern is economic, not racial. Though most economists believe immigration is a net benefit to the economy, opponents argue it disproportionately hurts blue-collar workers by lowering wages. Immigration restrictionists note that this used to be a bipartisan position. They point to a 1995 commission chaired by former Rep. Barbara Jordan, a prominent black liberal Democrat, that called for limiting immigration to protect U.S. workers.


Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies argued that discussing appropriate levels of overall immigration, rather than focusing on people breaking the law to stay in the country, can defuse racial tension around the issue.


"In the right hands it can drain the issue of some of its vitriol -- it has nothing to do with whether you're Mexican or Ukrainian," Krikorian said. "It's about the numbers."


Trump did not get into the details of how he would restrict legal immigration Wednesday night, instead calling for a commission the revamp the nation's immigration laws and sunsetting visa provisions. Some of his proposals, like changing the immigration system to focus more on high-skilled laborers, are similar to ideas in a 2013 immigration bill that stalled in Congress because it would let many of the 11 millions people in the country illegally remain here.


But others are a sharp departure. Trump said he'd oppose allowing in immigrants from countries with a history of terrorism and, on his campaign website, he calls for companies to hire unemployed Americans before importing foreign workers on visas.


Todd Schulte of FWD.us, a pro-immigration group founded by Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, said those hiring provisions were designed to make immigration impossible. "The level of bureaucracy that goes into that in a fast-moving global economy -- you are cutting off these companies' ability to hire and grow," Schulte said. "He's preying on this zero-sum mentality that there's a fixed number of jobs here. That's completely false."


Doris Meissner, the former commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, said that Trump's proposal to limit immigration is in line with a theory that after bursts of immigration the country should limit migration. But she noted that the global economy has been transformed and that if the country doesn't let more people in legally, they may arrive illegally instead.


"It has to be a regulated system that reflects the market," Meissner said. "Otherwise, it's prohibition -- and you remember how that worked out."

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-02
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The number of immigrants is set by law and can be changed very easily.   With the exception of a few specific exemptions, such as certain immediate family members, everyone else can wait in line.  

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Guess which nationality has the most over-stayers in the US?   No, not Mexicans.  Canadians, by over 2 to 1.  Is Trump going to kick out out a quarter million Canadians?

Also, under Obama, illegal immigration has lessened, and larger numbers of illegals have been kicked out.  If Trump is going to continue Obama's policy, at least give credit where credit is due.


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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Guess which nationality has the most over-stayers in the US?   No, not Mexicans.  Canadians, by over 2 to 1.  Is Trump going to kick out out a quarter million Canadians?

Also, under Obama, illegal immigration has lessened, and larger numbers of illegals have been kicked out.  If Trump is going to continue Obama's policy, at least give credit where credit is due.



You are saying there are 1/4 million Canadian overstayers in the US?


I suppose it is possible but it seems quite high. 


One thing I do onow is our prison system is not full of violent Canadian criminals.

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7 minutes ago, mamypoko said:

By 'our', do you mean White culture?



I was thinking he meant a law-abiding culture.


A Canadian drug mule is defined as an elderly person who brought their high-blood pressure medication purchased at a discount Canadian pharmacy with them across the border.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Not to worry until Trump becomes president and some ICE agent asks you for I.D. and if your illegal he will paint a big black circle on your back. I think the star of David during the war would be a similar comparison. Is Herr Trump a student of history. In his Mexican adventure and the picture posted here with Nieto he looks a bit like Goering. Sig Heil. 

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7 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Not to worry until Trump becomes president and some ICE agent asks you for I.D. and if your illegal he will paint a big black circle on your back. I think the star of David during the war would be a similar comparison. Is Herr Trump a student of history. In his Mexican adventure and the picture posted here with Nieto he looks a bit like Goering. Sig Heil. 


The comparison with Nazi Germany is getting a bit tiresome.  The influx of migrants to the USA over the last 20 years has totally change the dynamic of the culture.  Nowhere is it more clear than here in Los Angeles.  Trump has no where said he is anti immigration and in fact has praised what immigrants have done for this country if you listen to him. Although some would like to paint Trump a racist, I see no evidence of that. What he is saying and what most of his supporters agree with is that the continued illegal immigration, whether it is over the southern border or from visa overstays, must end somewhere.  That fact that the government has been impotent to stop it has brought on the problem.  I have worked over the last 25 years with mostly immigrants who came here legally, have worked hard and are an asset to the USA.  What Trump wants is control of who comes here by the government to insure there is assimilation to the "American" culture (whatever that may be), does not displace workers, etc.  He wants it to benefit the country not be a burden on the people. Is that so difficult to understand?    Sorry but labor is a commodity and the more of it, the more it depresses wages.  Most Americans just want the government to control the situation, otherwise it is like having a house without a door. Look what is happening in Europe.  It has all gotten to a stage where people on one side are angry and people on the other living is some kind of fantasy world where they think we need to help everyone and everything will be okay.  

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GW Bush, during his 2 terms, oversaw a greater influx of Mexican overstayers than Obama's 2 terms. Also, during Obama's time in office, many more illegals were deported than during GW Bush's time.  Republicans, again for the upteenth time, prove what hypocrites they are.  It's akin to Republicans talking about lessening government spending (lowering debt) while concurrently scheming to spend a million $$'s a minute on overpriced services and products, including the military.

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

GW Bush, during his 2 terms, oversaw a greater influx of Mexican overstayers than Obama's 2 terms. Also, during Obama's time in office, many more illegals were deported than during GW Bush's time.  Republicans, again for the upteenth time, prove what hypocrites they are.  It's akin to Republicans talking about lessening government spending (lowering debt) while concurrently scheming to spend a million $$'s a minute on overpriced services and products, including the military.

Trump should never be compared with Bush. Bush is a true politician.

Trump, however, is not a true politician, and that is why he is so popular. The only times he loses his base's support is when he starts behaving like a true politician.

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Trump is a fraud, 

His policy is identical  to the present policy, only he says it louder. If by some chance he was elected, he will do nothing other than what congress and the constitution allows him to do.

Anyone one who believes any different is an idiot.

Actualy hard to say what his policy is, he says one thing to one set of people and an other to an other set of people,  but he is not politician :whistling: 

"Politics the art of telling some one to go FK themselves in a way that they say thank you" and the idiots cheer,:cheesy:


Don't get me wrong, I like idiots, they make me look look an FN genius but when it come to picking our president I wish they would stay home and watch TV. The Trailer park boys is a great place to get your info about Canadians,  and Cheech and Chong your source of info about Mexicans:whistling:

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On 9/1/2016 at 6:27 PM, ClutchClark said:


I was thinking he meant a law-abiding culture.


A Canadian drug mule is defined as an elderly person who brought their high-blood pressure medication purchased at a discount Canadian pharmacy with them across the border.

Can't be, our (USA) incarceration rate...a bit on the high side

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On 9/1/2016 at 9:27 PM, ClutchClark said:


I was thinking he meant a law-abiding culture.


A Canadian drug mule is defined as an elderly person who brought their high-blood pressure medication purchased at a discount Canadian pharmacy with them across the border.

Canadians would never dream of making money smuggling drugs from the Alberta Coca fields, they are law abiding people, lust like as Americans. 

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For Trump, it's 'I'm all against immigration, legal or otherwise, full stop' -- which is a massive departure for the Republican party," said Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum Action Fund. "He wants to turn around the demographic trends of the country and return the United States to a majority white country."


That, IMO, is an outright lie. I never heard Trump say that.


He has, however, always said he wants to put Americans first when it comes to immigration.

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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For Trump, it's 'I'm all against immigration, legal or otherwise, full stop' -- which is a massive departure for the Republican party," said Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum Action Fund. "He wants to turn around the demographic trends of the country and return the United States to a majority white country."


That, IMO, is an outright lie. I never heard Trump say that.


He has, however, always said he wants to put Americans first when it comes to immigration.

He wants to put him self first! Trump doesn't give a sh*t about the normal American working people.

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22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For Trump, it's 'I'm all against immigration, legal or otherwise, full stop' -- which is a massive departure for the Republican party," said Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum Action Fund. "He wants to turn around the demographic trends of the country and return the United States to a majority white country."


That, IMO, is an outright lie. I never heard Trump say that.


He has, however, always said he wants to put Americans first when it comes to immigration.

"He has, however, always said he wants to put Americans first when it comes to immigration.  "

Americans don't need to immigrate to the US, they are already there:P

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The US is based on immigration, and history shows us the opposition to that, based on a difference in religion or ethnic origin is going to be opposed by a certain segment of the population.   Some 30 million people, mostly catholic from Ireland and Italy,  from the 1840's to to 1924, completely changing the demographics of the country.  This resulted in the formation of a political party known as the "know nothings".  Sound familiar? 


I would be very curious as to how many of the adamant anti-immigration  (Mexicans and muslim ) posters here own ancestors were part of this highly reviled immigration wave 100+ years ago. 






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