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Why a trip to your 7-11 could result in your violent and tortuous death from rabies


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Why a trip to your 7-11 could result in your violent and tortuous death from rabies



Image: Manager Online


BANGKOK: -- A leading Thai doctor has blasted the Thai public for their attitude in encouraging rabies by feeding soi dogs to make merit.


He has said that "kind people" are the source of the problem that sees more and more strays on the streets of Thailand. And that leaving a litter of pups at a temple is a sin, not a good deed.


This comes after claims of a "new deadlier rabies strain" killed a man in Pathum Thani within one day of being bitten by a dog he was giving food to.


And after figures were revealed from a Bangkok diseases center that almost half of all dogs and cats tested have rabies.


The death of a motorcycle taxi rider has sparked a return of the rabies debate and been followed by dire warnings from Dr Thiravat Hemachudha at the disease unit of Chulalongkorn University who went onto his personal Facebook page to alert the public to the danger.


Death from rabies is hideous - when the patient is in the latter stages of the disease there is nothing that can be done to save them from a violent and ghastly death as the patient literally drowns in their own saliva as they slip into a coma.


But this can be avoided by immediately seeking jabs if the patient is bitten by a cat or dog.


But Dr Thiravat has slammed the whole culture of his fellow Thais who see it as being kind to give food to strays in their neighborhood.


He referred to the attack on a three year old called Nong Muk bitten twice on the face by a dog hanging about outside a 7-11 in Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok, recently. 


The dogs hang out outside convenience stores to get a blast of air-con, he said, but the shop is unlikely to take responsibility and the dogs have no owners.


If the rabies virus is rampant - and figures suggest it is - then a trip to 7-11 or the like could be the beginning of the end if you get a bite and do nothing about it. Dogs may have no symptoms of having the virus and it may be ten days before they are visibly distressed.


By which time it may be too late for a person bitten.


Lucklily the dog that bit Nong Muk was rabies free. But the motorcycle taxi driver was less lucky though other public health officials have played down public fears saying there is no new strain of rabies that can act by killing a person in one day.


But the figures for dogs and cats tested that were suspected of having the rabies virus after attacks on people or other animals are very alarming.


Since January 1st of this year until September 8th of 579 animals tested 276 were found to have rabies - very nearly half of all animals tested.


Dr Thiravat said: "If the rabies virus comes in epidemic proportions in could result in multiple tragedies" he commented saying that an innocent trip to 7-11 could be just the kind of occasion when the virus could be contracted.


He slammed the Thai public for their attitude in making the problem worse:


"If people care then they should not just feed these animals to make merit. 


"They should lure them with food then round them up and have them spayed to stop reproducing and get them vaccinated.


This was the way to make merit, he implied. He said that there are many vets who will gladly spay and vaccinate "community" dogs and this will see their numbers diminish.


"If there are less dogs then they won't have to fight for food, so they will not bite people or each other and thus the virus will not be spread".


Then in a further attack on his irresponsible and merit seeking compatriots he said: "People who even own dogs that have puppies and take the unwanted ones unvaccinated and un-spayed to the temple are committing a sin not doing good".


Official figures quoted by Thai Rath said that there are 7.4 million dogs on the streets of which less than a quarter have been vaccinated though it is thought that around 70 per cent of dogs that have owners have had jabs.


Referring to the death of the motorcycle taxi man the doctor said:


"This death came from an act of kindness - he just wanted to feed the dog and suffered the consequences of getting bitten.


"But rabies is here and the public should be very careful," he warned adding that the issue was rather like a war of supposed 'kind well meaning people vs rabies'.


Chula also revealed the following rabies statistics for infected stray dogs and cats.


They stated the following percentages of infected animals in several provinces:

Songkla 55%

Chonburi 35%

Ubon 31%

Samut Prakarn 30%

Kalasin 22%

Prajinburi 17%

Bangkok 14%

Surin 14%

Buriram 12%

Sisaket 10%


They added that this did not mean other provinces were unaffected.


Anyone bitten in Thailand by dogs or cats should immediately seek out a doctor and the animal concerned should be closely monitored.


Source: Manager Online Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-09
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An agreeable editorial...  Something needs to be done to control the numbers of Soi Dogs.


This issue has been debated to death on a couple of threads over the past couple of weeks... 


IMO: Its the Soi Dog lovers which contribute towards the issue, but also a lack of responsibility and drive by those in positions of power to do something about this. 


Perhaps their apathy stems from the potential for a perceived lack of public favour should hard choices be made. 

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I don't go to shops with many soidogs anymore, even not to shops who have their own guarddog. 


I was bitten by a dog in a shop and told the owner i lost 10K baht for injections but she didn't seem to care. The dog had vaccination she said but i told her my wife insisted me to go to the hospital and get injections. 


That dog still runs around in/out her shop at Kanchana phisek road.

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Yes ABOUT TIME they woke  up and STOP feeding them, there is  now also the HUGE pigeon issue with the bloody things everywhere due to plenty of free food being left out.

The times Ive  gone to 7-11 and seen a dog right in the doorway with all and sundry carefully stepping round it, I give it a  shove with my foot bloody  things, clueless staff, needs  a  mass Cull and throw  religion out of the window for the stupidity it is

Edited by kannot
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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

An agreeable editorial...  Something needs to be done to control the numbers of Soi Dogs.


This issue has been debated to death on a couple of threads over the past couple of weeks... 


IMO: Its the Soi Dog lovers which contribute towards the issue, but also a lack of responsibility and drive by those in positions of power to do something about this. 


Perhaps their apathy stems from the potential for a perceived lack of public favour should hard choices be made. 

The simple answer is to do something about it costs money. Its a non starter.

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the best Merit,


would be to feed them soi dogs, with something more specific:


  • Avocado. ...
  • Alcohol. ...
  • Onions and Garlic. ...
  • Coffee, Tea, and Other Caffeine. ...
  • Grapes and Raisins. ...
  • Milk and Other Dairy Products. ...
  • Macadamia Nuts


Who can resist those big brown eyes and cute doggie grin? ...


woof it all down, buddy!!


and I'll clean you away, later


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Around these parts you have some people who entice dogs into the little bar / restaurants and feed them directly from their tables - they don't give a shit what other people eating or drinking at the place thinks. Some places tell customers like this not to come back, others seem to put up with it.


I've also seen a couple of lone weirdos walking up and down the road with large bags of dog food dishing it out to wild animals as they walk around.



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Many valid points in this and past threads.  End of the day it is 100% the government's responsibility to take decisive action, lay down laws and stiff penalties for non-compliance (leash laws, euthanizing programs, general animal control). We all know that's not going to happen.  I feel for the people who get bit, especially if they're forced to go through a series of Rabies shots.  I feel for the dogs who wander to find a meal and more often go hungry (I'm a big dog lover), and the environment in which both are forced to co-exist because the powers that be choose to do nothing about it.  

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The percentage of infected dogs dog not make sense.

Don't all dogs who are infected with Rabies; eventually go to the stage; where they will start foaming at the mouth ?

I don't know the answer ?

But I have never seen a soi dog foaming at the mouth.

And if a dog is tried or over heated they can bite. If they are in packs of 4-5 dogs, and you walk by at the wrong time;

they will attack. But it doesn't mean they have rabies, does it. Aggressive dog, does not mean Rabid, all the time.

Anyway, the doctor is correct, that the soi dogs are a problem.


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I got bitten quite ferociously by the pack leader straying around Pathum Thani intent on killing anything in their path. These dogs were unkept and quite enormous to be honest being totally terrifying and dangerous. It was an awful experience and really thought they should be put down not spayed.


I got immediate medical attention but still felt the worst for wear. It's not the first attack having had the odd nip on the arse now and then me feeling I wish I had a gun to blast the Bastards into next week. 


Not a nice experience believe me !! 

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27 minutes ago, robertthesculptor said:

i truly question the validity of the claim that 50% of dogs and cats have rabies...

though I have a friend going through them now because of a spoild little dog Ina resort he was staying at...and there too the owner refused any help... 

Only one province had anything close to that 50% level by there own reporting but somehow there is a total supporting close to 50%?  That province must account for almost all the dogs tested this year.


From Viet Nam days recall that every dog sent by US Military would be found positive here in Thailand - better safe than sorry: or a lack of trust in those testing?


It is a serious issue - but I really do not believe I am going to have any great risk of rabies in my next 7-11 visit.  

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

I don't go to shops with many soidogs anymore, even not to shops who have their own guarddog. 


I was bitten by a dog in a shop and told the owner i lost 10K baht for injections but she didn't seem to care. The dog had vaccination she said but i told her my wife insisted me to go to the hospital and get injections. 


That dog still runs around in/out her shop at Kanchana phisek road.

Being a real nice bloke, I would have given it some steak with sleeping potential. 

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I had a couple of dogs come snarling upto to me and my two young kids the other night walking a couple of hundred yards back home, I was carrying my 6 year old at the time and she was extremely scared. I shoo'd them off but I reckon they could well have taken a bite if I hadn't been aggressive back to them. We live in a housing estate of about 100 houses. Can we contact the Tessa Bahn or someone else to get stray dogs removed ?

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Talking about this falls on deaf ears,,,,,,,,,                                           ,,,,,,,,We need Actions,,,,,,,,,,,


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1 hour ago, Thian said:

I don't go to shops with many soidogs anymore, even not to shops who have their own guarddog. 


I was bitten by a dog in a shop and told the owner i lost 10K baht for injections but she didn't seem to care. The dog had vaccination she said but i told her my wife insisted me to go to the hospital and get injections. 


That dog still runs around in/out her shop at Kanchana phisek road.

and she did not take responsibility for the issue. unbelievable situation.

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4 minutes ago, Doc46 said:

Talking about this falls on deaf ears,,,,,,,,,                                           ,,,,,,,,We need Actions,,,,,,,,,,,


not the kind depicted in the graphics.

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52 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Only one province had anything close to that 50% level by there own reporting but somehow there is a total supporting close to 50%?  That province must account for almost all the dogs tested this year.


I think it's a selection bias.  The indication in the OP is that they test animals already suspected of having rabies.  I can believe the high numbers if that's the case.

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All Soi dogs should get neutered for starters.  


One of the first things my (thai ) ex said on coming to the UK was, 'why are there no dogs on the street here'  I did explain there are but its not the same.


Something needs to get done. I stopped jogging outside because I was having too many near misses with aggressive dogs. 

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