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Teacher in student "mugging" now facing GBH


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Teacher in student "mugging" now facing GBH



Image: Thairath


KORAT: -- The teacher who threw a coffee mug at a student in Korat disfiguring her will now face serious charges; police are charging him with grievous bodily harm.


PE teacher Paitoon Klaengkrathok, 58, still denies he meant to hurt Narudee Jortsanthia, 17, at the Chockchai Samakhee school in August, reported Thairath.


Yesterday he avoided reporters' questions by slipping in the back door of the station.


GBH carries a maximum sentence of 10 years or 20,000 baht in fines or both.


Education department enquiries continue and are expected to conclude with recommendations within 15 days but the criminal charges now take centre stage and are expected to be with the public prosecutor within a week after evidence gathering is completed.


The case goes back to August 9 but only came to light in the last week. The student - known as Nongsai - was facially disfigured suffering a distorted mouth and damaged eyelid. She is still receiving treatment for her injuries.


The teacher told investigators that he would fight the charges in court. He stuck to his story that the coffee cup hit a window frame and ricocheted into the girl's face.


A top provincial police figure has pressed for the serious charges saying that the case is an important one not just for the victim but for the people and society at large.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-20
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He may not have intended to hit the girl but he did through a reckless act as throwing a mug in the direction of his students was hardly responsible. He was reckless as to the consequences of his act and should answer accordingly.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Just now, CelticBhoy said:

A slap on the wrist to GBH.

That escalated quickly   :blink:

It will be interesting to see what happens if the MoE slap him on the wrist but the court is more severe.

I'm sure the MoE will think up some suitable excuse but maybe they'd well advised to see what happens, if anything, in court first.

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49 minutes ago, Thechook said:

I thought he was cleared during an investigation and it was deemed an unfortunate accident.  It was the mugs fault.

I think full blame should be attributed to the tag team effort of the mug and window frame.

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He stuck to his story that the coffee cup hit a window frame and ricocheted into the girl's face.


There now, all is explained.


Certainly he's allowed to throw things in the direction of students, as long as he doesn't hit them straight away. :rolleyes:


My guess is that he is not the only teacher here who has "control" issues, and that he probably "learned" this behavior was acceptable from his teachers.

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49 minutes ago, alfalfa19 said:

Social media can be a wonderful thing. 


Indeed, the government would have to shut down the entire internet and communication systems and ban all smart phones to get away with face prestige intentional abuse of influential authority power.

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I believe he meant to hit the girl,as she was the one that 

was not standing in  line,and the one he was angry with,there should

be plenty of witness ,lets hope they are not pressured by the

school, and tell it as it really happened,and that the young girl

gets justice,and compensation.

regards worgeordie

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54 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

He stuck to his story that the coffee cup hit a window frame and ricocheted into the girl's face.


There now, all is explained.


Certainly he's allowed to throw things in the direction of students, as long as he doesn't hit them straight away. :rolleyes:


My guess is that he is not the only teacher here who has "control" issues, and that he probably "learned" this behavior was acceptable from his teachers.


And I wonder if this teacher has any history. Most people / teachers simply would not act like this, IMHO doubtful this is the first and only incident. Hope there's more details(if any) come to light.


Fifty years ago a new PE teacher at my high school gave every boy and girl 10 very hard hits across their buttocks and lower back with a cricket bat if they didn't have every item of sports clothes and shoes. Many kids tried to explain that their parents didn't have money for the 'correct' shoes, shorts. socks etc. He didn't listen. It was the PE teachers first job out of teachers college, big and very strong young guy, and very intimidating.


Quickly parents objected and their was a police and an education dept. n investigation. Teacher was charged with assault, got 2 years jail, barred from ever teaching again.



Edited by scorecard
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for far too long teachers etc have gotten away with beating, causing harm to students with the argument of face being more important or that they have students have no rights where teachers are concerned. This idiot should never have been a teacher if he cannot control his rage and being jailed and fined is the best thing that could happen to him, just hope he gets the maximum for his lack of self control/importance.

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2 hours ago, MaxLee said:


Indeed, the government would have to shut down the entire internet and communication systems and ban all smart phones to get away with face prestige intentional abuse of influential authority power.



Cometh "the hour" they might just try that. 


Social Media will be inappropriate for a nation in mourning.


Of course, how can they close down public use of the internet without stopping a lot of other activities - banking, , business etc?


I don't know, but I'd bet they have people working on it....

Edited by JAG
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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

I thought he was cleared during an investigation and it was deemed an unfortunate accident.  It was the mugs fault.


A school investigation, not a police investigation. The school said it was an accident and they might lower his salary for a month. For them, the fact that he lost his temper and acted like a child is entirely irrelevant and obviously considered to be normal and acceptable behaviour for a teacher as he sets an example to his pupils in how NOT to behave.

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`GBH carries a maximum sentence of 10 years or 20,000 baht in fines or both.` 


So you can get fined probably less than a month's wages or go to prison for 10 years? No prizes for guessing which of these two options he`ll be given..:bah:


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11 minutes ago, JAG said:



Cometh "the hour" they might just try that. 


Social Media will be inappropriate for a nation in mourning.


Of course, how can they close down public use of the internet without stopping a lot of other activities - banking, , business etc?


I don't know, but I'd bet they have people working on it....


With close ties and preferences to and from China, everything is drastically possible with this current ruling regime....


back to topic.... Yeah right, give terror teachers no chance......

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

He stuck to his story that the coffee cup hit a window frame and ricocheted into the girl's face.


There now, all is explained.


Certainly he's allowed to throw things in the direction of students, as long as he doesn't hit them straight away. :rolleyes:


My guess is that he is not the only teacher here who has "control" issues, and that he probably "learned" this behavior was acceptable from his teachers.

Well when i was at school 60 years ago it was the blackboard cleaner that was used and that was aimed at the student

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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

I thought he was cleared during an investigation and it was deemed an unfortunate accident.  It was the mugs fault.

Correct, the mug being the teacher who is now rightfully being charged.

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3 hours ago, JAG said:



Cometh "the hour" they might just try that. 


Social Media will be inappropriate for a nation in mourning.


Of course, how can they close down public use of the internet without stopping a lot of other activities - banking, , business etc?


I don't know, but I'd bet they have people working on it....


To do so would form a potent constituent (but not the only one) of the "detonating" mixture.



Edited by Enoon
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15 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

Well when i was at school 60 years ago it was the blackboard cleaner that was used and that was aimed at the student

Maybe so, but this is 2016 and it's now not acceptable and against the law.

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2 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:

"Teacher in student "mugging" now facing GBH"

Another quality headline......for the record, there was absolutely no "mugging" involved in this story.


Although, there was a violent incident involving a mug - possibly a farang-made mug....and if so, clearly the mug's fault.


Mugging was enclosed in inverted comma's hoping the English / grammar police weren't too upset.

Actually for anyone following the story, "mugging" was a clever selection for the news-line, but then of course many don't have any sense of humour or only see things in black and white.

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