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Expats Who Moan About Thailand Should Either Shut Up Or Leave


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10 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Moaning is part of human nature.... not worth writing War and Peace about it.


Well said.


If people want to moan let 'em. If you don't like them moaning ignore them, no one is making you pay them any attention. You certainly won't be able to stop them. Life has its ups and downs and the downs can often annoy us and upset us and we may feel the need to talk about them.


That's why good companies have complaint departments. So if their product or services are not up to scratch they can rectify things, keep the customer satisfied and so keep his or her business.


It's a bit pathetic when someone moans about the fact that someone else is moaner. Where would forums like this be without the so called 'moaners'. They are the very life of any forum.

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Well said.
If people want to moan let 'em. If you don't like them moaning ignore them, no one is making you pay them any attention. You certainly won't be able to stop them. Life has its ups and downs and the downs can often annoy us and upset us and we may feel the need to talk about them.
That's why good companies have complaint departments. So if their product or services are not up to scratch they can rectify things, keep the customer satisfied and so keep his or her business.
It's a bit pathetic when someone moans about the fact that someone else is moaner. Where would forums like this be without the so called 'moaners'. They are the very life of any forum.

Well said' my sentiments exactly

It becomes extremely annoying when people react as if it's a life or death situation, I'll never understand how anyone can be so petty over another's comments that are just mere opinions of no consequence or just a flippant remark that seems to incite the furore of another about to burst a blood vessel taking everything too personally.

It verges on lunacy,......

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18 hours ago, mcfish said:

Dont know many moaners in Bangkok, Its a big vibrant city that tends to draw in an upper class of expat as big expensive cities do the world over. Most have had successful lives not build on negativity and that perspective cheerfully  carries over into retirement.


Its when farang are forced to live in ghetto style accommodation with no money for honey that things turn ugly ..think nurin complex pattaya or the thousands of poor pensioners in chang mai that scramble home the minute happy hour is over, or the poor bastards that decided out of the blue one day that they should live on a farm in Isaan with a newly acquired wife that cant speak a word of English...


This my friends is when the moaning sets in 



I really don't know. I've always made it a  point to live in areas where there aren't many foreigners. When I used to live in Bangkok all the people I knew liked life here. It's really only in the comments sections at TV that I see the massive whining. Of course I first came to Thailand while I was in the Army, 45 years ago, and it really deserved the designation of "Third World Country." I traveled up-country and saw rural poverty that people who came to Thailand only ten or fifteen years ago really can't imagine. So, when I made up my mind to live here, I was mentally prepared to live in a world that was not like where I grew up. In fact, to me Thailand seems to have improved so much in the 34 years since I returned that it seems like Peoria to me. I have no problem with the fact that banks don't process checks as fast as American banks do. I don't have a problem with people who speak English poorly or not at all. I don't care that I'm not allowed to work here. I knew that condition of my stay when I came. I don't care that I am not allowed to buy land here. I knew about that before I came. I don't care that they have days when I can't go to a bar for a drink. I'm an alcoholic, so I gave up drinking decades ago and my life got better because of that. I really should not respond to negative people. It's one of my many failings as a human being.

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I think the "complaining" issue is partly related to the kind of news that often rightfully shows up in the headlines here, and thus draws responding comments from those reading the news. The news reports often aren't about the good people or good things about Thailand, which in fact has both.


But rather, the news here, because it's news, is often about the stupid, senseless, terrible things that occur here and make many of us wish Thailand was a better place:


--killers who walk free or are never prosecuted simply because they're considered influential.

--corrupt politicians who are convicted, then released on bail, and then not surprisingly flee the country.

--the almost daily, never-ending litany of senseless bus, van, boating deaths due to total disregard for life.

--a former almost/kind of democracy that lately, once again, has taken a U-turn back in the opposite direction.

--a "law enforcement" and criminal justice system that often seems to provide very little of either, etc etc.


I don't have any kind of overall, negative view on my life here. Day to day life for me is OK and my overall outlook on life here reflects that.  If I thought otherwise, I probably would have left already.


But when I sit down to read the news every day, it's the above kinds of head-shaking things that typically are populating the headlines.


Perhaps if I read more about killers being sent to jail, corrupt politicians being held accountable for their crimes, bad public transit operators having their licenses revoked or prosecuted, or signs that the country was making progress toward becoming a democracy again, etc., I'd feel better about the news I was reading and commenting on.


Exhibit A for the prosecution:  What else can anyone say when reading this kind of news:



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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20 hours ago, mcfish said:

"Nope, I'm settling in the Philippines "


Are you insane? a country where the president encourages the nationals to join the police in executing drug users and dealers! westerners have already been killed and the possibility for extortion and black mail against westerners in exchange for life is very very real...good luck with that, its a hell hole !


I believe the Westerns your referring to were also allegedly involved in the drugs trade (e.g. Aurora Moynihan), as I'm not and don't associate with anyone who might be I have little to fear.


As for abductions of Westerners by the likes of  Abu Sayyaf, well their time is also number due to Duterte putting boot to the Military's ass to do their job.


Its all a question of how much risk your used to living with?  I've just spent the last 2 years working in NE Nigeria with Boko Haram slaughtering everything in sight and before that I was in Baghdad and Kabul, so living in Davao City in taking it easy for me :) 

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I believe the Westerns your referring to were also allegedly involved in the drugs trade (e.g. Aurora Moynihan), as I'm not and don't associate with anyone who might be I have little to fear.
As for abductions of Westerners by the likes of  Abu Sayyaf, well their time is also number due to Duterte putting boot to the Military's ass to do their job.
Its all a question of how much risk your used to living with?  I've just spent the last 2 years working in NE Nigeria with Boko Haram slaughtering everything in sight and before that I was in Baghdad and Kabul, so living in Davao City in taking it easy for me :) 

That's quite a resume [emoji1]

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5 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

Seems like a Catch 22 situation is looming me thinks

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It's called point and counterpoint.  The original apologists just think they've found a new way to hammer on those who commit the unpardonable sin of not agreeing with them.  Grade school must be letting out early these days.


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It's called point and counterpoint.  The original apologists just think they've found a new way to hammer on those who commit the unpardonable sin of not agreeing with them.  Grade school must be letting out early these days.


Bang on

Tried till I'm blue in the face explaining that's what TV is for - opinions. Although, as per usual get hijacked by hypocrite miserable Numptys pent on getting their toxic verbal assaults across to show their dominance.

Shame though

So many nice intelligent people on here with a good sense of humour. However, we have to suffer all the negative crap until it ends in a positive !!!

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Although I'd still rather be here than anywhere else...certainly don't feel nearly as welcomed or valued as 10-20 years ago...

...nor as relaxed, content and comfortable. While things change and we have to roll with it...some criticism and healthy bitching can not only be constructive, but therapeutic as well!


That said...am NOT a fan of the perpetually negative and constantly complaining. Have a couple friends like that and it quickly becomes tedious and wearisome. Wears my ass out FAST.

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On 27/09/2016 at 8:23 AM, robblok said:

No need to keep quit about these things, valid complaints.. but if you really hate them (I dont like them) just leave because it is not going to change anytime soon. 

weak people leave..

 World build people who like-do not like some and changed -How is like..

 and in Thailand  changed too how i can see last 10 years


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it is easy to complain....especially when you can't make a change of a situation.... it is a good way to see who is interesting or not...good luck finding the good friend you want around.....who will be there when you got a problem ....those one would never be there before to help you avoid that problem...just be careful !

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On 9/28/2016 at 1:27 AM, canuckamuck said:

This post nearly gave me a seizure from ellipses. Is that elilipsilepsy?

nearly? you complaining? 



Good example again ...

thanks a lot..... 

I guess this topic is good to know who is legit or not.





When you love.....you just don't complain ...... just saying....



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I agree, we can leave, most Thais can't. They're stuck with it. And there are double standards, guys say what they like on Thaivisa, try doing that on Thai media. Most Thais aren't stupid, they know exactly what's going on, probably more than you or me.

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On 9/27/2016 at 8:29 AM, ScotBkk said:

Yes - I love the - Better you leave Brigrade.

Why must I leave because of points of view. If all the people that have their own opinions where asked to leave Thailand here on TV - would thaivisa still have enough members left to make these posts worthwhile ?

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That brigade is called the "if you don't like it go home" brigade. There are many members of that

brigade on this forum. Anyway, you made a very good post and I agree with you entirely.:clap2:

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On 9/27/2016 at 9:14 AM, tonray said:

Thailand has its problems but I would not be here if not for the fact that my country has bigger ones, most notably pricing the vast majority of residents out of a decent lifestyle, even if you have worked all of your life. So yeah...not happy with being a somewhat 'unwelcome guest' here but better than the current alternative.

I seem to be reading some really good posts on this topic, well said Tonray.

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travelling is amazing....flying somewhere where you don't belong...Because you don't belong to that place at first....you must adapt and see for yourself if you can be part of that new environment ...it is only you who is responsible for that possibility .......it is very very very very hard to be an expat. You need money...you need discipline.... probably some luck.... maybe you need to need to be smart...and you need to be rich .....you need cash ...no matter where you want to go you always need money.....so i may be rude to people who complain a lot but i do respect expat ...they achieved something extraordinary ...... so much respect for you and sorry for complaining a lot about you who complain . And don't forget about Job opportunity.... if you didn't study much ...if you don't speak the local language....if your english is not that good..... there is so much thing that could stop the dream and make you go back to the airport where you got two choice....you jump ...they love jumper......why don't they put a protection ? when you are waiting for your flight....your baggage is gone....you go out breath that delicious exotic air and you watch down ..and you are like should i stop the dream that way.....a sudden death...you won't probably feel much ...or should you go back and question your existence? ok let's do it....a last cigarette....watching the taxi go one by one ..and you are like <deleted> it i ain't going nowhere....then you thinking shiiiiiiiiiiiit why do they make thing complicate? why need a visa? why not try to disappear? and stay as long as possible.... then you are thinking...ok let's check how much you got???? omggggggg you got only 45 baths ...that's it...You going home...... that's life...the end of an adventure.....for now ... 





This life is hard we need to be strong....united....that why i don't want us to complain...i want us to be together and to dream bigger of the possibility that the country offer to us......  




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travelling is amazing....flying somewhere where you don't belong...Because you don't belong to that place at first....you must adapt and see for yourself if you can be part of that new environment ...it is only you who is responsible for that possibility .......it is very very very very hard to be an expat. You need money...you need discipline.... probably some luck.... maybe you need to need to be smart...and you need to be rich .....you need cash ...no matter where you want to go you always need money.....so i may be rude to people who complain a lot but i do respect expat ...they achieved something extraordinary ...... so much respect for you and sorry for complaining a lot about you who complain . And don't forget about Job opportunity.... if you didn't study much ...if you don't speak the local language....if your english is not that good..... there is so much thing that could stop the dream and make you go back to the airport where you got two choice....you jump ...they love jumper......why don't they put a protection ? when you are waiting for your flight....your baggage is gone....you go out breath that delicious exotic air and you watch down ..and you are like should i stop the dream that way.....a sudden death...you won't probably feel much ...or should you go back and question your existence? ok let's do it....a last cigarette....watching the taxi go one by one ..and you are like <deleted> it i ain't going nowhere....then you thinking shiiiiiiiiiiiit why do they make thing complicate? why need a visa? why not try to disappear? and stay as long as possible.... then you are thinking...ok let's check how much you got???? omggggggg you got only 45 baths ...that's it...You going home...... that's life...the end of an adventure.....for now ... 
This life is hard we need to be strong....united....that why i don't want us to complain...i want us to be together and to dream bigger of the possibility that the country offer to us......  

Did you find Utopia or Yaba !!

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