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US election: Donald Trump accusers telling lies, says Melania


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31 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Melania Trump Interview – Grace and Strength Under Fire…

The next first lady of the United States gives a sit down interview to CNN’s Anderson Cooper.  Melania is exceptionally poised and gracefully strong. Amazing lady.


Cant be true on those damned MSM, especially not on the Communist News Network. Unless of course they care a lot more about honest reporting than you want to admit.

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3 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

this is all minor 'noise' her husband had sex in the Oval office while president!  people who live in glass houses...

Except maybe you hadn't heard but Bill Clinton was impeached for his Oval office transgressions, and he is not on the ballot in any of the 50 states.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Not according to the accusations of sexual assault and rape it wasn't. But the media seem to ignore that, or more pointedly Hilary's alleged role in attacking and discrediting those women to protect Billy boy.


Trump may be a moron but there's no doubt certain media are targeting him whilst ignoring Hilary's many issues.


Your talking about a case from the 70s, which has long been known and to which he was never convicted. A case in which the accuser signed a document in 1997 saying that she was not raped. She has since changed her tune. I don't know what happened with Bill Clinton or Donald Trump. What I do know though is that the Juanita Broaddrick allegation is decades old, and if Bill were going to ever be face charges on it, it would have happened by now. In the case of Trump he has the ongoing accusation from a then 13 year old child, as well as the nine new allegations and we do not know how those will turn out. 

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During the interview Ainsley asked Melania about her husband’s accusers who all just happened to break their silence this week to trash Donald Trump with alleged accusations of sexual misconduct.

Melania Trump: I was not surprised in one way because as I said before everything was organized and it is three weeks before the election. All these women coming out and they are allegations that are not true. Why now? Why three weeks before the election? And they are accusing my husband? That is not the person that I know… All the allegations should be handled in a court of law. And without the evidence to accuse somebody is a man or a woman is damaging and it’s unfair… They want to damage the presidency of my husband. It was all planned. All organized.

None of the accusers have filed charges against Donald Trump for the alleged abuse they endured.
Wonder why?



Edited by Boon Mee
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4 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

I thought her comment about "boy" talk was spot on - adolescent boy talk, that is. The sort you hear from some poor kid who's just lost his virginity and is terrified he'll never have sex again, so he's busy boasting to everyone who'll listen what a great stud he is

Yes, it's easy to imagine Trump holding up his hand and saying "come on Bushy, smell my fingers".

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1 hour ago, ehs818 said:

That's right Melania, STAND BY YOUR MAN. Same as Hillary did when her husband blew it. Ten years from now they'll all be making fun of you for this decision, if not sooner!

The thing you might want to remember is that your husband cheated on wife #1 with the soon to become wife #2. You are wife #3.  Seeing a trend there?

Her husband didn't blow it, he was blown. This is a distinction hard to make for Donald Trump as it's his own appendage in his mouth.

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The simple fact is that Donald Trump- even without any women issues- is not qualified to be President . His temperament; lack of any logical and detailed plans; and his insistence of attempting to solve America's Immigration issues by building a wall and then deporting 11 million undocumented aliens is enough for anyone to cast their vote for Hillary Clinton.

Trump would cause a massive loss in the stock market and the US Dollar will drop like a rock. He will alienate all of America's allies and push America into a war with Iran and others in the Middle East. He has no depth nor any understanding of any of the issues .

Most Americans want change and change for the better because we are all sick and tired of the way politicians are not moving the country forward or improving the life of the individual American.

Donald Trump is surly not the answer- his election would be disastrous. While Hillary Clinton is not the ultimate answer she will at least buy some time until America can hopefully reform the election process and real bonafide candidates who are change agents come forward. At least with Hillary, America will not regress backward.  Trump is merely a demagogue; a flim flam man who wants people to believe he is the savior. If elected- he would save the wealthy and do so off the back of every other American. there is only one choice in the election and it is not Donald Trump.


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22 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

And without the evidence to accuse somebody is a man or a woman is damaging and it’s

That's a quote from Melania Trump! I knew it! Neither man or woman, neither fish nor fowl. She's nuts. The evidence is that he said he grabs women, non consenting women, by their pussy and then women come out and confirm that he did what he said he did. Now she's pissed off because women are confirming that what Trump said is True! What a twisted world. She's bent, and like I said there is evidence that people say that she's off her face 24/7 - kinda like Tony Montana's wife in Scarface. I've not heard anyone prove that it isn't true so it must be.

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I am sorry to break it to those who think Donald Trump will become President- It will never, ever happen. He is so obviously  flawed that the majority of Americans will vote for Hillary even with her warts. Trump should have never been a candidate and the Republicans will pay heavily for putting this narcissistic meglomaniac in the spotlight. Undoubtedly , the worst candidate I have ever seen or read about in American history.

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November 9th can't come fast enough, imho.  If this presidential cycle has shown the world anything it's shown exactly how ugly and corrupt the political machine in the US has become.  These people running for office represent the US electorate?  If they actually do represent the 'electorate', the it says volumes about the current state of the United States and shows that most Americas are totally out of touch with reality.  Most non-US citizens I know outside of the continental US are pretty much horrified by the geopolitics and politics of the US.  And I can understand why.

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I am sorry to break it to those who think Donald Trump will become President- It will never, ever happen. He is so obviously  flawed that the majority of Americans will vote for Hillary even with her warts. Trump should have never been a candidate and the Republicans will pay heavily for putting this narcissistic meglomaniac in the spotlight. Undoubtedly , the worst candidate I have ever seen or read about in American history.
It's very unlikely he will win. True. But technically still possible which is horrifying. Also assuming he loses what's to stop him from running next time in the trumpist third party? Except his age and health. I can't see the republicans touching him again.
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I remember all those years ago when Bill was running for President, Hillary was interviewed on the Parkinson Show (at least I think it was).  The interviewer was pushing her about Bill's infidelity and because of it his suitability to be President.  Her reply was that if people think that then don't vote for him.  Can't imagine Melania risking that approach somehow 

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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

So, if someone is a Democrat, their report of sexual abuse has no merit? The only reason this came to light is that Donald Trump after attacking Hillary Clinton over her husband's behavior and was then caught bragging about sexually abusing women and it's on tape. He denied during the debate that he ever treated women in such a manner and guess what? 11 women came forward to tell the world that he is a liar. 


Of course not. However this lady is not only a Democrat but a rather active one and her husband just happens to be a business rival of Trump. Coming 3 weeks before the election makes it very very suspect. Women falsly accuse men of rape and assault all too often for many reasons and her motives are obvious to anyone. Trump has been surrounded by women his whole life. A wealthy, powerful ,attractive alpha-male. The press has looked hard to find potential vicitims and only a few came forward. Several were scorned wanna-be lovers who had been hounding him for dates or jobs. His alpha-male banter was crude but men and women talk like this is private all the time. If we had live recorders following  us around we would all be in trouble. Bill is a different matter. Many assault vicitms going all the way back to his days at Oxford. It has dogged him his whole adult life.. Settlements for large amouts of money were sometimes required. 

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I am sorry to break it to those who think Donald Trump will become President- It will never, ever happen. He is so obviously  flawed that the majority of Americans will vote for Hillary even with her warts. Trump should have never been a candidate and the Republicans will pay heavily for putting this narcissistic meglomaniac in the spotlight. Undoubtedly , the worst candidate I have ever seen or read about in American history.


Flawed? Like all of us but did Trump carpet-bomb Lybia and (as co-prez) Serbia?  The Lybian bombing destroyed their infrastructure and killed thousands of innocent people. Chaos, civil war and the spread of radical islam followed resulting in a tidal wave of refugees into Europe. Lybia is far worse off than it was before the needless obama/ clinton war. All done without congressional approval as well.


Serbia was carpet-bombed with depleated uranium with up to 90 billion dollars in damage done. One oil refinary alone was bombed 11 times. Horrific ecological damage and thousands of innocents killed. Even the UN admitted the justification for this war was based largely on war propaganda after the war was over. Much like Shrub's WMD fable  for the Iraq war (that she voted for).


Her Syrian policy of arming Islamic Wahabbist nutters far worse than Assad is also a war crime.


 These are but only a few of her many war crimes and they have been exposed in even the more honest liberal media.


There is nothing Trump has ever done that even comes close to her war crimes. Now she is threatening war with Russia. Even the Green Party leader said she is more dangerous than Trump and far more corrupt as well.

Edited by Merzik
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11 minutes ago, Merzik said:


Flawed? Like all of us but did Trump carpet-bomb Lybia and (as co-prez) Serbia?  The Lybian bombing destroyed their infrastructure and killed thousands of innocent people. Chaos, civil war and the spread of radical islam followed resulting in a tidal wave of refugees into Europe. Lybia is far worse off than it was before the needless obama/ clinton war. All done without congressional approval as well.


Serbia was carpet-bombed with depleated uranium with up to 90 billion dollars in damage done. One oil refinary alone was bombed 11 times. Horrific ecological damage and thousands of innocents killed. Even the UN admitted the justification for this war was based largely on war propaganda after the war was over. Much like Shrub's WMD fable  for the Iraq war (that she voted for).


Her Syrian policy of arming Islamic Wahabbist nutters far worse than Assad is also a war crime.


 These are but only a few of her many war crimes and they have been exposed in even the more honest liberal media.


There is nothing Trump has ever done that even comes close to her war crimes. Now she is threatening war with Russia. Even the Green Party leader said she is more dangerous than Trump and far more corrupt as well.

I don't really know what Serbians export but I know one thing that they don't: pity.  That they keep all for themselves.

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7 hours ago, garywim said:

More whining as per usual, from Donald's camp. 

I'm slowly getting fed up with American Politics.

I think many people feel the same way!!!


It's the same in the UK on LBC Radio. It started at 10am and went on till 2pm when the presenter decided to have a break from it. It was non stop anti Trump and pro Clinton except for when Bill got mentioned but that was OK because he's not running for office.


If it's the same in the US people are going to get pissed off with it and vote for Trump regardless out of spite, malice, revenge and frustration. You can only take so much!

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8 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


It's the same in the UK on LBC Radio. It started at 10am and went on till 2pm when the presenter decided to have a break from it. It was non stop anti Trump and pro Clinton except for when Bill got mentioned but that was OK because he's not running for office.


If it's the same in the US people are going to get pissed off with it and vote for Trump regardless out of spite, malice, revenge and frustration. You can only take so much!

The media are being so unfair to Trump. It seems they're actually quoting things he said.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

The media are being so unfair to Trump. It seems they're actually quoting things he said.


That may well be but here in England the Media are just too relentless in their vilification of Trump, It really is over the top and quite often such a concentrated campaign can turn around and bite the instigators on the arse. In the UK folk may decide things have gone too far and support the underdog. I don't know if that's a trait that is shared by Americans. If you're with CNN you must hope not.


The continual slagging off of Nigel Farage by our establishment controlled media before our referendum had the opposite result of the one desired. It was just too much to take seriously and the electorate made up their own mind, but their decision was not the one the media tried to instill into the general public. It was all just a bit too fishy!

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It's the same in the UK on LBC Radio. It started at 10am and went on till 2pm when the presenter decided to have a break from it. It was non stop anti Trump and pro Clinton except for when Bill got mentioned but that was OK because he's not running for office.
If it's the same in the US people are going to get pissed off with it and vote for Trump regardless out of spite, malice, revenge and frustration. You can only take so much!

ABC, CNN, MSNBC and others are totally slanted. Even the recent released video showing the DNC and Hillary planting people at Trump events to cause problems is not being aired. After seeing this video I don't see how any honest person could vote for Hillary and sleep at night.
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Just now, yogi100 said:


That may well be but here in England the Media are just too relentless in their vilification of Trump, It really is over the top and quite often such a concentrated campaign can turn around and bite the instigators on the arse. In the UK folk may decide things have gone too far and support the underdog. I don't know if that's a trait that is shared by Americans. If you're with CNN you must hope not.


The continual slagging off of Nigel Farage by our establishment controlled media before our referendum had the opposite result of the one desired. It was just too much to take seriously and the electorate made up their own mind, but their decision was not the one the media tried to instill into the general public. It was all just a bit too fishy!

I think it's safe to assign your comments to the Departmental of Wishful Thinking. You see, I've read some of your other posts, so I know where you're coming from.

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25 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think it's safe to assign your comments to the Departmental of Wishful Thinking. You see, I've read some of your other posts, so I know where you're coming from.



I'll be coming from London to Pattaya later this month, I am not trying to hide the fact although I don't know what's that got to do with things. And I make no secret of the fact that I supported Farage in the referendum and I hope Trump gets elected on Nov 8th.

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17 minutes ago, yogi100 said:



I'll be coming from London to Pattaya later this month, I am not trying to hide the fact although I don't know what's that got to do with things. And I make no secret of the fact that I supported Farage in the referendum and I hope Trump gets elected on Nov 8th.

You clearly aren't acquainted with all the possible meanings of "to know where someone is coming from."  Maybe it's just an Americanism. In this case it means I know where you stand on the issues. And that's why your observation smacks of wishful thinking.

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