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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

The similarities with Brexit are glaring. Whites with no college degree voted overwhelmingly for Trump. 


Predictably 88% of blacks voted for HRC


Astonishingly, 35% of Hispanics voted Trump.


So lunatics and asylum are the words ?


If folks have learned anything from this election it should be this........Don't believe everything  the MSM puts in front of you....especially claims of knowing all the profiles of who voted what. All you know is Americans overwhelmingly chose who they had more faith in.


Not really surprising given the past few decades

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1 minute ago, 3FingeredWillie said:


Yep. But he will also make a lot of people unhappy by doing that. He may find himself fighting his own party members with what they want to do.


Maybe they will consider healthcare reform this time rather than just expanding Medicaid to the benefit of the corporate healthcare cartel and cost to the middle class

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

... He met with the Mexican prez in the afternoon, and that evening shouted from a stage; a completely different deal than that which he spoke with Nieto about. 


No deal was made with Nieto, "That would have been inappropriate," as he was not even the pres-elect, at that time.


What he said that night in AZ was what he said continuously before and since:  "Mexico will pay for the wall."  Not "with a check" ala the comedy show (SNL), but with adjustments to tariffs (on the $55 Bn / yr in trade-deficit) and/or remittance-taxes (money siphoned to Mexico out of the US economy from US-paychecks - Mexico's largest single source of national income) and/or other means of funds which are controlled by the USA.


This policy makes since when you consider the cost to the US Citizen from illegal immigration across that border, and Mexico's govt not only doing nothing about it, but going so far as to publish "How to cross into the US" brochures for their citizens to use, to break US immigration laws.  When the US stops subsidizing Mexican families, and adsorbing their surplus-population, there will be massive change as that country, with massive natural wealth, adjusts to allow more of its people to prosper - not only folks like Carlos Slim (owner of the NY Times Newspaper - all anti-Trump, all the time).

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2 minutes ago, mania said:


If folks have learned anything from this election it should be this........Don't believe everything  the MSM puts in front of you....especially claims of knowing all the profiles of who voted what. All you know is Americans overwhelmingly chose who they had more faith in.


Not really surprising given the past few decades



The population of many countries have finally woken up to the fact that they've been fed nothing but propaganda for years, and so are voting for anything other than the 'establishment' recommendation.

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Van Jones, the corrupt Obama-Hillary operative and CNN bobble-head says the election was a "whitelash (backlash...get it)" and that anyone who voted for Trump is a racist...with megalomaniacs like this on her side, Hillary never stood a chance.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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I'm surprised so many women voted for Trump given #4 in this list: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34903577


Also, take note of #13 since Trump seems to admire a dictator who invaded and subsequently annexed another country's sovereign territory. http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/trump-crimea/493280/


Not only that, one of Putin's missiles was transported from Russia and was used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 resulting in the death of 283 passengers and 15 crew. https://www.theguardian.com/news/malaysia-airlines-flight-mh17


No doubt Trump will condone Russia's bombing of civilians in Aleppo as well shortly. https://www.theguardian.com/world/syria


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6 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Van Jones, the corrupt Obama-Hillary sycophant and CNN bobble-head says the election was a "whitelash (backlash...get it)" and that anyone who voted for Trump is a racist...with megalomaniacs like this on her side Hillary never stand a chance.

Van Jones has to live with his devisive hate. No one else does.

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5 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Van Jones, the corrupt Obama-Hillary sycophant and CNN bobble-head says the election was a "whitelash (backlash...get it)" and that anyone who voted for Trump is a racist...with megalomaniacs like this on her side Hillary never stand a chance.


Van Jones is a smooth, reasonable-sounding talker - very effective / skilled at what he does, usually - but got caught up in his "only way to beat Trump is hollering 'racist'," trap, this time.


What is idiotic about that assessment, is if you watched CNN's coverage, they kept flipping counties back to 2012 and comparing the vote Obama got, vs Hillary.  Many Americans who had No Problem voting for a Black president before (twice), didn't vote for Hillary. 


If anything, Van Jones could look to lower black-turnout, and ask if they were voting "based on race" for Obama, before.  Now ask who is "racist"?  Sad thing to see our elections look like so many other countries, turned into "voting by ethnicity" instead of "ideas and policies."  Divide and Conquer politics rarely helps the common folks - which, of course, explains the desire for mass-immigration by the Elite.

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6 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

How do so many non-Americans know what it is like to live in the USA? Let me guess: They formulated their opinions by watching their national news networks. How can we even dare to challenge these pillars of wisdom?


But isn't that the same when Trump people say Europe is so bad? How can they criticize anything they have no experience with?


I'm American by the way.

Edited by 3FingeredWillie
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I get the anti-establishment mood. I get the rabid anti-Clinton feelings that some folks have, dating back to her husband. I get that Hilary herself isn't exactly a candidate that many people could feel good about, for many reasons. Etc etc etc...


But as far as I can tell, we've just elected a guy as president who:

--appears to have absolutely no moral compass.

--is totally narcissistic and self-absorbed.

--has a pretty credible history of being misogynistic

--has no prior military or political experience, but does have a pretty sordid business background.

--wants to be buddies with a dictator who is a clear enemy of the U.S. and Europe, human rights, etc.

--appears to regard the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights as minor inconveniences to be disregarded.

etc etc etc....


Maybe Trump and his past businesses can readily declare bankruptcy and walk away. But the U.S. as a nation can't declare bankruptcy. I wonder if he even knows that. Come to think of it, the whole country today did in fact declare a kind of non-financial bankruptcy.


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1 minute ago, 3FingeredWillie said:


But isn't that the same when Trump people say Europe is so bad? How can they criticize anything they have no experience with?


I'm American by the way.


I'm a Trump person, and I think like most of us, we don't care what Europeans do.  We just don't want to pay their way.

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29 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


Van Jones is a smooth, reasonable-sounding talker - very effective / skilled at what he does, usually - but got caught up in his "only way to beat Trump is hollering 'racist'," trap, this time.


What is idiotic about that assessment, is if you watched CNN's coverage, they kept flipping counties back to 2012 and comparing the vote Obama got, vs Hillary.  Many Americans who had No Problem voting for a Black president before (twice), didn't vote for Hillary. 


If anything, Van Jones could look to lower black-turnout, and ask if they were voting "based on race" for Obama, before.  Now ask who is "racist"?  Sad thing to see our elections look like so many other countries, turned into "voting by ethnicity" instead of "ideas and policies."  Divide and Conquer politics rarely helps the common folks - which, of course, explains the desire for mass-immigration by the Elite.

And who's to blame for that...it's Hillary and the Democrats that have spent the past 30 years slicing and dicing the country into ever smaller groups in their never-ending identity politics movement.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I get the anti-establishment mood. I get the rabid anti-Clinton feelings that some folks have, dating back to her husband. I get that Hilary herself isn't exactly a candidate that many people could feel good about, for many reasons. Etc etc etc...


But as far as I can tell, we've just elected a guy as president who:

--appears to have absolutely no moral compass.

--is totally narcissistic and self-absorbed.

--has a pretty credible history of being misogynistic

--has no prior military or political experience, but does have a pretty sordid business background.

--wants to be buddies with a dictator who is a clear enemy of the U.S. and Europe, human rights, etc.

--appears to regard the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights as minor inconveniences to be disregarded.

etc etc etc....


Maybe Trump and his past businesses can readily declare bankruptcy and walk away. But the U.S. as a nation can't declare bankruptcy. I wonder if he even knows that. Come to think of it, the whole country today did in fact declare a kind of non-financial bankruptcy.



It was now or never. Had the establishment won this time, the nation would have been brought under their heel for eternity. This is the beginning of a National Revolution.  This is what it looks like. Feels like. Tastes like.  All the psuedoradical SJW and millennials who thought that they were hip and edgy are about to find out that true revolutions don't consist of having a tattoo on your arm and putting a ring through your nose. It's here.  It's time.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


With a GOP Congress, Obamacare is toast. Expect cross state line health insurance soon next year.


That is what we always needed! Cross state health insurance...free market competition for our health care dollars. :thumbsup:  doctors might actually start accepting new patients again


since Obama care it is next to impossible to get seen anymore

Edited by mania
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Well done to the 120 million citizens who bothered to vote.

No point in moaning and crying over spilt milk.

I just hope that President Trump chooses wisely who his advisers/appointees will be - some of his surrogates were even more vile than Trump was.

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Really? They voted about 50 times already in congress to do that. I guess voters don't pay attention.


I wasn't referring to the people in congress who want to get rid of it. I mean lots of American people, both on the right and left,  will lose their coverage and Trump may see that as making himself look bad and threaten his second term. If Trump decides he is going to do things his way, he may find himself fighting with the rightwingers in congress. Afterall many of them don't like him and never wanted him because he does his own thing and doesn't give a crap about their seniority or past power. He is his own man. Now they will have to fight him within the party they all supposedly belong to.

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1 minute ago, Usernames said:


It was now or never. Had the establishment won this time, the nation would have been brought under their heel for eternity. This is the beginning of a National Revolution.  This is what it looks like. Feels like. Tastes like.  All the psuedoradical SJW and millennials who thought that they were hip and edgy are about to find out that true revolutions don't consist of having a tattoo on your arm and putting a ring through your nose. It's here.  It's time.


Guess doom and gloom posts are labeled as hyperbole only when coming from anti-Trump posters. :coffee1:

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8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I get the anti-establishment mood. I get the rabid anti-Clinton feelings that some folks have, dating back to her husband. I get that Hilary herself isn't exactly a candidate that many people could feel good about, for many reasons. Etc etc etc...


But as far as I can tell, we've just elected a guy as president who:

--appears to have absolutely no moral compass.

--is totally narcissistic and self-absorbed.

--has a pretty credible history of being misogynistic

--has no prior military or political experience, but does have a pretty sordid business background.

--wants to be buddies with a dictator who is a clear enemy of the U.S. and Europe, human rights, etc.

--appears to regard the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights as minor inconveniences to be disregarded.

etc etc etc....


Maybe Trump and his past businesses can readily declare bankruptcy and walk away. But the U.S. as a nation can't declare bankruptcy. I wonder if he even knows that. Come to think of it, the whole country today did in fact declare a kind of non-financial bankruptcy.


Your list would fit about 90% of the past occupants of the Oval Office (except for military service) and many of them did a pretty good job; so I'm feeling pretty good right now.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sure it's "great" for far right wing extremist BIGOTS.

What this means, and much more --

Abortion will be made illegal

Recognition of same sex marriages killed at federal level, probably allowed state by state, but almost worthless legally without federal recognition. People already married ... taken away.

Citizens United, corporate corruption personified ... KEPT

Minority voting rights ... degraded even more

Gun ownership rights ... beefed up even more, if that is even possible

That's what we voted for. I don't buy the corruption piece, but just like the poor corruption will always be with us. 

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I didn't care about America being great/not great. I genuinely believed it was good. But the good have been shouted down. With votes. (But also, actual shouting).


Trump was right. The election is rigged. Rigged with stupid, hateful oafs.


I was wrong. I assumed the majority of Americans are decent folk and would not vote for a gropey, petty, vindictive narcissist who preyed on bigotry, fear and hate.


Sad face.


I leave you with wise words from Tolkien:


“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.


"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”



Let us begin our march to Mordor!


Good luck to us all, we're going to need it.



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Just now, Thakkar said:

I didn't care about America being great/not great. I genuinely believed it was good. But the good have been shouted down. With votes. (But also, actual shouting).


Trump was right. The election is rigged. Rigged with stupid, hateful oafs.


I was wrong. I assumed the majority of Americans are decent folk and would not vote for a gropey, petty, vindictive narcissist who preyed on bigotry, fear and hate.


Sad face.


I leave you with wise words from Tolkien:


“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.


"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”



Let us begin our march to Mordor!


Good luck to us all, we're going to need it.




Ah, Deplorable Oafs we are.  Oaf! Oaf! Oaf!

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