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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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3 hours ago, uptheos said:

JT spouts about Hillary winning the popular vote, so one wonders how much of the popular vote the democrats would have got if they didn't have a crooked, lying witch as leader?


We have the same system in Australia. It's not uncommon for a candidate to win the Federal Elections with a minority of the popular vote. Everyone knows the system going in. There's no point crying about it if doesn't go in your favour. It could have helped Clinton too - bad luck it didn't.


In recent years, Australia, it happened in 1990, 1998 (winning party down 200,000 votes) and 2010 (winning party down 650,000 votes). 





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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

America has ALREADY embarrassed itself deeply to the DECENT world by electing the demagogic baby man clown with ZERO experience who has no business in the white house except to be roasted by a REAL president.


But how does a baby man clown with zero experience get to garner the most GOP primary votes ever then becomes President? Because he's a clown and America loves baby man clowns? Or is it because half of America is hurting and Hillary/Obama and the Dems have failed them? Think on.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Don't want to waste my time here with off topic personal stuff like that.

Welcome to my ignore list.



Dry your eyes JT.  President-Elect Trump will turn those tears to laughter :passifier:


Hats off btw on forging ahead with your prolific post count despite your grief

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Millennials age 18 to 29 made up 19% (44 million)  of the total electorate yet only 46% bothered to vote. Of those that did 55% voted Crooked and 37% voted Trump.

31% (70 million) eligible voters are minorities, of those that voted, only 21% Hispanic, 36% Black, 24% other

managed to get out and vote and approx 75% of those voted for Crooked.


Between the millennials and the minority, it appears 90+% are now protesting/rioting across the nation, many of these protest areas are in republican and swing states that Trump won. 

One can make the assumption and is highly likely by this data a majority of these protesters/rioters did not even vote.:cheesy:


I just want to thank those lazy, spoiled brats that thought mommy and daddy would naturally Vote Hillary for them, and ended up voting Trump.


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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:




us election.png

lol....Hillary better be careful.  Bill cut a deal with Obama in 2008 to make her Sec of State because he knew it would keep her out of the country and away from him as often as possible.   He might cut a similar deal with Trump

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

We have the same system in Australia. It's not uncommon for a candidate to win the Federal Elections with a minority of the popular vote. Everyone knows the system going in. There's no point crying about it if doesn't go in your favour. It could have helped Clinton too - bad luck it didn't.


In recent years, Australia, it happened in 1990, 1998 (winning party down 200,000 votes) and 2010 (winning party down 650,000 votes). 

True tropo but the difference is those boundaries will be redrawn by an independent body [AEC] immediately to keep this future possibility in check.


The other thing is, as you know, voting is compulsory in Australia adn you will get the best representative governance possible in the end. In the states, over half did not turn out to vote. 90+ million or so a ridiculously high number given the stakes involved. Many these are crowing vocally now. Hard to have a lot of sympathy for the land of the free. Secondly, how the democrats organise their electoral nominations is not at all truly representative, or even democratic and heavily biased internally. /Super farkin delegates lollarama/


Americans deserve the system they have, the president they have got if they do not wish to attend to the underlying mechanisms which produce the results they get.


Hillary supporters. You screwed Bernie. You get Trump. 

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1 hour ago, optad said:

True tropo but the difference is those boundaries will be redrawn by an independent body [AEC] immediately to keep this future possibility in check.


The other thing is, as you know, voting is compulsory in Australia adn you will get the best representative governance possible in the end. In the states, over half did not turn out to vote. 90+ million or so a ridiculously high number given the stakes involved. Many these are crowing vocally now. Hard to have a lot of sympathy for the land of the free. Secondly, how the democrats organise their electoral nominations is not at all truly representative, or even democratic and heavily biased internally. /Super farkin delegates lollarama/


Americans deserve the system they have, the president they have got if they do not wish to attend to the underlying mechanisms which produce the results they get.


Hillary supporters. You screwed Bernie. You get Trump. 


I think it's worse in Australia: Out of 60 million votes Trump was only 200k lower than the loser. In the 2010 Australian election the loser had about 650k votes more than the winner, out of only 12.4 million votes total. That's pretty lousy drawing of electoral boundaries.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

I think it's worse in Australia: Out of 60 million votes Trump was only 200k lower than the loser. In the 2010 Australian election the loser had about 650k votes more than the winner, out of only 12.4 million votes total. That's pretty lousy drawing of electoral boundaries.



Actually, there were over 120 million total votes cast with less than a half a million separation giving a razor thin 0.4% difference. A statistical tie for all practical purposes.


Not much for the left whiners to hang their hat on.

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1 hour ago, optad said:

True tropo but the difference is those boundaries will be redrawn by an independent body [AEC] immediately to keep this future possibility in check.


The other thing is, as you know, voting is compulsory in Australia adn you will get the best representative governance possible in the end. In the states, over half did not turn out to vote. 90+ million or so a ridiculously high number given the stakes involved. Many these are crowing vocally now. Hard to have a lot of sympathy for the land of the free. Secondly, how the democrats organise their electoral nominations is not at all truly representative, or even democratic and heavily biased internally. /Super farkin delegates lollarama/


Americans deserve the system they have, the president they have got if they do not wish to attend to the underlying mechanisms which produce the results they get.


Hillary supporters. You screwed Bernie. You get Trump. 


America likes to think of itself as a Land of Freedoms (as you mentioned)  so requiring every citizen to vote by law would not be accepted favorably...although I personally admire the idea and the way Australians do things. 


There appears to be much truth to your final sentence about Bernie having been screwed by the Hillary DNC machine. Perhaps all these rioters should focus their energies where it belongs--towards Hillary.





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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

And to those who say Hillary got the educated vote...


That was written so the Trump supporters could read it.   Of course it won't help them understand it, but then most probably don't own a dictionary.   

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1 minute ago, Credo said:

That was written so the Trump supporters could read it.   Of course it won't help them understand it, but then most probably don't own a dictionary.   


Odd, I thought it was ebonics and that demographic voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.

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Trump won and I of course accept the process and its outcome and I commend former SecState Clinton for her concession call to Mr. Trump and for her gracious exit. She never threatened or for a moment considered doing otherwise.


I state again, Donald Trump is a uniquely American fascist. (Others of the American Right Sector who throw the word back would need to know an "ism" is an ideology with specific elements and components that define the ism as its particular and exclusive ism.)


Active anti fasc Trump components of the country have been shut out of power completely in Washington (likely for the next four years as 2018 will likely be another 'bad' election year). Our only alternative in the dissent and opposition to Trumpism is to take to the streets and to also petition the courts state and federal, to affect public opinion domestic and foreign, and to provide the needed checks and balances on absolute political party power in Washington in the spirit of the Founders.


The Right Sector and its supporters throughout the country would therefore need to brace themselves and to get used to the strategic opposition and its approaches - which are only embryonic but are organic so they will increase and expand to sustain themselves. Perhaps anyone who does not already know might well research (essentially at the least) the anti Vietnam war movement and how we facilitated turning the country against the war over the course of three or four years (although it took longer to actually stop the war).


Take comfort that this is not a 'when in the course of human events' moment, but be well aware that it is a 'four score and seven years ago' time of a different character and nature.

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:

 Our only alternative in the dissent and opposition to Trumpism is to take to the streets

No, the sensible alternative is to sit down and shut up as well as suck it up.

Don't need a Weatherman to see which way...you get, eh? :smile:

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9 hours ago, dcutman said:

It appears the vast majority of these protesters are in their early to mid 20's. It also appears these young people are having the same reaction as a 5 year old not getting his/her own way.  

Does this reaction reflect on the way these young people were raised by their parents and the politically correct social values being taught in our schools?

In other words, instead of discipline, were these kids given what ever they wanted when they threw a temper tantrum, just to shut them up? They were given trophy's for losing the game so their fragile feelings and ego's would not be hurt and falsely give them the idea they will always win without doing the work.


I think this is exactly what we are seeing today, these young adults are lashing out just as they did when they were children, they are feeling cheated and angry because they did not not bother to vote and their parents let them down because they didnt vote they way they should have to get Hillary elected. Their fragile ego's have now been destroyed because the trophy they are looking for just gave her concession speech.


Trump won and I of course accept the process and its outcome and I commend former SecState Clinton for her concession call to Mr. Trump and for her gracious exit. She never threatened or for a moment considered doing otherwise.


I state again, Donald Trump is a uniquely American fascist. (Others of the American Right Sector who throw the word back would need to know an "ism" is an ideology with specific elements and components that define the ism as its particular and exclusive ism.)


Active anti fasc Trump components of the country have been shut out of power completely in Washington (likely for the next four years as 2018 will likely be another 'bad' election year). Our only alternative in the dissent and opposition to Trumpism is to take to the streets and to also petition the courts state and federal, to affect public opinion domestic and foreign, and to provide the needed checks and balances on absolute political party power in Washington in the spirit of the Founders.


The Right Sector and its supporters throughout the country would therefore need to brace themselves and to get used to the strategic opposition and its approaches - which are only embryonic but are organic so they will increase and expand to sustain themselves. Perhaps anyone who does not already know might well research (essentially at the least) the anti Vietnam war movement and how we facilitated turning the country against the war over the course of three or four years (although it took longer to actually stop the war).


Take comfort that this is not a 'when in the course of human events' moment, but be well aware that it is a 'four score and seven years ago' time of a different character and nature.

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7 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Trump won and I of course accept the process and its outcome and I commend former SecState Clinton for her concession call to Mr. Trump and for her gracious exit. She never threatened or for a moment considered doing otherwise.


I state again, Donald Trump is a uniquely American fascist. (Others of the American Right Sector who throw the word back would need to know an "ism" is an ideology with specific elements and components that define the ism as its particular and exclusive ism.)


Active anti fasc Trump components of the country have been shut out of power completely in Washington (likely for the next four years as 2018 will likely be another 'bad' election year). Our only alternative in the dissent and opposition to Trumpism is to take to the streets and to also petition the courts state and federal, to affect public opinion domestic and foreign, and to provide the needed checks and balances on absolute political party power in Washington in the spirit of the Founders.


The Right Sector and its supporters throughout the country would therefore need to brace themselves and to get used to the strategic opposition and its approaches - which are only embryonic but are organic so they will increase and expand to sustain themselves. Perhaps anyone who does not already know might well research (essentially at the least) the anti Vietnam war movement and how we facilitated turning the country against the war over the course of three or four years (although it took longer to actually stop the war).


Take comfort that this is not a 'when in the course of human events' moment, but be well aware that it is a 'four score and seven years ago' time of a different character and nature.


  "How we facilitated turning the country against the war...."  That's priceless considering American presence in Vietnam was "facilitated" by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat, Texas).  

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14 hours ago, zydeco said:


Hey, and I'm still waiting for Clinton to win, the world financial system to collapse because of Trump, for college educated men and women to vote for Clinton and all the other things you were 100 percent wrong about. As for Obama declaring martial law and instituting a coup, I would not put it past him.


You're going to have to set up residence in the Waiting Room.


In a place where professional assistance would be available 24-7.

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Just now, Publicus said:


You're going to have to set up residence in the Waiting Room.


In a place where professional assistance would be available 24-7.


Sorry, no time to wait. Out building the Wall.  Which side you want to live on?

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2 minutes ago, Diplomatico said:


  "How we facilitated turning the country against the war...."  That's priceless considering American presence in Vietnam was "facilitated" by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat, Texas).  


The post is absurd.


It matters not who was Potus and CinC when he initiated sending 500,000 armed forces to Vietnam, as LBJ did do.


Nixon kept the war going until after the 1972 quadrennial election which he won. Nixon was of course elected in 1968.


Upon becoming Potus in January 1969 Nixon told his advisers he would not be the first Potus to lose a war, so he avoided the defeat until after he could be reelected, as occurred in 1972. U.S. active large scale military involvement finally concluded in 1974 after the Democratic Party controlled House and Senate terminated -- in specific law -- all funding of the war. Potus had no money to further conduct the war. War over.

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5 minutes ago, zydeco said:


Sorry, no time to wait. Out building the Wall.  Which side you want to live on?


My passport is from the United States Government.


It belongs to them.


So let me know from over there. I'll take it from that point either way. 

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Troll post has been removed along with replies.  


I note some people have not learned from previous suspensions, so perhaps we should go for longer periods of time out?  


You have been warned.  

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Odd, I thought it was ebonics and that demographic voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.


The demographic that made the difference in this election.



Ma and Pa Kettle take time away from watching Fox News 24-7 to pose for their official photo in their capacity as the America demographic that was the critical factor in electing Donald Trump Potus.



Back home on the Wabash.


They are oblivious because they're a long way from the streets of metropolitan USA. Breitbart will give them the facts tho eh. 


Meanwhile, the 99% know how to spell f-a-s-c-i-s-m. And how to oppose it.

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