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Sophon: No more BBC World


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Since yesterday I cannot get BBC World programs, just the BBC logo on the screen plus music.

I asked them in their office this afternoon and they said their licence has expired and they won't be renewing it.

Oh well, at least  I can still get it on IPTV

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1 hour ago, moonseeker said:

Friend called SOPHON.  Was told BBC off the program for the time being. No comments why. Good night all. MS>


My guess: decreed by the powers that be.

Few but still too many Thais understand some English.

BBC World turned off whenever "desired",

I hope you know what I mean.


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To be honest, with the Malaysian feed, the frequent Astro adverts, the 2 minute time delay, and the lousy sound quality I don't think BBC World on Sophon was really worth having. They'll probably replace it with the BBC World Hindi service, that would be popular in this town.

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Even when I could watch BBC world I rarely did. Most of their non "news" time was seemingly about women making a difference in Africa, not to forget "football". What is it about British so called news channels that think sport is news? Even Sky News has the same illusion that everyone in the whole world wants to look at people kicking balls around. It's not like there aren't channels dedicated to nothing but sport.

Not for nothing do I watch Al Jazira when I want to see real news. Unfortunately even they have jumped on the self promotion bandwagon. BBC world apparently spends as much air time telling us how great they are as they do actually giving us news.

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14 hours ago, moonseeker said:

I am still watching BBC on my different cable provider in a different condo. Might be some other issues, you know what I mean :-)....

Nice dog......

Good night Kh. Benq

Maybe I am too paranoid :biggrin:

Even though English is not my first language I watched BBC regularly.

Especially as they cover events in Thailand better than others.

My German language IPTV had it added as an extra about a year ago,

Suddenly vanished some weeks ago.

Asking via email about the reason.

No response.



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I heard that the "government"  had hired native speakers  of different languages  to sit and monitor  foreign news channels

( BBC and French TV5 )

whenever a report that was "bad" about Thailand came on air  the native speaker  was to inform  "the man in control of the big switch"

and all of a sudden those channels would be "having technical difficulties"


You can try BBC from Filmon.com  ( they might be geo blocking now )  Sky news has a live youtube feed

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Fox news has backed Trump all the way through the election, other media outlets have unashamedly backed HRC. Neither I consider to be a paragon of virtue but impartiality needs to be the order of the day at the BBC. Political correctness rules all. After Brexit and Trumpit a lot of media organistions need to look outside their own self-created bubbles and find out what people at large think about how their countries should be governed. Professional pollsters now look to be obsolete, as an off-topic aside.

Edited by champers
Spellink errur
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6 hours ago, johng said:

You can try BBC from Filmon.com  ( they might be geo blocking now )  Sky news has a live youtube feed


There you find "BBC NEWS" (the domestic verson) which is sometimes mixed up with "BBC WORLD NEWS".

And additionally BBC World News comes in different localized editions.

What was shown here was probably the Asia Pacific version.

You will e.g. see stock/financials live from Singapore live in the morning.

And the weather report will not deal with Europe (as the one I just watch on the internet) :biggrin:


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On 25/11/2016 at 9:09 PM, KhunBENQ said:


My guess: decreed by the powers that be.

Few but still too many Thais understand some English.

BBC World turned off whenever "desired",

I hope you know what I mean.


You started me thinking, I don't think in my 16 years here I have ever seen a Thai person watching the BBC. 

Mind you... I don't go into bars. 

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It's on  Ilikehd . But I think the BBC has upset someone here. In my local fitness first gym the monitors were always showing BBC world news and have so for years. Now it's CNN. I was back in the UK a month or so back and remember them  mentioning some historical facts about Thailand recently.....facts do not go down too well here as we know. 

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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as far a I am aware BBC World is a FTA channel no licence required, sophon used to get this from one of the common Sats that carry Thai content then BBC stopped broadcasting there so sophon switched to the Malaysian version, it would appear that has stopped broadcasting also

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6 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

Seems to me that RT (145 on Sophon Digital) is the best source for less biased news these days, Larry King & Max Keiser always bring some

interesting perspectives on what's really going on in the world.

Get Real......Its Putin's propoganda machine for the West..............Yes its an interesting different perspective and valid if u can filter out the propoganda..........But few can or bother to.............Which is how propoganda works.

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10 hours ago, Henryford said:

I would have thought that NOT getting the BBC was an advantage.


If it was compulsory to watch the BBC it would be an advantage, if you didn't like it, if the service stopped.


Is it compulsory?


Or does it use up so much space on your TV that there is no room for other channels?


Maybe it leaks out into the other channels?  If it does perhaps you could have a new O ring fitted to it?

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Not for nothing do I watch Al Jazira when I want to see real news.


I would have agreed with you in the past...  until they were caught "manufacturing" news, and their news director Wadah Khanfar had to resign amid allegations he was working for the CIA.

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5 hours ago, SunsetT said:

Get Real......Its Putin's propoganda machine for the West..............Yes its an interesting different perspective and valid if u can filter out the propoganda..........But few can or bother to.............Which is how propoganda works.

RT is brilliant at exposing the dark side of the EU and the UK. Just a shame they do not do the same for Russia.

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On 11/26/2016 at 5:36 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

 What is it about British so called news channels that think sport is news? Even Sky News has the same illusion that everyone in the whole world wants to look at people kicking balls around. It's not like there aren't channels dedicated to nothing but sport.


Have you seen the list of "Latest News" items listed on this Sunday's TV email?

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