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How to stop dogs cr"pping outside my gate?

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As the title says,, I am tired of picking it up then hosing down the area outside my gate and wish to harmlessly stop dogs cr"pping there. I don't know if its a loose dog or an antisocial owner but I want it stopped.

We have reported this problem to the moo-ban but no action was taken...its still happening. I tried a couple of ideas from google but didn't work.

Anyone used any spray or such to stop this?





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Have you ever seen Thai houses with rows of full water bottles lined up outside their front wall. Apparently this deters dogs from peeing at that place. Whether it works of for bigger jobs I can't say but might be worth a try.


@denim - Water bottles are a good option. Neighbour toasted some dry chilli (brave lady) and sprinkled a bit around and that seemed to work - doesn't harm the dogs as they smell it and veer away long before they get close enough to it to do them some harm.


Just find the owner and bring it back to them.


I have several neighbours who just open the gate at night so the dog can do it's job at the neighbours gate. They have their favorit spots and never go far away.


They are hi-so people though, looking at their posessions. If they don't open the gate it will be all over the carport so they can't park there, the maid sprays it onto the street, right infront of the gate.....


I have cats crapping everywhere in my garden. Am building a robot to attack them, serious.


All you need to do is buy the biggest, nastiest dog you can find, then let it patrol the area near your gate.


This approach won't stop you having to clean up dog mess, but at least you won't have to walk so far to do it.


Throw some water with disinfectant over the area, the reason they continue to dump there is that they can smell the original crap which encourages the mut's return.


There is a product sold in Thailand at garden markets and the garden section of Homepro/Big C etc. A small bottle with a picture of a cat and snake on it. You dilute with water and spray the whole area you want kept clean.


Keep applying after rain, and eventually the dogs find another place to crap.


If you find what house, write a message in Thai, or get a friend to write it, telling them to stop their dog crapping in the street. Don't let them know it's you! I have done that, dam funny seeing them walk up and down the road angry at being told what to do. But they worry the dog will be poisoned, so stop letting the dog out.


Try different things that smell bad to them, I would test using that bathroom tile cleaner than comes in the purple bottle, insects hate it and it would clean your sidewalk, kills weeds too. 

On 09/12/2016 at 4:48 PM, daveAustin said:

Buy some tiger crap from your local zoo and spread that around there. :whistling:

Available from a Wat near you, perhaps with some of the creators body parts!


Deterrent like chili powder and actually shooing the offending dogs off, they do learn. There is also the possibility one of your wonderful neighbours brings his pet there deliberately as I have seen. 


Poison meatballs?  What if the dog dies at your gate? Then you are judged guilty.  Not so good. Repellants seem the best idea, if any work for more than a few minutes.  Yes have heard that tiger, a big predator, excrement does work for days.  Try the local temple for tiger poop.


Air guns shooting pellets another good idea but then you must be near at that time to give the shot.  And if miss the dog, where is the pellet going?  Into your neighbors car window?  Think twice.

Go the ugliest vision offered...hugely stupid looking plastic 2 liter water bottles filled and lined up along your fence.  I take the dog shit over those.


Best bet.  Move to a high rise condo.


I had that problem back in the states, as they would take dumps on parking strip (and I lived on a corner). Late one night I went out and peed up and down the area. That seemed to work, to my surprise. Might try that (well, pee in a jar and distribute probably better choice)

On ‎09‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 4:29 PM, Denim said:

Have you ever seen Thai houses with rows of full water bottles lined up outside their front wall. Apparently this deters dogs from peeing at that place. Whether it works of for bigger jobs I can't say but might be worth a try.

It does seem to work for pissing pests, however, what I found useful as a deterrent for cats and dogs is to and buy a kilo of the cheapest Chilli Powder you can find and dump it liberally around the area that has the problem, they will soon get the message and move along!

On 12/9/2016 at 5:25 PM, NickJ said:

Try chlorine or bleach. Powder chlorine and a little water. Burns there noses.


Hardly explains my dogs drinking from my pool all day.  I doubt spraying condensed levels of chlorine around is good for anyone either. The one thing they absolutely run from is citronella and it's natural.  

1 hour ago, chiang mai said:

Cayenne Pepper works well.


I had a pug who liked to chew wood.  Chair legs, floor molding you name it.  I sprinkled some cayenne pepper on all those wood surfaces and discovered the little bastard preferred his wood spicy.


Marking your territory can't be beat.  We lived in the hills in N. California and had a lot of coyotes around......so I marked my "territory" and that was the end of them crapping on my property.



Pepper and lots of it.....they just end up sneezing a lot and don't have time to think about crapping......if it rains, then put down some more after it dries out. After a few times sniffing the pepper they won't be back. Good luck.


I feel sorry for you its so annoying dogs crapping next to your gate.

We had the same problem and my wife complained to the neighbours who lived opposite.

They said there dog never craps anywhere so i video taped it crapping then started piling it up next to there gate evertime it did.

They soon stopped. I also see signs on lamposts now saying dont let your dog crap in the streets.

18 minutes ago, TGIR said:

Marking your territory can't be beat.  We lived in the hills in N. California and had a lot of coyotes around......so I marked my "territory" and that was the end of them crapping on my property.



So, you trotted outside, had a good look around to see that there were no threats from other animals, and then did a big sniff to check that no other predator had marked the area. Then you unzipped, squatted down and "established your territory", moving a few feet every couple of seconds with your "marker" dangling out. Is that it?


Did the judge accept your explanation? Or did he say, "I've heard that coyote excuse before."

On 9/12/2559 at 4:29 PM, Denim said:

Have you ever seen Thai houses with rows of full water bottles lined up outside their front wall. Apparently this deters dogs from peeing at that place. Whether it works of for bigger jobs I can't say but might be worth a try.

You are becoming Thai. Why should he have to put bottles in front of his house. He needs to step up and tell the owners of these dogs to not let them run free. If they are soi dogs. They need to round them up and move them to another area.

I saw people doing this in my housing complex of 400 houses. I went to the board, had a Meeting.

300 baht fine for people not picking up after their own dogs. Also 4-5 soi dogs were taken to the local temple to be feed by monks. Finished.

On 12/9/2016 at 4:23 PM, james.d said:

We have reported this problem to the moo-ban but no action was taken

Did they tell you that they have more important crap to deal with? Just asking. 

1 hour ago, bark said:

They need to round them up and move them to another area.

I saw people doing this in my housing complex of 400 houses. I went to the board, had a Meeting.

300 baht fine for people not picking up after their own dogs. Also 4-5 soi dogs were taken to the local temple to be feed by monks. Finished.

On a cultural scale from 1 to 9 you must be living in a 10 area. Mostly its around 1 and a half. 

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