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Law on Smoking in Restaurants


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5 minutes ago, transam said:

I grew up with a smoke filled house, parents smoked, coal fires, paraffin heaters, bus home from school where the fog was so thick someone had to walk in front of it to show the way....Fog was SMOKE.....


Smokers know about the risks, so do fizzy pop drinkers and saturated fat eaters.....And for sure diesel fueled car/truck users....

Yes and so what ?

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4 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Yes and so what ?

So what.....Your hospital stuff......I grew up with smoke....Folk from my era and the millennia before grew up with smoke.....Times have moved on but YOU find having a ciggy is the end of the world....:stoner:


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13 minutes ago, transam said:

So what.....Your hospital stuff......I grew up with smoke....Folk from my era and the millennia before grew up with smoke.....Times have moved on but YOU find having a ciggy is the end of the world....:stoner:


You have what you want but not near me 

go kill your self in your  space 

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On 2017-01-10 at 11:28 AM, gamini said:

Thanks to people like him I suffer from COPD. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by second-hand smoke

Nope! That you fixed all by yourself. Probably by always sitting in groups with smokers or place yourself in the smokers section.

Sad to hear your problem with health, though.

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On 1/10/2017 at 5:19 PM, Berkshire said:

In Chiang Mai, pretty much every restaurant smoking area is outside.  I can't think of one restaurant that allows smoking inside.  And if you go into any mall, there is absolutely no smoking inside anywhere.  So it's pretty easy for non-smokers to stay away from smokers.  All I ask is...what's the problem? 

Slightly different in Pattaya though.

However, I think it should be up to the business owner. If he thinks he's losing custom by allowing smoking, he should have the right to ban it, and vice versa.

It's up to the customer to choose places they like, whether it's because of the establishments smoking policy, music volume, furniture or food quality.

No-one is making you sit near smokers, if you do it by choice then S.T.F.U.

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2 hours ago, georgemandm said:

That is what all smokers say .

but you cost me money because you will get sick and my tax dollars pay for your   Irresponsibility .

In the UK, the (no doubt exaggerated because it comes from anti-smoking organisations) estimated cost to the health service of treating 'smoking related' diseases is £2.7 billion.


Smokers contribute in tobacco taxes almost £12 billion to the treasury. I would imagine those figures are similar all over the world.


So you should be grateful to smokers for subsidising your health care. If it wasn't for them, you'd be paying out much more of your tax dollars.

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2 hours ago, georgemandm said:

That is what all smokers say .

but you cost me money because you will get sick and my tax dollars pay for your   Irresponsibility .

Don't talk BS, I pay for my own health insurance and I don't smoke that much that I will get sick.

How is your tax in Australia going to pay for me living in Thailand?

Do you drink? How is your liver doing?

Edited by FritsSikkink
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7 minutes ago, transam said:

You reckon.....Try me...... Or better still ask VW........:stoner:

Like I say sorry you have no idea about the new  Diesel motors at less they are try to make the air cleaner.

but that  dirty filthy smoking  habit that people do don't care about others.

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1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

Like I say sorry you have no idea about the new  Diesel motors at less they are try to make the air cleaner.

but that  dirty filthy smoking  habit that people do don't care about others.

I think you may be waffling now....


1...I smoke but do care about others...

2. I do know about diesels and how they pollute...

3. I reckon you know nothing about diesels..

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1 minute ago, transam said:

I think you may be waffling now....


1...I smoke but do care about others...

2. I do know about diesels and how they pollute...

3. I reckon you know nothing about diesels..

Ok good you are a smoker who cares , then why are you going on about it now if you care ? . 

Being a truck driver all my life and a  Motor mechanic I think I would know how it all works , just look in  New York city how all the big truck companies are   Complaining because they have to buy new truck to less the  polluting . 

Look at the way new truck have to  filter the  fumes out of they trucks  exhaust  fumes to make the air cleaner.

so get of your high   Horse and  support my way of thinking if you say you care when you smoke .


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1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

Ok good you are a smoker who cares , then why are you going on about it now if you care ? . 

Being a truck driver all my life and a  Motor mechanic I think I would know how it all works , just look in  New York city how all the big truck companies are   Complaining because they have to buy new truck to less the  polluting . 

Look at the way new truck have to  filter the  fumes out of they trucks  exhaust  fumes to make the air cleaner.

so get of your high   Horse and  support my way of thinking if you say you care when you smoke .


YOU have just clarified my diesel point..........Diesels are far more harmful than a ciggy....So much so legislation in some countries are trying to combat the harm...

In LOS nothing.......YOU drive a diesel here then YOU are worse than a ciggy smoker.....YOU got it yet............?

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13 minutes ago, transam said:

YOU have just clarified my diesel point..........Diesels are far more harmful than a ciggy....So much so legislation in some countries are trying to combat the harm...

In LOS nothing.......YOU drive a diesel here then YOU are worse than a ciggy smoker.....YOU got it yet............?

You can think what you like I know what I am talking about.

smokers all over the world should pay $100 a packet and in your thailand 

you should be paying at less 2,000 thai bht a packet that would help you to stop , but you are to late for help .

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2 hours ago, georgemandm said:



For those at the back! It's not a true story.

It's called an attempt at humour.


My Grandad who was very old and a heavy smoker stepped onto the road while concentrating on lighting a cigarette, when he looked up his final words were,

---- me, a bus.

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1 minute ago, overherebc said:


For those at the back! It's not a true story.

It's called an attempt at humour.


My Grandad who was very old and a heavy smoker stepped onto the road while concentrating on lighting a cigarette, when he looked up his final words were,

---- me, a bus.

555555555 it did make me laugh 

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1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

You can think what you like I know what I am talking about.

smokers all over the world should pay $100 a packet and in your thailand 

you should be paying at less 2,000 thai bht a packet that would help you to stop , but you are to late for help .

So you ain't in LOS.....And yes I am to late for help....:stoner:

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16 minutes ago, transam said:

YOU have just clarified my diesel point..........Diesels are far more harmful than a ciggy....So much so legislation in some countries are trying to combat the harm...

In LOS nothing.......YOU drive a diesel here then YOU are worse than a ciggy smoker.....YOU got it yet............?

I have to agree with you, it looks like Europe is going to start banning diesels in city centres due to their exhaust emissions. They used say it was cleaner due to an excess of air in the combustion making a diesels carbon monoxide much lower but they missed out on the particulates which are now being quoted as carcinogenic.

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4 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

I have to agree with you, it looks like Europe is going to start banning diesels in city centres due to their exhaust emissions. They used say it was cleaner due to an excess of air in the combustion making a diesels carbon monoxide much lower but they missed out on the particulates which are now being quoted as carcinogenic.

You are talking about the old diesel motors not the new one 

and this is not about diesel is it .

It's about smoking in thailand let's keep it to that .

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9 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

You are talking about the old diesel motors not the new one 

and this is not about diesel is it .

It's about smoking in thailand let's keep it to that .

Nope, this is to do with brand new cutting edge diesels.

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On 1/10/2017 at 3:56 PM, Diplomatico said:


  I beg to differ....it may be what someone inferred but was not the implication.  The statement I made was in reference to fake exaggerated coughing as a means to express one's displeasure, not that people cannot or do not actually dislike tobacco smoke.  


Well whether the cough is real or faked (a bit silly) the reality is it's well proven smoking and second hand smoke causes lung cancer and other very serious medical conditions, and it kills.


Many folks have sadly lost loved ones, sometimes not that old to smoking related medical conditions, I know it first hand.


I don't blame people for wanting laws to the effect smoking is totally prohibited in restaurants and other places.


Now let's stand by for the interfering with the rights of those who chose to smoke brigade. 

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And now we have to add well done toast to the list.

So, if you drive a diesel, smoke, drink,  like well browned toast, do a lot of air travel ( radiation ) enjoy kippers, shepherds pie with the little crusty bits on top of the potato layer, enjoy sweet things etc you shouldn't really make it past 30. ?

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The one I will give the second hand smoke brigade is that it might be true, but, it is most likely based on the times when every Tom Dick and Henrietta smoked everywhere.

Buses planes cinemas trains colleges universities restaurants and especially bars.

Now it aint so bad.

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On 1/10/2017 at 9:19 PM, Berkshire said:

In Chiang Mai, pretty much every restaurant smoking area is outside.  I can't think of one restaurant that allows smoking inside.  And if you go into any mall, there is absolutely no smoking inside anywhere.  So it's pretty easy for non-smokers to stay away from smokers.  All I ask is...what's the problem? 

I can name a few that allow smoking inside western restaurants, but I am not going to name them

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


Well whether the cough is real or faked (a bit silly) the reality is it's well proven smoking and second hand smoke causes lung cancer and other very serious medical conditions, and it kills.


Many folks have sadly lost loved ones, sometimes not that old to smoking related medical conditions, I know it first hand.


I don't blame people for wanting laws to the effect smoking is totally prohibited in restaurants and other places.


Now let's stand by for the interfering with the rights of those who chose to smoke brigade. 


Interestingly enough, it's not proven at all. There seems to be correlation, but the 'smoking causes lung cancer' meme stems from the Doll and Hill study in 1951. They concluded that of their study group, who were all doctors, the smokers had a higher incidence of lung cancer than the non-smokers. However, in the first of their studies, they asked the question "do you inhale?"  Therein came the first of the anomalies. The smokers who inhaled showed a much lower incidence of LC than the smokers who didn't inhale. In their subsequent study, they didn't ask that question, probably because they felt that it seriously imperilled the results they were looking for.

Sir R A Fisher, who was considered to be the greatest statistician of his time, scorned their findings because he saw the whole study as being deeply flawed, since it didn't take into account a multitude of confounding factors.


Over the decades since that first study in 1951, researchers have sacrificed tens (probably more like hundreds) of thousands of lab rats and other mammals, specially bred to be susceptible to cancer, in attempts to replicate the mechanism whereby smoking causes Lung Cancer, subjecting their animals to up to the equivalent of 500 cigarettes a day. So far, despite more than 60 years of trying, they haven't yet managed to get one single subject to develop LC from smoking. And for something to be declared 'proven scientific fact', you must be able to demonstrate the mechanism, and you must also be able to replicate that same mechanism.


[As an interesting aside, one laboratory in the USA was conducting research into LC from both radiation and from smoking. They failed to induce LC in the smoking rats, but the irradiated rats developed LC in 100% of cases. One day, to their utter astonishment, out of a batch of irradiated rats, contrary to all previous experiments, some 60% of the rats survived the radiation treatment. When they investigated this extraordinary anomaly, they found that they had mistakenly been given a cohort of rats who had been part of the smoking experiment, and had been subjected to large volumes of tobacco smoke. It would seem that smoking had had a protective effect from radiation, something that has been subsequently proven to be the case. http://disq.us/url?url=http%3A%2F%2Ferj.ersjournals.com%2Fcontent%2Ferj%2F6%2F8%2F1173.full.pdf%3AuOgx2J4XTOY-6jYPdKyMvAinJYs&cuid=1237100 ]


So, no, it's not well proven at all. It's merely conjecture. There are also many real life anomalies which throw into question the belief that smoking causes LC. For instance, why is it that countries like Japan, which has one of the highest smoking rates in the world, also has one of the lowest rates of LC? Why is it that the majority of super-centenarians were lifelong smokers? And with so-called 'passive smoking', why is it that kids who grew up surrounded by SHS (my generation, born in the 1940s) at levels unheard of today are the healthiest and longest-lived generation ever?


Well proven? I think not. The propaganda would have you believe it is so, but if you do a little independent research, you will find that most of the 'facts' you are fed by Tobacco Control are either gross exaggerations, lies by omission, or outright, barefaced lies.

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