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15 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

Indeed..... however in most other countries you have a better chance of justice. 

If you want a crime solved and justice......do not expect if from the Thai "police" and courts. 

You kill someone in Australia, the Judge will let you out on bail, so you can do it again.

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I am always a little suspicious of the "Playtex Bra syndrome", No visible means of support.


3 minutes ago, Thomas Hannah said:

Yes .but are they single.The guy who was shot only got married in November.his wife gets all his money now.It would not be the first time this has happend.Boyfreind or family.knowing she has control of the money now.But then the police find out who done it.And its lottery time for the police.The case goes unsolved,and they make some stories up about drugs or something.Normal in Thailand.


Yeah well just because you type it out, it doesn't make it true.

No it isn't normal in Thailand.

Farangs are not gunned down or pushed over balconies every day.


Sure, some farang losers jump when they (or more likely their finances can't cut it in Thailand) and some farangs, like this one by all accounts, are just involved in dodgy business with criminals.

The boiler room angle was mentioned quite early on by the cops suggesting he and/or those he worked with were "acquainted" with law enforcement.

19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I don't wish to alarm you, but I do believe similar things happen in other countries.

Well then, it must be okay. Nothing here folks, move along.


Hope the police check his SMS/text messages; sounds like he was to meet someone at that time & place. The killers knew he was going to be there is my supposition.

21 minutes ago, Thomas Hannah said:

The guy who was shot only got married in November.his wife gets all his money now.


Not quite true.  His wife, and his children, share his Thai property.  The Thai probate court does not have jurisdiction over any property and assets he has in the UK.

16 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:


Plump so mean fat. Usual farang here in Thailand then.


Eh!  Explain?

15 hours ago, sabaii69 said:

Been here 25+ years and know a lot of expats with businesses and very expensive cars with no problem. A fellow with the name starting with 'T' and into fitness comes to mind;..just a thought.


Obviously u don't know his past.

If its the American/Thai guy ur talking about.

19 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Hope the police check his SMS/text messages; sounds like he was to meet someone at that time & place. The killers knew he was going to be there is my supposition.

Or maybe he just went to the gym at roughly the same time most mornings. I know I did when I was living in Phuket and not working.


Driving a car like that it would be pretty easy to figure out whether he's there or not.

5 minutes ago, fish monger said:

I suggest all of you research the article by Andrew Drummond on this. See this guy in a photo with the new King....Stop making assumptions.

The same photo appears earlier in this thread. a donation to the right charity will get you the amulet and a photo op. Is there a link to the article you mention ?

8 hours ago, mstevens said:

There are a few points that strike me as suspicious about this story.


If the victim ran a web design company, why is the name of the company not mentioned?  A web design business is a perfectly clean and legitimate business and there would appear no reason why the business has not been named.  When the name of a business is not mentioned when the owner is killed in this sort of fashion, that can be cause for suspicion.


The victim drove a Porsche in Thailand.  That is a very expensive car in Thailand.  I am taking a long bow here but boiler room are known to own exotic European cars.  Glendon Bullard who was reported dead a couple of years ago was a boiler room operator who owned a Porsche, a Ferarri, a Lamborghini and motorbikes.  There are two Brits living in Sukhumvit who are often accused of involvement with boiler rooms, one of whom owns a Rolls Royce and the other a Ferrari.


The victim was killed in Pattaya where he was said to be based.  Everyone knows what Pattaya is about.  It's the Wild West of Thailand and attracts a certain element.


If the victim was a genuine businessman running a legitimate business, why is there not more out there on the net about him?  If he owned a Porsche in Thailand, he was rather successful.  If you Google him you get precious little about him and nothing about his business.


So all of this might be nothing, but combined together it would appear suspicious.



It would be very easy to run a full investigation on him to find out how valid the claims are he was a web designer. Surely his accounts, money transfers, dealings connections, are all inter-connected, this would determine a lot of who this man was and how he came to have this level of wealth, porches aint cheap, especially in Thailand.


That means a bit of work for Thai's finest, if they gave a flying f*** at all!!

1 hour ago, YeahSiam said:


A lot of green-eyed losers in the audience today, folks

Oh yeah,i'm jealous of somebody who allegedly has stooped low enough to rip off pensioners of their life savings.Can you carry a buffalo or bike in a porshe,posers car for showoffs.It least i am alive and can drive my 12 year old Toyota ute.

16 hours ago, mrfaroukh said:

I hope the killer will be arrested soon and we all would know why they did it. I think probably he has been involved in some kind of crime else why should they just shoot him dead? May be he has been asked to give them some protection money and he didn't , as he was driving Porsche so may be he is a rich guy

It was a set up this they were waiting for him they knew were he was and a motor bike was waiting for the killer. If they were after the porche they would have taken it but to walk up to someone in broad daylight with a gun and shoot a person can only say it was planned 

58 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


Not quite true.  His wife, and his children, share his Thai property.  The Thai probate court does not have jurisdiction over any property and assets he has in the UK.

Depends on the will,doesn't it.

7 minutes ago, Straight8 said:

It would be very easy to run a full investigation on him to find out how valid the claims are he was a web designer. Surely his account, money, dealing, are all inter-connected, this would deterime a lot of who this man was and how he came to have this level of wealth.


That means a bit of work for Thai finest.

If the guy is indeed a boiler room criminal, an investigation would probably turn up a squeaky clean website designer who donates to charity and sings in the church choir. The offshore bank accounts, second passport etc would be well hidden.

1 hour ago, Thomas Hannah said:

Yes .but are they single.The guy who was shot only got married in November.his wife gets all his money now.It would not be the first time this has happend.Boyfreind or family.knowing she has control of the money now.But then the police find out who done it.And its lottery time for the police.The case goes unsolved,and they make some stories up about drugs or something.Normal in Thailand.

Yes wifey,threw them off the trail with her theory.

The way the assailant was waiting and observing his hit. The killers timing was executed very well this was no amateur. Two shots to the head.
Definitely  a pro .....me thinks 

Apart from he left a cigarette at the scene and got caught on CTTV don't sound very professional to me. But definitely a paid hit.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

4 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

If the guy is indeed a boiler room criminal, an investigation would probably turn up a squeaky clean website designer who donates to charity and sings in the church choir. The offshore bank accounts, second passport etc would be well hidden.

I'd say it would not be that easy to cover up your tracks, although possible, highly unlikely. They would in my opinion be able to establish he was a legit businessman or not. Any smart investigate would be able uncover alot about this situation, especially now he us unable to move fund, cover his tracks, delete records etc etc.



19 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

"Move to a country that has rule of law." where would that be?

Britain... don't hear of that many hits on foreign national's sitting in cars there?

4 hours ago, Yahooka said:

I believe the fictionwriter here is you :coffee1:................

So then you must can find information that proves me wrong. No, I didn´t think so! You know, that´s when it´s time to think before posting.
I will give you asmall chance though. Please provide information that contradict Pattaya as the city in Thailand with most criminal activities per capita. Guess I will have to wait long time for that.



20 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Britain... don't hear of that many hits on foreign national's sitting in cars there?


Not as sunny though.


Maybe Spain.


Perhaps Marbella, Mr Kenways previous "business" location.













The quality of CCTV footage is still very low in most of the cases. Even in a daylight you don't get a clear image of the suspect's face. Some serious upgrade for all the CCTV cameras needed almost everywhere.


Happy I live a normal life with no need for a luxury lifestyle and having to cheat money from others to keep the lifestyle.


What was it all worth for this guy now?


Feel sorry for the kids and his wife, who are now left to take care of themselves. I am sure, they would have preferred him to be around and could have done without all the luxury. 










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