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French soldier shoots and wounds knife-wielding attacker at Paris Louvre


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22 hours ago, smutcakes said:

I hope no one jumps to conclusions that this was anything but a one off attack by a delusional individual.


I doubt very much it can be linked to Islam, although i am sure many will try to do so to make political capital.



I have no idea if it's linked to islam or not. Why are you sure it is not?

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I have no idea if it's linked to islam or not. Why are you sure it is not?

OP is linked to an Egyptian national who came to France in January. His motives are still unclear, but he acted without a network or in a plot.

Aside from the pagan mystical shape of the Louvre museum and the Egyptian nationality of the attacker, I don't really see any link...

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21 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

OP is linked to an Egyptian national who came to France in January. His motives are still unclear, but he acted without a network or in a plot.

Aside from the pagan mystical shape of the Louvre museum and the Egyptian nationality of the attacker, I don't really see any link...

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So you don't think he is Muslim?

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35 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

OP is linked to an Egyptian national who came to France in January. His motives are still unclear, but he acted without a network or in a plot.

Aside from the pagan mystical shape of the Louvre museum and the Egyptian nationality of the attacker, I don't really see any link...

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"A French soldier guarding the Louvre in Paris has shot a man who tried to attack a security patrol with a machete shouting "Allahu Akbar", police say.

The man, who tried to gain entry to the Louvre's shopping centre, was shot in the abdomen and seriously injured.

Reports say he is an Egyptian man, 29, who arrived in France last month. Police have not released his identity.

President Francois Hollande said the situation was under control but the "threat of terrorism is here to stay"."


The above was taken from the BBC website.


Whilst at this stage there is no conclusive proof of any link to islam or any extreme islamist organisation  -  and you are quite free to  draw your own conclusions on the reported facts - I think the reasonable man can draw his own conclusions given the shouts of Allahu Akbar which were similarly used in the barbaric attacks in France in recent months.

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It was a terrorist act and seems to be planned.  However it does appear to be pretty amateurish and not part of a cell.  Interesting the man was Egyptian (not on Trumps banned country list) and he flew in from Dubai on a tourist visa (not on the list either).  We have all said it but it just shows how savvy Trump is on terrorism.

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So you don't think he is Muslim?

Just an update : the Egyptian national was working and resided in the UA Emirates for 2 years. He's a lawyer.

He worked in Dubai for an international law firm. He was in Paris for his work and was supposed to fly back on today, Saturday 4th of February 2017 to the Emirates.

Visiting the Louvre for Egyptian nationals is not exceptional knowing that the French museum exhibits a lot of ancient Egyptian art&relics taken from since the Napoleon period till now.

Furthermore, it's not been confirmed of any knife and/or machete...

The 'Allaha Akbar' rhetoric and the 'knife attack' was on the other hand reported by the same media outlets who covers coincidentally the French government, the overeas French military interventions and the next coming presidential elections...

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2 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


Just an update : the Egyptian national was working and resided in the UA Emirates for 2 years. He's a lawyer.

He worked in Dubai for an international law firm. He was in Paris for his work and was supposed to fly back on today, Saturday 4th of February 2017 to the Emirates.

Visiting the Louvre for Egyptian nationals is not exceptional knowing that the French museum exhibits a lot of ancient Egyptian art&relics taken from since the Napoleon period till now.

Furthermore, it's not been confirmed of any knife and/or machete...

The 'Allaha Akbar' rhetoric and the 'knife attack' was on the other hand reported by the same media outlets who covers coincidentally the French government, the overeas French military interventions and the next coming presidential elections...

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Probably just a misunderstanding then. :whistling:

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8 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


Just an update : the Egyptian national was working and resided in the UA Emirates for 2 years. He's a lawyer.

He worked in Dubai for an international law firm. He was in Paris for his work and was supposed to fly back on today, Saturday 4th of February 2017 to the Emirates.

Visiting the Louvre for Egyptian nationals is not exceptional knowing that the French museum exhibits a lot of ancient Egyptian art&relics taken from since the Napoleon period till now.

Furthermore, it's not been confirmed of any knife and/or machete...

The 'Allaha Akbar' rhetoric and the 'knife attack' was on the other hand reported by the same media outlets who covers coincidentally the French government, the overeas French military interventions and the next coming presidential elections...

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supposing you read French: http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/attaque-au-louvre-l-etonnant-profil-d-abdallah-el-h-terroriste-touriste-04-02-2017-6653880.php


in English:




Hamahmy is a son of a former Egyptian police general. Gen. Reda El Hamahmy, who used to serve in Central Security Forces, the Egyptian riot police, said his son is innocent.

this story is getting very strange

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Join our cause. You can create mayhem, and make the masses feel insecure, unsafe, and worried about leaving their homes. You can rape and pillage at will. You can kidnap young girls, and kill their families. You can steal anything you want, and kill anyone you want, and there is the possibility of you gaining wealth, prestige within our organization, and eventually you may even get alot of virgins, once you become a martyr, and your miserable, short life ends. That is, if you are ignorant, and stupid enough to buy this line of crap. 


None of the organizers, or the leaders buy any of this nonsense. That is why they do not carry out these missions themselves, but rather rely on disenfranchised, angry, disenchanted, bitter young men and women to carry out this nonsense and this mayhem. When was the last time you saw a Bin Laden type participate in one of these raids, or murderous plots? Never. They are too cowardly. They send their fools out to do it on their behalf.



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11 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Not really, he was only wounded, why no head shot ?


Rather easier to hit the torso rather than the head - it's a bigger target, and I'm sure that the soldier who fired wanted to stop him quickly in case he detonated himself.

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Probably just a misunderstanding then. :whistling:

5 bullets are never a misunderstanding.

At least, ancient oracles have been replaced by more subversive tools like Twitter and facebook in which it's not important to what you see, but it's important to what you believe...

Case closed.

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It's been reported that the Egyptian attacker had several spray paint cans in his rucksack.
It's a bit early to say, but one theory is that he was intent on defacing the great works of Western art there in line with the Islamic prohibition on representational art (aniconism).

Edited by katana
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On 2/3/2017 at 6:01 PM, smutcakes said:

I hope no one jumps to conclusions that this was anything but a one off attack by a delusional individual.


I doubt very much it can be linked to Islam, although i am sure many will try to do so to make political capital.

I hope no one jumps to conclusions that this was anything but an attack on the West.


I doubt very much it can be linked to anything but Islam, although I am sure some delusional individuals will try to make light of it. 

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On 2/3/2017 at 6:01 AM, smutcakes said:

I hope no one jumps to conclusions that this was anything but a one off attack by a delusional individual.


I doubt very much it can be linked to Islam, although i am sure many will try to do so to make political capital.



W - T -EFF planet r u beaming in from?!? :crazy:

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10 hours ago, katana said:

It's been reported that the Egyptian attacker had several spray paint cans in his rucksack.
It's a bit early to say, but one theory is that he was intent on defacing the great works of Western art there in line with the Islamic prohibition on representational art (aniconism).

They are good at destroying things, not so good at making things that don't go boom

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