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"The doctors told me he was dead!" Thai mum looks set to be reunited with her long lost 29 year old son.


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"The doctors told me he was dead!" Thai mum looks set to be reunited with her long lost 29 year old son.



Image: Thairath


A Thai woman said that she believes she is the mother of a 29 year old man who has travelled to the country with his adoptive parents to look for his real mum.

And the woman, now 48 and remarried, said that 29 years ago doctors told her that her son had died. Due to poverty and circumstances she accepted this without ever seeing the body.

Now she is prepared to undergo DNA tests and said that if it is really her son it will be the greatest thing to see his face again.

The Dutch family have not yet been contacted. But it looks like they are in for an almighty surprise when the happy news reaches them.

Siwa Geboers, 29, who works in logistics arrived in Thailand with dad Will, 64, and mother Margo, 60 on Thursday. They adopted Siwa in the early 90s from the Phayathai Children's home in Bangkok when Siwa was 2 years and 8 months old. They have all lived in Holland together ever since.

But Siwa was curious about his birth mother so they came to Thailand and though lacking any hard evidence went to Ratchaburi Hospital in an initial effort. But there seemed little hope.

However, the story hit the national news and was seen by a woman called Atipha Yimyai, 51, who lives in the Sam Roi Yort area of Prajuab Khiri Khan.

She said that 29 years ago she was a sugar cane farmer in the area and they hired many itinerant workers. She became very friendly with one of them called Sanam Kenseu.

She told reporters that Sanam gave birth to a child at the Thanarat Army Camp Hospital on 22nd June 1988 and he was called Siwa.

However, there were complications with the child. He was born with a malformed rectum that had no opening. This is known as "imperforate anus". It was not life threatening but he needed surgery and was thus transferred to Ratchaburi Hospital.

The doctors there decided it was too dangerous to operate until the child was 10 kilograms in weight. Atipha said that the parents went to see the child every week for six months despite being poor.

They spent virtually their last baht on his hospital bills and were obliged to sell jewelry and a motorcycle to pay for his care.

When six months had passed she said that the hospital demanded 10,000 baht before they would let the parents see the child but they had no money to pay.

Shortly after she said the parents were told that the little boy had died. She asked to see the body and take it for a funeral but they were told it was being kept for medical research. No death certificate was issued, she said.

"When I saw the news on TV I was sure it was the same boy," she said and she immediately telephoned her old friend.

Yesterday Thai Rath reporters spoke on the phone to the boy's mother whose name is now Thanaporn Panphrom. She lives in Chaiyaphum and has a new family.

She confirmed that she was a poor sugar cane worker earning just 40 baht a day in 1988.

"Siwa was my first child," she said, "and I didn't abandon him and I loved him very much. I paid for all his care and was so sad when I was told that he had died. The doctors told me they would only release the body on payment of 10,000 baht but I had nothing. I was so poor. I had to accept what the doctors told me and I never saw him again".

Thanaporn continued: "When my old friend called me with the news I was so happy that I would soon be able to see him again. I truly thought he was dead. In all the years that have passed whenever I went to the temple I would pray for his soul and make merit for him".

She said that seeing Siwa's face on the news he is the spitting image of his father and has the same skin color. She is convinced it is him.

"I want to hug him," she said, "and I will welcome his adoptive parents into my home with open arms. I am ready to undergo a DNA test and if it is true it will be the greatest thing to happen to me to see his face again".

Before Siwa and his Dutch parents departed from the hospital in Ratchaburi they left an email address and are now being contacted. They said they were travelling to the north of Thailand.


Source: Thairath


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-02-04
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3 minutes ago, Living in a cartoon said:

This is a I story I will follow. Hope it's true. Can you imagine?

I can Imagine how  horrendous  things  must  have been 29 years ago for this to happen.....wonder how  much the authorities "sold"  him for "if" its true..................possibly more people trafficking

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if it is true i wish them happiness and a healthy new beginning for them all
the dutch couple have my utmost respect for what they have done and are doing for their son, just proves that there is people do care and give love to the world

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26 minutes ago, kannot said:

I can Imagine how  horrendous  things  must  have been 29 years ago for this to happen.....wonder how  much the authorities "sold"  him for "if" its true..................possibly more people trafficking

I doubt that's the case, but that doctor, if still alive, has a lot of explaining to do. Let's see how the story develops.

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doctors NAME,

would there have been a death certificate or a record kept.

nurse's at the birth.

shouldnt be tooooooooooooooooooo difficult to find out.

if it is true,what happens next.

records destroyed,casual help,that wont clear up the cover up,other than an independant DNA.TEST..

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

He needed an operation to live (no pooper) but they wouldn't operate until he was 10kg. How exactly did he live then?


That was a long time ago in medical-progress terms.        Now days the can operate on various serious situations before birth.

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3 hours ago, namoi said:

if it is true i wish them happiness and a healthy new beginning for them all
the dutch couple have my utmost respect for what they have done and are doing for their son, just proves that there is people do care and give love to the world

YES and :- Regardless of all the sadness and human stuff ups that have happened, it just shows again and again the incredible love and the bond that mothers can have, and  not surprisingly because they are so blessed with the miracle of being able to make another human life  from two microscopic  bits of matter.

Lets all pause for a moment ? to give thanks for this and respect to our mothers for making us, and to partners for  growing such beautiful little babies.   

Do I get "clucky" ??   unapologetically yes.    :smile:     "Against such things there is no law. "  (A very old quote)

Loved  this bit from mae;-  "--and if it is true it will be the greatest thing to happen to me to see his face again".
Hope there is follow-up happening on TVN on this one.

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3 hours ago, kannot said:

I can Imagine how  horrendous  things  must  have been 29 years ago for this to happen.....wonder how  much the authorities "sold"  him for "if" its true..................possibly more people trafficking


Exactly what anyone reading this should be thinking..... And as much as this could turn out to be a fantastic story with a happy ending. Surely heads must roll at the hospital.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

He needed an operation to live (no pooper) but they wouldn't operate until he was 10kg. How exactly did he live then?


Perhaps he was 9.9kg at birth and needed the addition 0.1 gram of weight before operating! I've been here long enough to know my silly answer is in the realm of possibilities here. But more seriously I pondered the same question to myself. If you had a birth weight of 5kg with no place to expel feaces until you were 10kg would indeed probably kill you prior to reaching that weight! I guess it's like a doctor telling a 80 kg man "we need to sow your bum closed sir until you reach 160kg, next please".

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You cant see your sick baby unless you pay the bill.....

He's dead now and we are keeping his body for research.


God dam this place , how it treats its poor sickens me sometimes.  These people deserve so much more.


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5 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

Perhaps he was 9.9kg at birth and needed the addition 0.1 gram of weight before operating! I've been here long enough to know my silly answer is in the realm of possibilities here. But more seriously I pondered the same question to myself. If you had a birth weight of 5kg with no place to expel feaces until you were 10kg would indeed probably kill you prior to reaching that weight! I guess it's like a doctor telling a 80 kg man "we need to sow your bum closed sir until you reach 160kg, next please".

9.9kg  is the average boy at 1 year old not 1 day !


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because he looks like his father........ no other evidence as yet, this looks as if the mother is in for a disappointment. I doubt if the doctor had sold him since he was in a children's home until he was almost 3 years old, wishful thinking and hope can be cruel.

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2 minutes ago, TheFishman1 said:

Unbelievable but say that This Is Thailand it sounds right hospital saying no money can't see your child hope it is True and no death certificate sounds like TIT

probably more like, the operation was carried out and the child died, the parents cant pay so the body belongs to us, sign here and you are debt free.

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If this is true this story is so sad.


They couldn't afford to pay a hospital so instead of giving the child back or transferring to a cheaper hospital the hospital makes a lie up about the death of the child.


The hospital probably intended on selling the child to pay the bill.

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5 hours ago, kannot said:

I can Imagine how  horrendous  things  must  have been 29 years ago for this to happen.....wonder how  much the authorities "sold"  him for "if" its true..................possibly more people trafficking

 The medical profession has a lot to answer for. Doctors e.g. also cut babies' umbilical cord prematurely, before all the babies' blood has been transferred from the placenta inside he mother to the baby via the pulsating cord.

This means that the baby ends up with only a half to two thirds of the total volume of blood it would have got if the cord had not been clamped until the cord goes flat, white and limp and stops pulsating, or, even better, until the placenta has been delivered.

Early cord clamping results in a weakening of the baby and health issues such as heart problems. Unfortunately, early clamping and cutting is routinely practiced because of ignorance on the one hand, and on the other because the blood in the placenta the baby has been deprived of is later centrifuged from the placenta and used or sold by the hospital, some for stem cell research for a lot of money. 

Don't even get me started on the medical fraud, child abuse and crime against humankind involving the systematic poisoning of babies  and children for profit, peddled as disease prevention. 

That the doctors lied to this mother therefore doesn't come as a surprise to me, as deceit and corruption is an integral part of the medical establishment.

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11 minutes ago, malcoml said:

If this is true this story is so sad.


They couldn't afford to pay a hospital so instead of giving the child back or transferring to a cheaper hospital the hospital makes a lie up about the death of the child.


The hospital probably intended on selling the child to pay the bill.

selling a sick child ? to who? If so it didn't work out well did it,he was in a children's home until 2 years and 8 months old. Just conspiracy theories, the boy died,the bills couldn't be paid so the body was taken in lieu of payment for medical research, no doubt the parents signed for this

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2 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

Perhaps he was 9.9kg at birth and needed the addition 0.1 gram of weight before operating! I've been here long enough to know my silly answer is in the realm of possibilities here. But more seriously I pondered the same question to myself. If you had a birth weight of 5kg with no place to expel feaces until you were 10kg would indeed probably kill you prior to reaching that weight! I guess it's like a doctor telling a 80 kg man "we need to sow your bum closed sir until you reach 160kg, next please".

Hmmm, good point, do you not think that they would have inserted a tube for his poo to go into a bag, I had a mate that had bowl cancer, (RIP), they inserted a tube and he was good to go in that department, until his bag (unknowingly) ripped when we were out, I said did you let one out of the bag mate, his reply was not mine, I said mate I have known you long enough to know that's yours, he said nope, probably that old geezers over there drinking, and then cursing him, before the smell got worse, he then went to the bathroom in the pub and came out with his shirt off and wrapped up in his hand and said lets go, my bag ripped, with the old geezer calling out, could have told yah it wasn't mine if you asked, sunshine 555

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