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The 2017 Pattaya Songkran FAQ (LONG)

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The 2017 Pattaya Songkran FAQ

Answers and Survival Tips


It's ba-a-a-ack. The purpose of the FAQ is threefold:

  • Q&A
  • Commentard repellent
  • Survival guide.


The FAQ is all about how Pattaya noob residents and normal tourists may best cope with the long Songkran disruption. We are

  • venting legitimate complaints about the 10-day length of Pattaya's Songkran,
  • exchanging timely information about avoiding it, and
  • discussing how best to survive it.


And we're givin' JSixpack a few laughs in the digressive, long, web version of FAQ here: https://goo.gl/i41Cco. The webpage (pages, as it got too long for one page) will be taken down immediately after Songkran.




>>The FAQ has nothing to do with facilitating, liking, or celebrating Songkran water/ice/powder throwing.<<


If you’re experienced, or a big bad water hooligan, or just think you're tough and know it all anyway, then you don’t need the FAQ. Buzz off. If you're going to start a pro-Songkran thread, then you've save time by reading the FAQ first, esp the Q&A.


Off-topic posts will be reported. This ain't a playpen for our usual Pattaya haters, bashers, and trolls. Nobody cares about your useless, irrelevant 'pinions about Pattaya and about those who visit, live, or work in Pattaya. Post those in some other thread, as those are NOT the subject of the FAQ.

Trolls' favorite taunts are already answered in the Q&A: grumpy old git (#22), hiding and scared (#24), and But saying anything against Songkran is a whinge (#19). The differing demographics between those who like Songkran and those who don't are explained here: i lurv me tats & patts songkarn.


Is the FAQ needed? 


For some, yes. Though the likelihood and intensity of the water/ice/powder throwing (ICE & POWDER—don’t forget) may be less, even much less, this year--consistent with the trend of the past two years--you CAN still get unexpectedly songkraned anytime at many places around Pattaya. A kid with a squirt gun? A teenager throwing bucket of ice water in your face? A hooligan with a PVC gun? The FAQ attempts to prepare you non-hooligans for all scenarios, in particular the noobs.



Heed yer FAQ, boy!



Although the FAQ draws upon the past, it ain't guaranteed to apply in every detail to this year’s event. Nobody cares whether you read the FAQ or pay any attention to it. Though some of the FAQ is obviously for entertainment purposes (notably my own), I regard the advice in the Survival section as quite sound, based on my own and other forum members' experiences; and yes, I follow that advice myself.

Your experience greatly depends on where you stay in Pattaya and your mode of transportation. Best: living on the Darkside and driving a car/truck. Worst: living in Central Pattaya and walking or riding a motorbike or baht buses. Unfortunately, riding a bike can be unpleasant and at least somewhat risky anywhere, anytime. Crashing a bike and injuring a rider is the prized goal of any hooligan, 'cause the police seem to unofficially permit it during Songkran, and the perp would be difficult to find or apprehend.



A gentle, charming, traditional water blessing ceremony for the new year performed by the smiling, friendly natives of Thailand. Whoops! Dreamin' there for a sec . . . .

A sadistic, filthy water-ice-and-powder throwing war, radiating from the bar areas, in which for 9 days drunken mobs of farang and Thai hooligans have legal license to cause maximum injury to whomever they encounter.




It's also a really noisy period. If you stay in an area that has noise sometimes, it's going to be much worse. Sound trucks cruise around, too.


You may check the Pattaya webcams here: http://pattayastreetcams.com. Last I looked the Beach Rd. cam isn't working.



All the way from Naklua to Jomtien, radiating from the bar areas. That includes Wong Amart & Sois Khao Talo and Khao Noi. The worst areas are Beach Rd. and 2nd Rd. in Pattaya. Walking Street and Soi Buakhao are war zones for the duration. Jomtien Beach Rd. starts slower but by the 13th builds to Hooligan Hawg Heaven in the bar areas.

>>Your experience greatly depends on where you stay in Pattaya and your mode of transportation. Best: living on the Darkside and driving a car/truck. Worst: living in Central Pattaya and walking or riding a motorbike or baht buses. Unfortunately, riding a bike can be unpleasant and at least somewhat risky anywhere, anytime. Crashing a bike and injuring a rider is the prized goal of any hooligan, 'cause the police seem to unofficially permit it during Songkran, and the perp would be difficult to find or apprehend.<<


Side streets off the main roads may have pockets of Songkran revelers and, as the peak day approaches, may have checkpoints you can't safely pass without being soaked, iced, and powdered.

Besides that, open trucks full of drunken revelers with barrels of water, ice, and powder continually cruise the streets like Taliban, more so as the peak day approaches. You can get songkraned anywhere in the city. It partly depends on your luck.




Starts tentatively on April 11th by premature ejaculators and goes through the 19th in the AM. Picks up intensity gradually through the period. The 18th and 19th are by far the worst days. If your survival strategy is to lie low, do most of your shopping no later than the 10th. Thereafter, if 2015-16 is any indication, shopping in the mornings is relatively safe outside the bar areas from the 11th through the 17th. See detailed timeline below or at the website.

As Jingthing has pointed out, the total time taken up by Songkran is really 10 days when you factor in a needed day of preparation. So we residents are calling it 10 days.


Hours: Roughly speaking, it goes on from about 7 AM to 12 AM daily, but any time is possible. Peak hours are from about 2 PM to 7 PM. The chances of your being songkraned start increasing rapidly from about 10 AM. Earlier than that, since school's out, kids may be eagerly waiting for you in the 'burbs. No, it doesn't stop at 6 PM.


Immigration normally follows Thai official holidays and so will be closed the 13th - 15th. You may call and check: 038 252 750. So will the Post Office. Last year, Jai Dee saw a sign on the Immigration door saying that the office would be closed only 2 days, reopening on the 15th. Whether that sign spoke truly or not went unverified. At no time will the "boarders" (to use forum spelling convention acquired from past lodgings) with neighboring countries be closed.


Q: Can I travel on the 11th?
A: Should be no problem, except the bus station may be a bit more crowded owing to the exodus from Pattaya. Avoid bar areas in the afternoon.


Q: Can I travel to or from Pattaya on the 18th or 19th?
A: Forget it. All roads around Pattaya turn into parking lots. The 19th is worse than the 18th, but, as noted, Pattaya is affected also by Naklua's Songkran on the 18th. Some, if not all, taxi services refuse to travel on the 19th.


The buses leaving Pattaya do run on the 19th, surprisingly, but you'll have to get to the station on your own, heh, heh (no Bell Travel pickup) and expect long, long delays, even late in the evening.

If you think you may have a medical emergency on those days, better to get out and stay near a hospital elsewhere, because nobody's moving out the way for an ambulance.


Q: How's travel on the 20th?
A: If it's a workday, Sukhumvit should be normal but around town traffic will be worse as a lot of people will need to go shopping. If it's on a Sunday, traffic will likely be worse than for a usual holiday weekend because many of the arrivals will probably be out shopping, too.



  1. Leave (WINNER)
  2. Lie Low
  3. Be a target
  4. Vent


Leaving is the best thing you can do for yourself. Here's a fact: nobody who left town to miss Pattaya Songkran has ever expressed the slightest regret at having done so. Quite the contrary. Do a search; see if you find any post wistfully exclaiming, Man, sure wish I had a bucket of filthy cold water with large chunks of ice thrown in my face! Nah, you won't find any such. What you WILL find are posts from people who wish they'd left while they could have.


Leave, and instead of dodging drunken idiot water hooligans, fighting traffic, endangering life and limb—or being confined at home, if you lie low—you're in Vung Tau, Vietnam, relaxing by the pool with a drink and Vietnamese lovelies. Pity from afar the poor sods left behind. Come back refreshed and satisfied after Songkran: it never even happened!


Go where?

Neighboring countries? Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam. Book early if you're going to Clark or Cebu.




Cambodia, maybe: Siem Riap gets recommendations; go there cheaply overland from Pattaya.


Aiport's really crowded around Songkran so get there early. Immigration also starts getting packed the closer the date to Songkran.


In Thailand


Any small town with a shorter, gentler Songkran cycle would be OK. Nearby, Bang Saray has won a strong recommendation, but leave early the morning of the 20th before Bang Saray's Songkran starts. Further afield, information is sketchy. Nong Khai, one of the better, is probably representative. Member cdmtdm said on 2014-03-16 19:21:37 that it lasts for 5 days but only full on for two of those. The "full on" is nothing like Pattaya's.


Bangkok's Songkran is only 3 days (13th - 15th) and not bad at all away from the tourist areas. Hua Hin has been mentioned. Most any village will do if you can stand the boredom (in absences of friends/family there), roosters crowing, and the morning announcements. You really need to speak basic Thai.


Even the Darkside is a lot better than Pattaya proper, esp. in which to lie low: Sukhumvit may be problematic during peak hours, but you can probably make it to the 7/11 without any major problems. Don't get complacent over there:

I live on the darkside Kho Noi and Went for Sunday dinner 6 pm on my motorbike, saw a few kids with what looked like their mom armed with buckets. I shouted, please no, but got an ice cold wave. The woman was so enthusiastic directing her kids to aim for our face's. Great shot nearly had us off the bike.

--rocky123, 2014-04-14 00:54:50:

Lying low mainly means staying in except for furtive shopping expeditions early in the morning or very late at night. However, this depends to an extent on where you're staying and your mode of transport. 

Extended advice about these 4 courses of action is given in the FAQ webpage.



How quickly Songkran arrives in Pattaya; how slowly it departs.


Songkran is a major event in Pattaya every year that negatively affects most normal tourists and residents. As such it gives rise to countless questions, false assertions, and the need for a kind of survival guide. The FAQ incorporates relevant information from the 2013 - 2016 Songkran FAQs and from various other Songkran threads from 2012 - 2015. It represents a synthesis of contributions, quoted and documented, from many forum members.

Any new and useful information is always welcome for the improvement of next year's FAQ.


Observations on the 2016 Songkran


In 2016 Pattaya Songkran continued the trend towards milder Songkrans. This will likely continue for 2017. One exception was that of traffic, which seemed a bit heavier at times. Member FiveStarVagabond, whose Beach Rd. webcam seems no longer working, reported traffic on Beach Rd. gridlocked as early as the 14th. Possibly, as tropo speculated, this was owing to the “ever rising number of tourist buses” on the street. However, as that traffic has now greatly decreased owing to the end of the zero dollar tours, we may well have improvement there too. Though the Russians are coming back, they generally don’t like Songkran, so we likely won’t see increased participation on that score.


So the best news that the milder Songkran outside the bar areas (except perhaps on peak days) will mean that mornings will be so much safer, mitigating the need to hibernate totally if your defense is to lie low in Pattaya.


Still, “milder” Songkran hardly means “no” Songran. In 2016 it did start on the 11th as usual and by the 12th, “monkey see monkey do” had already led to plenty of annoyance and, for motorcyclists, danger in the bar areas along Beach Rd., 2nd Rd., and Soi Buakhao in particular.


A vid of Beach Rd. on the 12th:




Thereafter things progressed until the climax on the 19th. THAT day was still intolerable for any Songkran refusenik and extremely dangerous for bike riders. Vid:



Though in 2015 the police did make efforts to confiscate PVC pipes, last year talk of confiscation died down and indeed a number of videos of Pattaya’s 2016 Songkran show the pipes in use just as before.

This year we have the military in control of Pattaya city admin, so we’ll see if that makes any real difference. For those of us who dislike (nay, hate) Songkran if only for safety reasons, it seems probable that the same precautions will be needed this year as in the past.

Jingthing, on 2015-04-20 19:03:

It did seem less this year during the 10 days but you still had to always expect drenching could come any time if you go out.

tropo, on 2015-04-21 03:33

And this is a very good point. If you were traveling somewhere on a baht bus, or bike, or walking... it wouldn't really matter if the water throwing crowds were reduced by 50% or lower. You're still going to get just as wet... then it's just a matter of how many people throw water on you once you're already wet. It only takes one bucket of water to mess up your night.

Jingthing wisely hibernated in 2016 after learning his lesson in 2015 about trying ride baht buses into Pattaya on any Songkran day.


10 Apr - Survival Preparation

The last day either to leave or stock up comfortably without having to avoid the bar areas, though in the neighborhoods you may encounter kids with squirt guns (school's out). By now stockpiling and hording may already have led to shortages.

11 Apr - Hooligans Gather

Pattaya Songkran gets going in the afternoon of the 11th in the bar areas, especially around Sois 7 and 8. Not yet hard to avoid on a bike, but baht bus riders will be easy targets.

Q: Can I travel on the 11th?
A: Should be no problem, except the bus station may be a bit more crowded owing to the exodus from Pattaya. Avoid bar areas in the afternoon.

12 Apr - Monkey See, Monkey Do

Picks up speed on the 12th on the inevitable principle of monkey see monkey do because the 12th is the official start of the Songkran holidays in Thailand—but not officially of the Songkran celebration in Pattaya. Actually, different geographical areas have different official Songkran celebration dates. We don't need no stinkin' rules in Pattaya, however.

13 - 15 Apr - Spreadin' Out

Bangkok's Songkran begins on the 13th (utter madness in the tourist areas) and so Pattaya ramps up as well. The pestilence reaches the Jomtien and Naklua bar areas and a bit more into remoter sois.

Tonight was a stupid night to go by bus as early as 8. It was a test of sorts. Failed!

I was hit about 30 times.
     --Jingthing, 2014-04-13 23:03:23:

Traffic's not yet too bad—a calm before the storm, as a lot of people have wisely left town. However, those remaining now don't have quite enough to do, so it's natural they start to spend some time playing Songkran. Immigration, as previously noted, and the Post Office have closed for official holidays.

16 - 17 Apr - Hooligan Migration

Bangkok's Songkran ending on the 15th, Bangkok water hooligans begin migrating to Pattaya to swell the ranks of Pattaya's own. Traffic may worsen, though there usually isn't gridlock until the 18th (spillover from Naklua's Songkran) and the 19th.

18 Apr - Naklua

Naklua's official Songkran day is the 18th, meaning gridlock on Naklua Rd., North Pattaya Rd., and Pattaya Klang, for most of the day; Wong Amart is effectively sealed in. Spillover spreads into Pattaya itself, lots of Taliban trucks cruise around, so it's a bad day most everywhere. "Festivity" continues through Pattaya's peak day on the 19th.

19 Apr - The Climax And End

The 19th is the peak day, the climax, of Songkran in Pattaya. Chaos spreads to the side roads, e. g., Sois Khao Talo and Khao Noi.

Just returned from Khao Talo - "death wish alley ". Total mayhem from one end to the other. It has to be the most dangerous strip of road in the world at the moment.
--WitawatWatawit, 2014-04-19 15:53:07:

Traffic gridlock will last well into the late evening and "festivity" will continue past midnigh. But the 19th is the last day. Yep, Pattaya (AND Naklua AND Jomtien AND Najomtien) Songkran always stops on the 19th, late; on the 20th, even if the date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, things are back to "normal." Some prescient forum wiser-than-thou will likely "bet" (love these bets) it won't stop on the 19th but in fact it does—to applause and great sighs of relief.

20 April - Return Of Pattaya Normal

Technically Songkran ends in Pattaya (and in Nakula, Jomtien, and Najomtien) the AM of the 20th. (Where does it go on the 20th? Bang Saray, where the official day is on the 20th.) Get up in the morning to find things eerily quiet, if it's not a workday; go out and marvel you don't have to worry about dodging buckets of ice water. (Now it's all the leftover trash you'll have to dodge!) Unbelievable contrast with the previous day. Early on you'll see a lot of evidence remaining. For at least a week you'll still encounter songkraned cars and bikes on the road. Injured "participants" will however be much less visible . . . .

For more, see the webpage, which has extensive advice on the survival strategies and a Q&A that answers every question that's arisen in the past few years and addresses all the usual hooligan and troll arguments for Songkran.

Webpage FAQ Table Of Contents

    -has a FAQ about the FAQ deflecting the the usual troll attacks
The 5 Ws
    -very extensive section

Q&A addresses these questions/assertions:

  1. 1 Who's worse, farang or Thai hooligans?
  2. 2 Must read What are the dates of Pattaya's Songkran horror?
  3. 3 Can I travel to or from Pattaya on the 18th or 19th?
  4. 4 Why does Songkran last so long in Pattaya?
  5. 5 It stops at 6 PM by law, no problem.
  6. 6 Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them.
  7. 7 It's harmless fun and a good laugh.
  8. 8 It's a Thai custom, farangs should have no say. Nyah nyah NYAH nyah!
  9. 9 But why is it hooliganism?
  10. 10 But it's just a lil' inconvenience, heh, heh.
  11. 11 But I get to see young women in wet T-shirts at Songkran!!!
  12. 12 Latest Love Songkran 'cause it's freedom from the boredom of the nanny state.
  13. 13 Editor's Pick Songkran keeps you young.
  14. 14 So where is the best place to avoid Songkran?
  15. 15 What about wearing a rain suit ? (Cf. Q. 13 for ideal wear)
  16. 16 Just ride with your car windows rolled up.
  17. 17 Motorcyclists are safe because they wear helmets.
  18. 18 Don't worry, the police have instituted a ban on high pressure water guns and PVC pipes.
  19. 19 But sayin anything against Songkran is a whinge.
  20. 20 nobody's payin attn 2 ur complaints, nyuk nyuk nyuk.
  21. 21 if u dont like songkarn u dont like patts n thailand!
  22. 22 if u dont like songkarn ur a grumpy old git. Grumpy old gi-it! Grumpy old gi-it!
  23. 23 i lurv me tats & patts songkarn!
  24. 24 if u dont go out n fight, ur a wimp scared o my BIG BAD Super Soaker. Hidin & scared. Yah, yah, wimp!
  25. 25 Update Is Pattaya Songkran in decline?


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Sorry , I am not available , the dates has just been erased from my calendar. 

9 hours ago, newnative said:

Should be 2 days max and limited to Pattaya Beach Road and Jomtien Beach Road.  Always happy when it's finally over.


In your dreams. If it was 2 days max we wouldn't be talking about it at such length.

5 hours ago, fforest1 said:

Well at least the 18th and 19th are not on a Friday,Saturday or Sunday....

Actually, it's probably worse because you get a major Songkran surge on the weekend... and it gathers momentum until Wednesday the 19th. It's like 2 Songkrans back to back. IMO the best (as in least action) Songkrans are when the 19th falls on a Sunday. 


Ah yes.

One of the advantages of Pattaya,  

You are very close to the Airport

Thank you for the reminder,

Time to book a flight out,   for a few days over that period.


Wonder what the dead people ,    scorecard will be this year.

Could be a record breaker. !!!!!!!!!!!!!  :thumbsup:




I'm leaving the country for the entire month of April. I intend to have a totally blissful Songkran and good luck to those who are staying here.


Signed: Grumpy old git.



I understand that Songkran in Bangkok only lasts three days (or has it been reduced to two now?) and only happens in certain areas, so that most or many people can be almost unaware that it is happening. I normally hibernate for three days then set off there for the duration.


In this thread a few years ago somebody said that Chumphon only lasts one day, sounds like a good one.





A flame has been removed


Topic is now pinned at the head of Pattaya Forum :smile:

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

23 minutes ago, JayBird said:

Anyone know what the fatality report for last year was?






On 4/14/2016 at 3:09 PM, tropo said:

These stats never take into consideration the average number of deaths on non-Songkran days, or other big holidays - giving the impression that people only die on the road during Songkran.

On 4/14/2016 at 3:34 PM, DMC1 said:

Yes, I've heard it's actually a lower death rate over Songkran & that Thailand averages around 60 road deaths per day anyway - need someone to come back with some correct info on that.





I am predicting rain for the entire Songkran period.  Actually, I feel sorry for the business owners who must lose a bundle while people are blocking streets; throwing water; and generally not purchasing anything.  Let's hope the Government lessens the 'revelry' this year. The country is still in a mourning period.

7 hours ago, Mike West said:

:cheesy::cheesy: you grumpy old lot make me laugh, EVERY TIME. 


It's only right... those darn waters and ice keep making us slip while we hobble about on our zimmer frames!  Young whippersnappers causing mayhem.  Why can't those darn kids go to the pool to play?!


I wonder if this will be allowed in the Happy Zone?

14 hours ago, Mike West said:

:cheesy::cheesy: you grumpy old lot make me laugh, EVERY TIME. 


The "grumpy" troll taunt is already addressed in the FAQ:


Q: if u dont like songkarn ur a grumpy old git. Grumpy old gi-it! Grumpy old gi-it!
A: The usual troll name-calling ain't gonna help your case, GI Joe.


"Geezer" or ageist equivalent and "scaredy-cat" are the typical puerile taunts of losers.


Dislike of Pattaya Songkran, as you'll discover, is just an aspect of reaching adulthood, mentally speaking. Lots of, like, really cool adults of all ages hate the inconvenience of Pattaya Songkran for TEN DAYS. We live here and need to live our lives, shop, bank, work, see doctors, take the kids out. It's truly amazing how often the need arises during the 9 days of Songkran "action" for a repair part, like a pipe fitting. And the route to the favored hardware shop happens to pass through Hooligansville.


Comfortable in homes/condos/apts, residents of all ages have plenty of interesting things to do other than get out into Songkran. In fact Songkran interferes with the other things. For us Songkran's NOT a novelty. Been there, done it, got the water/ice/powder already. Why should any permanent resident of any age, Thai or farang, who has a life here, want a Pattaya-style hooligan Songkran for TEN DAYS? [crickets chirping]


Try taking your wife/girlfriend to work on a motorbike during this wonderful enjoyable time and see how much you like it then. Not knocking Pattaya or the life in general just the morons who insist on soaking people who actually have to work for a living on their way to work.

gmac, on 2012-02-23 11:14:11

The "grumpy old git" charge is merely a rationalization for hooliganism that victimizes people of all ages who just aren't stupid enough to enjoy being victims. Again, nobody's in the least intimidated by it, sorry.


1 hour ago, JSixpack said:
The "grumpy old git" charge is merely a rationalization for hooliganism that victimizes people of all ages who just aren't stupid enough to enjoy being victims. Again, nobody's in the least intimidated by it, sorry.



You hit the nail on the head... Songkran is turning happy old people into "grumpy old gits" for 10 days because Songkran stops them from doing what makes them happy.


Most adults are over Songkran after the very first time, in their first year in Pattaya, of having a bucket of ice water dumped on them. Then they become grumpy old people for the rest of the week and every subsequent Songkran. It's the adults who enjoy Songkran, day after day, year after year, that don't have a life and/or are suffering from a mental affliction of some description.


There aren't many long term expats who enjoy going through Songkran year after year. Some make their escape, other's spend the time dealing with it and being grumpy. Some, like myself, stock up on provisions and enjoy the period in peace at home... and hope they don't HAVE to go out for any reason. Late night trips to stock up on provisions is not too difficult if you know when and where to go.


Btw, thank you for the fatality list but I was thinking more of:


How many people are injured due to the water throwing/ice throwing/powder throwing, each year? 


I can imagine getting ice thrown on you while you are on the motorcycle could result in an accident.  I can sort of picture it like this:


-- Ooh, Farlang on back of motorbike, everyone, fire your waterguns and throw ice now!

-- Oh, bike have accident

-- Oh, bike hit other car, head of farlang and motorbike driver squished

-- Everyone, run away, blame the weather!



4 hours ago, JayBird said:

Btw, thank you for the fatality list but I was thinking more of:


How many people are injured due to the water throwing/ice throwing/powder throwing, each year? 


I can imagine getting ice thrown on you while you are on the motorcycle could result in an accident.  I can sort of picture it like this:


-- Ooh, Farlang on back of motorbike, everyone, fire your waterguns and throw ice now!

-- Oh, bike have accident

-- Oh, bike hit other car, head of farlang and motorbike driver squished

-- Everyone, run away, blame the weather!




No stats on injuries specifically owing to the water/ice/powder throwing that I've seen. That may be partly because such injuries aren't taken seriously by "the authorities" and spoil the myth that everyone's having fun. The injured take them seriously, however, and the web version of the FAQ has countless stories that probably only represent the tip of the iceberg. For a motorcyclist, even trying to avoid the water/ice/powder is dangerous, speeding up and swerving out the way into . . . what?



Watch me make her crash her motorbike! Hee hee!



19 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


No stats on injuries specifically owing to the water/ice/powder throwing that I've seen. That may be partly because such injuries aren't taken seriously by "the authorities" and spoil the myth that everyone's having fun. The injured take them seriously, however, and the web version of the FAQ has countless stories that probably only represent the tip of the iceberg. For a motorcyclist, even trying to avoid the water/ice/powder is dangerous, speeding up and swerving out the way into . . . what?



Watch me make her crash her motorbike! Hee hee!




Such a classic Songkran photo. This reminds me of one Songkran when I was on my bike, on 2nd Road, and a Thai hooligan blasted me in the face with a high-pressure PVC gun at closer range than in this photo.


I saw red, grabbed his gun and took off with it LOL. I dumped his gun several hundred meters down the road.


I don't do stupid things like this no more. i.e. I don't go out.


My greatest concern about going out during Songkran is not the water, but my fuse. If that blows I could end up in some hot water, in total contrast to all the ice water around me. One time I dunked a Thai hooligan in his own drum of ice water. He came up swinging LOL. I have no idea why he didn't enjoy it as he expected me to enjoy the bucket of ice water that he dumped on me after 10 pm on the way back from Foodland. I had specifically chosen side streets to avoid water.


No, many of these ***holes are not out to have fun but to take out their frustrations on specific targets. Songkran is their license to do things they normally can't get away with.

55 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


No stats on injuries specifically owing to the water/ice/powder throwing that I've seen. That may be partly because such injuries aren't taken seriously by "the authorities" and spoil the myth that everyone's having fun. The injured take them seriously, however, and the web version of the FAQ has countless stories that probably only represent the tip of the iceberg. For a motorcyclist, even trying to avoid the water/ice/powder is dangerous, speeding up and swerving out the way into . . . what?



Watch me make her crash her motorbike! Hee hee!



.. Into the guy throwing the ice.  If I'm going down I'm taking that guy with me!


21 minutes ago, tropo said:

Such a classic Songkran photo. This reminds me of one Songkran when I was on my bike, on 2nd Road, and a Thai hooligan blasted me in the face with a high-pressure PVC gun at closer range than in this photo.


I saw red, grabbed his gun and took off with it LOL. I dumped his gun several hundred meters down the road.


I don't do stupid things like this no more. i.e. I don't go out.


My greatest concern about going out during Songkran is not the water, but my fuse. If that blows I could end up in some hot water, in total contrast to all the ice water around me. One time I dunked a Thai hooligan in his own drum of ice water. He came up swinging LOL. I have no idea why he didn't enjoy it as he expected me to enjoy the bucket of ice water that he dumped on me after 10 pm on the way back from Foodland. I had specifically chosen side streets to avoid water.


No, many of these ***holes are not out to have fun but to take out their frustrations on specific targets. Songkran is their license to do things they normally can't get away with.



My same issue.. .I don't 'perceive it as a 'fun harmless game' but rather a 'license to do as much damage as possible with ice and water'.  I thought of walking around with two giant machetes in my hands and glare at people like a wild man.  But that might get me in trouble... Perhaps the trick is to use a super cooled water backpack that shoots out pellets of ice strong enough to pierce flesh, then target everyone and take 'em out before they have a chance to hit you?



3 hours ago, JayBird said:



My same issue.. .I don't 'perceive it as a 'fun harmless game' but rather a 'license to do as much damage as possible with ice and water'.  I thought of walking around with two giant machetes in my hands and glare at people like a wild man.  But that might get me in trouble... Perhaps the trick is to use a super cooled water backpack that shoots out pellets of ice strong enough to pierce flesh, then target everyone and take 'em out before they have a chance to hit you?




LOL> you absolutely need to stay at home for the duration. Don't even think about going out.  

On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 6:01 AM, tropo said:

LOL> you absolutely need to stay at home for the duration. Don't even think about going out.  


That's what I did last year :)

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