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Scotland's Sturgeon says: I can win an independence vote


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1 hour ago, cheapskatesam said:

I love how the £ starts to rise after sturgeon announced the referendum.. the markets know Scotland is economically dead weight... Everyone knows this except Scot nationalists of courses :D

Scotland has only 8.3% of the UK's population. 8.3%! Remember this important figure... 8.3%

But we DO have...

32% of the land area
61% of the sea area
90% of the fresh water. (There is more fresh water in loch Ness than In England and Wales combined!)
65% of the natural gas production
96.5% of the crude oil production
47% of the open cast coal production
81% of the untapped coal reserves
62% of the timber production
46% of the total forest area
92% of the hydro electric production
40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
60% of the fish landings
30% of the beef herd
20% of the sheep herd
9% of the dairy herd
10% of the pig herd
15% of the cereal holdings
20% of the potato holdings
...obviously 100% of the Whisky industry.

We have a...
17 billion pound construction industry
13 billion food and drink industry
10 billion business services industry
9.3 billion chemical services industry
9.3 billion tourism industry
7 billion financial services industry
5 billion aeroservice industry
4.5 billion whisky export industry
3.1 billion life sciences industry
Scotland still has 350 million pounds worth of textile exports

We have 25% of Europes wave and wind energy potential.

And finally we are blessed to have 1.5 trillion pounds - £1,500,000,000,000 worth of oil and gas reserves.

All of this, yet only 8.3% of The UK's population... 

If you hear anyone saying "i don't like Alex Salmond" or "I don't like the SNP"...This vote is about Scotland's right to elect it's own government... It has nothing whatsoever to do with Salmond or the snp. Don't let political ignorance ruin this opportunity.

Do you know... This is the UK's legacy of success in our history of being better-together:

The UK has the 3rd lowest pensions in the 34 OECD countries of the world

The UK has the single most expensive childcare in the European Union

The UK has the second lowest-paid economy in the entire developed world

The UK has the 3rd longest working hours in the EU

The UK has the lowest number of holidays in the EU

The UK has the 8th highest gender inequality pay gap out of the EU's 28 countries

The UK has the highest likelihood of poverty in disablement in the EU

The UK has the highest rail prices in Europe

The UK has the second highest housing cost in Europe

The UK has the highest fuel poverty rates in Europe.

The UK is the 4th highest country of wealth inequality in the entire planet!

Surely these awful figures should not be possible when you read the Scottish statistics above...

Finally, did you know that in all of the UK elections for Westminster ever!... Not one vote cast in SCOTLAND has ever mattered! Because of the Westminster numbers, whatever government England votes for, the UK gets. So we have no democracy here!!! 4 decades of tory rule that we voted against is proof enough, and our defiance was punished by the closure of all the mines; closure of all the steelworks; closure of all the shipyards losing thousands of jobs. The term used by Thatcher when these industries needed some assistance was "let the markets decide". Funny how when the greedy banks collapsed everywhere they were bailed out to the tune of over a trillion pounds of our money... Not a mention of "let the markets decide".

Fact: Scotland has an oil boom waiting to happen on the West Coast, but Michael Hesaltine signed a cessation of any form of oil exploration in the entire area in the 80's to make way for nuclear submarines which Scotland doesn't want!

Fact: Scotland has shown its revulsion time and time again to nuclear weapons but they place them here against our countries wishes. A recent contingency report was carried out about the feasibility of relocating them in Portsmouth. The report stated that it was unfeasible because the detrimental risk to the area of an incident was too high. (Ok for the Clyde though)

Fact: Scotland, with only 1 Tory MP, was forced to take the shocking attack on the poor & disabled called The Bedroom Tax, even though Holyrood voted to utterly reject this awful tax on the poor. Westminster gave us it anyway!

Fact: We are led to believe that the oil in our waters is finished and its a dying industry. Yet 13.5 billion has been invested by oil companies in the last 2 years alone!

Fact: The Clair Oil Field is about to open it's 3rd phase, and on its own has over 650 million barrels which will be extracted over 20+ years with production reaching a hundred thousand barrels a day!

Fact: Scotland gives more to Westminster than it gets back. Do you really think they'd be so keen to keep us if we were being subsidised like they'd have us believe?

Fact: Westminster has amassed over £1.3 trillion debt and still growing at nearly £6000 a second. Thats another £516 million today alone which YOU will have to pay for.

Fact: Of the 178 countries that have gained their own independence across this planet, not one single one of them has ever asked to reverse this independence

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2 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


If she says the goalposts have changed because of Brexit, well, Brexit hasn't happened yet. They should wait several years at least 


 Fyi , Brexit will never happen ,  both sides  will fail to agree, on a brexit deal . Suprise suprise .

        Just in time  , for a general election ,  and guess who will put his hat in the ring

             for  the New  Consevative leadership   ,  born again  DCameron .


             Bttopic ,  the  wee lass is all mouth , and no brain .

Edited by elliss
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quietman: one word, well two; massive subsidy! Your oil figures are skewed and there is gas all down the English Channel + a vast amount locked up in English lands. Your figures are a plop in a huge ocean and typical glorification SNP bluster... if you think you're worth so much, why the need for all that subsidy? Revenues from British oil and gas is piss all to UK GDP. It's just not worth it vs subsidies paid. You lot rely massively on English monies and the 55% that voted 'No' know it.


But, carry on, please convince other jocks how great and wealthy you are because I am all for Scotland going it alone and so are 65-70% of the English. Give the latter the vote and you'll get what you wish for, guaranteed. Seeing us out of the EU and a devolved UK would be a dream come true.

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1 hour ago, whatawonderfulday said:

But to give credit where credit is due the number of discoveries or inventions directly attributable to a Scottish person is exceptionally high given the size of the nation.  

Such as the invention of the Telephone by the Italian Antonio Meucci.

Or what about the inventor of the T.V.  Was it the German Paul Nipkow, or Englishman Edwin Belin,or Russian Vladimir Zworykin,maybe even the American Philo Farnsworth.

 I suppose it all boils down to how often you try and convince people,including yourself.

"AH " well at least the Scots can take pride in the Haggis,except even that  comes from Lancashire, according to a Scottish author a few years back.

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If you listen to the speech she gave, on one hand she wants to stay in the EU, but on another she isn't going to call the referendum until she knows what brexit will look like. If she wants to stay in the EU call a referendum leave the UK and see what will happen. In short Scotland would be independent, but outside the UK and the EU. She is a fraud. 


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Such as the invention of the Telephone by the Italian Antonio Meucci.
Or what about the inventor of the T.V.  Was it the German Paul Nipkow, or Englishman Edwin Belin,or Russian Vladimir Zworykin,maybe even the American Philo Farnsworth.
 I suppose it all boils down to how often you try and convince people,including yourself.
"AH " well at least the Scots can take pride in the Haggis,except even that  comes from Lancashire, according to a Scottish author a few years back.

I thought it was the Romans who invented haggis? But good to see that, as usual, you don't let things like that that get in your way of doing your best to rubbish Scotland before you declare that we are all anti-English.
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56 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


You really don't understand how the oil markets work, do you?



  Well according to a SNP spokesperson a few days ago. The SNP have no intention of promoting the idea that the Scottish economy is any way reliant on the

price of oil. Which is good news,as the price of oil is forecast to go lower again, due mainly to the American shale industry,starting to ramp up production.

However up to today the SNP have not produced an alternative source of revenue. Maybe that information will be forth coming in the next few months. As a separated Scotland would take a great deal of  strain from the English taxpayers.


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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I thought it was the Romans who invented haggis? But good to see that, as usual, you don't let things like that that get in your way of doing your best to rubbish Scotland before you declare that we are all anti-English.


 Just repeating Scottish author Catherine Brown. Although I have also read that the Haggis originated from China,the same as Whisky.

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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

Fact: Of the 178 countries that have gained their own independence across this planet, not one single one of them has ever asked to reverse this independence

Except Scotland 300 odd years ago after their neighbour had conquered the world using boats made of wood, powered by wind and navigated by stars & all they'd managed before being let in was a failed excursion to Panama where all they found was yellow fever. 

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It wouldn't surprise me in Mother Teresa were to pull the rug back on the poison dwarf by springing a snap election in May aimed at decimating the no of SNP MPs in Westminster and further neutering Corbyns lot in the process.


The tell tale signs are there...

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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


The Scots have clearly demonstrated that they want to remain in the EU. Brexit appears to be inevitable so no amount of waiting to see just how much of a disaster the future of a united GB&NI outside the EU is, will make up for that. Surely it is better to take all the pain in one go?


So go ahead and secede. No one is forcing you to stay. But get real, it will not happen. Eu is a disaster waiting to collapse and all the money poured into it (not by Scotland) is only skimmed by the corrupt dorks that that get chosen to represent you. Sturgeon (the fish) is after the position of president of The Free State of Scotland. She will fight tooth and nail for this, if only to scam money from you in the long term. Look into the future just for a few years, who will benefit? From a Lindsay. lol  

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5 hours ago, nontabury said:


  Well according to a SNP spokesperson a few days ago. The SNP have no intention of promoting the idea that the Scottish economy is any way reliant on the

price of oil. Which is good news,as the price of oil is forecast to go lower again, due mainly to the American shale industry,starting to ramp up production.

However up to today the SNP have not produced an alternative source of revenue. Maybe that information will be forth coming in the next few months. As a separated Scotland would take a great deal of  strain from the English taxpayers.


Do not worry, when the Scoots realise the UK has a lot of shale oil      ...and it is south of the boarder Ms Cranky will be history.

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It is the UK that has EU membership, not Scotland. Shortly the UK will be advising the EU that it intends to leave. Assuming Scotland is permitted another independence vote , and the vote goes the way SNP would like, then Scotland shall have to apply for membership of the EU.  Assuming the remaining 27 countries of the EU approve Scotland joining, then this process will still take some years until Scotland has totally devolved from the UK. In that interim period they will neither have the support of England nor that of the EU.
You can forget England buying expensive offshore oil, its cheaper from elsewhere. Same goes for gas which England can buy from overseas via the interconnector.
If Scotland votes for independence it will be a bit like turkeys voting for Xmas.  Mind you Nicola Sturgeon does show similar traits IMO

Didn't Blair have the border at the N. Sea altered, in case independence happened?

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

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Absolutely true. I read many years ago that from the taxes received via national insurance throughout the UK, Scotland, approx. 9% of the total population at that time, received 25% of the entire UK's welfare benefit schemes.

It also came out last time round, English and Welsh shoppers are subsidising Scottish shoppers.

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

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8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Well I have worked for one of the largest integrated oil and gas companies in the world for close to 30 years in various roles in various countries so I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I know more than the OP, and if you think that his comments made sense, then you too.


Only 1 ? that explains why you have tunnel vision,  I worked in Oil and Gas in Senior Management roles for several Makor UK and US companies on 5 continents so come back and give an informed response only once you have adequate experience.  Heard it all before. "I have 30 years experience, I did this, I did " what you actual have is 30 years experience with one company, hardly something to boost about.

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1 hour ago, Mosha said:

Didn't Blair have the border at the N. Sea altered, in case independence happened?

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

Not sure but good get quite interesting when you consider the Falklands was claimed by the UK after the Union in 1703.  Wonder how that will be decided  as to whom has authority ? Of course that also goes for the forces of course. Will Scotland have one of note.  Should be a few squabbles there.  Of course it is never going to happen as this is Sturgeons last throw of the dice of her nationalistic agenda. 

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10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


You really don't understand how the oil markets work, do you?



Word of advice. I know this guy, never hard the privaledge of working for him but I can assure you he knows exactly the markets and he had brought in some of the largest projects around.  That is why the largest oil company in the world aske him to delay his retirement. What he does not know is not worth knowing so as I said take some advice.

Anyway Sturgeon is not going to get her nationlistic ways so all you Jocks can lift up your kilts and flash your disapproval and continue shouting and screaming like a bunch of banshees

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Only 1 ? that explains why you have tunnel vision,  I worked in Oil and Gas in Senior Management roles for several Makor UK and US companies on 5 continents so come back and give an informed response only once you have adequate experience.  Heard it all before. "I have 30 years experience, I did this, I did " what you actual have is 30 years experience with one company, hardly something to boost about.

So you agree then with whatawonderfulday that Scottish oil is expensive, and that English consumers will boycott it in favour of cheaper, foreign imports? You and he share a very interesting understanding of the way hydrocarbons are traded.

By the way, I was neither boosting nor boasting, merely pointing out that I do know what I am talking about.
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Didn't Blair have the border at the N. Sea altered, in case independence happened?

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

I am not sure of his reasons, but just prior to the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999, Blair transferred around 6000 square miles of previously Scottish territorial seas to England.

There seem to be many theories as to how binding that might be from an international law perspective but during the 2014 referendum there was little mention of it that I can recall from the SNP so I suspect (but to not know for sure) that they were accepting of its legality, or maybe they were confident that it would be easily reversed through international arbitration.

It is surely a moot point, however. Our UK brothers on TV frequently sneer about how the North Sea is finished and how the oil industry in general is in the doldrums long term. Why, then, should an independent Scotland worry about gifting previously exploited seas to our English friends? Please don't forget to remove the infrastructure there.
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59 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I am not sure of his reasons, but just prior to the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999, Blair transferred around 6000 square miles of previously Scottish territorial seas to England.

There seem to be many theories as to how binding that might be from an international law perspective but during the 2014 referendum there was little mention of it that I can recall from the SNP so I suspect (but to not know for sure) that they were accepting of its legality, or maybe they were confident that it would be easily reversed through international arbitration.

It is surely a moot point, however. Our UK brothers on TV frequently sneer about how the North Sea is finished and how the oil industry in general is in the doldrums long term. Why, then, should an independent Scotland worry about gifting previously exploited seas to our English friends? Please don't forget to remove the infrastructure there.

YOU forgot to mention that Tony WMD Blair and his deputy, Gordon Bigot Brown are also both Scottish. Therefore it's only right to mention that they did nothing for England, apart from damaging the country far more than Adolf Hitler.  

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