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Tesco employee slight of hand.


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I was just at my usual Tesco location picking up a few things. As I was paying the cashier with a 1000b note an expecting 464b in change I watched her pull out 4 100b notes and raise them high in the air and count them so as I would see her counting them. Then as she was going back into the register to get the 64b in change that's when I noticed her quickly slipping 1 of the 100's back into the till before handing me 364b in change fully expecting that I would not count how much she had given me. When shown that she had only given me 364b she waited for the next customer to pay his bill before giving me my 100b. This was the second time I had caught this cashier trying her scam so this time I went straight too the manager and explained what she had done before and now. I'm willing too bet she will still be there working continuing her scam next time I go to Tesco.

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Problem I have encountered many times is the price at the till does not match the shelf display price.Especially on promoted items.


Big C are the worst, they have Buy "one get one free" on a display @150 baht, but if you go the shelf you can buy 1 for 75 so its not free at all you are paying for 2 !!

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Problem I have encountered many times is the price at the till does not match the shelf display price.Especially on promoted items.

I've had this happen to me. I tend to notice it happens on the first day of the current sales cycle - so I might guess that a data entry was missed or keyed in error. But in all cases, when I've brought it to the cashiers attention (gourmet market) the price was checked and the error fixed to the then-correct price.

I have also had a sale price still register even after the sale period had ended..

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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In the UK tesco is pretty good but their self scanning payment machines had a few glitches price wise for a bit. Here it seems tesco is being bullied out the market and their pricing is sketchy too.


I liked baked beans myself and I'm not brand loyal as I like to add flavour. The price of baked beans where I am seems high and they are M.I.T. 39 baht for 1 tin.


Surely that's a bit costly for baked beans of any brand.

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Tesco is disappointment in Thailand, but my friends and colleagues are telling me that I should buy my groceries in markets appropriate for my level. Which of course I am not going, since I dont see point of rimping, tops or similar high so place

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4 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Problem I have encountered many times is the price at the till does not match the shelf display price.Especially on promoted items.


Big C are the worst, they have Buy "one get one free" on a display @150 baht, but if you go the shelf you can buy 1 for 75 so its not free at all you are paying for 2 !!

Did you try explaining BOGOFF to the Big C manager? :biggrin: 

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8 hours ago, transam said:

I ALWAYS count my change before leaving a shop...

That`s exactly what the OP did and why he noticed a 100 baht short in the change.


Has happened to me numerous times, in MacDonalds, petrol stations, drug stores and too many more to mention.


This is one big irritating fact about Thailand, always having to be sharp and on the alert. Rarely, but it has happened when I`ve been handed too much change, always been honest and given it back. Another irritating ploy when at certain stores they have on offer free gifts or stamps when purchasing selected items and they mostly never offer me over the gift or stamps and have to ask. I once heard 2 cashier girls in a 7/eleven say to each other in Thai; he`s a Farlang, how did he know about the stamps? That`s because they think we`re all stupid and easily conned. 



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Simple solution is always carry exact change wherever you go and make sure to pay precisely the amount that is accurately displayed on your bill.

Never tip and never require a receipt.

The other option is to carry 3 thousands of 1 baht coins with you to the cashier that slight handed.  Make sure your in her line. 

And insist on paying with 1 baht coins for your 3000 baht total.

That should prove a point.

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Another ruse I saw was at the mega bangna food court when presenting my card for refunding the unused amount.


Cashier A takes my card and instead of scanning it on her own terminal (where I'd be able to see the amount to be refunded) she gives it to 'closed' cashier B sitting next to her. Cashier B then scans my card at her terminal, where the display is obscured by a cardboard sign. Cashier A then short changed me by 10 Baht.


Needless to say, I still had the receipt which showed me the amount left on the card, and after loudly accusing both of them for dishonesty I was given the correct change. 

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5 hours ago, bluebluewater said:
^ ^   shortchanged 10 baht and you got loud with your accusations?
By Gawd!  You showed them!

It's not the amount, it's the dishonesty. Most honest people get that.

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That`s exactly what the OP did and why he noticed a 100 baht short in the change.
Has happened to me numerous times, in MacDonalds, petrol stations, drug stores and too many more to mention.
This is one big irritating fact about Thailand, always having to be sharp and on the alert. Rarely, but it has happened when I`ve been handed too much change, always been honest and given it back. Another irritating ploy when at certain stores they have on offer free gifts or stamps when purchasing selected items and they mostly never offer me over the gift or stamps and have to ask. I once heard 2 cashier girls in a 7/eleven say to each other in Thai; he`s a Farlang, how did he know about the stamps? That`s because they think we`re all stupid and easily conned. 

I check here, same as i check everywhere, and don't have this happen to me.

sent using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, 1BADDAT said:

How many of these  topics need to be posted?  Every week there is a new version of someone getting scammed for 100 baht or something similar. 

yes  ,     that's a whopping  $2.90  US  .......      just tragic  ..  :shock1:

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16 hours ago, transam said:

I ALWAYS count my change before leaving a shop...

I always count my change ,BEFORE leaving the cash register,

once you move away from there you have no chance of of

correcting any "mistakes".

regards worgeordie

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

yes  ,     that's a whopping  $2.90  US  .......      just tragic  ..  :shock1:

No wonder they scam when theres "non objectors"  like you to be milked daily

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Tesco have the worst till displays, Big C the best. Items on offer do not always come up on screen as they are checked it gets deducted at the end. Lots of times higher price at check outs than on the shelf, but Tesco and Tops still give you the item free if it happens and you complain, got free wine last time in Tesco. Big C stopped that as it happens too often, probably the shop with least problems and best staff is 7/11. I like Foodland as all items are usually price marked and no long queue at the checkouts.

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Tesco have the worst till displays, Big C the best. Items on offer do not always come up on screen as they are checked it gets deducted at the end. Lots of times higher price at check outs than on the shelf, but Tesco and Tops still give you the item free if it happens and you complain, got free wine last time in Tesco. Big C stopped that as it happens too often, probably the shop with least problems and best staff is 7/11. I like Foodland as all items are usually price marked and no long queue at the checkouts.

Happened to me twice this week !

Bought a deodorant at Big C , shelf price 89 baht, cashier price 95 baht, I commented but it fell on deaf ears, I'm not gonna get stressed over 6 baht !

Then yesterday gf wanted to buy an electric cooker pot at Home Pro, 599 baht on the shelf, 679 at the checkout, pointed it out to cashier who " radioed " an assistant who just bought another one which scanned at 679 baht.
I was not having it so a supervisor came and after a few minutes of chit chat with the gf offered me it at 645 baht !!
I declined and went home empty handed ☹️

Of course today will look for the same pot in other shops and probably end up paying 750 baht !!

Hey ho [emoji51]
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16 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Problem I have encountered many times is the price at the till does not match the shelf display price.Especially on promoted items.


Big C are the worst, they have Buy "one get one free" on a display @150 baht, but if you go the shelf you can buy 1 for 75 so its not free at all you are paying for 2 !!

"Same same, but different", those Thai T-shirts are pretty accurate

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looked online for a certain brand of  ram for my computer and found it at the banana i.t centre at a good price so went into the local shop to buy it along with a few other items, the advertized price was also listed on a  card stuck to the ram so I grabbed it plus the other stuff but when I got back home and checked the docket they had charged me over 1000 baht more than the advertized price(I checked online again and it was still at the price on the box). I sent an email to the companies listed websites email address and asked them about it to see what they would do but as usual no reply after a couple of hours  so I went back to the store and took the ram(price still attached)  and asked for the refund of the difference to what they had charged and what was advertized on their web site, they promptly put up the sales screen which amazingly showed the cost of the ram at the price they had charged, this means that the price had been changed in the 2 hours between notifying the head office of it and when I had gone to the shop, then when I asked about the price still on the box and the fact the online price had been changed as well they said it was an old special and no longer valid. Are these people crooks, you bet, if they can rip you off they will, these days I check dockets and change all the time, my wife will even take the change and count it as well as check the dockets, as she says they cannot be trusted, you only have to look at the amount of people that actually do check/add up their dockets before paying to see this.Unfortunately it is just part of living here, if they think they can get extra from you they do it


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18 hours ago, Rc2702 said:


I liked baked beans myself and I'm not brand loyal as I like to add flavour. The price of baked beans where I am seems high and they are M.I.T. 39 baht for 1 tin.


Surely that's a bit costly for baked beans of any brand.

Content yourself with the knowledge that if the price of blanket lifters is giving you so much pause for thought, then your life is pretty much free of stress and worry.

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