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Re-entry Permit SCAM - don't fall for it

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6 hours ago, c0der said:

I emphasize your use of the word "appeared ". The lack of option is just an illusion that has been cleverly fabricated. But now that you are armed with specific information that I have outlined, you can work around it.


In particular, the desk is not the official re-entry permit desk, and the attendants are not government officers. It is a private business that provides a service for a fee. You have a right not to use the service. Government officers have no right to force you to use the services of a private business before doing something for you, just as they cannot demand that you buy something at a shop before allowing you through immigration.


So only speak with real government officers. There would be some hanging around keeping watch of the queues. Get their attention by calling them. Ask for a form if you hadn't filled one beforehand. There is a desk where you can sit and write outside the "no entry" gate. The gate is not locked, so you can open it and hand the form to the officer behind the wall for processing.


So you haven't personally worked this flanker at any of Bangkok's departure Immigration halls yet.


I want my bandwidth back!!!!!

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I presumed (incorrectly, perhaps) that Suvarnabhumi, like the international airport in Chiangmai, had a government desk to purchase a re-entry permit.  Is that true or not (or, as this story suggests, there is only one option and that's to use this private service for an extra 200 baht)?


At CNX, one can easily and quickly get a re-entry permit at the large counter immediately to the left of where ticketed passengers (only) go through the last security line upstairs....and just before hitting the exit Immigration booths.  The service is open any time (including midnight) that an international flight is departing.

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2 minutes ago, CMBob said:

I presumed (incorrectly, perhaps) that Suvarnabhumi, like the international airport in Chiangmai, had a government desk to purchase a re-entry permit.  Is that true or not (or, as this story suggests, there is only one option and that's to use this private service for an extra 200 baht)?


At CNX, one can easily and quickly get a re-entry permit at the large counter immediately to the left of where ticketed passengers (only) go through the last security line upstairs....and just before hitting the exit Immigration booths.  The service is open any time (including midnight) that an international flight is departing.

As of about two months ago there was an Immigration office at Swampy and it was accessible after check-in but before Immigration/Departures, located next to the heavy bag drop area, you will need a boarding card before getting a departure card.

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12 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Thanx for the heads-up, people need to be made aware of these tiresome scams that are constantly being aimed at innocent people.

Right under the noses and with the co-operation of those in positions of authority.

Can anyone set up a desk anywhere in the airport, as I might offer my services selling toilet paper, despite there being some inside the loos? Or perhaps 5 baht to go use them.

Edited by jacko45k
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This post is really stupid beyond belief. I encountered that desk just 3 months before I flew to Canada, but only after I approached the window and asked where can I get the photo taken. So the lady pointed at the desk, they took my photo and I paid 200 baht. If I knew they were going to fill out an application for me too, I'd let them.


You should really be able to downvote posts like this.





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2 hours ago, dbrenn said:

Not sure that it's worth 200 baht to fill in a couple of forms, in a country where the daily wage is only 300 baht. The land transport department charged me only 10 Baht for a similar service. 


Airports have a captive audience, so profiteer on pretty much everything they sell.

300 baht is the minimum daily wage, not 'the daily wage'.

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What happen to the office on the way to domestic departures that issued re-entry permits. I have used the mysterious desk several years back as it happen to be the official location for re-entry permit, two very lovely immigration ladies who didn't mind a good joke. These ladies took care of the photo entered every thing into the computer and yes it cost 200b but really a 24 hour service they do all of the work and their english wasn't bad

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11 minutes ago, Mark123456 said:

300 baht is the minimum daily wage, not 'the daily wage'.

It would only require minimum skills to fill in forms. Such a person would be paid at or near the minimum wage - perhaps less if they use university student interns as did the land transport department. 


I'd clarify my earlier post by saying that 'the daily wage for entry level clerical work is 300 Baht'.

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1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

As of about two months ago there was an Immigration office at Swampy and it was accessible after check-in but before Immigration/Departures, located next to the heavy bag drop area, you will need a boarding card before getting a departure card.

When I left on March 16 that office (which I had used before) was closed so I am assuming they relocated this back to to corner of Immigration Area where it was before.  Those entitled to use the quick lines for Immigration will have a problem because this desk is far from there.....

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1 hour ago, dbrenn said:

It would only require minimum skills to fill in forms. Such a person would be paid at or near the minimum wage - perhaps less if they use university student interns as did the land transport department. 


I'd clarify my earlier post by saying that 'the daily wage for entry level clerical work is 300 Baht'.

My point was that, by insinuating the average or ordinary daily wage was only 300 baht, you were seeking to make what is in fact a small fee seem larger than it really is. Furthermore, it is a little overly-simplistic of you to assume that the entire proceeds of the fee go directly towards salaries.

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3 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

the way to avoid paying the extra 200 baht is to organise your affairs in advance and obtain a re-entry permit beforehand from in town Immigration offices, you're making a mountain out of flat land - that particular service is useful to many people who had to travel at short notice and those who forgot to get a re-entry permit beforehand, an additional 200 baht is a small price to pay for being disorganised or forgetful!

Not everyone has a clear idea in advance whether or how often they may exit the country during the year, so may not have obtained a Re-entry Permit at the same time as applying for an annual extension. This is not the same as "being disorganised or forgetful". The Government's Re-entry Permit service at the airports allows you to obtain a permit as needed instead of on an "in-case" basis.


However, as already explained, the desk that most people notice and visit at the airport in the immigration queue hall is not the government Re-entry Permit service, but actually a private business operating a middleman service for 200 THB. If you are happy for them to do a few simple tasks for that price then you can pay the fee. But I think what really happens is that most people  think it really is the government Re-entry Permit service and just go with the flow and pay up, not knowing that the real Re-entry Permit desk is just a further walk towards the "no entry" gate hiding behind a wall. You can observe the  attendants of the fake Re-entry Permit desk walk to the real Re-entry Permit desk in order to have the applications actually processed.


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12 hours ago, Bundaberg Baxter said:

200 baht for filling out a form that asks for your name, address, passport and entry history etc, that's worth about 30 baht, 200 baht is half a days work, not four minutes. You only need the 'service' if you can't write.

I agree  with your opinion.Well said

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4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

You always have the choice not to buy the service there.

Yes, and deal directly with the official government Re-Entry Permit service, not the fake one masquerading as the real one. You just need to be aware that you have the option at that moment.

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12 hours ago, NanLaew said:

What part of a nominal charge for emergency service to enable urgent travel is going over your pretty little head?


Typically, the desk isn't busy during the week since regular travelers have taken the time to get their re-entry permit at their local immigration office but it does tend to see more customers at weekends.

What are you talking about, this service should be free as it is at the immigration service within the airport, just the 1,900 baht fee should be paid, the staff at immigration are their to provide the service, its a scam if you ask me, "point blank", it should be taken away and be part of the office process, if the farang requires a photo and form to fill, then it should be done in the office and charged there, no need to hide behind a partitioned wall, sounds all to fishy to me, hence the reason I will travel to my local and get it done before I leave in 3 weeks.

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21 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I am not sure where you came up that impression. It is staffed and operated by immigration.

Look at their uniforms. They dress differently from the real immigration officers working in the hall. They dress in all-black, including a coat with embroidered orange Thai characters on one side. If you weren't in a questioning or skeptical frame of mind at the time then you would think that you are dealing with real government officers at an official government desk, which I think is what happens to most people.

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Frankly speaking- it is all part of a 'service' provided that alleges to make it easier to get what is needed.  It is similar to getting  a Passport in the US- you can pay the regular price and get your Passport in 6 weeks or pay extra for expedited service and get it in one day. You can get a notarization at the Us Embassy in Thailand for a $50 fee or the standard price in the US is $10. It's always about making money for someone- official or not.

It's up to the buyer to be aware and up to you if you decide to use it. It's all part of the greed that exists everywhere in the World.

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I was at Chang Wattana last week doing my 90 day report because the online reporting is off - line. I was there 5 hours total just to do a 90 day , I would have gladly paid 200B for an express service. I don't think it's a scam it's just for emergency if people can't get to there local office, it is open 24 hours from what I am told and maybe the staff doing the paperwork are trainees. 

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If one feels it is a SCAM...then dont very use the service...get your paperwork done at the imm office in town....

What's all the complaints.....if i feel a country is scamming me, cheating me, overcharged me etc etc...i jolly dammed well not to come to the country....why still come here ??????????..... 

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1 minute ago, chuang said:

If one feels it is a SCAM...then dont very use the service...get your paperwork done at the imm office in town....

... or at the real desk just a short further walk from the fake desk in the same hall, where you can get the form, fill it out, give the completed form back with passport and official fee.

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27 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

What are you talking about, this service should be free as it is at the immigration service within the airport, just the 1,900 baht fee should be paid, the staff at immigration are their to provide the service, its a scam if you ask me, "point blank", it should be taken away and be part of the office process, if the farang requires a photo and form to fill, then it should be done in the office and charged there, no need to hide behind a partitioned wall, sounds all to fishy to me, hence the reason I will travel to my local and get it done before I leave in 3 weeks.

What you and many people here do not realize this service is offered by immigration but they are not required to provide this service. Re-entry permits at the airport has been operational only about 10 years( please correct if wrong). It is much like the certificate of residency process not an immigration function, a few years ago people were complaining about the 500b fee immigration shut it down. If you wanted the certificate go to your local consulate and for 50 dollars they would give you one, now that is a scam but no one complained about the price.

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All we have to do is look at our currency depreciation and all of the 200 baht are essential  now  to rearrange a budget but of course if there is an emergency so be it 200 baht will not put any of us broke.

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1 hour ago, Mark123456 said:

My point was that, by insinuating the average or ordinary daily wage was only 300 baht, you were seeking to make what is in fact a small fee seem larger than it really is. Furthermore, it is a little overly-simplistic of you to assume that the entire proceeds of the fee go directly towards salaries.

Are you serious, or are you pulling my leg?


I've managed a business in Thailand, employing 60 people in a factory, as well as finance and admin, customer service and sales. What are your credentials?


A small minority of the Thai workforce as a whole - supervisory, managerial and professional staff - get paid a great deal more than 300 Baht BUT we are not talking about such people when we talk about people who fill in forms. They are rank and file, who make up the majority of the Thai workforce, and they do get paid 300 Baht as an entry level. Hence, since I was referring to a group, it was a reasonable statement of fact to say that such people get wages of 300 Baht. So, I wasn't 'insinuating' anything, I was stating it.


On to your next point, that a business needs to make a profit, this is indeed true BUT gross margin for contracted temporary labour is no more than around the 100% mark (which leaves around 75% after SG&A). In this case, however, the gross margin is:


Assuming it takes a very generous 5 minutes to fill in a form,

* That's 12 forms per hour, lets call it 10 forms to allow for down time

* The revenue per hour would be 10 x 200 = 2,000 Baht

* The labour cost for that hour would be 300 Baht per day divided by 8 hours worked = 37.5 Baht

* The gross margin would therefore be (2000/37.5) x 100 = 5,333% an ENORMOUS profit by any measure and one that is impossible to justify when the same service costs 10 Baht at the land transport department (because it actually takes a lot less that 5 minutes to fill in a form.


In what way does a 5,333% gross margin on a form filling service, which is secondary to the main revenue earner (the Re-entry Permit) seem reasonable to you?

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Just to be clear, is the immigration office in the main hall (on the left side near the baggage place) no longer there? I used to be able to get re-entry permits there for 1000 and no service charge.

Is the only way to do it now at the desk described, with the extra charge? If so, yep, scam. Especially considering there's no damn reason for a 're-entry permit' in the first place.



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