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British PM May calls for early election on June 8

Jonathan Fairfield

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Sadly, a large proportion of the British people did not understand the ramifications.
There's no backstabbing; it's front stabbing now [emoji846]

I fully agree it's blatant front stabbing.

As Brexit is unknown territory I'd say there's ramifications for both parties involved if they don't pursue a common constructive positive goal instead of all this anti-Brexit nonsense.

The UK has a once in generation (sorry SNP) opportunity to get this right, however...

The EU have to answer to the other 27 countries & obviously only thinking of it's own interests.

As a ScotBrit the UK will always come first in my view, end of story.

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17 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

And that's why the British people should have the final decision once the terms of Brexit have been agreed and the actual ramifications are known.

It was a simple vote, stay or go, there were no clauses on the paper. You are only uptight about it because I guess you wanted to remain, if the referendum had gone the other way I doubt you would be spouting about having another vote.

And as for the 'ramifications' it may be many years before it is known.

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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


I was referring to the PM, the lady who is most definitely for turning. 


As for Sweeney, I am disappointed that the, undoubtedly, scrupulous and impartial editor of the piece didn't reference any of his data. Can you provide the references?


However, ultimately it comes down to the supposed deficit. When the experts point out that it is based upon flawed use of data, it would be wise, would it not, to avoid placing too much faith in that lest one be accused of fear mongering. 

Well let's hear what the Deputy First Minister and ex leader of the SNP had to say about the strange events taking place in the Scottiah agriculture industry. What I found very interesting was Sweeney trying to take the credit for the whistle blower.

 Yet the W.B. Had already stated that people had tried to shut him up.Now I wonder who they were?  Sweeneys remarks reminded me of some of the utterances spouted out by influential people here in Thailand.









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54 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Sadly, a large proportion of the British people did not understand the ramifications.

With all the things that have happened since the Brexit vote, do you think have they got a much better handle on it now? A more savvy voter?

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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

With all the things that have happened since the Brexit vote, do you think have they got a much better handle on it now? A more savvy voter?

 I saw a reference to an opinion poll a couple of months back. In which the % of people who now backed Brexit,had actually increased by a substantial number.

  So it would seem that the Remoaners on this forum, are speaking on behalf of a shrinking group.

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Just heard former Conservative Health Minister (and Remainer) Edwina Currie tearing Gina Miller a new bunghole over her 'tactical voting' subterfuge on Jeremy Vine's Radio 2 show. Basically stop buggering about with manipulating stuff through the courts and through the media, sign up as an electoral candidate and put your money where your mouth is.

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This at least gives us a chance to get rid of the rump and tail  of Thatcher's Nasty Party.  The creation of the European idea was first done by Britain's greatest Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill in 1947 in speech at Zurich University when he proposed a United States of Europe. May's actions have been nothing  but a betrayal of all that Sir Winston Churchill stood for. In the 1950's he built millions of decent council homes for the heroes of WW ll. Thatcher sold them off. What have UK servicemen now got a charity called "Help for Heroes". It was the Labour and Conservatives who mishandled the free movement of labour and they had the nerve to blame Europe for

interfering with us. France Germany and Italy all put a 6 or 7 year delay on the movement of east European nationals. The UK's politicians did not, this is why a Brexit referendum should never have happened. It only covered up their mistakes and errors. The continuous argument about unelected commissioners making all Europe's decisions is false. They are the civil service of the European Parliament. UK's civil service likewise does the same job in the UK and no-one ever criticizes them of interfering of making the Laws they work on. After all if you cross a may flower with a may fly. What do you get? Something twice as nasty. Anyone who thinks Theresa May is a strong leader is wrong. Originally she is alleged to have been a remainers, but chose to appease and support the Brexiteers of her party. Appeasement number 2, when the UK had the chair of Europe to take she appeased Europe by giving it up. Appeasement number 3, like Chamberlain running to shake hands with Hitler, she could not wait to run and hold hands with Trump. Of course Davis in her party campaigned that trade with be able all to carry on as normal. Now when questioned about what happens if there is no agreement on trade he says  "I haven't a clue". This is not the way to run a country. When there was $4 to £ in the late 1940's billions of dollars were borrowed to rebuild the UK. It was finally paid off in 2006. There should be no austerity and no huge debt. What are our politicians doing with our money? You can't blame Europe for it.

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2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Just heard former Conservative Health Minister (and Remainer) Edwina Currie tearing Gina Miller a new bunghole over her 'tactical voting' subterfuge on Jeremy Vine's Radio 2 show. Basically stop buggering about with manipulating stuff through the courts and through the media, sign up as an electoral candidate and put your money where your mouth is.

Not sure I want to take advice from the very same Edwina Currie who had an affair with John Major when he was PM.

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The only way the common people party (fishermen, firefighters etc) can win is that Corbyn resigns right now and the party selects a real leader in the next 3 weeks.

Right now there is no Labour party. Corbyn might be a good 2nd man, but he is not a leader.

Are there folks who can challenge him?

Remember, the UK PM selection just few months ago was an total lottery. Who can do worse than that?

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Well, there's going to be a fair amount of annoyed Labour voters joining the likes of the SNP & LD angry mob.


JC has ruled out a 2nd referendum & will not be in its manifesto.

JC has also ruled out any coalition with other parties.

UKIP seeking the marginal seats & also have Clacton to fight (Carswell resigned)

So that leaves sturgeon & Farron focusing on anything:






And the leader's debate will have an empty chair representing the PM whilst the other's bitch fight between each other, TM is right to stay clear of it all.



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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

The only way the common people party (fishermen, firefighters etc) can win is that Corbyn resigns right now and the party selects a real leader in the next 3 weeks.

Right now there is no Labour party. Corbyn might be a good 2nd man, but he is not a leader.

Are there folks who can challenge him?

Remember, the UK PM selection just few months ago was an total lottery. Who can do worse than that?

Like it or not, Corbyn has to lead the Labour Party to decisive defeat in the forthcoming election for there to be any chance of removing him from his current position. Corbyn is useless even as a 12th man backup to provide the teas at a break in the play.

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2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Like it or not, Corbyn has to lead the Labour Party to decisive defeat in the forthcoming election for there to be any chance of removing him from his current position. Corbyn is useless even as a 12th man backup to provide the teas at a break in the play.

Is there a law why one weak man should be in power of the party? Simply override him and his 'power'.


Are there seriously not any better suited leaders, who could take his place in short notice, meaning tomorrow or latest next week?  

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9 hours ago, sandyf said:

Looks like Gina Miller had something brewing and TM got wind of it.


"Ms Miller said the hadn’t been time to organise  “a formal progressive alliance,” so “we have to do what we can in the time available. We need to re-energise people about the importance of voting tactically.”



If we are talking about the ramifications of Brexit, Gina Miller has provided a more effective opposition to the Government to date than the whole of the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn. Nonetheless the Labour Party's Gotterdammerung will likely drown out all attempts at any alternative electoral strategy IMHO.

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3 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Is there a law why one weak man should be in power of the party? Simply override him and his 'power'.


Are there seriously not any better suited leaders, who could take his place in short notice, meaning tomorrow or latest next week?  

Nothing to do with any law. Corbyn was elected leader according to the rules and procedures of the Labour Party and can only be removed according to those rules. Only physical incapacity might intervene.

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1 hour ago, citybiker said:

Well, there's going to be a fair amount of annoyed Labour voters joining the likes of the SNP & LD angry mob.


JC has ruled out a 2nd referendum & will not be in its manifesto.

JC has also ruled out any coalition with other parties.

UKIP seeking the marginal seats & also have Clacton to fight (Carswell resigned)

So that leaves sturgeon & Farron focusing on anything:






And the leader's debate will have an empty chair representing the PM whilst the other's bitch fight between each other, TM is right to stay clear of it all.



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The Labour Party always rules out any coalition with other parties ahead of every election.

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5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Nothing to do with any law. Corbyn was elected leader according to the rules and procedures of the Labour Party and can only be removed according to those rules. Only physical incapacity might intervene.

I asked if there was a law (including rule) which prevents him to be in power of the party. When there is not a law preventing to take the power back and if he is not willing to give up his power, is there anything why people should not just kick him out?

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The Labour Party always rules out any coalition with other parties ahead of every election.

I'm not sure the Labour Party have that kind of luxury on their side.

Although, a coalition proposal would still need approval of the PLP.

It's going to be a long 7 weeks.....[emoji849]

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4 minutes ago, oilinki said:

I asked if there was a law (including rule) which prevents him to be in power of the party. When there is not a law preventing to take the power back and if he is not willing to give up his power, is there anything why people should not just kick him out?

I'll check my copy of Alice in Wonderland and report back shortly.

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1 minute ago, SheungWan said:

I'll check my copy of Alice in Wonderland and report back shortly.

You do that. Along with "Should I have done it", pensioneer magazine. 

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4 hours ago, oilinki said:

I asked if there was a law (including rule) which prevents him to be in power of the party. When there is not a law preventing to take the power back and if he is not willing to give up his power, is there anything why people should not just kick him out?

There is not a law, he was voted in by the Labour Party members (you know, the ones with green hair and rings through their noses) and the unions. Basically the asylum is being run by the lunatics. All his cabinet, well nearly all resigned through lack of confidence of him, leaving only the likes of the lovely Diane Abbott and John O Donnell.


Labour is finished as a Socialist party, the only reason Labour won last time because of Tony Blairs right wing policies.


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8 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

When there was $4 to £ in the late 1940's billions of dollars were borrowed to rebuild the UK. It was finally paid off in 2006. There should be no austerity and no huge debt. What are our politicians doing with our money? You can't blame Europe for it.

Since 1945, the Conservative & Unionist Party have been in either an elected or coalition government for 35 years whereas the Labour party has a paltry 16 years at the helm.


Which flavour of politician do you want to start blaming?

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10 hours ago, NanLaew said:

With all the things that have happened since the Brexit vote, do you think have they got a much better handle on it now? A more savvy voter?

Nobody had an opinion if they consider the British voter is any less clueless than they were for the Brexit referendum but with mainstream media headlining with the following nonsense,  not only is it unlikely but it doesn't really further anyone's cause.


General election: Theresa May has handed us our final chance to stop Brexit

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

Nobody had an opinion if they consider the British voter is any less clueless than they were for the Brexit referendum but with mainstream media headlining with the following nonsense,  not only is it unlikely but it doesn't really further anyone's cause.


General election: Theresa May has handed us our final chance to stop Brexit

Oh for crying out loud...


Jeremy Corbyn's party suffered a day of embarrassing mistakes after the leader failed to rule out calling a second Brexit referendum during his campaign launch but then rowed back and claimed the policy would not be in Labour's manifesto hours later.


I guess it's the mainstream media parroting their chosen illustrious leader.

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7 hours ago, SheungWan said:

If we are talking about the ramifications of Brexit, Gina Miller has provided a more effective opposition to the Government to date than the whole of the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn. Nonetheless the Labour Party's Gotterdammerung will likely drown out all attempts at any alternative electoral strategy IMHO.

If she's so sure, she's speaking for many people. Why does't she stand in the coming election? After all she's got plenty of friends,who like her have plenty of money.


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10 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Not sure I want to take advice from the very same Edwina Currie who had an affair with John Major when he was PM.

What on earth does Edwina's very poor choice of men got to do with the remainers extremely poor choice for cheerleader?

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7 hours ago, oilinki said:

I asked if there was a law (including rule) which prevents him to be in power of the party. When there is not a law preventing to take the power back and if he is not willing to give up his power, is there anything why people should not just kick him out?

What part of "Corbyn was elected leader according to the rules and procedures of the Labour Party and can only be removed according to those rules." is so hard to understand?

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7 hours ago, SheungWan said:

If we are talking about the ramifications of Brexit, Gina Miller has provided a more effective opposition to the Government to date than the whole of the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn. Nonetheless the Labour Party's Gotterdammerung will likely drown out all attempts at any alternative electoral strategy IMHO.

Sad but true. But he's like a broken record and all he can repeat as nauseum is his vision to rid the UK of the 'rigged system' which although highly noble and badly needed, it aint gonna happen under his stewardship and highly unlikely in his lifetime.

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