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PM suggests looking to country’s future rather than focusing on ‘stories of the past’ as plaque mystery rumbles on


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PM suggests looking to country’s future rather than focusing on ‘stories of the past’ as plaque mystery rumbles on
By Wasamon Audjarint
The Nation





BANGKOK: -- The mystery continues over the recent replacement of a plaque marking the Siamese Revolution of 1932 as Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, while promising to investigate the matter, suggested that attention should be paid to the future of Thailand rather than to stories of the past.


“This issue is nothing deadly,” the PM said at his weekly press briefing on Tuesday. “I understand the sentiments, but shouldn’t we rather look ahead to the future?”


“Arguing over history won’t do any good. It’s a matter of everyone’s intention as to how they will move the country forward,” he added.


Prayut was expected to clarify doubts over the mysterious replacement of the plaque after authorities – from the government spokesperson’s team, Dusit district administration and the police, to the Fine Arts Department – had yet to clearly provide an answer to the historical plaque’s disappearance or take responsibility for getting to the bottom of the matter.


Instead, he chose to cut things short, saying that he would assign security forces to take up the case but that people should no longer call for the return of the original plaque. 


“It won’t be of any purpose. I don’t want conflicts to arise. I don’t want our country to be in trouble anymore,” he stressed.


In response to a potential move tomorrow by activists aimed at reclaiming the lost plaque, the premier said: “I’m not threatening you, but whatever they are doing, they should consider security laws and Article 116 [on sedition in the Criminal Code].”


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30312634

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-04-19
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if I wanted to do to Jail and make some money before  going , I would make......


T-shirt - with the missing plaque , maybe with a "wheres Waldo" theme


TinTin chases down the missing plaque ,


necklace with a coin size plaque


Pokeman plaque ,


Ohhh there are so many........but  you better like Prison food !

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

“Arguing over history won’t do any good. It’s a matter of everyone’s intention as to how they will move the country forward,” he added.

The man rants about following the law but then wants everyone to forget about an simple act of vandalism.  Thai law revolves around double standards. 

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When I think about Thailand's future I ponder things like: quality education/work ethic/English speaking skills/rule of law/nepotism. Currently when I consider these as they exist I do not see a bright future for Thailand or Thai people. 

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PM suggests looking to country’s future rather than focusing on ‘stories of the past’


"Stories of the past", the wise one has pontificated on this subject. Move along.


I could imagine that if the "wrong" person said something like this they could be charged with various/sundry crimes.


So no history will be taught in schools or universities?

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51 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

Thais never strong on their own history, or any history. Little or no knowledge of important historical events, domestic or otherwise. Just a sort of fuzzy blank space that can be ignored or filled in as required.

A country with as many coups seems to be happy repeating history without learning a thing from it. 

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Wow! Where to begin? Culture is a card played here so often. As the PM is obviously a conservative, I thought they held the past in high reverence. They don't want things to change and they wanna keep the same old customs and traditions regardless of whether they're relevant or not. 


Is the PM now a progressive? Or is he merely cherry picking like a woman on a dinner date who wants respect but not half the bill. 

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Thailand is used to being reset, but this time the reset may be to the early 1930's or further.
A lot is riding now on Thai apathy.

I do wonder when the really big reset ( returning to calling the country Siam) is coming...
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Most countries learn from history and plaques commemorating significant events, whether considered good or bad, are placed at these historical sites! One would have thought that this small piece of brass which commemorated a significant event in Thai history would be a national treasure rather than something to be erased! History is important for a countries identity! There is a small plaque in the ruins of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England where 800 years ago, barons planned the beginnings of democracy leading to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215. Woe betide anyone who attempts to remove it! Attempt to erase history at your peril, little man. The event happened, plaque or no plaque!

Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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21 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Wow! Where to begin? Culture is a card played here so often. As the PM is obviously a conservative, I thought they held the past in high reverence. They don't want things to change and they wanna keep the same old customs and traditions regardless of whether they're relevant or not. 


Is the PM now a progressive? Or is he merely cherry picking like a woman on a dinner date who wants respect but not half the bill. 

A pre-1932 reactionary. But the real answer is that his own beliefs don't matter and he does what he is told.

Edited by debate101
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42 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Given his attitude, there can be little doubt that he knows exactly what happened to it, and was probably the one who ordered it to happen.

I think it is fairly clear the General had zero to do with this. I think its fair to see by the reactions of every agency, police and the General himself that this is something they do not want to touch.


I am sure they all know what happened to it though.

Edited by smutcakes
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2 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

I think it is fairly clear the General had zero to do with this. I think its fair to see by the reactions of every agency, police and the General himself that this is something they do not want to touch.

Barge poles aren't long enough. Even a blind person could see who is behind the removal. 

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the future is exactly what frightens me here in Thailand,with ridiculous satements like''no need to worry about nrth korea''...these clowns are stuck in the past..as the world moves forward Thailand is stuck in reverse..

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okay.... but convince people you are serious....

on the topic of the ****future**** (not technically off topic, I hope).....

how about "trading" no riding in pickup trucks..... with School Decentralization....


( hold on a sec.... it's about the future... )...

and letting folks know that that means ****they**** can hire and manage the staff including ajarn locally... where folks know who's who and what's what....

instead of these once a year or so School Vehicle Parking Lot Filling events where "inspectors" arrive from Bangkok and the local folk (if any are present at such an event) see ajarn show up that no one even knew were assigned to that school... including the "krew yeye" himself.... or herself...

plus the occasional ajarn show ups who usually are "doing research in the library".... 


no more need of fingerprint machines at the ****public**** schools...

and the tea money folks get to decide what tea money is spent on....
oh boy!!!! ooooohhh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!!

not sure which would be more difficult otherwise... decentralization... or no riding in pickup trucks...

but maybe can do both at the same time.

****that**** would be thinking about the ****future****.

p.s. I think the PM is doing a good job. he's getting close.




Edited by maewang99
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Are there any other similar owner-less plaques?

If they don't belong to anyone and the police don't care, the government don't care and the CCTV in the area doesn't work, then sounds like a few unique souvenirs are available for anyone willing to dig them up :smile:




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2 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

Most countries learn from history and plaques commemorating significant events, whether considered good or bad, are placed at these historical sites! One would have thought that this small piece of brass which commemorated a significant event in Thai history would be a national treasure rather than something to be erased! History is important for a countries identity! There is a small plaque in the ruins of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England where 800 years ago, barons planned the beginnings of democracy leading to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215. Woe betide anyone who attempts to remove it! Attempt to erase history at your peril, little man. The event happened, plaque or no plaque!

Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Last time I went to Bury St Edmunds it was all right, if a little sleepy. Why is it ruined? Have I missed some cataclysmic event in East Anglia?




Pedantic so and so aren't I?

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20 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

okay.... but convince people you are serious....

on the topic of the ****future**** (not technically off topic, I hope).....

how about "trading" no riding in pickup trucks..... with School Decentralization....


( hold on a sec.... it's about the future... )...

and letting folks know that that means ****they**** can hire and manage the staff including ajarn locally... where folks know who's who and what's what....

instead of these once a year or so School Vehicle Parking Lot Filling events where "inspectors" arrive from Bangkok and the local folk (if any are present at such an event) see ajarn show up that no one even knew were assigned to that school... including the "krew yeye" himself.... or herself...

plus the occasional ajarn show ups who usually are "doing research in the library".... 


no more need of fingerprint machines at the ****public**** schools...

and the tea money folks get to decide what tea money is spent on....
oh boy!!!! ooooohhh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!!

not sure which would be more difficult otherwise... decentralization... or no riding in pickup trucks...

but maybe can do both at the same time.

****that**** would be thinking about the ****future****.

p.s. I think the PM is doing a good job. he's getting close.




Don't you think it is a little early for a whiff of the barmaid's apron?

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6 hours ago, tracker1 said:

Makes one wonder who was involved ! forget about the past history look forward to my future Hail Caesar

No one wonders, everybody knows....


6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Thailand is used to being reset, but this time the reset may be to the early 1930's or further.

A lot is riding now on Thai apathy.


Exactly, let's put some pieces together and everything totally lead to that "insignificant" plaque swap...


2014 coup (totally not due to political situation, rather done with the future in mind)

Military serves ..... (not the people)

Road map of 20 years by military government

Oct 2016

Plaque removed and the new one is pretty straight forward about what is coming...

Military insisting (and I am starting to believe them): no more coup (should I understand: because we wont need to).


New world order coming to Thailand and Democracy is not the name of it....


Maybe something closer to pre 1932 era....

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36 minutes ago, CantSpell said:

No one wonders, everybody knows....


Exactly, let's put some pieces together and everything totally lead to that "insignificant" plaque swap...


2014 coup (totally not due to political situation, rather done with the future in mind)

Military serves ..... (not the people)

Road map of 20 years by military government

Oct 2016

Plaque removed and the new one is pretty straight forward about what is coming...

Military insisting (and I am starting to believe them): no more coup (should I understand: because we wont need to).


New world order coming to Thailand and Democracy is not the name of it....


Maybe something closer to pre 1932 era....

This issue is fast gaining traction on social media, which is why mainstream press can't avoid covering it no matter how much they must surely have been pressured not to do so. Maybe the Thai populace will surprise us after all.


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