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Midweek Rant: Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize


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Midweek Rant: Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize




Every time a story hits the news about a mob attack in Thailand the keyboard warriors are quickly on the scene.


Thaivisa forum is no different to any other site where Thai stories are viewed.


Though not always without justification, they attack the mentality that sees cowardly locals ganging up ten on one on security guards or defenseless members of the public.


An unpleasant attack on a handicapped guard in Bang Saen this week is a case in point.


Ok, fair enough it is despicable behavior and the guilty parties need to be jailed.


But the matter never ends there.


The very same people who scream to anyone who will listen that this is standard Thai behavior are themselves just the same kind of gutless bullies.


They will pick on virtually anyone – always weaker than them, always outnumbering them.


If it was just the angst shown against some Thais who hunt in packs it might be tolerable – but it never stops there.


Firstly they cast all Thai men with the same brush calling them weak and scared. Every one of the keyboard warriors would see them off in a fair, bare knuckle fistfight, one on one.


But then they take it to the next level – a level that shows who they really are – just bullies.


The keyboard warriors themselves, be it on internet forums, social media or in the comments section on news sites then gang up on sub groups in Thai society. They often don’t even realize what they are doing.


They feel right is on their side as they agree with each other in attacking all manner of people in Thailand.


They have now become the pack themselves.


So who do they target?


I shall pick just three groups.


The first are lady boys.


Despite this group of people representing a significant minority in Thailand they are all tarred with the same brush according to the internet pack.


They are thieving good-for-nothings who should all be jailed without so much as a trial. Get them off our righteous streets, they yell indignantly.


Mmm. Might this be that many of the warriors are Pattaya based and have yet been unable to broaden their horizons in any significant capacity.


I don’t know – what I do know is that it is totally unfair to pick on lady boys and associate them with those in their group who might break the law.


Even in Pattaya.


Law abiding lady boys are not responsible for the actions of a small minority.


But the warriors condemn them all and the vitriol is nothing short of what the Nazi’s did in referring to untermensch or “the masses from the East”.


Then there are gays.


A recent very happy story about a gay wedding in Thailand between a Brit and his male spouse also featured a swathe of homophobic comments – once again here were the self-proclaimed “full blooded males”, as they probably see themselves, ganging up ten on one at least.


Sure, some used the story to bang on about dowries but many used it for veiled if not direct homophobia. And before they deny it saying it was just a “bit of banter”, that is not the way some gays who commented on Thaivisa saw that reaction.


One was moved to thank a Sunday columnist for standing up to the bigoted bashers.


Is it right that people in our community should feel threatened for a lifestyle that is a little different to the “norm”.


Of course it is not, everyone deserves respect and the right to lead their lives as they see fit within the law.


My third “disadvantaged” group is the innocent.


The pack online is never more vociferous than when a suspect has been arrested for a crime.


These weedy warriors are convinced of their guilt just because the story is in the papers or online and like a pack of baying hounds they turn on the suspect with their gnashers drooling spit as they spout their interminable nonsense about “hanging them high” and “rightful retribution” awaiting in the shower rooms of Thai prisons.


Not for them the courts, the pack have decided…and they of course are always right because they are so goddamn smart. So much smarter than everyone else in Thailand.


Amid all the attacks it is noticeable that it is invariably Thai men who seem to be the root cause of society’s ills as the warriors complain of their “childishness” and “laziness”.


With so few Thais on a forum like Thaivisa or commenting on the popular expat social media groups there are hardly any to speak up for them as the pack descends. And of course is people defend them, they are condemned as “apologists”.




But interestingly, these abject bullies hardly ever seem to turn on Thai women.


Maybe they are scared that their strong Thai wives might be looking over their shoulders as they type.


Bullies always fear strength, don’t they.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-04-26
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Ooooo (he says gleefully rubbing hands together) grab some popcorn this should be good. Is it still considered trolling if posted by the forum?

Edited by starky
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TVF is mainly populated by people that has nothing to do and all the

time in the world to do it, and many takes to social media to voice

their opinions and ideas, THIS IS the essence of social media, putting

your ideas out there and if it means that some time you rub people

the wrong way, well, move on to the next post, as it's so much easy

now to be mucho and opinionated hiding behind the keyboard....

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"But interestingly, these abject bullies hardly ever seem to turn on Thai women."


Pearwa na Ayuthaya, Shogun, Lady Kai, . . . . to name but a few.

No real keyboard warrior leaves out anyone.

Better research next time nameless reporter!

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Whoever wrote this article has a chip on their shoulder regarding us keyboard warriors.

Maybe he has been blocked by this forum, or another forum.

Well mate spout off all you want, it wont stop me, just make me more determined to carry on.:post-4641-1156693976:

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I'm not sure what gangs of Thai men beating up one man has to do with Ladyboys and gays?

First of all men ganging up on one person is of course a cowardly act. This happens all over the world. Even in my little home town in Yorkshire. These days after a one on one fight, revenge is for the loser of the fight to ambush his rival with his friends and beat him to a pulp. This is not only a male idea many female gangs do the same as well.

Secondly, ladyboys, I work with a transgender women at my office. She works at reception. No different from anyone else. My local pharmacy has a ladyboy working there, again so what, doesn't make me think anything strange. I suppose at first I was curious but that passes quite quickly. The same with gays, so your gay, and....?

Thirdly, yes I'm married to a Thai women and mostly just chat with her and her family. I rarely chat with other Thai men. I have tried to socialise but it is always alcohol associated. At work the Thai women and men most talk together and not much with the farang. When I've spent time in up country I have had friendships with Thai men without just drinking, but then it's helping them with something, car engines, farming, building, diy, etc...

So lastly, I guess that when I read an article about a group of Thai men beating up one individual, I reply at first with my opinion. But I can get pursuaded to post negative comments when others do too. A peer pressure thing or all farangs together, wanting to be part of a group.

Living in Los has made me weak and selfish. If I see homeless children begging or an accident with someone suffering, etc... I have less empathy and would rarely help out after years living here. But is that city life everywhere. Living in the big city might have something more to do with this than saying that I'm becoming more Thai.

So to end, I think the changes that have happened to us whilst living in Los can make us blame Thailand for the negative changes. But it's not Thailand that has made us negative, it's living the life unchecked that has. Maybe we should all visit a therapist once a week. We all need to talk through to check we are living a healthy, happy life. Big cities, less friends, alcohol, lack of exercise, lonelyness, over worked, under worked, all effect how we view people in our society.

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"Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize."


I only gain opinions about people through empirical observation and first hand experience. I can tell you its OK to criticize Thais for their horrible lack of driving skills.





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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

TVF is mainly populated by people that has nothing to do and all the

time in the world to do it, and many takes to social media to voice

their opinions and ideas, THIS IS the essence of social media, putting

your ideas out there and if it means that some time you rub people

the wrong way, well, move on to the next post, as it's so much easy

now to be mucho and opinionated hiding behind the keyboard....

ohhh the irony 

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1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

I'm not sure what gangs of Thai men beating up one man has to do with Ladyboys and gays?

First of all men ganging up on one person is of course a cowardly act. This happens all over the world. Even in my little home town in Yorkshire. These days after a one on one fight, revenge is for the loser of the fight to ambush his rival with his friends and beat him to a pulp. This is not only a male idea many female gangs do the same as well.

Secondly, ladyboys, I work with a transgender women at my office. She works at reception. No different from anyone else. My local pharmacy has a ladyboy working there, again so what, doesn't make me think anything strange. I suppose at first I was curious but that passes quite quickly. The same with gays, so your gay, and....?

Thirdly, yes I'm married to a Thai women and mostly just chat with her and her family. I rarely chat with other Thai men. I have tried to socialise but it is always alcohol associated. At work the Thai women and men most talk together and not much with the farang. When I've spent time in up country I have had friendships with Thai men without just drinking, but then it's helping them with something, car engines, farming, building, diy, etc...

So lastly, I guess that when I read an article about a group of Thai men beating up one individual, I reply at first with my opinion. But I can get pursuaded to post negative comments when others do too. A peer pressure thing or all farangs together, wanting to be part of a group.

Living in Los has made me weak and selfish. If I see homeless children begging or an accident with someone suffering, etc... I have less empathy and would rarely help out after years living here. But is that city life everywhere. Living in the big city might have something more to do with this than saying that I'm becoming more Thai.

So to end, I think the changes that have happened to us whilst living in Los can make us blame Thailand for the negative changes. But it's not Thailand that has made us negative, it's living the life unchecked that has. Maybe we should all visit a therapist once a week. We all need to talk through to check we are living a healthy, happy life. Big cities, less friends, alcohol, lack of exercise, lonelyness, over worked, under worked, all effect how we view people in our society.

Are you sure i always was taught that people from the UK were true gentleman.. one on one ...and marquis de queens-berry rules. 


Though I have also heard that the Brits were the worst hooligans on the planet.. so should I say all Brits are.... kinda like all Thai males are...


Dutch smoke a lot of pot.. so all Dutch are potheads (i have smoked it).. its so easy to label people..


Americans have so many gun murders and guns that its easy to all label them



Its just so easy to bash Thais based on news articles because all the negative things come out, combine that with our resentment of immigration rules and cultural shock.. and maybe not happy in other ways.. and bashing Thais is an easy thing to do.. 


I just wonder if people are so unhappy why they don't leave. 

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I'd rather people rant on their keyboards than take to violence. 


There are many idiots who leave comments on internet forums. The trick is to do what I do; you start reading a comment, you can see it's pure anger and drivel, and you stop reading. You move onto the next one. Thaivisa has some awful members and some very open minded members. Much like going outside and speaking with the public. 


This is freedom of speech. It's not perfect, but once you start moderating it, where do you draw the line? Yes, I know Thaivisa has rules and moderation. Free speech (bar insighting hatred, etc) is being allowed to spew drivel. It's a sad downside to a great freedom we must maintain. 


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11 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

I'd rather people rant on their keyboards than take to violence. 


There are many idiots who leave comments on internet forums. The trick is to do what I do; you start reading a comment, you can see it's pure anger and drivel, and you stop reading. You move onto the next one. Thaivisa has some awful members and some very open minded members. Much like going outside and speaking with the public. 


This is freedom of speech. It's not perfect, but once you start moderating it, where do you draw the line? Yes, I know Thaivisa has rules and moderation. Free speech (bar insighting hatred, etc) is being allowed to spew drivel. It's a sad downside to a great freedom we must maintain. 


Oh for sure violence on keyboards is far better than real violence. Though some people have killed themselves because of internet bullying. 

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54 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"Pack mentality – why keyboard warriors are no better than the Thais they criticize."


I only gain opinions about people through empirical observation and first hand experience. I can tell you its OK to criticize Thais for their horrible lack of driving skills.





u pack animal u :smile:

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24 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

I'd rather people rant on their keyboards than take to violence. 


There are many idiots who leave comments on internet forums. The trick is to do what I do; you start reading a comment, you can see it's pure anger and drivel, and you stop reading. You move onto the next one. Thaivisa has some awful members and some very open minded members. Much like going outside and speaking with the public. 


This is freedom of speech. It's not perfect, but once you start moderating it, where do you draw the line? Yes, I know Thaivisa has rules and moderation. Free speech (bar insighting hatred, etc) is being allowed to spew drivel. It's a sad downside to a great freedom we must maintain. 


Very valid points. I've had mornings where I've said to myself: "What an F....., c..... of a s...... of a country", so I wander down to the garden and get my mind on other things. It's all part of human nature. And when you see in yourself, you can fully realize how other people feel at times.

And it's no good saying: "these people should go back to where they came from" because, as another TV poster pointed out: "Where ever you go, you go with you." Recently, I sent an email to my brother ranting on about the solicitor we have finalizing something for us in Oz. Sometimes it helps to get these angers off our chest. It's much better than holding it all in to save face.

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I am one of these "keyboard warriors" who goes on about Thai odds to one in a fight. But I admit the majority of Thais are not like that. This sort of thing happens mainly in tourist places, and it does happen regularly.

I have read Stickmans website for years, and all the time there have been reports of a group of Thais ganging up on Farangs in the likes of Soi Cowboy, and Pattaya. I have seen reports of one Farang beating up another, but I have never yet heard of any one Thai beating up a Farang in a tourist area, although I am not saying it won't happen.

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Whoever wrote this article has a chip on their shoulder regarding us keyboard warriors.

Maybe he has been blocked by this forum, or another forum.

Well mate spout off all you want, it wont stop me, just make me more determined to carry on.:post-4641-1156693976:

My pet hate is about keyboard warriors who are nasty towards you, and say things they would not dare say to your face.

I would not call a person anything from behind a keyboard that I would not say to their face, and before anyone asks if I would accuse six Thais of being cowards to their face, then no, I would not, but one of these Thais, yes I would.

Edited by possum1931
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so is being honest is now a crime, while there are those in here that do target thais for no other reason than to show dislike for them a lot actually write the truth.


While every country has their own packs of drop kicks here in Thailand we see it a lot more and more often which does tend to give people the subjects they talk about. I have never attacked gays or lady boys in here as I have never come across any that have done anything other than be nice in the years I have lived here,


I have read other people opinions but I do not have any personal experience of it so say nothing yet I am now being accused by the author who is doing exactly what they are complaining about and then not even putting a signature to it(an even bigger key board warrior).


While I disagree with those that simply whinge about everything thai I also disagree with those that try to apologize for the thais that do actually do what is said. If your attacking or defending, lumping everyone into the same boat is not right especially when facts are ignored, the author of the op has ignored many facts in the rant to suit their own bias and the TV posters do also make comments on females but it would appear the author is more concerned with what they say about  men than women, is this their own bias showing.


Honesty is the one thing people need to adhere to, while all posts are simply individual opinions it helps when those that write them stick with facts and not innuendo and fallacies/exaggerations , we know some lady boys are not good, some thai men are cowards, some thai women are crooks, many thai drivers/riders have trouble obeying/abiding by road rules, police/govt workers/monks etc can be just as corrupt if not more so and that some TV people are keyboard warriors  but personally I have no idea where the gay bashing comes in, a persons sexuality is their own.


The author  needs to really get through their own bias and be more honest and use much less innuendo, they also need to grow a pair and put a name to their rants, at least with mine people can see who I actually am.

Edited by CharlieH
Paragraphed for easier reading
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