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My mind keeps going back to a thought that came into my head when I read your opening post and your name.

Back during the 2nd world war they had ships called Q ships, they looked like normal ships until an enemy ship came near then panels dropped and they were quite heavy armed.

I'm still wondering if you're a Charlotte or a ship.

There's two ways to read the above by the way.

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On 4/30/2017 at 8:20 PM, steven100 said:

one needs to make better choices when choosing their partners .....



On 5/1/2017 at 0:10 AM, Tchooptip said:

Without a crystal ball it could be difficult sometimes :whistling:Pfffff

also...there are 2 sides to every story and we've only heard one :unsure:. however, we're :offtopic:

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Finally went to the traveling agency where normally they would have a 100% rate of success when it comes to tourist visa. However they rejected my passport as I overstayed for 2 months back in 2015. The reason was that I was too ill at the time that I couldn't travel. Although right after that I got my visa renewed with success.


Now it seems I need to apply for my visa the conventional way. My question is, would the over-stay thing be a problem even now two years later?

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45 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:


Finally went to the traveling agency where normally they would have a 100% rate of success when it comes to tourist visa. However they rejected my passport as I overstayed for 2 months back in 2015. The reason was that I was too ill at the time that I couldn't travel. Although right after that I got my visa renewed with success.


Now it seems I need to apply for my visa the conventional way. My question is, would the over-stay thing be a problem even now two years later?

Usually, the overstay would have no effect on your application for a visa. Any impact, if any, would usually be only with immigration on arrival in Thailand.


I imagine the travel agency has that policy with visa applications to every country. (Overstay in some countries makes getting subsequent visas very difficult.)

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3 hours ago, BritTim said:

Usually, the overstay would have no effect on your application for a visa. Any impact, if any, would usually be only with immigration on arrival in Thailand.


I imagine the travel agency has that policy with visa applications to every country. (Overstay in some countries makes getting subsequent visas very difficult.)

That's good to know. Thank you.

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P.S. Could anyone kindly shed some light on this thing that is been bugging me please.

My last visit to Thailand lasted over a year on a all purpose visa(photo attached in my prev. post), I came back around in mid-February this year. Would it be a problem that I apply another visa so soon? Should there be a waiting period in between visas? If so, how long is it?


Thanks again :)

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12 hours ago, CharlotteQ said:

P.S. Could anyone kindly shed some light on this thing that is been bugging me please.

My last visit to Thailand lasted over a year on a all purpose visa(photo attached in my prev. post), I came back around in mid-February this year. Would it be a problem that I apply another visa so soon? Should there be a waiting period in between visas? If so, how long is it?


Thanks again :)


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8 hours ago, Crossy said:

No, there is no official waiting period between visas.


However, individual consulates may have their own rules.

Thank you Crossy.

The thing is my passport is nothing but Thai visas after years of staying in and out of the country. It's peculiar for people to see someone unable to work in Thailand spending so much time there. Would it help if I explain that I wanted to stay with my bf at the time?

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Say nothing unless someone asks, then use the "visiting boyfriend" story (it's true after all).




Get a new passport, the consulates don't have access to the immigration database so should not be able to see previous entries / visas.

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4 hours ago, Crossy said:

Say nothing unless someone asks, then use the "visiting boyfriend" story (it's true after all).




Get a new passport, the consulates don't have access to the immigration database so should not be able to see previous entries / visas.

I hope that will work. Thank you again Crossy.


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4 hours ago, Crossy said:

Say nothing unless someone asks, then use the "visiting boyfriend" story (it's true after all).




Get a new passport, the consulates don't have access to the immigration database so should not be able to see previous entries / visas.


Getting a visa is not the problem, entering the country is - and Immigration do have access to the Immigration database.


Remember - a visa does not give you the right to enter a country.

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On 2017-5-1 at 5:07 AM, dbrenn said:

There are many nice Thai men who are very devoted husbands and fathers. A minority do have problems with controlling their tempers, as do a minority of Thai women - take a look at how some of the bar girls behave to their husbands.


Then again, there are lots of violent people back home too.

Besides, to be fair, we do not know his version of the story. 

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On 11/05/2017 at 7:23 PM, muzmurray said:


Getting a visa is not the problem, entering the country is - and Immigration do have access to the Immigration database.


Remember - a visa does not give you the right to enter a country.

Thank you. I'm very nervous that I might get rejected when applying for my visa. I heard it's not good for the record. Fingers crossed.

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I left out the drama part of my story as much as possible to avoid the likes of you.
Your ignorance about mental disorders repulses me. Anyway sanity in most cases is relative, if that's what you are suggesting. Feel free to fill in the gaps and holes with your imagination if my unfortunate experience could offer you some kind of entertainment, clearly that's what you are after seeing how you managed to picked out one thing of that particular nature out of everything I've posted.

I have a direct relative who is schizophrenic so I'm far from ignorant about mental disorders. Your comment about the mental hospital made it seem like you don't believe you have mental problems, but in your reply to my post are you implying that you do? I find no amusement in people suffering from mental issues...I do however believe that where there is smoke there is usually fire. The part I pointed out about the embassy is the "smoke". So if one part of your story seems to be a fabrication then why should the rest of your story be considered factual? You seem to have enough information to sort out any visa problems you might have so good luck with that.
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Finally gathered enough courage to go to the Thai embassy today. I asked them briefly about my frequent visits as well as my most recent visit to Thailand and they said they shouldn't be a problem. Not sure if my "police record" will strike any though. However on the application form I'm required to enter a flight number. Not sure this is the same with all other countries, but I don't remember doing it the last time I applied for Thai visa.


Is it important to secure a date and a specific flight for this purpose? I'm sure exactly when I need to leave, not to mention if my visa doesn't get approved I'd have to cancel my flight. A traveling agency said if the flight number won't be checked then they could give me a arbitrary one until I can confirm about my visa and traveling dates. Or should I avoid any risks and book the ticket?


Any help would be appreciated :)



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Some embassies and consulates want to see tickets to and out of Thailand to issued the visa. It seems the one you dealing with does not.

I am certain they don't check to if you flight number is real.

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7 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Some embassies and consulates want to see tickets to and out of Thailand to issued the visa. It seems the one you dealing with does not.

I am certain they don't check to if you flight number is real.


One of the docs required for a Tourist Visa is a copy of your return airline ticket. One time previously, when I applied for a TR visa at a Thai consulate in Oz, I watched as the Consulate staff lady logged onto Thai Airways  website, then using my booking number, got into "Manage My Booking", to indeed verify that my booking was legit and fully paid.


She'd obviously done this process many times, as she knew exactly what to do very quickly and efficiently.


She smiled politely, and said "All good. Come back in 3 days to pickup your visa." I have no idea what other checks might be done during those 3 days ?

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3 hours ago, electric said:


One of the docs required for a Tourist Visa is a copy of your return airline ticket. One time previously, when I applied for a TR visa at a Thai consulate in Oz, I watched as the Consulate staff lady logged onto Thai Airways  website, then using my booking number, got into "Manage My Booking", to indeed verify that my booking was legit and fully paid.


She'd obviously done this process many times, as she knew exactly what to do very quickly and efficiently.


She smiled politely, and said "All good. Come back in 3 days to pickup your visa." I have no idea what other checks might be done during those 3 days ?


Not every embassy or consulate requires an airline ticket.


Plus, I would be interested to know how you - outside the counter - could see her computer monitor - inside the counter !

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37 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


Not every embassy or consulate requires an airline ticket.


Plus, I would be interested to know how you - outside the counter - could see her computer monitor - inside the counter !


Hi muzmurray .... yes, I guess you're right. Maybe not all embassies/consulates require air tickets, however, according to their own application form, it is one of the required docs for TR visa. Certainly the Consulate closest to me in Oz wanted a copy of flight bookings.


The Consulate reception lady doubled as a sort of "pre screener" of visa applications, to make sure the paperwork was correct before sending the application into the backroom for processing.


Her computer was slightly offset on her desk, just enough for me to see the screen, and I could see her typing in my flight booking number on Thai Airways website.

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14 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Some embassies and consulates want to see tickets to and out of Thailand to issued the visa. It seems the one you dealing with does not.

I am certain they don't check to if you flight number is real.

That's very reassuring. Thank you ubonjoe. The only area that requires about a flight number is on the application form. No proof of ticket needed. So is it ok if I just fill in a flight number given to me by a traveling agency without actually purchasing the actual ticket?


Also on the same form I'm required to fill in contact and address for my visit in Thailand. I was told to just fill in a hotel's info. Once again it's rather ridiculous seeing how one should book a hotel AFTER obtaining the visa. But I guess for most cases getting their visa issued isn't a huge problem.



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2 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Same I was in Singapore b4 and apply for tourist visa. Air tickets in and out apply. Charlotte you should let Ubonjoe know which country you are in right now so he advice you what documents are needed. 

Thank you Moonmoon. I have done as you have advised. Will try my luck again tomorrow morning. They are making the process extremely difficult. This is my first time applying for a foreign visa without help of traveling agencies or family. Not only did they move their office without updating the new address online anywhere, they never pick up their phones. The interesting thing is that I often visited the place as a child when my dad used to work for the Thai embassy in Beijing. Life has a funny way of dropping easter eggs in our lives.


I'm still very nervous about the outcome as so much of my life depends on it. But thank you everyone on this board. I truly can't tell you how much you have helped me and boosted my confidence :}

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Turns out I do need to provide proof for the ticket purchase.

But the thing that's troubling me now is, they require me to submit a signed letter of my "bf" stating the purpose of my visit this time is strictly tourism. Because back in 2015 My ex bought me a working visa lasting a year. So they are suspicious that I might go working there again this time. And the fact that my "bf" is Thai could help. So the obvious problem is that I no longer have this bf. But it's crucial for me to get this signed letter. I'm thinking of asking a Thai native to write me this letter, of course they don't necessarily have to pretend to be my bf. Except I don't know any Thais that could do that.


What should I do? Please help.

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26 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:


Turns out I do need to provide proof for the ticket purchase.

But the thing that's troubling me now is, they require me to submit a signed letter of my "bf" stating the purpose of my visit this time is strictly tourism. Because back in 2015 My ex bought me a working visa lasting a year. So they are suspicious that I might go working there again this time. And the fact that my "bf" is Thai could help. So the obvious problem is that I no longer have this bf. But it's crucial for me to get this signed letter. I'm thinking of asking a Thai native to write me this letter, of course they don't necessarily have to pretend to be my bf. Except I don't know any Thais that could do that.


What should I do? Please help.

They require that letter or they advise you to get that letter?


I asked for multiple entry tourists visa and as a reasson I stated, that I want to get married there. And they advised me, that it would help me getting letter from my thai GF, that she is going to marry me.


At the end it didnt matter. I fulfilled all requirements to get multiple entry tourist visa (money in the bank etc), so they gave it to me.


With or without letter.

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1 hour ago, howard ashoul said:

They require that letter or they advise you to get that letter?


I asked for multiple entry tourists visa and as a reasson I stated, that I want to get married there. And they advised me, that it would help me getting letter from my thai GF, that she is going to marry me.


At the end it didnt matter. I fulfilled all requirements to get multiple entry tourist visa (money in the bank etc), so they gave it to me.


With or without letter.

Thanks for your reply. The letter is not required per se. But due to the fact I changed the nature of my tourist visa to working visa during my stay in Thailand back in 2015, the staff advised that it would increase my chances if I provide them a letter from my Thai bf.


More ironically I was told being a young female Chinese citizen would always raise suspicions in my situation, as they would easily assume that I'm engaged in some unspeakable profession in a country infamous for it, since I spend so much time in Thailand. But getting wrongly judged is the last thing I worry about right now. I blame myself and my ex (who told me his financial state couldn't afford for us to get married which would grant me a more permanent visa) for leaving behind such a messy record on my passport. I need a native Thai to write me a letter stating the purpose of my visit this time. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could go about doing that now that I'm not even in Thailand pls?

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