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Helpless old woman repeated kicked in the head by Thai gang

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22 hours ago, Wiggy said:

"Minburi police told Daily News that they know who the attackers are."


Then go and arrest them you worthless pieces of s*** police!!

Perhaps the "medical reports" the police are awaiting will indicate if any local police personnel are involved or being paid protection by the gang?

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14 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:

They have a problem with understanding cause and effect. If they kill her, she can't pay them anything. 


Did you read post about mistaken ID - about 4 back on the list? 

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19 hours ago, mommysboy said:


Ah!  She got what she deserved then?

Your words. Not mine. I never said that.  I don't feel sorry for her though.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  Play gangster games, win gangster prizes.  If it was a man, what would your feeling towards his beating  be?  

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It is disturbing enough that this event actually took place but what I find just as bad are some of the comments posted on this that she deserved it. I can only conclude that many of the posters here are of the same class of scum as these thugs who beat up an old lady. Pack mentality is never good no matter what the situation and for a gang of men to launch an attack on one person be that person male or female is disgraceful and certainly a blight on Thai society as a whole.

The people need to be set an example as it appears to be coming more and more regular with every passing day. A public flogging and a good number of years hard labour would not go amiss with moronic entities such as these people.

I know it wont happen but if Thailand wants to gain respect in the international arena then examples, not words have to be made public for the world to see. The message would then be "Thailand will not accept such behavior"

Now I guess all the people who think this attack was ok will criticize this post for condemning it. Bring it on

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This seems common behavior in Thailand. Its like an animal instinct, I guess. Reminds me on a documentary I lately saw where about 6-7 male lions attacked a giraffe. All of them jumped on her and grounded and killed her.


What a coincident: last night around midnight a young lad was killed in nighnoring village Baan Ajaa by a gang of youngsters, my wife reported to me this morning. Apparently they were all over him, just like lions do when they attack. How he was killed, we don't know, police are tight lipped.


It's no surprise youngsters in Thailand act this way, they can see it on the nightly Thai soap operas. All you can see there hate, rape high pitched screeming by thw actresses and shooting. Night after night. That these are allowed by the government is beyond me.

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Don't believe anyone is calling this attack OK but the reporting was very misleading in not reporting 3 people were attacked and one was a 24 year old woman (not many would logically call her old).

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18 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Indeed. Some of us work with Thai men every day and don't use silly and inaccurate generalisations.

Just a FYI, we all are talking in generalization.  " Some of us work with Thai " that is a generalization.

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9 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Maybe because like me, you have not broken any laws, you have not gotten involved with the wrong people and you have not gotten involved in other people`s dramas. And also like me, avoided any trouble and avoided getting into disputes.

You can do that if you have a bit of money behind you. 

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21 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

Yes cowardly attacks are peculiar to thailand.

We need some thaiphobic expat vigilantes to sort them out.

Then again the harder you type the softer you are likely to be.

What are your thoughts?

That you probably just arrived here.


Enjoy your holiday. :smile:

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3 hours ago, Dario said:

This seems common behavior in Thailand. Its like an animal instinct, I guess. Reminds me on a documentary I lately saw where about 6-7 male lions attacked a giraffe. All of them jumped on her and grounded and killed her.


What a coincident: last night around midnight a young lad was killed in nighnoring village Baan Ajaa by a gang of youngsters, my wife reported to me this morning. Apparently they were all over him, just like lions do when they attack. How he was killed, we don't know, police are tight lipped.

When you move to the jungle, expect there to be savage animals.


Unfortunately their highly emotionally restrictive and repressive culture, along with a version of Asian Face that borders on the psychotic, does breed these sorts of massively cowardly and savage attacks. 


The poor fella's gotta let it out sometime, right. :sad:

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12 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I hope it does change something. Including the need for an elderly women to need to go to an illegal loan shark in the first place. It is sad and inevitable if you cannot pay illegal loans to illegal men.


And part of what your saying is that loan sharks don't assess the risk, just go for the throat (violence) quickly when payments not made.


And yes sad that for some folks loan sharks seem to be the only avenue of some funds. 

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If only she had money this may help speed up the arrests.. within minutes. 


Ie the pharmaceutical daughter that got drunk.. the arrest of her Romeo was 1-2 hours 

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On 5/9/2017 at 10:26 AM, Thechook said:

All I can say is Bastards.

Yes Thechook my exact word on reading the headline . I couldn't watch the vid.  There may well be other posts the same but I don't need to read 170 other posts saying much the same. If it happened up here I would take her a bunch of flowers.

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17 hours ago, memkuk said:

I'm not condoning this, but sometimes I wonder, after living here 27 years, why I never ever had any problem, neither with youth gangs, neither with police. I think I do understand Thai customs and I do speak Thai fluently, maybe that helps. Having said that, something has changed in Thai society. This is just sickening. What happened here is just between Thais. I can't remember something like this happening 3 decades ago. What ever happened to the "respect for older people"?  Personally I believe there is a problem with the next generation. 


And it's not only the Thai next generation.


Talk to folks from Europe US, Australia, etc., you'll find that attitudes, behaviors, and values of many of the younger generations has all changed.



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2 minutes ago, scorecard said:


And it's not only the Thai next generation.


Talk to folks from Europe US, Australia, etc., you'll find that attitudes, behaviors, and values of many of the younger generations has all changed.



Certainly in the UK the younger generation has been utterly shafted, so I can understand their attitude even though violence can not be condoned.  I doubt Thais have much positive in their lives to keep them on the straight and narrow.


It's no mitigation though for what looks like a disgusting incident.

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6 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Certainly in the UK the younger generation has been utterly shafted, so I can understand their attitude even though violence can not be condoned.  I doubt Thais have much positive in their lives to keep them on the straight and narrow.


It's no mitigation though for what looks like a disgusting incident.


"I doubt Thais have much positive in their lives to keep them on the straight and narrow."  


IMHO some other relevant phrases are 'feel helpless',  'have little to zero education', feel they have no opportunities and are often ripped off by local job recruiters, etc., 8 hours of hard labor outside of the mainstream, get paid 100Baht and job agent takes 20%, and there are some folks who probably would be classified by modern business as unemployable, in  every country', 'feel left behind and ignored by society' etc.


Why? Well that's a big question, however I suggest rampant capitalism has a lot to answer for.  


(No I'm not a communist.)

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17 hours ago, wvavin said:

The people on this land are really sick.

Ahh, only a matter of time before the stupid anti-Thai generalizations get trotted out as though they're facts. I'm not sick, the bloke next door and his wife- they're not sick. Neither is the bloke over the road or others in our soi. Are you sick? Sorry..... really sick.


Yes.... some people no matter where you live, are stupid, gutless, <deleted>.


But... perhaps you should ensure your brain is fully engaged before hitting 'Submit Reply'.

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3 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

When you move to the jungle, expect there to be savage animals.


Unfortunately their highly emotionally restrictive and repressive culture, along with a version of Asian Face that borders on the psychotic, does breed these sorts of massively cowardly and savage attacks. 


The poor fella's gotta let it out sometime, right. :sad:

My wife just updated me on last nights fight in that neighboring village. The fella who died was in a group of five against another group of thirty (30). Amazing! R.I.P,  my wife knew him, he was an attendant at the local PTT gas station. She goes there almost every day during the rice harvesting season to buy diesel for her two rice harvesters and ten wheel truck. She said that he was always very friendly. But he got associated with the wrong people and that deplorable fact ended his young life. His father is due to arrive this evening from Bangkok to get his body released from Surin hospital.

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