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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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Comey invited to testify before Senate panel


"Ousted FBI Director James Comey has been invited to testify in a closed session next Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to a committee aide."


"The session would provide a first chance for Comey to weigh in on the circumstances of his firing and update senators behind closed doors on the status of the FBI's investigation into allegations of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia."

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Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey


"The stated rationale for Comey’s firing delivered Wednesday by principal deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was that he had committed “atrocities” in overseeing the FBI’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, hurting morale in the bureau and compromising public trust."


"But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey."


"Why was Sessions involved in discussions about the fate of the man leading the FBI’s Russia investigation, after having recused himself from the probe because he had falsely denied under oath his own past communications with the Russian ambassador?"



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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

"Things" are hitting the fan for trump. 

This report is both horrifying and hilarious.

Sean Spicer hiding in the bushes!

You couldn't make this stuff up!





Sean Spicer's latest press briefing
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23 hours ago, kamahele said:

Nixon tried this in 1973 by firing the special prosecutor. How'd that work out for him?

Not even comparable if you look at the facts and not the fake news version.


I'm lovin' the reality show entertainment as Dem. hypocrites ( not so long ago they were in full on witch hunting mode as they sought to crucify Comey )  jump on the hysteria wagon to shriek at Trump, almost drooling with hatred as they do so. The fake news is in full meltdown as they pull out their glove puppets to parrot the made up rubbish about anything they think will hurt Trump.

A few facts are in order.

Dems have said on the record that there is nothing to connect Trump to Russia influencing the election.

Comey said Trump was not under investigation.

The investigation is not a criminal investigation, hence no requirement for an independent investigator as the Dems are baying for.

Both sides of the aisle have been calling for Comey's head.

Comey is obviously ( from his performance in congress ) not fit to continue as head of the FBI.

Comey's boss has told Trump that Comey needs to go. Comey's boss was confirmed by an overwhelming margin in the senate.

If Trump had not fired Comey when he did and waited, the Dems would have had the same hissy fit when it came out that the new deputy head of Justice had basically recommended it. If Trump said the American flag was red white and blue, Dems would say that it wasn't.

Trump can't win. Whatever he does, the haters will attack him for it. If he didn't do anything they would attack him for that.


It doesn't look good for Trump- perhaps he thought the Dems would be happy he fired Comey, given they all asked for it, but he obviously underestimated the haters.

However, even this will pass as the haters move on to the next fake news tidbit to exploit.

Hopefully, before he gives up ( if he does ), he will be able to put some more conservative judges onto SCOTUS. Then it won't matter if he resigns or is booted.

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27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not even comparable if you look at the facts and not the fake news version.


I'm lovin' the reality show entertainment as Dem. hypocrites ( not so long ago they were in full on witch hunting mode as they sought to crucify Comey )  jump on the hysteria wagon to shriek at Trump, almost drooling with hatred as they do so. The fake news is in full meltdown as they pull out their glove puppets to parrot the made up rubbish about anything they think will hurt Trump.

A few facts are in order.

Dems have said on the record that there is nothing to connect Trump to Russia influencing the election.

Comey said Trump was not under investigation.

The investigation is not a criminal investigation, hence no requirement for an independent investigator as the Dems are baying for.

Both sides of the aisle have been calling for Comey's head.

Comey is obviously ( from his performance in congress ) not fit to continue as head of the FBI.

Comey's boss has told Trump that Comey needs to go. Comey's boss was confirmed by an overwhelming margin in the senate.

If Trump had not fired Comey when he did and waited, the Dems would have had the same hissy fit when it came out that the new deputy head of Justice had basically recommended it. If Trump said the American flag was red white and blue, Dems would say that it wasn't.

Trump can't win. Whatever he does, the haters will attack him for it. If he didn't do anything they would attack him for that.


It doesn't look good for Trump- perhaps he thought the Dems would be happy he fired Comey, given they all asked for it, but he obviously underestimated the haters.

However, even this will pass as the haters move on to the next fake news tidbit to exploit.

Hopefully, before he gives up ( if he does ), he will be able to put some more conservative judges onto SCOTUS. Then it won't matter if he resigns or is booted.

I don't see anybody defending Comey, so your claim 'hypocrites' is soley based on your own thought process. I do see people questioning the timing.

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Trump Campaign Investigations


"Under fire for previously undisclosed contact with the Russian ambassador, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday that he would recuse himself from any investigations related to President Trump’s campaign."


"I have now decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matter relating in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States,” he said."


"I should not be involved in investigating a campaign I had a role in."




In "any matter."

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47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not even comparable if you look at the facts and not the fake news version.


I'm lovin' the reality show entertainment as Dem. hypocrites ( not so long ago they were in full on witch hunting mode as they sought to crucify Comey )  jump on the hysteria wagon to shriek at Trump, almost drooling with hatred as they do so. The fake news is in full meltdown as they pull out their glove puppets to parrot the made up rubbish about anything they think will hurt Trump.

A few facts are in order.

Dems have said on the record that there is nothing to connect Trump to Russia influencing the election.

Comey said Trump was not under investigation.

The investigation is not a criminal investigation, hence no requirement for an independent investigator as the Dems are baying for.

Both sides of the aisle have been calling for Comey's head.

Comey is obviously ( from his performance in congress ) not fit to continue as head of the FBI.

Comey's boss has told Trump that Comey needs to go. Comey's boss was confirmed by an overwhelming margin in the senate.

If Trump had not fired Comey when he did and waited, the Dems would have had the same hissy fit when it came out that the new deputy head of Justice had basically recommended it. If Trump said the American flag was red white and blue, Dems would say that it wasn't.

Trump can't win. Whatever he does, the haters will attack him for it. If he didn't do anything they would attack him for that.


It doesn't look good for Trump- perhaps he thought the Dems would be happy he fired Comey, given they all asked for it, but he obviously underestimated the haters.

However, even this will pass as the haters move on to the next fake news tidbit to exploit.

Hopefully, before he gives up ( if he does ), he will be able to put some more conservative judges onto SCOTUS. Then it won't matter if he resigns or is booted.

You have a very strange idea of facts.

When and where did Comey say Trump was not under investigation?


What do you mean by this is not a criminal investigation? Is this based on the specious notion that because it's a foreign intelligence investigation it can't be a criminal investigation, too?  Are you saying that the FBI is not looking into possible criminal acts by people in the Trump campaign? How do you know this?

But if Comey wasn't fit to be AG, why the wait? Why dismiss him now just after he asked for additional resources to further investigation the Russian connection?  Obviously, Trump wanted an excuse. You have to be willfully blind to see otherwise.

And it isn't just Democrats who are unhappy with Trump's decision. So are some conservative Republican senators.




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3 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

should stay out of 'recommending' candidates in other countries as other retired POTUS do what would everyone say if Putin 'recommended' a candidate and he is not an 'ordinary' citizen so that argument doesn't have wings 

Putin didn't openly support candidates such as Le Pen/Trump? - LOL

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The problem with fake news is that after enough of it one doesn't believe anything that comes out of the fake news channels, even if it's true.

No, the problem is that people of importance label it fake news and fake news channels because they don't like the message. And the sheep believe and follow.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

A few facts are in order.

Dems have said on the record that there is nothing to connect Trump to Russia influencing the election.

Comey said Trump was not under investigation.

The investigation is not a criminal investigation, hence no requirement for an independent investigator as the Dems are baying for.

Not one of your "facts" is true...not one....


Many Democrats, and Republicans and Independents, have pointed to verifiable evidence that Trump and his team coordinated with Russia to damage Clinton and boost Trump;

Comey never said that Trump was not under investigation. That is a fabrication pushed by Trump and many others in the White House;

There are two independent grand juries currently empaneled to investigate Trump-Russia coordination, and they have issued subpoenas to witnesses. Grand Juries are empaneled by a judge of the District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia, and their sole purpose is to determine if criminal laws were violated and if so, indict the perpetrators. Sounds like a criminal investigation to me.



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5 hours ago, iReason said:

Comey invited to testify before Senate panel


"Ousted FBI Director James Comey has been invited to testify in a closed session next Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to a committee aide."


"The session would provide a first chance for Comey to weigh in on the circumstances of his firing and update senators behind closed doors on the status of the FBI's investigation into allegations of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia."


I'm glad it's behind closed doors because, frankly, I have tired of looking at his miserable, whining puss.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The problem with fake news is that after enough of it one doesn't believe anything that comes out of the fake news channels, even if it's true.

Can you give us an example of the "fake news"?  Was Comey not really fired?


Fake news is unsubstantiated stories of millions of undocumented voters, or BS stories (that a lot of idiots believed) about Hillary Clinton running a child prostitution ring from the basement of pizza parlors.


What news sources do you go to for legitimate news?

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

I don't see anybody defending Comey, so your claim 'hypocrites' is soley based on your own thought process. I do see people questioning the timing.

Few people expected Trump to know how to be president, but a you'd think a publicity loving reality TV star would  understand how to manage the media and perceptions of himself.  Clearly not.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not even comparable if you look at the facts and not the fake news version.


I'm lovin' the reality show entertainment as Dem. hypocrites ( not so long ago they were in full on witch hunting mode as they sought to crucify Comey )  jump on the hysteria wagon to shriek at Trump, almost drooling with hatred as they do so. The fake news is in full meltdown as they pull out their glove puppets to parrot the made up rubbish about anything they think will hurt Trump.

A few facts are in order.

Dems have said on the record that there is nothing to connect Trump to Russia influencing the election.

Comey said Trump was not under investigation.

The investigation is not a criminal investigation, hence no requirement for an independent investigator as the Dems are baying for.

Both sides of the aisle have been calling for Comey's head.

Comey is obviously ( from his performance in congress ) not fit to continue as head of the FBI.

Comey's boss has told Trump that Comey needs to go. Comey's boss was confirmed by an overwhelming margin in the senate.

If Trump had not fired Comey when he did and waited, the Dems would have had the same hissy fit when it came out that the new deputy head of Justice had basically recommended it. If Trump said the American flag was red white and blue, Dems would say that it wasn't.

Trump can't win. Whatever he does, the haters will attack him for it. If he didn't do anything they would attack him for that.


It doesn't look good for Trump- perhaps he thought the Dems would be happy he fired Comey, given they all asked for it, but he obviously underestimated the haters.

However, even this will pass as the haters move on to the next fake news tidbit to exploit.

Hopefully, before he gives up ( if he does ), he will be able to put some more conservative judges onto SCOTUS. Then it won't matter if he resigns or is booted.

Ha ha...speaking of hypocrites....The right would have been crucifying Obama or Clinton if they spun lies all day, every day as our current President does. They would have crucified Obama or Clinton had they installed their family in positions of influence in the White House. But all that does not matter now that their man is in place. Ha ha....OMG my side is splitting with this one.

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6 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

Yeah, I thought his stand in was much better. She should get the gig permanently. 

I saw her for the first time last night.  She has a razor honed wit and isn't afraid to use it.  She was delightful.

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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

One view after 24 hours is that the President took Director Comey's phrase: "It makes me mildly nauseous to think we might have had some impact on the election", very personally and stewed about it for 4 - 5 days. Then he told Sessions and Rosenstein to figure out a way to fire Comey on Monday.  Having his personal attache/bodyguard Keith Schiller hand deliver the letter(s) to the FBI late on Wednesday, essentially firing Comey long-distance by TV, only adds to the personal and urgent nature with which this action took place. I'm not sure if this sort of peevish behavior is a good thing, or a bad thing?



Trotting out Kissinger was beyond strange.





Kissinger, the original Bilbo Baggins.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You have a very strange idea of facts.

When and where did Comey say Trump was not under investigation?


What do you mean by this is not a criminal investigation? Is this based on the specious notion that because it's a foreign intelligence investigation it can't be a criminal investigation, too?  Are you saying that the FBI is not looking into possible criminal acts by people in the Trump campaign? How do you know this?

But if Comey wasn't fit to be AG, why the wait? Why dismiss him now just after he asked for additional resources to further investigation the Russian connection?  Obviously, Trump wanted an excuse. You have to be willfully blind to see otherwise.

And it isn't just Democrats who are unhappy with Trump's decision. So are some conservative Republican senators.




Comey was never AG.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Try not using fake news. Sessions wasn't the guy that wrote the letter to Trump.

Are you calling Reuters fake news? 


"The president told Comey in the letter that he accepted the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he could no longer provide effective leadership."   http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-comey-idUSKBN1852MV  


Once again, what do you consider a legitimate news source?

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1 hour ago, WaywardWind said:

Not one of your "facts" is true...not one....


Many Democrats, and Republicans and Independents, have pointed to verifiable evidence that Trump and his team coordinated with Russia to damage Clinton and boost Trump;

Comey never said that Trump was not under investigation. That is a fabrication pushed by Trump and many others in the White House;

There are two independent grand juries currently empaneled to investigate Trump-Russia coordination, and they have issued subpoenas to witnesses. Grand Juries are empaneled by a judge of the District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia, and their sole purpose is to determine if criminal laws were violated and if so, indict the perpetrators. Sounds like a criminal investigation to me.





Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee have also said they don’t expect to find any evidence of collusion.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not even comparable if you look at the facts and not the fake news version.


I'm lovin' the reality show entertainment as Dem. hypocrites ( not so long ago they were in full on witch hunting mode as they sought to crucify Comey )  jump on the hysteria wagon to shriek at Trump, almost drooling with hatred as they do so. The fake news is in full meltdown as they pull out their glove puppets to parrot the made up rubbish about anything they think will hurt Trump.

A few facts are in order.

Dems have said on the record that there is nothing to connect Trump to Russia influencing the election.

Comey said Trump was not under investigation.

The investigation is not a criminal investigation, hence no requirement for an independent investigator as the Dems are baying for.

Both sides of the aisle have been calling for Comey's head.

Comey is obviously ( from his performance in congress ) not fit to continue as head of the FBI.

Comey's boss has told Trump that Comey needs to go. Comey's boss was confirmed by an overwhelming margin in the senate.

If Trump had not fired Comey when he did and waited, the Dems would have had the same hissy fit when it came out that the new deputy head of Justice had basically recommended it. If Trump said the American flag was red white and blue, Dems would say that it wasn't.

Trump can't win. Whatever he does, the haters will attack him for it. If he didn't do anything they would attack him for that.


It doesn't look good for Trump- perhaps he thought the Dems would be happy he fired Comey, given they all asked for it, but he obviously underestimated the haters.

However, even this will pass as the haters move on to the next fake news tidbit to exploit.

Hopefully, before he gives up ( if he does ), he will be able to put some more conservative judges onto SCOTUS. Then it won't matter if he resigns or is booted.


You should be aware, that those on the left do not care one whit about #TRUEFACTS. They're only retort is the adult's version of "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah" and "see I told you so."  Here on Thaivisa, there seems to be a full-court press of the shrill ones doing what they do best.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You have a very strange idea of facts.

When and where did Comey say Trump was not under investigation?


What do you mean by this is not a criminal investigation? Is this based on the specious notion that because it's a foreign intelligence investigation it can't be a criminal investigation, too?  Are you saying that the FBI is not looking into possible criminal acts by people in the Trump campaign? How do you know this?

But if Comey wasn't fit to be AG, why the wait? Why dismiss him now just after he asked for additional resources to further investigation the Russian connection?  Obviously, Trump wanted an excuse. You have to be willfully blind to see otherwise.

And it isn't just Democrats who are unhappy with Trump's decision. So are some conservative Republican senators.





You would be wise to pepper your #FAKENEWS with the word alleged.

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