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Attack on woman in Minburi "case of mistaken identity"


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Attack on woman in Minburi "case of mistaken identity"



Picture: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- The sickening violence caught on tape that showed a large group of youths attacking an old woman has now taken a new twist.


It looks like a case of mistaken identity.


Four of the men involved in the attack yesterday evening turned themselves in to Minburi police to explain their had been trouble earlier outside Big C in the Suwintawong area when several people were hurt in fighting, reported Daily News.


This had been sorted out by some soldiers in the area but later trouble erupted again. Though the four men admitted it was them on the CCTV footage they now concede they were attacking the wrong person.


Police charged them with assault and then let them go temporarily as they had come to the station of their own free will.


The charges will be brought to court and the police said they are looking for others involved in the violence.


Footage of the beating handed out to the woman who later reported the incident was widely viewed online and on Thai TV on Monday.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-05-10
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Oh, so they had the wrong little-old-lady ?


So they were justified then, in what they did, if they had got the right person ? :angry:


Perhaps the BiBs will identify them all, and show them the error of their ways, for such un-Thai behaviour  ....  community-service working to help the elderly would seem to be fair.

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If the little sh*ts had jobs or chores to do, they'd have neither the time nor the energy to be out on the streets causing trouble. 

I'm amazed at now so many people/youths here can spend entire days, weeks, months or even years doing absolutely NOTHING. No housework, no chores around the house to help mom and dad. Absolutely nothing to do and then become bored.

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25 minutes ago, djayz said:

If the little sh*ts had jobs or chores to do, they'd have neither the time nor the energy to be out on the streets causing trouble. 

I'm amazed at now so many people/youths here can spend entire days, weeks, months or even years doing absolutely NOTHING. No housework, no chores around the house to help mom and dad. Absolutely nothing to do and then become bored.


Lack of parenting. Raised by elderly grandparents or a collection of aunts or cousins.

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Well good they went to police but in Europe they would be locked up for some days to get more statements get more attackers locked up then maybe released till their court hearing.To let them loose after a brief police interview when they have kicked an old lady gang style is completely ridiculous.

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24  strokes of cane Singapore/Malaysian style would have these tough woman beaters howling like babies and might help improve their attitudes to other human beings.  Presumably they were policemen's sons which would explain the soft treatment.  Thai police are pathetic.

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4 hours ago, djayz said:

Absolutely nothing to do and then become bored.

Why can't they join ThaiVisa and join the bored Farangs who are on the forum every waking hour ? :smile:

Edited by Broken Record
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Typical Male Thais......Wait until there are several of them, then wade in with the boot.......Cowardly, cowardly scum........

Can I make a request to the BIB that I be locked in a room with them one at a time.......It will not take long, probably two minutes for each scumbag..........I guarantee they will not be hitting on elderly people anymore.....:mad:

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6 hours ago, LennyW said:

It's not a case of mistaken identity.....its a case of assault and battery and downright thuggery!!!

Spot on and there is no excuse for beating an old lady. Call themselves men but gutless little pricks.

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21 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

they rather let them go and keep the money than to feed them in jail...

I believe Thai jails make prisoners pay for their own provisions and actually cook for themselves, at least after conviction. I don't know if the same applies when awaiting trial.

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7 minutes ago, tonray said:

I believe Thai jails make prisoners pay for their own provisions and actually cook for themselves, at least after conviction. I don't know if the same applies when awaiting trial.

even worse. even though i wouldn't want to pay taxes to feed a criminal, but it's at least basic human rights.

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8 hours ago, Broken Record said:

Why can't they join ThaiVisa and join the bored Farangs who are on the forum every waking hour ? :smile:

Yeah better to have a moan on here than go kick the daylights out of an old lady.

But then you probably think there's not much difference between the two.

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10 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

It took them this long to figure out their excuse and orchestrate a surrender? 

Wonder if this was how the 4 told their story to the police....

So sorry, thought it was Mrs. X but turned out to be Mrs. Y. All old ladies look the same. Someone said it was trouble making old lady so beating was necessary. Worried little bit old lady fight back but not feel in much danger as there were many of us and only one old lady. Once old lady was knocked down, was safe to aim kicks towards her head. I only kick one time in head area after she falls down. It was not my fault, her fault because she wearing same color dress as other old lady

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9 hours ago, Broken Record said:

Why can't they join ThaiVisa and join the bored Farangs who are on the forum every waking hour ? :smile:

I don't know, you tell us. 


Forgive me for suggesting that they do something productive and non-violent like doing household chores, having jobs and/or hobbies, etc. as opposed to being out on the street kicking the sh*t out of people, who, as it turns out, was the victim of "mistaken identity". 


Is that the best you could come up with? Seriously?!




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I think its time that the image of the "Land of Smiles" that we have been seeing for decades, needs some new teachings which should be implemented at all schools, i.e. Thai's IMO don't seem to have a release mechanism, its all about losing face, suffice to say we farangs at least bitch and moan and groan, but its out, however from what I have seen from the Thai's, goes from ZERO to 100% in a blink of an eyelid and continues when the attacker has had enough, not the one laying on the ground who has been out on the tarmac for who knows how long.


One the teachings have been implemented in the schools, they can also advertise 10 year jail terms for such attacks, Australia has a 10 year sentence for the Coward Punch, otherwise known as the Liverpool kiss.

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