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Do you think life is fair or not

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"fair" is a human concept, does a fox  killing 5-6  chickens but eating only one think "fair"............there is  no fair or  good  or  bad there just "is"

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Life is unfair, particularly for ugly non-smiling fat guys, because based on appearance alone, ignorant, uneducated and very nasty people start topics on Thaivisa suggesting:

  "Thailand should look into charging these upnormal creatures a lot since there is no need for them to brag about their obesity and being normal at the same time or ban them from coming to LOS."


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What has God got to do with it ? I just watched a documentary about some poor guy in U.S. who spent 18 years in jail just because the person who identified him in a line-up was more plausible than he was. Luckily DNA finally proved him to be innocent, but when you are up against a plausible liar the only thing to do is run ! Constructive retreat can provide it,s own fairness.

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Just now, canuckamuck said:

Because I don't deserve to have it so good.

Nothing to do with getting what you deserve, some of the most evil people lived the life of Riley, and died peacefully in their sleep.

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It’s neither nor. Everything is random. Don’t expect anything from anyone (best friends/wives included); you’ll be happier for it. Both the past and future are non-existent and, aside from nostalgia and potential greatness, are unimportant and generally filled with anxiety, depression and dread. It is all about the now and tempering the mind.


Of God, if there is such a thing, you are either living through him/her/it or are it. If he/she/it created the universe, he/she/it does not and cannot reside within it, and thus would have no control over little, inconsequential things like humans. If you ‘find him’; fair enough, be that way if it helps, but in all actuality what you have done is conquered the mind and have connection with your real being… or, you’re just plain nuts :tongue:


At the end of the day, who gives a smeg, just enjoy and don’t fink too mutt. At least the Thais got that bit right. :wink:

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Well I got it, canuckamuck - an interestingly positive spin, I thought - anyway, the human ability to intellectualise whilst still saddled with the fight for survival and all the other animalistic proclivities (the neo-cortex & reptilian sides of the human brain) make the human condition comparable in human terms to a freak show. 


Fairness is an intellectual concept, something cooked-up in the neo-cortex - it might be there, like love as a safety valve.

God or gods seem to me to be something the human naturally imagined to be the cause of things not understood, the inexplicable and the more explicable things became, the less need for such imaginings.

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Seems there are lots of happy 'wage slaves" around :shock1:

Happy to be allowed to earn minimum wages, most of which will be taxed in one form or another!

Am I alone thinking we are just bred to serve the 0.01% the elites who actually control the world we live in? :smile:

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As a friend of mine used to say (jokingly), "life's a bitch, then you die".


Not saying I agree as I've had a good life, but I had to make it that way by hard work, taking chances, seizing opportunities, being proactive, trying to lead when I was in a position to do so and also trying to coach others when I was in a position to do so.


I tried to be fair to all who worked with me and under me and I also tried to be fair and honest to all I met.


Life is what you make it and what you make of the chances when they present themselves. I have friends who sit on their backsides moaning about one thing and another and lack of money/opportunities/et cetera and they do absolutely nothing about it, so they get what they deserve........and still they wonder why!

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As others have correctly stated, the concept of fairness is just that and irrelevant in the reality of nature.


Science is getting closer to proving that we humans don't have "free will" and are entertained by a highly filtered approximation of what is actually going on, including allowing us to think we are "in charge" to keep us "happy".

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11 hours ago, Ahab said:

Life is not fair. I taught this to my son as a young boy. Get used to it. There will be people that are smarter than you, better looking than you, or were born with richer parents than you.


Suck it up, lace up you shoes and get busy working and studying as hard as you can to make your life better. Whining about what is fair is a waste of time and effort. He has turned out to be a pretty good young man.

Maybe he should watch the Monty Python movie "Life Of Brian".

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I can't see any sense in your thread. If life is unfair what can you change? It's probably YOUR feeling. Same if life is fair. Compare it with the glass of water. Optimists would say "half full", pessimists would regard it as "half empty".


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11 hours ago, giddyup said:

because living on earth is not like living in heaven


Doubtful if such a place exists. Fluffy clouds and angels playing harps? Doubt it.

Long dead heavy metal musicians sitting on clouds playing screaming guitars- now  that is heaven \m/

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39 minutes ago, CGW said:

Seems there are lots of happy 'wage slaves" around :shock1:

Happy to be allowed to earn minimum wages, most of which will be taxed in one form or another!

Am I alone thinking we are just bred to serve the 0.01% the elites who actually control the world we live in? :smile:

Maybe not alone, but certainly in a minority. Perhaps we've been programmed from birth to do the bidding of our masters.:sick:

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Do I think life is very fair? Not really, although it has improved a lot since I came to stay in Thailand, Back in the UK, I have had to break unfair laws and rules all my adult life, otherwise I would not be here in Thailand today, I would be stagnating in some house living from week to week if I was still living in the UK, after being a good boy and licking the councilors   and politicians asses.

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9 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Life is what you make it. What more ? Work harder..

Yes, that's true, life is what you make it for the most part, but you still have to fight back against money grabbing politicians and capitalists, otherwise they will just swallow you up with their greed.

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3 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


Get off the fence you intellectual coward!

Actually agnosticism offers more freedom than being atheist. Therefore preferred. 

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12 hours ago, Ahab said:

Life is not fair. I taught this to my son as a young boy. Get used to it. There will be people that are smarter than you, better looking than you, or were born with richer parents than you.


Suck it up, lace up you shoes and get busy working and studying as hard as you can to make your life better. Whining about what is fair is a waste of time and effort. He has turned out to be a pretty good young man.

Amen. Sounds like you have done a great job in teaching him the truth and sending him in the right direction.

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At 72, most of my life is behind me. However, I have led a very happy and exciting life and would change only a couple of things—things I did and should not have done. I have found loving relationships with my women and lasting platonic relationships with men and women. I worked hard, but smart most of my life and used my money wisely, but not frugally. I can say I have never been broke and never been without a friend or lover. I have lived large in many ways, but within reason. I am physically, emotionally, and financially secure. Am I lucky, or have I planned it well?  Perhaps a bit of both.

Life is what you make it. Like anything else, you need to be smarter than the problem. Belief in some omniscient omnipotent magical being is the ultimate farce. You named a few despots, but what about all the innocent children and adults who suffer in this world? How can there be a loving god when innocents are made to suffer—simply makes no sense to me. However, if you need a crutch, go for it.

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3 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


Get off the fence you intellectual coward!

Really? I believe no one can prove the existence of a god, but likewise, no one can disprove it. It all amounts to belief.

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In a way it makes sense to believe in god or other higher power.. at least those entities offer some hope.


Science is pretty brutal, when it comes to our 'meaning of life' or pretty much all of the existence.


Our current understanding of science dictates that all potential energy difference  will find equilibrium when time passes. Entropy increases, as the 2nd law of thermodynamics say it.

In real life this means that our lives have no meaning. No matter how much we try, we'll end up being a soup of energy with no memory of the past.  

We therefore have two choices:

1) Figure out better physics

2) Live our lives, like there is no tomorrow (which is true if we don't manage to do choice 1)


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I would posit that the question itself (is life fair) to be essentially meaningless because the Universe itself is indifferent. Within a religious concept is verily stinks to high Heaven of the atheist - theist question where a third answer is introduced into what is a binary question. It amazes me still to this day, what with free education and most the entire collective knowledge of mankind just a press on a screen away, that a vast number of people cannot grasp something so simple. What is scary is that many of these people will at some stage serve on a jury which in some places could mean the execution of another human. It is very likely that hundreds of millions of people who have been to school don't understand that 'not guilty' is not the same as 'innocent' because innocent is another question.


To go back to religion now I have explained the logic... Theism is a claim that an intervening god exists while atheism is a rejection of the claim. It does not, in any way, say that an intervening god does not exist because that is another question and another claim. Another example... I happen to meet someone and ask what their profession is. The say they are an accountant and ask me what mine is. I reply that I am not an accountant. What information can bee gleaned from that? It means I must be a baker or a nurse or a bus driver?


Anyway, I'd better back fully on topic which is 'is life fair' and take it at face value as though it was logically coherent. If life were fair then it means when something bad happens you deserve it. I suspect that this is why the OP included then why not believe in God in the post.


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1 hour ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Long dead heavy metal musicians sitting on clouds playing screaming guitars- now  that is heaven \m/

Heavy metal??????? Musicians?????????? I cannot see any connection here:cheesy:

Edited by possum1931
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