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Soi Buakow Beauty Salon fronts drug dealers operation


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Soi Buakow Beauty Salon fronts drug dealers operation

By Online Admin -




PATTAYA: -- At around 9:00pm on May 15th, Pattaya police made their way into a beauty salon located on Soi buakow after  receiving reports that drug dealers were operating behind the scenes.


Entering the salon, police found a 33 year old Thai lady from Nakhon Sawan, who said that she was the owner of the salon.She seemed a little nervous when police entered and rightly so as it only took police a matter of minutes to search the premises and find what they were looking for.


The first reaction from the suspect was to play the denial game, however, after heavy questioning from police, she admitted to supplying the ICE (methamphetamine), found by police.


In total 28 bags of ICE were found, weighing in at a grand total of 14 grams.


Police had all the evidence the need to arrest the suspect and take her down to the police station for further questioning and charges.


This is just the latest of several raids carried out by Pattaya police recently, although there is strong evidence to suggest that the bigger fish are yet to be found.


According to police, the raids will continue well into the future with the hope of curbing Pattaya’s drug problem.

-- © Copyright Pattaya One 2017-05-16
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There is a lady who had better hope the third reading of the new drug laws is passed in the Parliament tomorrow.

Right now she is looking at 17 years, but the new laws if passed, will bring that down to a maximum of five and probably only 2-3.

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She can learn a new trade in Jail, perhaps dress making.



1 hour ago, webfact said:

According to police, the raids will continue well into the future with the hope of curbing Pattaya’s drug problem.

Your dreaming if you think that will happen.

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"it only took police a matter of minutes to search the premises and find what they were looking for."


makes me suspicious. I heard too many stories of police planting "evidence"


To be honest I don't know if they are true

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55 minutes ago, Bludshoteyes said:

Prohibition doesn't work.

But it saves lives , ICE is nothing teenagers should experiment with . 



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2 hours ago, Bludshoteyes said:

Prohibition doesn't work.

course it does if you hit suppliers and end users hard enough. Suppliers 25 years on summary conviction and end users ( 1 tablet etc) 5 years upon conviction rising 5 years for any subsequent convictions make it worldwide, then see the drug use drop dramatically over 12 months

you got 2 clowns in jail now in bangkok what 50 year stretches ??  some dj and another guy....excellent and the way it should be

only people who whine about such sentences are people that imbibe in the muck totally forgetting the torment caused to many families hospitals police forces worldwide dealing with the fall out

Edited by Chivas
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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There is a lady who had better hope the third reading of the new drug laws is passed in the Parliament tomorrow.

Right now she is looking at 17 years, but the new laws if passed, will bring that down to a maximum of five and probably only 2-3.

I doubt very much that it will be in place by the time she gets sentenced anyway.

And hopefully it won't get passed.

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22 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Agreed, catch the small fry let the big fish swim free.

of course they dont out of choice so cynical some people, if the police in any country can uncover the big guys prosecute successfully and bang em up for 50 years its good on their resume simple as

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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There is a lady who had better hope the third reading of the new drug laws is passed in the Parliament tomorrow.

Right now she is looking at 17 years, but the new laws if passed, will bring that down to a maximum of five and probably only 2-3.


What about weed ?



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I used to know this young lady very well and am saddened to see her in this situation. She used to be a friend of my long time gf, one of a tight little group of very respectable, hard working ladies. Unfortunately over time the group became scattered throughout Thailand and the UK and this lass got involved with the wrong type of people. My old gf has not seen her for a long time, as she visited her and was unimpressed with the 'friends' she found hanging around. Sad, as she was such an honest, sweet natured, hard working girl and it's such a waste of a young life.

  I do not believe in being soft on serious drug dealers but 10 or 20 years in jail for this is disproportionate in my eyes. At the end of the day though 'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime'.

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10 hours ago, balo said:

But it saves lives , ICE is nothing teenagers should experiment with . 



not really and yes 100%,

it needs far more harm minimization and less criminal prosecutions,

but where does most of the money go...........to the crims all of them on "both" sides.

less money to be made if less are doing it, and the crims on "both" sides lose out

something crims never seem in favor of.

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9 hours ago, Chivas said:

course it does if you hit suppliers and end users hard enough. Suppliers 25 years on summary conviction and end users ( 1 tablet etc) 5 years upon conviction rising 5 years for any subsequent convictions make it worldwide, then see the drug use drop dramatically over 12 months

you got 2 clowns in jail now in bangkok what 50 year stretches ??  some dj and another guy....excellent and the way it should be

only people who whine about such sentences are people that imbibe in the muck totally forgetting the torment caused to many families hospitals police forces worldwide dealing with the fall out

and yet your board name is a brand of alcohol, and alcohol kills, mames and destroys on a massive world wide scale....hypocrite much? oh yeah governments tell me thats okay but that is not,  sheeple much?

only people with barbaric minds want to severely punish people with mental and social issues.

are you that barbaric?



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21 hours ago, balo said:

But it saves lives , ICE is nothing teenagers should experiment with . 



With all due respect teenagers experiment, that's what they do. As do people in their 20's, 30's, 40's and so on. The illegality of the substance doesn't stop that. It just criminalises the activity, snaring them in a legal system with the potential to seriously <deleted> the rest of their lives up. Treating drug use as a social issue and not a criminal one would save far more lives

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20 hours ago, Chivas said:

course it does if you hit suppliers and end users hard enough. Suppliers 25 years on summary conviction and end users ( 1 tablet etc) 5 years upon conviction rising 5 years for any subsequent convictions make it worldwide, then see the drug use drop dramatically over 12 months

you got 2 clowns in jail now in bangkok what 50 year stretches ??  some dj and another guy....excellent and the way it should be

only people who whine about such sentences are people that imbibe in the muck totally forgetting the torment caused to many families hospitals police forces worldwide dealing with the fall out

So how's that 'War on Drugs' working out? Three decades of prohibition and as far as I can tell more people are using than ever before. Prisons overflowing. Organised crime making billions whilst governments can do nothing to stop it. It's exactly because it's illegal that there's so much fall-out. Prohibition didn't work for alcohol back in 30's America or whenever it was; it generated a black-market (because there is always demand) with violent privateers ready to exploit that. And with narcotics it's the same. People want to drink. People want to do drugs. People want to gamble. People want to have sex. This is a fact of life, the human condition. Make any of those things illegal and it doesn't stop people doing them. It just criminalises the participants.

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19 minutes ago, Bludshoteyes said:

People want to do drugs. People want to gamble. People want to have sex. This is a fact of life, the human condition

Speak for yourself. The human race would not survive if this was the only reason to live.  




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13 hours ago, kaorop said:

and yet your board name is a brand of alcohol, and alcohol kills, mames and destroys on a massive world wide scale....hypocrite much? oh yeah governments tell me thats okay but that is not,  sheeple much?

only people with barbaric minds want to severely punish people with mental and social issues.

are you that barbaric?



No sunshine dont try to justify your own intake by going the usual route of stating alcohol is the same issue. Its not, alcohol is not illegal in any shape or form (we'll ignore middle east countries for other reasons) but the sort of shit these people peddle is class A drugs and very illegal the world over....Bang em up 24/7 until others start to realise its not acceptable.....try coming up with your analogy with a family who has lost their children from this filthy muck and you'll get lynched

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/16/2017 at 11:37 PM, Chivas said:

No sunshine dont try to justify your own intake by going the usual route of stating alcohol is the same issue. Its not, alcohol is not illegal in any shape or form (we'll ignore middle east countries for other reasons) but the sort of shit these people peddle is class A drugs and very illegal the world over....Bang em up 24/7 until others start to realise its not acceptable.....try coming up with your analogy with a family who has lost their children from this filthy muck and you'll get lynched

I think his point is that alcohol is equally addictive and dangerous as many of these drugs and some drinkers become violent. Alcohol has ruined more lives than any other drug. It is difficult to justify why it is legal when other drugs are not.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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In all these drug "bust" articles, I never see much detail and certainly no followup.  Don't they to get them to rat out their supplier?  Move up the food chain?  The higher level dealer knows she got busted, so why don't the police put out an APB for her supplier?  Yes it is fair to assume she is at some risk, but I would think her pusher would assume she told them something anyway.  Is she so afraid? Afraid enough to keep silent and go to lady jail?

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