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Why is Dong Tan Beach Being Destroyed?


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This looks pretty nasty.. it's the beach at the Northern end of Jomtien, also popular with Gay people.


It looks like a major road is being constructed, eating up lots of beach space in favor of cars?



Is anyone still pretending that Pattaya is a beach resort, where families might actually visit a beach?










Enlarged image of the panel on the bottom left that shows the beach is basically gone, replace by a road/car park..


What the actual #)*#$#&!  



Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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This is criminal .....Absolutely criminal.....Some one should

be going to jail for this....


That strip of trees was beautiful....I loved walking there...

It was a island of paradise that I had hoped would be forgotten

about after they destroyed Jomtens main beach,and

built that crappy lifeless promenade...




Also I bet they are going to plant lots and lots and lots

more bloody palm trees ...YAWN.....


Edited by fforest1
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Oh look! yet another beach improvement that places a road full of cars between property, pedestrians and the sea.


Next time anyone is taking pictures of the big sign, can they take a moment to put aside the righteous indignation, wipe away the tears and see how far this road is going? To Pattaya Park? Or all the way to Pratumnak 6? Or just as far as that huge tract of undeveloped land slap bang in the middle?

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Damn. I'd hoped they would somehow overlook at least that section, the only peaceful, shaded area on the whole stretch. But if there are a few baht to be made, well, we know what happens. I wish there were a hell for those responsible to go to...

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There goes the last remaining shaded beach area left in Jomtien ! 
Umbrella anyone ?

It's quite tragic to see the wanton destruction of the decades old trees,
obviously someone totally hates them even though they where very popular with us "cheap Charlies"
who brought our own chairs mats and umbrellas :(

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5 minutes ago, johng said:

No , there is a new lot in the townhall now appointed by the self apointed M.I.G

They've probably seen photos of beaches in the US like this and think that is what tourists/

farang like, and we need to copy them. Then even more people will come to holiday here.


That's the typical Thai mentality of authorities that have power and money to make decisions





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what is a beach without clean water?

17 years here and i never saw clean water there .

In the weekends half of BKK is parked double there .......

Place to avoid i would say.....unless you have no other option and like 

the quality tourism ..............

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You people in View Talay 5 & 7  and others on that strip, get ready for the boom box cars and weekend parties.

What a shame.  The only peaceful stretch of Jomtien Beach will soon look like the rest of the big, steaming heap.

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Is this just for a few hundred yards or meters at the police box end, or do they intend widening it like that all the way to Pattaya Park or even Pratumnak? This is one of my favourite walks, it'll be so sad if they ruin it.

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2 hours ago, marino28 said:

i am sad for the beach, but if they make a road that connect jomtien to pratumnak  will help a lot with the traffic on pratumnak road

You are in luck!  Apparently the entire project (Pattaya and Jomtien) is designed with cars  in mind and not people.  It is a tragedy.  Somebody looked around and thought "what is the worst thing we could do?" and decided to do it. That is what it seems like to most foreigners, especially those who have been here a long time.  The old growth trees made these beaches special and beautiful.  So sad, especially for future generations.

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I take it not many of you have been to the gulf islands over the past 30 years or so. I made my username back when it was possible to love Thai beaches- no longer. Samui and Tao were destroyed long ago and Phangan is well on the way.

Jomptien and Pattaya are just getting with the rest of Thai beaches- ruined by greed.

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The way to go all over the world is walking zones, pedestrian areas, clean and smoke free. A few high rise parking lots solve all the parking problems. Make a bus park . All easy and cheap to do. Except in Thailand that is. 

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