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Authorities fire back over Koh Tao ‘Death Island’ label


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These are not the only deaths there is that right? ? ? 

Wasn't there a couple of people that mysteriously drowned whilst diving. 1 in just a few inches of water?  I vaguely recall 3 or 4 other deaths. 

Anyway at least 3 or 4 people have committed suicide. Surely that is something to be investigated in itself. 

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10 hours ago, NUUM said:

Will they start getting family permission before cremating victims bodies ?

It is only possible to do a cover up, if the evidence is not available!

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4 hours ago, 007cableguy said:

Surat Thani police chief Apichart said investigation into all the deaths – Briton Nick Pearson, 25 (January 1, 2014), French Dimitri Povese, 24 (January 1, 2015), British Christina Annesley, 23 (January 21, 2015), British Luke Miller, 26 (January 9) – were already concluded as not being related to crime and their families had agreed with the conclusion.

I'm pretty sure that Nick Pearson and Luke Miller's families did not agree with the conclusion!!, In fact they where very outspoken that they thought it was murder in both cases Mr Police chief!!

maybe thats because they wee contacted by a Thai Visa member and FB troll!!!....how low is that, a key board warrior with absolutely nothing in the way off evidence whatsoever has the audacity to contact and harass members of a  greeving family....for what...thier own sick pleasure...what a POS!!

Edited by frank83628
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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I wonder if this bullshit being offered up is connected to the recent headline stories in the UK papers ? It is about time they stopped with the denials, that no one believes and start a very serious and thorough investigation as to what and who is behind all the deaths. By now it is common knowledge that the island is mafia controlled and people there know, but are too scared to talk about it.


A very serious and thorough investigation requires honesty and integrity. Are we likely to find that? Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

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I am sorry to bring this up for Hannah's Family, but I saw the picture's of her at the crime spot. They were appalling; a human being that cold and destructive to another person was horrific.


The number of deaths?


Serial Killers can be persuasive and pleasant. That's how they lure their victims.

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So, Elise, the 30yo Belgium woman committed suicide according to the autopsy report.. The autopsy report can state death by strangulation, but how can it determine it was self inflicted and a case of suicide???? Not possible to speculate after an autopsy.. It requires the police thoroughly checking the crime scene, looking for signs of a struggle, multiple foot prints or tyre marks nearby.. What are the reasons that the victim may commit suicide in an isolated area, and by hanging? Foul play looks more plausible, but the caper cops don't bother with a full investigation and a cordoned off crime scene.. They always take the easiest approach and say it must have been suicide, because it was made to look like suicide.. How many other investigations are to first world country standards in Thailand?    

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5 minutes ago, Surasak said:

It is only possible to do a cover up, if the evidence is not available!

At what point is there a line between cremation and burning the evidence. If I kill my neighbour and burn him in his home is that cremation ? There is a danger in using both terms interchangeably and thoughtlessly

without looking at the meaning . Was Grenfell a cremation ? No. 

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With a serial killer on the loose I had female friends who for months on end were scared to go out at not lest they get their head blown off. That is real serial killer. A lot of what's getting posted on here is shrill nonsense.


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9 hours ago, Shoeless Joe said:

So in your opinion....everybody knows:cheesy::cheesy:





i second the opinion, and term it FACTS!!!

i have several friends who live there, or have lived/worked there recently within last 3-4 years;

even my famous friend Andrew from the Bkk Post was able to find out who really killed the 2 Brits

(and many others as well) after just being there a few hours...

EVERYBODY KNOWS who is who, what, when, where, why and how on Koh Tao

-what they do, and how they do it, and who works for whom- it is the way of island life

(i know, i live on an island; we are larger and get far more visitors and have had NO suspicious deaths in 7 1/2 yrs i've been here)

Koh Tao has a much higher per capita rate of suspicious and not sufficiently or honestly investigated or explained

than any other island in the Kingdom

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5 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

With a serial killer on the loose I had female friends who for months on end were scared to go out at not lest they get their head blown off. That is real serial killer. A lot of what's getting posted on here is shrill nonsense.

if you really knew what was going on there, if you knew anybody on the island (as i do, several current and/or recent residents)

you would realize that there is a lot of truth being posted here...

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4 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

if you really knew what was going on there, if you knew anybody on the island (as i do, several current and/or recent residents)

you would realize that there is a lot of truth being posted here...

If what you say is true then you have a load of chickensh*t friends. Why do they need you to do their talking for them? How come not one of them is able to come forward with the least bit of substantial evidence? If the Bangkok Post had even the least bit  of corrobable evidence in their possession I doubt that they wouldn't print it.

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42 minutes ago, sambum said:

I am not convinced that the B2 should be behind bars behind bars, but your assertion that "it is common knowledge that the island is mafia controlled" would hold more water if you had used a more reputable paper than The Sun for your source of information! Probably the least believable paper in the West!


i have friends who live there and others who have lived and worked there within last several years

the B2 are just patsies; and ALL the islands are controlled by influential families,

some openlt mafia by their own words, others merely in actions and tendencies

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7 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

If what you say is true then you have a load of chickensh*t friends. Why do they need you to do their talking for them? How come not one of them is able to come forward with the least bit of substantial evidence? If the Bangkok Post had even the least bit  of corrobable evidence in their possession I doubt that they wouldn't print it.

1) defamation laws (after all, the island officials are SUING the Samui Times as we speak

  2) my friends value their lives, and many have their businesses and/or livelihoods there...

      3) our island is no bed of roses, but we don't have the suspicious deaths and wanton threats,

              although in some respects we are even more lawless than Koh Tao in certain regards

                     (that i can't speak about, because i know the principals initmately and value MY life)

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3 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

i have friends who live there and others who have lived and worked there within last several years

the B2 are just patsies; and ALL the islands are controlled by influential families,

some openlt mafia by their own words, others merely in actions and tendencies

I don't believe you have any friends because you so often seem to have the need to say you have friends.

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1 hour ago, Dave67 said:

He was found at the bottom of 50ft cliff the Police said he may have walked in his sleep. Problem for this theory is the terrain between his room and cliff he was supposed to fall off was very rough terrain and he would of woken up the first time he fell over . Family ruled out suicide he left them the night before he was found dead 


Fom Beeb


Pathologist Dr Michael Biggs told the hearing that there were many injuries on Nick's body, including to the head, limbs and face.

But, he said that most of these would have been present prior to his death - although he could not completely rule out the possibility that Nick had been attacked.

The coroner Ms Pinder concluded there was not enough evidence to say where or how he met his death.

Derbyshire Police are liaising with Thai authorities and the Foreign Office over Nick's death.



Are you sure ? This report said a lot of the injuries were sustained after he died



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3 hours ago, DiscoDan said:

1). No but SIHRG could of written in their report the allegations you make but they didn't.


2). Failed to retest dna 


3). Focused on the  hoe that wasn't even part of the prosecution's case


4). Failed to get an order from the judge for the dna documentaion.


5). Failed to call Jane Taupin.


6). Failed to use another Brit dna expert they had at the beginning.


7). Failed to submit crime reports from Mike Moulden.


8). Also they never reported to the media about the new dna machine the police had that could analyse samples in a few hours.


As a said nearly all reporting came throughout the defence and you fell for it hook line and sinker along with many others.



There are some simple answers to this really and I have numbered your responses to make it easier for me to reply to them: –


Having said that most of them can easily be answered because if there is no DNA to test and none left to test and no evidence that it was ever tested, then what's the use of calling DNA witnesses and specialists because the prosecution will stick to its guns and produce a meaningless piece of paper and it is a no-win for the defence. That takes care of the major elements of your argument.


And why wouldn't the defence focus on the hoe, because the prosecution was saying that this was the murder weapon yet when first tested there was no DNA from the two Burmese, so it would be natural to focus on it if it was the murder weapon!


Pointless writing anything in a report which may seem to tarnish the investigation, especially when it's been driven from on high.


There remain a few indisputable aspects that point to the fact that this case should never have been brought to trial because of the complete and utter shambles of the data/evidence collection, interference, lack of a DNA sample which could be tested independently by the defence, lack of the correct procedures being followed for collection of evidence and lack of witness and motive.


As has been said by anyone with an objective viewpoint to this case, my last paragraph sums up why we shouldn't be having this discussion. It just does not stand up and would not stand up in any fair and equitable court of law/justice system.


Argue all you might and on any and every point you may wish, but that is a basic fact.



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3 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

1) defamation laws (after all, the island officials are SUING the Samui Times as we speak

  2) my friends value their lives, and many have their businesses and/or livelihoods there...

      3) our island is no bed of roses, but we don't have the suspicious deaths and wanton threats,

              although in some respects we are even more lawless than Koh Tao in certain regards

                     (that i can't speak about, because i know the principals initmately and value MY life)

The defamation laws are void if you prove what you say is true.

Section 330. Truth as a Defense


In case of defamation, if the person prosecuted for defamation can prove that the imputation made by him is true, he shall not be punished. But he shall not be allowed to prove if such imputation concerns personal matters, and such proof will not be benefit to the public.

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1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

The defamation laws are void if you prove what you say is true.

not here in Thailand they aren't, no matter HOW true the statement; just ask Andy Hall or that fellow in Scotland,

among myriad others...

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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Well, I feel better already!


Good to know that everything is hunky-dory now.

555 or 666 let the mafia run the place instead of the legal mafia po lice .

problem solved works ok on Samui . No complaints i found it easy to deal with them than the local chaweng po lice.

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Just now, Mad mick said:

555 or 666 let the mafia run the place instead of the legal mafia po lice .

problem solved works ok on Samui . No complaints i found it easy to deal with them than the local chaweng po lice.

it actually works ok on OUR island letting the families run things (with the BiB growing fat from brown envelopes and profits),

although our mafia families don't go around indiscriminately killing and/or threatening people

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30 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

maybe thats because they wee contacted by a Thai Visa member and FB troll!!!....how low is that, a key board warrior with absolutely nothing in the way off evidence whatsoever has the audacity to contact and harass members of a  greeving family....for what...thier own sick pleasure...what a POS!!

Yes plenty of evidence out their of the people who have been manipulating the victims family for their own agenda and attacking the ones that don't go along with it.

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3 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

not here in Thailand they aren't, no matter HOW true the statement; just ask Andy Hall or that fellow in Scotland,

among myriad others...

Yes here in Thailand and Andy Hall wasn't able to p[rove anything.

Section 330. Truth as a Defense


In case of defamation, if the person prosecuted for defamation can prove that the imputation made by him is true, he shall not be punished. But he shall not be allowed to prove if such imputation concerns personal matters, and such proof will not be benefit to the public.

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43 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

maybe thats because they wee contacted by a Thai Visa member and FB troll!!!....how low is that, a key board warrior with absolutely nothing in the way off evidence whatsoever has the audacity to contact and harass members of a  grieving family....for what...their own sick pleasure...what a POS!!

Couldn't agree more Frank, the worst kind of scum ..and there are plenty of them on these threads, attention seeking conspiracy ranters with out a shred of real evidence or zero concern for the pain they might be causing the families.

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1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:

Phor Tor 5 land is directly under the Interior Ministry which is responsible for managing the state's real assets, whereas the Land Department only supervises creation and transfer of title deeds. <snip, snip> So I imagine that renting the land is a rather tentative affair for the lessees and the families probably own nearly all the hotels themselves, as regular investors would be unable to borrow from banks or commit their own funds to such a risky structure.

Given that all the above is correct - and I have no reason to doubt its accuracy - why bring attention to the Island in the way they have? Keeping heads down, and go with the flow until it all eventually blows over, would seem a more steady way.

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