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Please be quiet!

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Is it acceptable to knock on the neighbors door at night and ask them to keep it down? Nothing worse than some drunk who wakes you up in the middle of the night. When i get a disturbed sleep like this i am tired the next day and it ruins my trip.


I found Thai's or Cambodians to be the worst for this often crowding 4 in a room and staying up all night. Even smoking, sometime the smoke comes through the wall. Why isn't smoking banned in Thai guesthouses?

The other thing is some people stomp around on the balls of their feet like some sort of cave man. How can people be so inconsiderate? Even some euro-women do this. I notice the new guesthouses are the worst with paper thin floors and walls. I imagine Thai condos are no sleepy vacation either. Are any Thai's quiet to live with or is it only the tourists?

Edited by Don Chance
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I've done it a few times usually they are bit scared of me even though i am very polite and nice. Farangs  have usually complied and been apologetic.  Some euro-lesbians just laughed at me and slammed the door. Very rude. Mostly Thais don't even open the door and just leave it at that, i've been beside some thai's who never sleep all night probably on yabba.

Some guesthouses, where everyone stays long term and everyone is considerate and keeps quiet but they are to find if they even exist. The longer i travel the shorter my tolerance for noise becomes.

Edited by Don Chance
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Is Thailand the best destination for you?


It is very noisy with often loud conversations at 3 or 4 in the morning in the street outside or noisy vehicles etc. Even car radios at full volume.  Adds to the charm of the place for me but it would not suit light sleepers.

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Another option would be upgrading to a decent hotel...not a guarantee there won't be noise, but it's less likely the nicer place you get, and management is also like to be proactive (and do the knocking on the offending door for you) if problems arise.  


In the end, you get what you pay for...and if you compare hotels in Southeast Asia with those in Western countries, you really do get a lot for your money in SEAsia.  In the US now, it's hard to find any sort of decent hotel room (3 or 3.5 stars) in a large city for less than $200; in Bangkok, I stay in a 4 star "palace" for 2.3k baht.  And you don't need to get that "fancy;" you can do quite well for 1-1.2k a night, or even 8-900.

Edited by Chou Anou
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what Chou says is correct.  You are getting what you pay for. If you want no noise, no disturbance,  then a nice hotel is the answer. If you stay in a cheap guesthouse then you have to expect noise .....   this is Thailand .   :shock1:

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4 hours ago, Don Chance said:

Is it acceptable to knock on the neighbors door at night and ask them to keep it down?

I wouldn't recommend it maybe their on holiday.


5 hours ago, Don Chance said:

Why isn't smoking banned in Thai guesthouses?

Because there's people that still like to smoke.


5 hours ago, Don Chance said:

How can people be so inconsiderate?

Because they can,  l admit l double park sometimes. :biggrin:


5 hours ago, Don Chance said:

Are any Thai's quiet to live with ..............or is it only the tourists?

Answer to that is yes because l don't live with tourists.

5 hours ago, Don Chance said:

When i get a disturbed sleep like this i am tired the next day and it ruins my trip.

Well complain to the Thai Government. :whistling:

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Once I had a party going on at my neighbours, right next to my terraced house Their were using a PA which could have entertained hundreds. As my kids have to get up early to go to school, I went outside to tell them, to phase down using an unmistakable sign language. But there was no reaction. It was fifteen minutes past midnight. One of my daughters came down. Then I switched on my motorcycle, which is equipped with with an aftermarket super noisy horn and produced a continuous tone, which definitely could not be overheard.  Other neighbours came out, and suddenly I had a silver revolver pointing at me. I called my daughter to call the police and walked inside. Five minutes later the spook was over and there was dead silence on the street and no person was to be seen. The police never picked up the phone, and my neighbours moved out a week later.

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I was woken by at 4.00 by a noisy neighbour who decided to have a party when he got back from work. I took my 2 fully grown Alsatian dogs next door with me and asked if I could join the party seeing as they had woken me up. They were shit scared of the dogs and funnily enough he hasn't had any more parties at that time of the morning and now keeps the noise down. 

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My neighbors directly opposite my front door and master bedroom window were notorious for carrying on with drunken card playing parties and loud music until the sun would come up.  I tolerated it for weeks until I had enough and opened my window one night and shouted at the top of my lungs for them to turn the music down....it was a polite scream because I added a "please" on the end for good measure.  The volume of noise went down almost immediately, but for the next two years until they moved I never felt safe in my own home.  I got the dirty looks every day from everyone in the house, and was always looking over my shoulder for a group of them to come at me with some sort of weapon. Believe me....they will never forget that you confronted them.


Some weeks later one of the older Thai guys was washing his car in his drive with the car stereo blaring, so I walked onto my porch and raised my voice over the noise to get his attention, then politely made gestures for him to turn the music down.  He immediately reached into his car and jacked the volume up as high as it would go, then came to his gate and squared off with feet spread and hands on his hips in a Superman pose. I turned and went back inside to deescalate the situation until my wife finally went outside to try to calm him down. Thank God the loan sharks foreclosed on his home a few months ago and they're all gone.  Conclusion:  if you want to confront a Thai about any sort of wrongdoing, do so at your own risk.  You will never know their next move because their "face" is more important to them than being reasonable.  

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In my villa we have trouble with noise once every year or two. Never the home owner but always a relative getting crazy. When I can feel your windows vibrating and my head thumping, I just wait until 10pm then call the local police. They come right over and inform them that 10pm is the cut off for loud noise and it calms right down.


No one is identified hence no real loss of face.

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With Thais it is all about "them" and their needs, a very selfish people. That is why they park anywhere they want, make as much noise when they want etc. As others have said they are a volatile people, the "peace-loving budhists" is just a myth so complain at your own risk. 

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I have had to knock on the door of a neighbours condo and ask them to turn the music down

it was just so loud. That said it was in the afternoon and the guy (Young middle east man) was

very embarrassed. Apologised and turned it way down. I am not one for loud music a night but

once I had a very drunk Russian woman bang on my door at 3am with a bottle of wine in her

hand and ask to borrow a bottle opener. No worries, I gave her one and told her to keep it, Another

time at around the same 3 am time I had a young guy bang on the door asking if I had any extra

condoms. Of course I gave him 3, (to see him through the night) I ran into him the next day. He both

thanked me profusely and raved about the condoms. Best he had ever had and where could he get

them as he did not recognize the brand. These wake up knocks don't bother me. I fall back to sleep

in seconds not minutes.

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Knocking on someone's door to ask for noise reduction is a bit like Russian Roulette, only with worse odds.

Thailand is inherently noisy. Thais can have a TV blaring while they chat with a friend and play clips on their smartphones all at the same time. In a rural village, add in roosters crowing, geckos trumpeting, cats yowling and dogs barking.

If it upsets you, move to somewhere quieter or don't come here. It isn't going to change for you.

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I would say it is very acceptable to knock the door and ask them to turn down the noise, as long as you are not aggressive, and do it in a nice way.

I do a bit of traveling and use hotels regularly, but I have never had any problem with anybody being noisy.

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2 hours ago, sanukjim said:

NO IT IS NOT !. In Thailand it is Impolite to tell others that they are being loud or impolite.It causes a loss of face and you know how that effects a Thai.

Never mind the Thai, what about you?

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I live with my girlfriend in a muban(attached townhouses). We have 2 front neighbors who are coworkers at a company as well. Either one has party every week. They become loader as get more drunk after midnight. My girlfriend once called security and they made them quiet, but happened again a few weeks aft. They are younger and not understanding as much as the rest of our soy neighbors. 

My girfriend told them that better keep it quiet after 12 midnight. They just make excuses and say we won't do it again. 

But I know that this is what they are and this problem goes on. Good thing is my girlfriend is very bold and acts like a "Marshal".

You will find some people like this in any neighborhood. If you are lucky less problems, otherwise god help you with this 3rd world soy neighbors. 

This is story of university "educated" people !!! Not farmers nor factory workers. You figure. 

Edited by Foozool
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3 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

I wouldn't recommend it maybe their on holiday.


Because there's people that still like to smoke.


Because they can,  l admit l double park sometimes. :biggrin:


Answer to that is yes because l don't live with tourists.

Well complain to the Thai Government. :whistling:

sincere thanks, you fulfilled my daily minimum quota of one really good laugh a day :clap2:

still smiling several minutes later

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3 hours ago, sanukjim said:

NO IT IS NOT !. In Thailand it is Impolite to tell others that they are being loud or impolite.It causes a loss of face and you know how that effects a Thai.

A loss of face may cause a chain reaction down the line, like after a few days you find someone whack you with a stick in the night while you were on your bike and you fell off the bike. It depends how badly he lost face so you can't really know how he felt. 

Some Thais( of course not all) have very low E.I. (emotional intelligence) With high E.I. you generally make good judgement, ability to control your anger and more rational thinking.


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Welcome to Thailand. 

This is how it is here sorry to say. 

Lots of inconsiderate and rude selfish people who only can think of themselves. Rather it be driving, walking, loud conversations in public, late parties, running to the front of lines and not waiting..... the list goes on. 

It's call the thai way. 

You have lots to learn grasshopper. 



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O.P: if noise is your main concern, you're in the wrong country and probably (with the exception of Japan) the wrong continent. Don't go to China! Having said that, cigarette smoke will be a problem in Japan as well, although not noise. The Russian Roulette comment was correct for Thailand, so get someone else with graydit  - ideally the police - to make the complaints about noise for you, or if practical, move. You'll be glad you did.

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3 hours ago, biggles45 said:

With Thais it is all about "them" and their needs, a very selfish people. That is why they park anywhere they want, make as much noise when they want etc. As others have said they are a volatile people, the "peace-loving budhists" is just a myth so complain at your own risk. 

Whats even worse, is when stupid farangs come to Thailand with a self entiled attitude, and think they can rule the roost. Not only that, but are cowards when they cant even go over and tell someone to please keep the noise down.. Stupid farangs aye.

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