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3 hours ago, Docno said:

It's a fact of life... and outcome of human evolutionary history: women seek resources in their potential partners and men seek youth and beauty. That applies, consciously or not, from Melania to the Pattaya bargirl and most everyone in between. Of course, the evolutionary bit won't 'sell' to your evangelical relatives, but that doesn't change the truth of the matter.


As for Trump getting a 'pass'... he gets a pass on many things (especially from the evangelical crowd) ... from having multiple marriages, to admitting to sexual assault, to insulting war heroes and the disabled (I could go on for a paragraph). So don't take it personally. This is just how personality cults work...    

Fair and very true comments.


I grew up in a religious environment where the wealthiest (if you wish read Trump) were revered because they felt God had obviously rewarded them in this life for their high spiritual achievements, this was despite the glaring and constant infractions of the 10 Commandments. I think today's evangelicals will rue the day they sided with one of the most (by his actions) anti religious persons on earth. I wish Melania all the best coping with this man, and to the OP I wish you all the best with your Girl friends... No judgement here.

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18 hours ago, rijb said:

She's fluent in 5 languages, devoted to her son, and used to be chummy with Hillary.  And the Op's family probably adores her.


Tell us about your bargirl.

Don't have one now, but when I did, she looked after the bags while I was finding a room at the beach, translated when necessary, kept me company when I needed it and went away when I didn't, didn't bore me with idle chatter, wasn't needy or asking for gifts, didn't expect presents, accepted me as I am, sorted any problems I had that she could help with, smiled a lot, never said no or had a headache, didn't go on ego trips about how she was fluent in 5 languages, had a better figure than Melania, didn't have a kid to annoy me and always looked good in the morning.


BTW, being chummy with Hillary isn't a "good thing" IMO.


I cant believe we're dragging trump into a very normal human occurrence…..those who have the gold make the rules….its as simple as that.


all over the world privilege dictates what you can or cannot do…..up to a certain point…..if you happen to cross the line like say the red bull kid then there's trouble but rich men taking liberties with young women is perfectly in order….some might say the women actually encourage it and want to be chosen.

39 years December 21, 1977  
Brigitte Macron:
64 years
 April 13, 1953
Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron have been married since 2007.

A romantic bond.
4 hours ago, Docno said:

It's a fact of life... and outcome of human evolutionary history: women seek resources in their potential partners and men seek youth and beauty. That applies, consciously or not, from Melania to the Pattaya bargirl and most everyone in between. Of course, the evolutionary bit won't 'sell' to your evangelical relatives, but that doesn't change the truth of the matter.


As for Trump getting a 'pass'... he gets a pass on many things (especially from the evangelical crowd) ... from having multiple marriages, to admitting to sexual assault, to insulting war heroes and the disabled (I could go on for a paragraph). So don't take it personally. This is just how personality cults work...    

women seek resources in their potential partners and men seek youth and beauty.

Agree with first part, but would add that they want to procreate with dangerous men and have the man with resources bring up the cuckoo.

Yes men seek youth, which used to be because only the young used to be "pure" back in the long ago and men wanted the kids to be of their genes. As for beauty, that varies over the centuries, but from my experience, men will boff anything with legs if that's all they can get.

I used to believe that only men really wanted sex over security, but I have modified that to women also want sex if it's with dangerous men, and once married and preferably with a kid, the interest gets turned off, more or less. Still comes in useful to keep the useful fool in line though.

4 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Trump used to be chummy with Democrats, too.

Might also point out this is Trump's third marriage, and openly bragged about cheating on first one.

My guess is that situations like this often money can't buy love (was DT ever looking for that, or just trophy?), and money can't buy happiness (in fems view, but they can work out an "arrangement")

I don't blame Donald for cheating on Ivanka, and 3rd marriages are not uncommon when divorce is about 50%. However it goes to show how stupid women make men that they try again after #2.


Hopefully sex androids are not too far away and men won't have to bother with the real thing anymore.


"I don't blame Donald for cheating on Ivanka, and 3rd marriages are not uncommon when divorce is about 50%."

Guess we differ in that respect. To me it has to do with my view of myself, my behavior and "personal honor". I told my Thai wife "I could probably cheat on you and you wouldn't know. But I would." If you want another woman, get out of the marriage first with some self respect, then go  chase after some other woman. Next in line might have higher opinion of your character. If you cheated before, you quite easily could cheat again. A decent woman would not enter into relationship with a cheater


Sad this worthy topic got off track.  I guess the op brought some of that by bringing the tdump in the convo. 

Ok, so OP was showing women of 30. But they probably looked 25.  He doesn't say if they were mother's, bar girls, it college degrees. Op also doesn't say how old he is.  


This acceptable age difference was a shock to me too.  But the more I learn and meet Thai women who's father is 20-25 years older than their father it starts to make sense.  The important thing is that the stronger a man is attracted to his spouse the stronger his care and feelings will be.  

I would  discount any comments from a Trump fan as they are ignorant and or a religious bigots.  


i guess you have already made your big decision, not living close to that kind of mentality. 

Not is kind of jealousy too.

Men don't like you, because they don't have this opportunity. 

Women don't like you, because you have chance not becoming their slave. 



19 hours ago, newnative said:

To quote F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me".  Written in 1926 but, unfortunately, some people still seem to hold that the rich are different, that simply by being very rich they are somehow allowed, maybe even expected, to behave badly.  And, all is forgiven because, well, they are very rich.  Regrettably, some of your relatives seem to fall into this category.  Not that I think marrying a younger woman is behaving badly.  But, lots of other bad behavior on Trump's part, too much of which he is being given a free pass.

This post reminds me of the teen convicted of vehicular homicide in TEXass he was essentially let off the hook by the judge as he was a poor child of wealth. Then within a year was found violating his probation trying to leave the country. 

On 7/16/2017 at 3:41 PM, rijb said:

Your options are clear...


1.  win the lottery

2. find someone your age (how old are you?)

3. keep your love life private

4. grow a backbone

5. stop trolling on this forum


Don't think he's trolling I had some of the same reactions when showing my Thai GF's and now wife to my girl cousins with them saying she's as young as your daughter.. I replied to them all are well over 21 which makes them adults, are college grads and its their choice to be with me or not. Next time they give you flac send them this



Or do they think only the rich and famous are alowed to have younger wives? 

22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Melania has basically admitted she married him for his money. That's fine. It's a business decision. But does anyone really believe she was ever into him sexually? He's a gross, disgusting man.  Not just physically. 

So bible thumping trumpists think that is a "moral" relationship? Give us a break. It's high class prostitution. Fools nobody. 


" He's a gross, disgusting man.  Not just physically. "


as opposed to all the pattaya, nana, etc etc sean connery, brad pitt, harrison ford look a like nobel laureate triathloners with business empires and private jets ????

17 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Yet apparently the bar girl is , you are a hypocrite !

You can't read very well.  Get some help.

58 minutes ago, atyclb said:


" He's a gross, disgusting man.  Not just physically. "


as opposed to all the pattaya, nana, etc etc sean connery, brad pitt, harrison ford look a like nobel laureate triathloners with business empires and private jets ????

I assume some of them are good people. :whistling:

23 hours ago, rijb said:

How is their sex life related to the Op?  And how is it any of your business?

I never actually specifically mentioned their sex life. I mentioned a fair assumption that a beautiful woman like Melania wouldn't logically be attracted sexually to a grossly obese piggish baby old man like trump.  Fact of life, unless she's a fetishist.


Get a grip. Defending the clown demagogue fake president trump must be very exhausting. He's INDEFENSIBLE. 

10 hours ago, hansnl said:

The fact Trump is very rich while his wife was relatively poor before.

What is the real difference then between him and men going to Thailand to find a woman.


 melania was considered a top model in the industry and likely her annual income was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars perhaps more.  the majority of earths inhabitants would be considered relatively poor next to a billionaire.


while theres many very nice bargirls and i am not unsympathetic to their plight it is not my role to fix their lives and or the problems-dysfunctions that may have led them there.

5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

women seek resources in their potential partners and men seek youth and beauty.

Agree with first part, but would add that they want to procreate with dangerous men and have the man with resources bring up the cuckoo.

Yes men seek youth, which used to be because only the young used to be "pure" back in the long ago and men wanted the kids to be of their genes. As for beauty, that varies over the centuries, but from my experience, men will boff anything with legs if that's all they can get.

I used to believe that only men really wanted sex over security, but I have modified that to women also want sex if it's with dangerous men, and once married and preferably with a kid, the interest gets turned off, more or less. Still comes in useful to keep the useful fool in line though.


and affluent women do not seek youthful good looking males ???

59 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I never actually specifically mentioned their sex life. I mentioned a fair assumption that a beautiful woman like Melania wouldn't logically be attracted sexually to a grossly obese piggish baby old man like trump.  Fact of life, unless she's a fetishist.


Get a grip. Defending the clown demagogue fake president trump must be very exhausting. He's INDEFENSIBLE. 

I hope you didn't stay up all these nights trying to formulate a response.  


Your sanctimonious assumptions are ridiculous and comical.  Trump is your fixation, not mine.


"get a grip"...that's rich coming from you.  Get some rest.  :cheesy:




Hmm, similar with some of my family. One side of my family are baptists, not to strict but regular church goers, One, while a bit drunk, was heard to refer to me as [the black sheep of the family' because shhh 'he has a child in Thailand'. 


Racist it is. And compared with Trump. i'm only on my second wife, and the age difference is only slightly greater than Trump's 2nd wife. I also haven't spent half my life fighting off court cases from all the people i've shafted, like Trump.


I'm surprised Trump hasn't come to Thailand yet, he would fit in so well with all those legally untouchable Hiso's.

11 minutes ago, rickudon said:

Hmm, similar with some of my family. One side of my family are baptists, not to strict but regular church goers, One, while a bit drunk, was heard to refer to me as [the black sheep of the family' because shhh 'he has a child in Thailand'. 


Racist it is. And compared with Trump. i'm only on my second wife, and the age difference is only slightly greater than Trump's 2nd wife. I also haven't spent half my life fighting off court cases from all the people i've shafted, like Trump.


I'm surprised Trump hasn't come to Thailand yet, he would fit in so well with all those legally untouchable Hiso's.

Interesting comments, and great to hear you're happy here. I wonder if Trump would be asked to show 20K in cash by the IO when he comes here, if I was the IO I'd find some way to refuse entry. ooops I promised no politics and I've done it again.  :stoner:

On 7/16/2017 at 4:15 PM, ffaarraanngg said:

Difference between a successful businessman pulling a beautiful well to do younger woman on his own patch and someone travelling to Pattaya and buying poverty stricken bar girls to form a relationship is pretty vast.

Brother, that opinion smells like colonial snobbery. forelock-tugging  or racism. Females who aspire to a better life for themselves or their offspring in any male chauvinist dominated hierarchy consider this method of social-climbing as a necessary, valid (even traditional) method. Most males also approve.  One cannot account for the effect of envy in views on such an issue, either.  Many modern societies (Asian, Latin, Southeast Asian,, western etc) endorse such relationships and have done for centuries.

2 hours ago, rijb said:

I hope you didn't stay up all these nights trying to formulate a response.  


Your sanctimonious assumptions are ridiculous and comical.  Trump is your fixation, not mine.


"get a grip"...that's rich coming from you.  Get some rest.  :cheesy:



Nothing there on topic. I reckon my post hit a home run. 

On 7/16/2017 at 3:56 PM, Jingthing said:

Another likely factor in their attitudes is RACIAL.

trump gets his "mail order brides" from countries of WHITE people.
You're going to the "fleshpots" of Asia.

Such attitudes die hard, even if they're not at the surface. 

Ever notice Trump's wife's eyes. She's almost Asian.


I don't know that Trump gets a "pass."  We're talking 24 yrs age difference, not that huge if you consider some celebs who may be 40, 50 years older than their mate.  The thing with Trump is that he has so many other vile character flaws that overwhelms his marital issues.  I mean stuff that can actually effect peoples' lives. 


Don't take it badly it's an American Trait. I'm in my 50's now but in my 40's was engaged to a beautiful 27 year old from Ukraine.  My family freaked out at the age difference! My sister finally came around , and then ruined it by telling me they would have her Americanized in no time. I told them if I wanted a bitchy American girl I would not have been in Ukraine.

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