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Trump - no transgender people will serve in U.S. military: Twitter


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A Complete Ban is rather harsh and I am a US Army Veteran.  But from a logistical issue it is challenging to accommodate Transgender Service Members during deployments.  If an Army never goes to war then it is a non issue  Living spaces, bathrooms and showers are limited in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.  To be treated equally three types of living spaces would have to built and maintained in remote areas:  men, women and other.  I have lived on a  small camp in Afghanistan and we had a single female soldier with us for a month and one of the two shower conex boxes had to be given to her(100 male soldiers had to use one shower conex box).  If a TG soldier had been with us we would have had to requisition a third shower conex(this would have been difficult).  


Also, just imagine you have daughter in the US Army and she is deployed to a remote area.  She lives in a tent with 20 other female soldiers and one TG Soldier.  This TG Soldier is living as female who was born a male and is still in possession of his center pistol?  But hey it's not a problem because I don't have a daughter.  I thought the purpose of an Army was WarFighting and not accommodating everyone and anyone.  it is complex and challenging issue.  I do not know what is the proper answer that satisfies everyone.  

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The whole thing has become comical as it turns out from news today, that there were no discussions about this issue and no such decision has been taken. Trump has made the whole thing up. I see talk here of Transgender people being mentally unstable. I would rather have one of them in the trenches with me than Donald though, who fails badly on that issue.

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22 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Transgender is more of a mental illness than a biological truth, not a good idea to have mentally unstable people in the armed forces.


Why not, if we're willing to have them occupy the oval office and most cabinet positions?

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27 minutes ago, tomwct said:

A new Poll came out today and the majority of Americans agree with this ban of Transgender in America.


Link?  All I can find is a Rasmussen poll that shows this:




The U.S. military’s decision to allow openly transgender people to serve:


is bad for the military:   31%		

is good for the military:  23%		

has no impact:             38%



That's 61% who say good or neutral. 


Edited by attrayant
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7 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I point out that in the past when Colin Powell, was the Secretary of Defense he made a statement on the topic of transgenders and gays. 


He said something like this:,

"without judging people's preferences or desires, one has to realize that the moment a transgender or gay joins a company or squadron,

the fact is it usually polarizes the group and creates discontent and harms the overall effectiveness of the group. 

The military is primarily a war fighting machine and we can't afford to allow it's effectiveness to be compromised".


I point out that although you claim Colin Powell "said something like this", you proceed to post lengthy quoted statements,

unsupported by a link.


I submit, you just made it all up, given the fact that those "quotes" are nowhere to be found.


However, I did find this very apt quote by him:


Wednesday’s Morning Email: Colin Powell Calls Trump A “National Disgrace” In Hacked Personal Emails

"Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents,

slammed GOP nominee Donald Trump as “a national disgrace” and an “international pariah.”




And this:

Colin Powell now says gays should be able to serve openly in military

"Attitudes and circumstances have changed," Powell said.

"It's been a whole generation" since the legislation was adopted,

and there is increased "acceptance of gays and lesbians in society," he said.

"Society is always reflected in the military. It's where we get our soldiers from."



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44 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Transgender is more of a mental illness than a biological truth, not a good idea to have mentally unstable people in the armed forces.


"Transgender is more of a mental illness..."


Cigarettes are good for you.

Rock and roll is the devil's music.

Women don't enjoy sex, they endure it.

The negro is not as evolved as the white man.

Drinking while pregnant is calming.

Using the "D" word (damn) is cussing.

People in porn have thick bushes.


Excuse me. I thought we were in 1950.




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I was using the classification 4F as an example only. 
By the way, the Seal every one is talking about didn't transition to a woman until he was discharged. 

His/her physical transition may not have changed until after discharge, but I would put good money that it wasn't an overnight decision to change.

Which to me brings to point how many serving members are living in this particular closet? Seems an extra lock may have been placed on this door because of a refusal to change to current reality IMO
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33 minutes ago, tomwct said:

A new Poll came out today and the majority of Americans agree with this ban of Transgender in America.

Rubbish. 23% said it was okay, 31% agreed with Trump but 38% said it had no impact.

31% is not a majority. All it shows is that nearly a third of Americans are totally out of touch with today's world.


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42 minutes ago, tomwct said:

A new Poll came out today and the majority of Americans agree with this ban of Transgender in America.


Just making stuff up.


And weakly attempting to spread disinformation.

Given the fact that there is no such Poll that states what you claim.


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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


"Transgender is more of a mental illness..."


Cigarettes are good for you.

Rock and roll is the devil's music.

Women don't enjoy sex, they endure it.

The negro is not as evolved as the white man.

Drinking while pregnant is calming.

Using the "D" word (damn) is cussing.

People in porn have thick bushes.


Excuse me. I thought we were in 1950.




You forgot "the earth is flat.


"The earth was created 5500 years ago.


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I find it hard to believe that the oxymoron is actually sober when he sends out these tweets. I know he says he never drinks alcohol but his track record regarding the truth in other areas has been challenged.

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The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says tweets don’t count as policy. (sub-title)


"Donald Trump incited a political firestorm on Wednesday when he unexpectedly announced on Twitter that transgender people would be barred from serving in “any capacity” in the United States military, with no clarification from the White House as to what the order meant for the approximately 15,000 trans people already serving."


“I know there are questions about yesterday’s announcement on the transgender policy by the President,” Marine General Joe Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in an internal memo obtained by Politico."


“There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.”



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5 minutes ago, iReason said:

“There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.”


"...and after that guidance letter has been passed on to the undersecretary who will pass it to her secretary who will make copies to distribute to the various commanding officers, who, after receipt of the same will wipe their asses with it..."

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36 minutes ago, DDbkh said:

I find it hard to believe that the oxymoron is actually sober when he sends out these tweets. I know he says he never drinks alcohol but his track record regarding the truth in other areas has been challenged.


Oh he's sober alright. It's his supporters that look to be wackadoodle high on something.

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1 hour ago, tomwct said:

A new Poll came out today and the majority of Americans agree with this ban of Transgender in America. The military is no place

for Social Engineering leave that for the Academic crowds.

Is this the Pole?



Actually, he's Italian. Scaramucci's dad, maybe??



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On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 11:53 AM, Thakkar said:

Since we're purely speculating, I bet if Trump had a three way with a sheep and a Great Dane on the White House lawn and it was caught on camera, his supporters will say it never happened. Or that it was a brave thing to do.

Thakkar ,  I think you'll find that that  actually  happened  - pre election and in Moscow .

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44 minutes ago, DDbkh said:

I find it hard to believe that the oxymoron is actually sober when he sends out these tweets. I know he says he never drinks alcohol but his track record regarding the truth in other areas has been challenged.


"the oxymoron is actually sober"??????


oxymoron........a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).


A figure of speech is tweeting?? OK, got it.   Who's been drinking?

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1 minute ago, Jim1000 said:
On 7/27/2017 at 11:53 AM, Thakkar said:

Since we're purely speculating, I bet if Trump had a three way with a sheep and a Great Dane on the White House lawn and it was caught on camera, his supporters will say it never happened. Or that it was a brave thing to do.

Thakkar ,  I think you'll find that that  actually  happened  - pre election and in Moscow .


No, no. You're thinking about the party on the yatch. The one I'm thinking of is the incident with the chicken which was later spun by Scaramucci to something less distasteful involving cuter animals.



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Candidate for DHS job withdraws because of transgender ban


"John Fluharty, a former executive director of the Delaware Republican party, informed a DHS official in an email Wednesday morning that he was pulling out of contention to be the assistant secretary of partnership and engagement at the department."


“As I mentioned in our conversation, I am a strong advocate for diversity, both in the Republican Party and in government,” Fluharty wrote in an email obtained by POLITICO."


“The President’s announcement this morning — that he will ban all of those who identify as transgender from military service — runs counter to my deeply held beliefs, and it would be impossible for me to commit to serving the Administration knowing that I would be working against those values.”


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Does anyone think it's a good idea to entrust the security of a country to mentally confused people who want to change sex, then sometimes change back again? these people are nuts. There is just male and female and you get to be one or the other when you are born, anything else is fantasy role play not to be encouraged, or given a uniform!

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5 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Does anyone think it's a good idea to entrust the security of a country to mentally confused people who want to change sex, then sometimes change back again? these people are nuts.


Well, a small minority entrusted the security of the country to a mentally confused person in the White House.

Go figure...


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36 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Does anyone think it's a good idea to entrust the security of a country to mentally confused people who want to change sex, then sometimes change back again? these people are nuts. There is just male and female and you get to be one or the other when you are born, anything else is fantasy role play not to be encouraged, or given a uniform!


Does anyone think it's a good idea to entrust the security of a country to mentally confused people who want to change sex

Educate yourself!

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8 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

well they don't let ladyboys join the Thai army, and for good reasons

Give it time. First Trump has to get the US to the bottom rankings of the developed world, THEN, he'll work on getting the country to developing world level.



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17 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

An abundance of right wing horse puckey, right here.
In point of fact Trump consulted NOBODY on the matter, and the tweets were the first that the Pentagon knew about any of this, including Mattis who is on vacation.
Trump wants to free up the rather small amount of money dedicated to military transgender medical issues to put in the pot for The Great Wall....

"It has since been reported that Trump’s snap decision to impose this ban was a way to get funding for his Mexican border wall, as some House Republicans wanted to stop funding for military reassignment surgeries and were threatening to derail the spending bill because of it."

A total abundance of left wing bull puckey right there.

Whatever your unnamed source - I dont believe anything the MSM says about Trump.

The wall will be built - and it will be a Great Wall - but no Chinese labour/products this time - all American.

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