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'Harry Potter' author Rowling apologises over Trump tweets


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'Harry Potter' author Rowling apologises over Trump tweets



Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling has apologised to the family of a wheelchair-bound boy for tweets in which she accused U.S. President Donald Trump of ignoring his proffered hand at a media event.


LONDON (Reuters) - "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling has apologised to the family of a wheelchair-bound boy for tweets in which she accused U.S. President Donald Trump of ignoring his proffered hand at a media event.


Rowling branded Trump a "monster of narcissism" after footage of a July 24 news conference on healthcare showed the president seemingly ignoring the three-year-old's hand, but shaking other people's as he left the event.


Footage of Trump's entrance to the event, however, showed the president stop to greet the boy and have a brief exchange before he began speaking.


Saying she had discovered that what she had seen was not an accurate representation of the encounter, Rowling tweeted: "I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw".


The author's apology was directed at the boy and his family, and made no mention of Trump.


Rowling, who has over 11 million Twitter followers, is frequently critical of Trump and his administration on her social media feed.


In the three days that elapsed between her original tweets on July 28 and her apology, Rowling had been the subject of online criticism, much of it from Trump supporters, for her comments on the incident.


(Writing by Mark Hanrahan in London; Editing by Catherine Evans)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-02
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2 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

How about an apology to the mentally disabled man she wrongly accused?


:blink: "mentally disabled man" ?


Was there another incident I missed?


Other than the wheelchair-bound boy as described in the article?

Edited by iReason
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4 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Sick of hearing from people like her ,just because they wrote a book or sang a few songs ,think they know it all and preach to us" little people"


Ironic isn't it. These authors, entertainers, sports 'stars" make a very large amount of money and then assume that gives them some right to say what people should be thinking, who they should support politically and how they should behave. And they usually attack - those who were rich before them and acted in the same way!

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

She made a minor error.

She apologized.

Like a civilized human being.


The OPPOSITE of the sleazy potus.

Constantly lying.

Never apologizes.


She didn't apologise to DJT, though I imagine it would stick in her craw to do so. Not apologising to him moves her closer to him, rather than further away in a moral sense.

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5 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Sick of hearing from people like her ,just because they wrote a book or sang a few songs ,think they know it all and preach to us" little people"

Do you have 11 million twitter followers? I am not particularly sympathetic toward her, but she does have a platform, and people do listen to what she has to say. Or else they would not have decided to follow her twitter feeds. The reality is, if you are famous, you have a platform to speak. Sick of it, or not, that is the reality in this day and age. Get used to it. And yes, these days, unless we are famous or very wealthy, we are all considered little people. 

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1 hour ago, champers said:

She didn't apologise to DJT, though I imagine it would stick in her craw to do so. Not apologising to him moves her closer to him, rather than further away in a moral sense.


He's the President of the United States, she's an author. Not same same.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Ironic isn't it. These authors, entertainers, sports 'stars" make a very large amount of money and then assume that gives them some right to say what people should be thinking, who they should support politically and how they should behave. And they usually attack - those who were rich before them and acted in the same way!

7 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Sick of hearing from people like her ,just because they wrote a book or sang a few songs ,think they know it all and preach to us" little people"



So what are you doing posting on TV? Everybody can have an opinion; some people's are more noted than others because of fame &/or fortune.

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Ironic isn't it. These authors, entertainers, sports 'stars" make a very large amount of money and then assume that gives them some right to say what people should be thinking, who they should support politically and how they should behave. And they usually attack - those who were rich before them and acted in the same way!

Just as you're pointing out continuously that you don't agree with them. And I am doing the same here.


She has the same right, the difference is more people listen to her than to you or me.

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8 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

These authors, entertainers, sports 'stars" make a very large amount of money and then assume that gives them some right to say what people should be thinking, who they should support politically and how they should behave.


No. Not at all.

That's just your myopic, peculiar concocted take on it.


Who's assuming here?




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A post making an inappropriate reference to a story as Fake News has been removed.   Generally, it earns a suspension.   Because you do not agree with something does not make it fake.  

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16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Do you have 11 million twitter followers? I am not particularly sympathetic toward her, but she does have a platform, and people do listen to what she has to say. Or else they would not have decided to follow her twitter feeds. The reality is, if you are famous, you have a platform to speak. Sick of it, or not, that is the reality in this day and age. Get used to it. And yes, these days, unless we are famous or very wealthy, we are all considered little people. 

Well like someone once said - too many tweets might make a <deleted>. "Get used to it" - No thanks, I prefer to ignore it. (The deleted word rhymed with Hat)


Edited by Shackleton123
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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Do you have 11 million twitter followers? I am not particularly sympathetic toward her, but she does have a platform, and people do listen to what she has to say. Or else they would not have decided to follow her twitter feeds. The reality is, if you are famous, you have a platform to speak. Sick of it, or not, that is the reality in this day and age. Get used to it. And yes, these days, unless we are famous or very wealthy, we are all considered little people. 

only twatters twitter ,anyway i have loads of "followers " girls follow me when i walk past the bars ,dvd and watch sellers follow me ,i dont need followers"

i have friends .

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This actually shows the problem, we on the left have: we apollogize to every Paul, Dick and Harry about everything, while the right lashes out as they please and never apologize for anything!


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58 minutes ago, DM07 said:

This actually shows the problem, we on the left have: we apollogize to every Paul, Dick and Harry about everything, while the right lashes out as they please and never apologize for anything!


We might swing back to sanity someday.

I agree the left needs to play hard ball as hard as the right.


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2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

only twatters twitter ,anyway i have loads of "followers " girls follow me when i walk past the bars ,dvd and watch sellers follow me ,i dont need followers"

i have friends .


I sort of feel the same way. It feels sort of unmanly to tweet, and even less manly to follow tweets. It is a modern day social phenomenon, and I think it was designed for pussies. Not the best of the current crop of ideas, in my opinion. Really lame, and petty, and not particularly informative in a meaningful way. 144 characters. Perhaps it is designed for people with ADD, like Trump, the user in chief. 


Yeah, I was in Pattaya recently, and saw you pass by. Hundreds of the girls ran out of the bars, and gathered around, just to have a look. LOL.

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She was standing up for the "little people" the disabled. Most people won't give the disabled the time of day. Good for her, but unfortunately she got it slightly wrong. So all you little people can crawl back into your "little people holes." I don't consider myself one of the "little people." Why would I....it would be counter productive in the long run. Because then I could become "bitter and twisted" like many of the "little people" on Thai Visa. Lighten up "little people" and get a sense of humour. Life is one big JOKE but most of you are missing the JOKE and then become the JOKE. Have a nice day and a fun life.....I know I am.

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