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Pattaya police arrest woman selling underage girls for sex


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8 hours ago, pumpjack said:

cops acted accordingly !!   what do you expect when underage girls are involved ?


or do you agree with underage girls being sold to pattaya perverts for sex ? 

The feds can act accordingly without being mob-handed about it .. The reality of this place is that sort of thing goes on here everyday and if they are serious about doing something about it why not split the squad up and go and bust some other premises simultaneously rather than just launching a P R raid where there is a camera conveniently on hand .. As for the morality of it all please direct you're tirade towards the Thai's who facilitate the trade as without them it wouldnt flourish here would it .?

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8 hours ago, tonboy said:

First sensible remark I read (except the one from curtklay), was just in the process of writing about this.

There is NO WAY you should accept traditions like payed sex with girls (or boys) under the age of 21 years (and that is my opinion). 

Been in the sex-industry in Holland for a couple of years, have seen a lot, but never will accept this. The law in Holland now still accepts prostitution above 17 years, but many cities already changed their local law (to get a permit) to above 20 years (so 21 and older). The reason is simple, the younger these woman are, the more motivated they are to do this job by loverboys and/or money. To get out of this social class will get more difficult the younger they start. Humans of under 21 are not stable enough to cope with everyday problems of prostitution. most of them get addicted to drugs, alcohol or money spending... And then it is even harder to get "out".

Want a better Thailand?  Start with changing your thoughts about this yourself :

Justgrazing : "Bit excessive for a Madam and 2 teenagers no .? " ..... Really ? all means should be possible to fight this.
Steven100 : the emoticon you placed says it all.  Shame on you. 
wirat69 & Gandtee : "1,500 baht... what a cheapskate!!!" Clearly you are prepared to pay more for sex with underage humans ?

Who makes any mention of accepting it .. Not I .. But making the choice to come here is an acceptance in itself that it goes on .. Is it not .? and if you're morals are so tortured by it you don't come here right ? because it was/has been going on before we got here and I dare say will continue after we leave .. You're parallels t'wixt Holland and this place bear no comparison .. The vice trade in Holland is legal and overseen by health , police , social workers etc .. The Dutch take the view that those who choose this career should be able to do so safely and without interference .. Over here the legality of prostitution is distinctly hazy at best and the " soliciting for sex in an open and shameless manner " along with " causing nuisance to the public " not to mention " mingling in a place of prostitution " are illegal .. I take it you have been out in Pattaya .? If so you might have seen all the police in Walking St ' you know the ones sat down at the entrance with all those " soliciting " girls squawking away in the background  .? Does that not smack of hypocrisy to you .. Take a look around they have made hypocrisy their own .. You might do well to research Thai society and womans role within it along with the history of  " Me take care you " in this country .. Ever been out in the provinces .? Ever seen the short time rooms alongside roadside shacks draped with gaudy rope lighting and kareoke music blasting out of with trucks parked up outside .. Who do you think they cater for .? Not farang thats for sure  .. You're moral stance is admirable but I fear you will join the line of crusaders who have gone before trying to purify this place .. They won't change dude they make too much money out of it and that is their only true deity ( god ) .. Everything else is secondary .. 

As for my observation that the raid was a P R exercise .. If it wasn't then neither was it an efficient use of police resources was it .? 10 plod to nick' one madame .!  It'll take years ..  :ph34r:

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39 minutes ago, elliss said:

Hope  UK ,  newspaper  dont run this story .

  i am only here  for the  weather , good for my aches n pains , honestly folks .

Oh yes the Currant Bun , Star , Mirror et-al do like a story about this place averaging one a mth maybe .. And  T A T propaganda person was p*ssed off enough by some of their headlines to declare 'em all lies earlier this year .. which is a bit rich ..  coming from her .. 

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Education is always bandied about as being the easy solution for many things including under-age prostitution.  Education is undoubtedly empowering but decent jobs are often not forthcoming.  Just look at the USA with its hordes of BA and MA holders living in their parents' basements because the can't find well-paying full-time jobs.  Could Thailand really absorb a large number of young, well educated job applicants and pay them a truly living wage?


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8 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

Education is always bandied about as being the easy solution for many things including under-age prostitution.  Education is undoubtedly empowering but decent jobs are often not forthcoming.  Just look at the USA with its hordes of BA and MA holders living in their parents' basements because the can't find well-paying full-time jobs.  Could Thailand really absorb a large number of young, well educated job applicants and pay them a truly living wage?


With the dumbing down of educational standards and assessments in many leading economies, there's absolutely no provenance that the newest, proudest holders of MA's and BA's that ca't get a job are any better educated. The amount of work and commitment required to obtain a university degree is inversely proportional to the amount of parents' basement lodgers. It's all a bit like a low-cost carrier airline in that when you exhort 'now everyone can fly' you will get a lot of chaff with the wheat.


As for Thailand, the education system here is lamentably bad and not fit for purpose but won't change since by being dire, it fully serves its purpose.

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10 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Oh yes the Currant Bun , Star , Mirror et-al do like a story about this place averaging one a mth maybe .. And  T A T propaganda person was p*ssed off enough by some of their headlines to declare 'em all lies earlier this year .. which is a bit rich ..  coming from her .. 

The D.M do one a day so ive heard .

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7 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

These kinds of news reports always confuse me here in Thailand.


Was this place a brothel masquerading as a massage parlor?


Or, was it a massage parlor masquerading as a brothel???


So confusing living here... :crying:

The latter.

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On 8/4/2017 at 2:51 AM, mikebell said:

I wonder who the 'good samaritan' was?  A jealous rival or a spurned cop?

good choice of words spurned the cop ha ha i suppose he spurned all over her ha ha and then madame paid the fine and starts again on monday must be about 10 down that street 

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Keep the clean up of Pattaya going, still a lot of work to do 

Not just Pattaya. Underage prostitution and human trafficking needs to be cleaned up all over Thailand. Hopefully they are taking the UN report seriously and not just because of the loss of face.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Not just Pattaya. Underage prostitution and human trafficking needs to be cleaned up all over Thailand. Hopefully they are taking the UN report seriously and not just because of the loss of face.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Pattaya has the reputation that is dragging thailand down.  Its known as the prostitution / sleaze capital of the world.  Clean it up and it will clean up thailands image which is a good thing

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