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VIDEO: Thai tourists shamed for trespassing in fragile thermal area at Yellowstone Park


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38 minutes ago, sambum said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:



This story is an example of what can happen...  These idiots were blindly ignorant when someone else was simply considering their safety.


Going of the trail in such areas can and does have dire consequences, perhaps this is not expressed sufficiently upon entering the parks ?



Of course, in the case of the above, even though a body could not be recovered, perhaps there would be sufficient outrage in Thailand that they attempt to send their own team to recover any remains :passifier:



For the most part tourists behave well, but there are always a handful who's behavior is an example of the worst of their society, this Video (Topic) is such an example and is embarrassing for Thailand more for the blatant show of stupidity rather than the defiance of regulations - these people clearly had no idea of the danger they were placing themselves in. 


That said, the guy making the video did so in a somewhat provocative manner instead of offering polite advice and identifying exactly how and why it is dangerous for the ignorant tourists to step outside the pathways. 


"Going of the trail in such areas can and does have dire consequences, perhaps this is not expressed sufficiently upon entering the parks ?"


Thailand? Waterfalls? British TV "star"?


Yep... there are always examples of stupid behavior from any Nationality....  as covered by the above highlighted comment... 



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11 minutes ago, katana said:

Don't know why the man who confronted them didn't just explain the danger they were in and the rules of the park rather than ordering them to get out of there with no explanation in a semi hostile manner. There was a language barrier and they might not have seen the sign. No need to film them and then embarrass them by uploading the clip.


Agreed - he was little too antagonistic to expect a humble response...  quite frankly the guy filming the video while in the right was also being a bit of a d!<k.....   


It seems his intention was to 'show them up' rather than get them out of the area as quickly and safely as possible to protect their wellbeing.


That said, its clear that the tourists were also at the lower ranges of the intelligence spectrum.

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this happend 9 months ago


'As Sable Scott took video of her brother with her cellphone, he reached down to check the water temperature and slipped and fell into the hot pool. Park officials did not release the video or a description of it. Search and rescue rangers spotted Colin Scott’s body in the pool the day of the accident, but a lightning storm prevented recovery. The next day, workers could not find any remains in the churning, acidic water, Veress said. “In very short order, there was a significant amount of dissolving,” Veress said. Scott was on a college graduation trip with his sister at the time of his death, which came a day after six people were cited for walking off-trail at the park’s Grand Prismatic Spring. A week later, a tourist from China was fined $1,000 for breaking through the fragile crust in the Mammoth Hot Springs area, apparently to collect water for medicinal purposes.'


There are big fines because it is a heavily used Park, their is a chance of significant damage to the natural enviroment, and most importantly the danger of injury or death is very real. Thailand seems obsessed about tourists behaving badly. This is not a TV , you tube event - they should have them pick up a days worth a garbage around old faithful and call it even.

Edited by LomSak27
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5 hours ago, inThailand said:

Hey, they were just acting the same way they would in their own national parks.

Even to the point of getting in for free.


I'm not getting too upset about this; I just watched a TV program that claims the whole region is a super volcano waiting to erupt and wipe out everything west of the Mississippi River.


Google "WATCH: Asian Group Damages Yellowstone National Park Thermal Feature & Harasses Park Tour Guide" to see the video. Seems it is bad for Thailand or those hiso's have a lot of clout at home; both?

Edited by IAMHERE
found the video to learn what this was about.
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12 minutes ago, csabo said:

The real story here is that apparently 8 Thais got a tourist visa to the US in the same year.  Now that is <deleted> shocking!!

After this episode i'd be suprised if they were given another .. Should they ever wish to return for any more cultural enlightenment of course .. 

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Don't know why the man who confronted them didn't just explain the danger they were in and the rules of the park rather than ordering them to get out of there with no explanation in a semi hostile manner. There was a language barrier and they might not have seen the sign. No need to film them and then embarrass them by uploading the clip.
They saw the sign.
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4 hours ago, balo said:

I'm sorry but I only see one small warning sign , if they expect big tourist groups , why do they keep the area open like that when it's very dangerous ?   It should have been a barrier to prevent people from doing stupid things. Thais caught on camera this time , but any tourist that do not read English could end up in trouble. 


Please see here:



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4 hours ago, balo said:

I'm sorry but I only see one small warning sign , if they expect big tourist groups , why do they keep the area open like that when it's very dangerous ?   It should have been a barrier to prevent people from doing stupid things. Thais caught on camera this time , but any tourist that do not read English could end up in trouble. 

Ever heard of common sense...in any language ?

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5 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Don't you guys realise that the law does not apply to self declared hiso's?




Apparently, they are not sufficiently hiso for Google Images to recognise them. I tried it with two faces and got no match.





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Ok so the Thais did the wrong thing, if that was Jeffs group that was in there as there were non thais in there as well, didnt see any mention of them at all in all this crap.

If Jeff was really concerned he would have tried to find the tour leader and got him in the thais language to ask them to leave the area not try to shame someone by waiting till all the whites were out of the area and then taking single person shots and why were the whites blurred out later.

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1 hour ago, Billy Bloggs said:

Ok so the Thais did the wrong thing, if that was Jeffs group that was in there as there were non thais in there as well, didnt see any mention of them at all in all this crap.

If Jeff was really concerned he would have tried to find the tour leader and got him in the thais language to ask them to leave the area not try to shame someone by waiting till all the whites were out of the area and then taking single person shots and why were the whites blurred out later.


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I am not gonna lie. It was great seeing a thai person try to be aggressive but finding out that things work differently when your in a foreign country.  there wasnt his fellow thais to jump in with to beat the guy to a pulp and steal the camera. He seemed kinda lost when telling a farang what to do but it didnt work. 

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10 minutes ago, bkkrooftop said:

I am not gonna lie. It was great seeing a thai person try to be aggressive but finding out that things work differently when your in a foreign country.  there wasnt his fellow thais to jump in with to beat the guy to a pulp and steal the camera. He seemed kinda lost when telling a farang what to do but it didnt work. 

Yes getting stroppy to save face doesn't work unless you have 10 mates to back you up. The bloke with camera should have decked him

Edited by Dave67
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8 hours ago, Mrjlh said:

The video is still available on You Tube even though it was reported to have been deleted.  Had the Park Ranger caught up with them each was subject to a $1,000US fine. so far there is no other news I could find.

The Russian lady who was feeding bread to the fish while in a boattrip had to pay 100.000 baht or be in jail for several years.



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14 hours ago, gummy said:

Thais who can afford these holidays are HISOs and as you say "trailer trash" . They think that they can carry on ignoring rules and regulations as they do in their own country given ,  in their immoral minds, they have money so can do want they want.  These are probably the same people who are expecting some US guys to recover the bodies of the other Thai idiots who drove off a ravine .  Don't know what the maximum penalty is but they should get it.  Have their passports stamped as persona non grata and shipped back to Thailand with a placard around their necks saying we are stupid Thais.  Losing face is all these dick heads understand as fines mean nothing to them.

Uhhh, middle class Thais go on tour trips to the USA all the time. You don't have to be hiso to go. 

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Reminder to self if visiting Yellowstone:


- Open carry of a firearm is permitted, except in buildings.


- Concealed handgun carry is permitted if one has a permit recognized in the states where Yellowstone is located.

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Thai woman defends trespass at Yellowstone Park after online criticism





A THAI woman has defended her walk around a fragile, off-limits thermal area at Yellowstone National Park in the United States after a video clip featuring her apparent trespass appeared online.


Full story: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/997377-thai-woman-defends-trespass-at-yellowstone-park-after-online-criticism/


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2 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

there is a related post where the lady "defends" herself saying  something like "I did nothing wrong.  the sign was small. If it was dangerous it would be a big sign".  Just a perfect example of Thai rationalization.

Yes where was the whistle blowing security guard? That everyone ignores!

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Agreed - he was little too antagonistic to expect a humble response...  quite frankly the guy filming the video while in the right was also being a bit of a d!<k.....   


It seems his intention was to 'show them up' rather than get them out of the area as quickly and safely as possible to protect their wellbeing.


That said, its clear that the tourists were also at the lower ranges of the intelligence spectrum.

Maybe returning the comments the USA received over those who drove a car over a ravine so justified.

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16 hours ago, tbryant15 said:


When you visit Yellowstone, you are made aware to remain on the footpaths and not wander about. You must be aware of "danger signs". They don't want to place a fence over every geyser at the park because it takes away the natural beauty of it.. there are hundreds. 

I do agree with not putting their faces on youtube for anything because I don't care about that. Would rather prefer to blur their faces out but educate people on visiting national parks.

They do it here so do it everywhere its the only way this HISO will learn

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