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“I’m American, I do what I want”: Bizarre rant of American actor caught on camera in Big C Pattaya


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I have had fb exchanges with this guy and I have seen his reel.


He claims to be the best actor in Asia. He comes on very strong, indeed. Grandiose, delusional and narcissistic. 


He is talented, no doubt. But hardly the best. I, myself, have worked with better. And he's undeniably nuts. 


His mental health condition seems to be worsening. He is likely to come to the attention of the authorities. It's unlikely that will have a good outcome for him.

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I'm and American, and HE is an A$$HOLE! This is the kind of disrespect those IN America criticize in some immigrants (NOT most) there. I've lived in Thailand since retiring in 2006. I love my native country, and will always consider myself an American. But I have the utmost respect for Thailand, the Thai people, and their laws and customs. EVERYONE visiting or living here from another country should show such respect. 

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6 hours ago, Silurian said:

This type of line cutting happens to me all the time at the Lotus 10 or less line by Thai people. Can't just pinpoint foreigners alone for this type of behavior. These "thick faced" people just walk past the line like they don't care and dump their stuff in front of the cashier. Also, there are a number of times where "10 or less" is just a suggestion and full carts are accepted as well.


That sums up Thailand quite nicely. Rules are ignored and they are ignored because they are never enforced. And that way lays anarchy in every direction you care to look - road safety, building safety, security, everything.

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7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I think this will be known as the "Trump effect", and we will see more.


God help us all...

I kind of doubt that. All these hollywood actor types are heavy left wing nutters, and go out of their way to spread the PC liberal BS. If he had anything to do with Trump, he would be banished from ever working at any studio again.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Very sad performance, showing a really poor attitude, that sadly is all too common place. If you ever wonder why us farang are hated, it is tossers like this that cause it. I would like to hope that someone in immigration would go find him and put him on a plane with the advise to go do what the F*** you like somewhere else.

I totally agree with this..having worked in Tourism .......these people have this air of false superiority  and one upmanship..

They most defiantly look down on Thailand as an inferior low class destination....

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7 hours ago, Silurian said:

This type of line cutting happens to me all the time at the Lotus 10 or less line by Thai people. Can't just pinpoint foreigners alone for this type of behavior. These "thick faced" people just walk past the line like they don't care and dump their stuff in front of the cashier. Also, there are a number of times where "10 or less" is just a suggestion and full carts are accepted as well.

And the poor operator on the checkout cannot say a word to the Thais as she is obviously lower caste than them and they are obviously HiSo and she simply wouldn't dare or she would probably lose her job!


So in a way, there are quite a few Thais who behave exactly the same as the American Anus, only here in Thailand it is a lot more subtle and devious.

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2 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

And the poor operator on the checkout cannot say a word to the Thais as she is obviously lower caste than them and they are obviously HiSo and she simply wouldn't dare or she would probably lose her job!


So in a way, there are quite a few Thais who behave exactly the same as the American Anus, only here in Thailand it is a lot more subtle and devious.

Lower caste at Big C in Pattaya? Have you been there? LOL Not too many Hisos running around there.

Edited by Global Guy
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7 hours ago, Silurian said:

This type of line cutting happens to me all the time at the Lotus 10 or less line by Thai people. Can't just pinpoint foreigners alone for this type of behavior. These "thick faced" people just walk past the line like they don't care and dump their stuff in front of the cashier. Also, there are a number of times where "10 or less" is just a suggestion and full carts are accepted as well.

Methinks you, too, might have a problem; what else can we infer from it happens to you "all the time" when, to most folk, it happens never or very rarely? Fortunately, help is available.

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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

Your post shows two good actors going about their trade, trouble is people belive them! they need to have something in their lives I guess?

The second clip quoted stats. Do you disagree with those numbers? Especially about incarcerations per capital and defense spending? The education numbers are ugly too. Sorry, what the US exudes in military might it loses on everything else.

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I'm American.  And certainly the term "the ugly American" has been around a long time for a reason.  I take everyone on a one to one basis.  Been living just outside of Pattaya for about three years now.  Almost every day I run into a motorcycle guy, a fruit vendor or shop owner I've met and have become acquainted with. Even if it's just a wave from across the street.


Most people know good vibes when they feel it.  And vice versa.


I think it's easy to rubber stamp any nationality/race and most of the stereotypes are true.  If it's not good vibes I'm just out of there.

Edited by joeyg
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